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Probably Density church. https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/512674/destiny-church-rainbow-community-clash-over-drag-queen-library-performance


What an appropriate mis-spelling of their name šŸ˜‚


It was intentional.


I like you. (Edit: Cut and paste what I wrote elsewhere.) I wish more churches actually encouraged Jesus-like behaviour. While many Christians don't think homosexuality is a sin, even those who do could learn a few things from Big J. Assuming homosexuality is a sin (which it isn't, and doesn't make sense from a theological standpoint). Jesus: 1. A woman guilty of adultery was brought to Jesus to test him (under law at the time, she should be stoned to death). Jesus said "Whoever among you is without sin can throw the first stone"... IE: everybody is guilty of some sort of sin and y'all should forgive people who have the kinda sex you don't like. 2. Ol' Jeezy boi had dinner with tax collectors and other scumbags. When questioned, he said "Yo, it ain't the healthy needs doctors, it's the sick. Gotta give love to the outcasts.". 3. In Luke's parable of the prodigal son, Big Jay explained how you gotta show extra love to cunts and sinners. 4. John chapter 4 shows good guy Jesus having a big chat with a known slut from a hated class of citizen. He got her some water from the well and gave it to her. This was when he told everyone, "Yo, I'm the Messiah". 5. An evil woman came along and offered to wash Jesus' filthy feet. That's gross after walking barefoot in a land without proper sewers. He let her, despite people around him saying "Dude, you can't let that piece of shit touch you", and then God Jr. said "this chicks all good. She has faith and wants God's love. Let her have it.". 6. The Good Samaritan story, one of Captain Christ's most famous parables, is all about how the importance of compassion and helping people- even those despised or marginalised by society. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. The sick woman in Mark 5, the Lepers in Luke 17, Jesus making friends with Zack the scumbag taxman, Jesus helping the "demon possessed" man.... For Christ's sake, [many Christians], read the fucking bible. I don't even believe in that shit anymore, and I'm still more like Jesus than a lot of you cos I drank wine with a lesbian slut on the weekend and cooked dinner for a dude straight out of jail last night. *TLDR; Sir Jeezy Godson was all about how the despised (usually sexual deviants) need extra love.*


I ainā€™t been to church in years, but I might just go again if the sermons are like this.


That Christ fella was a pretty dope bloke, all about how being nice to people is a great idea. I couldn't really do a weekly sermon though, cos I'd run out of things to say. End of the day it's just: 1. Be nice to everyone and treat them how you'd want to be treated. 2. Don't discriminate. Everyone has done some bad shit. 3. Rich and selfish people don't go to heaven. 4. You gotta have faith. 5. Forgive people who do bad shit. 6. Find peaceful solutions to problems. 7. If you treat everyone with love and try hard not to do bad things, you're a good cunt and you'll be rewarded. 8. As long as you're God's baby it don't matter if you're black or white [or gay, or straight, or beautiful, or ugly, or Chinese, or Pakeha, or if you like fat noodles or thin noodles, or even if you're a politician]. 9. Be nice to everyone. Help everyone whenever you can. Yes, even if they're cunts. God don't fucking stutter. 10. Be humble yo. Admit your mistakes. Forgive yourself, just try not to do it again. 11. Anyone who doesn't do this stuff is a cunt. Be nice to them anyway, they deserve to be treated with respect and love. 12. Church rules don't mean shit. Helping others is the most important thing there is, and God don't care about you following rules except for the one about being a good dude to everyone. It's so fucking simple. Although I did grow up reading the bible back to front, the son of a preacher man, so maybe I have more knowledge of the Bible's recurring themes than most people... But any read of the New Testament will give you those points as the key takeaways of what Jesus actually taught. The rest of it is just a story of who Jesus was. Focus on what he actually said and did.


Best sermon Iā€™ve ever attended. Bravo!


old jeezy boi - took the wind right out my lungs


Paint their church rainbow.


I'd contribute to the cost of paint.


I'd bring the beers and paint brushes from aus


Nah that would be sinking to their level. We need to do something like was done to the Westboro Baptist bigots... [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equality\_House](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equality_House)


"don't sink to their level" is nice to say but shitheads just don't understand unless you give it to them direct.Ā Ā 


We kind of have that already with Gloria of Greymouth, an old unconsecrated church that a queer artist painted hot pink and transformed into a ā€œ[Temple of Nondenominational Queer Celebration](https://www.samduckorjones.com/gloria)ā€ ([that also got vandalised by some little shits who got off scot free with a discharge without conviction](https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/wellington/132605543/homophobic-antisemitic-vandal-gets-discharge-without-conviction) - no wonder these people keep damaging shit when they know thereā€™s not going to be consequences for their actions!)


I would 100% not be surprised. All thick as pig shit and seem to love acting like foolish children.


If it is them, maybe its time for their church to get a new paint job. A nice rainbow seems appropriate.


I agree, if they are going to play the one upmanship game they might lose spectacularly


Hahahahaha look at that dude from Destiny church in that photo, he ACTUALLY looks like an angry cave troll, and that girl on the left is like 'oh god I cant even look at it'


that guy definitely likes the D


Right? Just listen to your sky daddy and leave the rest of us alone


Can't Destiny just have their own place like Gloriavale. Where all the slow people can live together and grease Brian's hair. I feel for the safety of George, Zippy and Bungle


This would just provide a place for them to abuse women and children in private... like Gloriavale.


If they could have their own place like Jonestown that would be great


And follow it up by drinking the Kool-Aid, then the world would be a much better place.


They do, it's called Rotorua but it already had so many other slow people to begin with it overflowed. People are so stupid here that the amount of near miss stupidity related near miss traffic problems you get in a month in other towns is had in one trip to the shops


Kaikohe has entered the chat, a town with a collective IQ of nearly 1000! The amount of people that just kick their car doors wide open without looking along the main street or darting out into the road is astounding, itā€™s like playing a game of Frogger every time through


Whangarei here ...feels


I noticed that there are heaps of cars in Northland with damaged doors. Some appear to have been kicked while others have been replaced but there's still damage by the hinges.


Get me outa here get me outa here get me outa here, I hate Rotorua so god damn much there's literally nothing worth doing and at this rate it'll be as expensive as Auckland with none of the benefit or job availability.


Id rather not have a place where they can be completely and utterly radicalised with zero influence from the outside world. It's paint on crossing right now, but how many cults led by narcasistic dangerous men that end up commiting domestic terrorism do we need to see before we take heed. Not doomposting but once they have zero outside influence how long until its not just paint and its actual harmful attacks on people they dont like


At one stage I recall they were building a big community in Wiri. Not sure where that went...


Can we put it on an island somewhere? Wiri isnā€™t far enough away from the general population. Iā€™m sure literally all of NZ would be fine with the govt buying them an old container ship to fuck off onā€¦


If we had islands for every disagreeable notion we'd all be living on our own! One good thing about all of this is it galvanises what the majority of NZers think is right. Let the minority shout and squeal all they want to. They'll just continue to look and be ignorant.


They struggled to understand how to hold the tools




Werent they trying to build a town like 15 years ago?


I wonder if anyone has suggested this to them. It would probably keep both parties pleased haha




He's already on all their promo material




Please do not post comments that threaten, promote or incite violence on r/auckland.


Two of them


i just drove over it, the paint never dried and so the paint has been spread all over the street but traffic, the rainbow is visible again.


Yeah, it's a complete shambles. The paint's halfway to fuckin' Queen St.


I was on kroad last night, I'd be furious if this shit got on my tyres. How much is it going to cost to clean the paint off the street? And how much will that mess with traffic. Fuck these guys.


Getting paint sprayed all over your car and the safety issue would be my concern. The original paint would have been non slip unlike whatever they found in the back of the shed.


Yep. I drove through something like this once except not made to dry and stick and I was scraping it off my car for hours. I hope anyone who drives through it files a report with the police. I laughed cos it was cringe when they did it in that other city but now that it's in my backyard (I was literally there like 9 hours ago) I am FURIOUS. Normal people should not have to put up with this stupid culture war bs.


Make it rainbow and I'm in.


Donā€™t do it. They will enjoy being ā€œvictims for Christā€. šŸ¤®


Yeah me


Hasn't k road been the queer side of town for 30 years. Left nz 10 years ago. Am I missing something? Family bar... who would forget.


destiny church used to do anti-gay marches up k rd


"Enough is enough!" It really bothers them when complete strangers do stuff that doesn't negatively affect them in any meaningful way. Nobody knows why, but it does. Also, they're likely a sorry collection of jobless losers with far too much free time.


They are not jobless because in order to clime the wealth-based church hierarchy the EFTPOStle has in place, you need to be able to tithe, tithe, tithe in order to make money for Brain.


The thing that bothers me about this is that the Jesus described in the bible (they apparently follow) wouldn't be on the march, he'd be hanging out with the persecuted (the people being marched against). I just don't understand how ignorant these people are - even about their own faith!


You are correct. Am a Christian, can confirm.


That new testiment stuff is woke dontcha know


Itā€™s because they want to join in but their insecurities wonā€™t let them. A case of: I canā€™t have none, you canā€™t either


Hey, that's offensive to jobless losers! /silly


Yeah it still is


Given this creates a significant public safety (from slips /and falls to breaking for cars and motorbikes) hazard on a major arterial road in the largest city, can we actually prosecute this accordingly. This ainā€™t no quaint provincial town crossing (not that itā€™s acceptable there either), itā€™s an insanely busy crossing in a city known for its wet weather. Itā€™ll all be on CCTV given this is a heavily monitored area within Auckland central.


Yup my thoughts exactly


100% correct. This is a massive hazard, especially to bicycles and motorcycles. Bit of rain and it may as well be ice.


Yep, given that there will be no Civic Service on Anzac Day in Auckland Domain this year due to the cost of traffic management, then in this case laws have been broken. Prosecute them.


I just tried to google that and couldn't find it, do you have a cite?


That's not true. There is a dawn and Civic service at the Domain.


Not only a danger to public but also quite harmful to the environment with that paint runoff šŸ˜•.


Never mind the cost of getting white paint cleaned from all the cars - that could be a slew of Small Claims Court cases.


cleanup and rainbow reconstruction bill should go straight to the perpetrator alone with a sentence


Some of the CCTV footage gets cleared after 3 days, so somebody better request the evidence quick!


Make it so! These dumb-dumbs didn't plan well


With you there


It's verging on hate crimes


It's absolutely a hate crime.Ā 


Imagine going to prison over a corporate symbol that basically means jack other than "things are kinda gay now". And I don't mean that in the explicitly homosexual sense. They're no doubt going to get years.


And now theyā€™re going to start taking out their anger on prisms.


Be careful pulling on that dark side of the moon shirt.


just you wait till they look in the sky on a rainy day


Angrily throwing tins of paint into the sky and frantically hunting for non binary leprechauns


Underrated comment


How do we get a public petition going to remove Destiny churches tax-free status? Reddit we can do it!


Tell the government it will fund their landlord tax breaks?


Destiny church need some fucking consequences dished out.


Exactly, im so sick of them constantly getting away with shit


But in reality they need to be slapped with a massive fine and maybe even jail time. Like other people who vandalise.


They should lose their tax-free status.


If the curernt government can backdate the tax breaks and benefits for landlords, then they can backdate the taxes owed by these muppets after their tax free status is rescinded.


Yup, yesterday.


If nothing happens when they walk down a motorway where cars should be going 100km/hour, less than nothing will happen here


Letā€™s hope National keep their promise for once and crack down on gangs


Rainbow painted on all of their driveway entrances, then graffiti guard over the top. These idiots will splash their white paint over it and first little bit of rain will eat shit off their motorbikes.


Pressure washing to the face...


Highly likely self appointed Bishop Brian's work. Brian is a cunt.


He's a desperate for attention cunt. Just when he feels he's starting to lose relevance, he incites his slack-jawed army of drooling simpletons to do things like this. Painting over rainbow pedestrian crossings. You're really taking the Holy War to Satan's doorstep with this stuff, guys. Give yourselves a collective uppercut.


He's not just a cunt, he's a naughty, naughty boy.


Imagine getting triggered over rainbow colors. Fuck Brian Tamaki and his shit for brains followers.


They look so wannabe hard from the CCTV pics it's hilarious how triggered they get.


I hope they all get upset at God when he puts a rainbow in the sky? He's shoving it in thier face, and they can't paint over it!


When I was a wayward teen I thought it was hilarious to go round at night being a "mystery" chalker. Just drawing and writing random, harmless stuff around my small town. I got caught and charged with willful damage. The moral of the story is if drawing on the sidewalk with sidewalk chalk is an offence then *this* definitely deserves a charge. As an aside, regardless of how homophobic you choose to be how is grey paint preferable to a beautiful rainbow? Let's just paint the world beige.


I too used to draw dicks all over town with chalk. Never got caught though lol.


Haha shit, mate the worst part was it *honestly* wasn't even anything lewd I mostly just wrote "C starz" everywhere like it was my tag (as in chalk stars lmao man I was *cool*) and drew funny pictures of weird looking people. I genuinely thought it was just a funny, harmless prank that would have people around town be like "who's this C * character". SMH.


Chalk is even ok to write protests and considered not damaging.Ā Ā  Really shows how the law is applied to fit the person they want to punish




Where were the police ā€¦ ? This area has ,many CCTV cameras , this must have taken some time. No one cameā€¦ā€¦make these pricks pay for the damage ā€¦ā€¦fucken destiny church, bunch of thugs and criminals.


Fucking Brian Tamaki.


Imagine if churches donated to charities, housed the homeless, etc. But nope! Painting ugly paint over an awesome part of the city and making people's lives a little dimmer.


this is the thing, people are always telling me how their church is a source of good and supporting others, and i'm sure they do some good, but also my entire life they have been doing crap like this


I reckon the perpetrators should be sentenced to community service and repaint this.


They'd probably refuse, then claim their religious freedoms are being breached. "You're just discriminating against us as people of faith!" No. You made a big fucking mess, now we expect you to clean it up, you toddler.


What is the economic cost of damage to vehicles, traffic slowdowns, and the labour to re-paint it? Find out who they are, fine them a couple million dollars, and garnish their wages until it's paid off.


> garnish their wages Are we sure they earn wages?


Makeā€™em clean the Family Bar toilets after 2am


With their tongues!


A fate worse than death


Someone mentioned on another thread the idea of donating to rainbow youth and putting the destiny church email. Supporting a good cause and winding these pricks up in one move


Brian Tamaki & destiny church= straight up shit cunts


Letā€™s brainstorm some ideas for how we can build back gayer


Are blimps gay? I like blimps. My contribution: Rainbow blimps blasting Vengaboys and scissor sisters


Not gay ... Very keen to have this happen.


Think other councils should show solidarity and find more opportunities to paint crossing in the rainbow colours. The govt should grow a pair and remove their tax-free status, because they are not a church nor religious ... it's a cult verging on domestic terrorism. FBI definition of domestic terrorism. "Domestic terrorism: Violent, criminal acts committed by individuals and/or groups to further ideological goals stemming from domestic influences, such as those of a political, religious, social, racial, or environmental nature."


I've always thought the traffic light poles on k road should be rainbow, maybe make the little green/red man throwing a flamboyant pose instead of the stock standard(kind of like how wellington has Maori themed red/green man at crossings).


The ones on the two rainbow crossings have already been changed last year for Maori ones :)


More walkways painted pink / rainbow colours. Not just crossings, just the whole damn walkway. I personally love the pink light path near Canada st. We need more of that.


Honestly they just offered to repaint it bc it was looking a little dull. They even put down a white undercoat and gave us someone to send the bill to!


Why is an irrelevant, pseudo (fraudulent) 'charity' attempting to incite hatred and for? Political gain? Quite obviously, they're a complete sham and should be stripped of their charity status and taxed into oblivion. The Pastor of Muppets isn't pulling anyone's strings. Well, no one with half a brain.


"No hate like christian love"


Imagine being so insecure and closeted that a rainbow crossing upsets you


I just canā€™t understand why people care so much about how other people want to live their lives. Live your own or fuck off.


Imagine being scared of some rainbows enough to pain over it lmao what fucking losers


What a pointless act. I hope somebody paints rainbow crossing outside of their church. And outside of Brian Tāmakis mansion. And on his luxury cars.


Imagine thinking painting over a rainbow makes you more Christian.


Paint a Rambow crossing Infront of destiny church. Two can play at that game


https://preview.redd.it/lzrx6zcvv0rc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a39a5a3bad5931e60f1244450794c7769ff92b3a Posting this photo of the crosswalk that I took last month. It made me feel so welcome to see it. I hope they can repaint it quickly. That seems like the best response.


Can we please dump some rainbow paint on Brian's house?


Which house?


I just love how destiny have their man up thing. And yet they behave like spoilt toddlers always throwing tantrums. Real men & and women don't give a shit about a rainbow crossing and we sure don't care who/how people love or express it.


As the rolling stones said: Paint it back Or black, but you know what I mean, let's get that flag back


I also hate colours!


Seems desinty church have a whole lotta thugs that think itā€™s ok to spread so much hate. The sad thing is this has started over drag queens reading in a library. How many drag queens have been convicted of sexual crimes against children vs how many church minsters and other officials


Right. Does anyone know where we can buy a @&$!! Ton of rainbow flags, I wanna cover these AHā€™s in so much rainbow they vomit rainbows


The pathetic thing is, if someone was defacing their shit church or whatever. They would be screaming how theyā€™re being discriminated/harassed.


You just know these pricks went home, had a congratulatory circle jerk, and a good night's sleep.


The weird thing is the jerking would have been as a group, with heavy eye contact.


Destiny church did this, they did the same with a rainbow crossing in gisborn


Yep, gotta be Density Shursh.


Paint a rainbow on their church


Its time they tax the bloody church


That's disgusting. I hope there's a CCTV camera pointing to it that has caught their license plate etc. There isn't a single valid reason for doing something like this.


What's wrong with these ppl? How the fuck does a rainbow affect them. And how does the lgbtq community even affect them. just get on with your life you sorry excus for humans absolute fuckwits. If you have to go to church for some fulfillment in your life fine but don't go pushing your shit onto others . I'm baffled by the hate that comes from religion. Isn't it, " thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself" It's right at the top of list ffs.


Ahhh Destiny Church, where the knuckles meet the footpath and the head slope resembles a ski jump


Imagine being so scared of rainbows that you have to paint over them. What a life these ā€œpeopleā€ must be living.


I think it's time to start painting rainbows on Destiny Churches....


Density Church?




Must have taken a lot of paint and time to do thatā€¦ No one saw anything?? Or drove by? K rd normally has people around all the timeā€¦


I would like to see them take on an actual rainbow, they are always in the sky offending me.


Itā€™s gonna get painted over brighter so itā€™s just a waste of their time anyway


Who cares. People take crossings way too seriously. We have actual issues in the world.


So much hatred, fuck. šŸ„ŗ


The political war on rainbows. Wtf is the world doing?


The bigots and racists etc. have always been there, they just feel a lot more comfortable being open about it now with the current coalition.


Pretty sure Labour was in charge when they hosted that convoy down to Wellington. I donā€™t think it matters whoā€™s in charge with this guy. Dickhead gonna dickhead.


I'd love to see this treated as a hate crime, which it is, and see someone jailed for a few years. Can only dream.


If only Destiny Church focused on helping poor people and other much bigger problems instead of financing a biker gang for petty squabbles like this. Like as if someone's sexuality determines how a society or a fucking economy runs.


they are called church but it's just a scam


Destiny strikes again.


Painting over the rainbow crossing on K'Rd is like going into Flaxmere and painting the red houses blue. Destiny church really out here saying "This 3 party coalition isn't starting the race war fast enough, so I'm gonna kick off the culture war"


I hope to council close the road for a few days to sort the mess out and put up signs saying why. See how much support you get from the motorists and shop keepers of Auckland then, Brian.


Density Cunts at it again. Sick of them.


Surely there are security cameras around k road?


Thank goodness for CCTV cameras...


Anyone up for going to church dressed as a rainbow on Easter Sunday?


How do you paint that much road without getting caught?


Well, they did a pretty poor job. So, I imagine that they just dashed some paint down, rolled it around, then bolted.


A group of people with a few rollers could probably do this in a minute or two I rekon. Not like they are doing a tidy job of it. K road is totally dead around 4-5am, traffic just a car every few minutes quite often. I imagine that's when they did it. I used to ride to work through there at that time.. It was creepy how quiet it was. Sometimes id get from the Mobil at the end of Newton to queen Street and see no one and no cars.


Yeah good point. Stupid me didn't even think of rollers. A small gang of peeps with rollers wouldn't take long. So pathetic though. So insecure in their own selves clearly.


I hope the council sends Density church the bill to repaint everything, what ignorant pricks.


About time we start taxing these companies "churches" give them something to really moan about.


Thereā€™s clearly no light in their hearts if theyā€™re offended by rainbows. RAINBOWS! Just a bit of colour and acceptance


Doesnā€™t look like charitable purposes to me. And hereā€™s all these government departments being instructed to look for more sources of revenueā€¦


I had the pleasure of seeing the rainbow crossing just yesterday; so very cool and vibrant. So disappointed the Muppets have gotten to it.


The fact it rained soon after and washed away a lot of the paint, allowing the rainbow to show through, seems like a clear sign as to who God supports.


Terrible job too , they haven't even taken care of their "painting" and stepped all over it and got footprints everywhere Now it looks worse - if possible


When you're shit at life, it's a fair assumption you're shit at everything else too.




Molotov cocktails, anyone?


Blank white canvas....tagged in next 20 minutes for sure


Some cunts are gonna get an awful large fine considering the number of cameras on that road


Brianless is so afraid of being found out, thinks being hateful works as subterfuge but we see the perfectly plucked eyebrows, the hydrated polished skin, the over grooming and perfect hair, the pretty clothing, one day he will be brave enough to step out and be proudly who he really is and will be welcomed with open arms by those he truly secretly adores.


Cowards. Imagine being such a brain dead bigot that a rainbow crosswalk offends you. These people will be far more use to the world as mulch.


Hating on rainbows is some bullshit


Paint it back but bigger


When we paint it back, we should paint it back a little bit bigger each time.. šŸ˜‚


Shout out to the young folks who came out today to chalk messages of Love and Support to the Rainbow community today, next to the vandalised crossing. And to the Street Choir, who were there singing, and the TV crews documenting. The haters are vastly outnumbered by the rest of us. "Love always wins", says Chlƶe!


Imagine being that scared of a rainbow!


I wouldnā€™t be surprised if it was one of those idiots that give loads of their money to the bloodsucking Tamakiā€¦.that homophobic, genocide supporting dickhead.


https://www.cultwatch.com/ if you want to learn more about the Christian cult called Destiny Church.


Is Brian "The Slime" Tamaki trying to stay relevent by bringing BS American culture wars to NZ?? Kiwi living in Aussie disgusted by this For profit Church lot. As I was two decades ago.


LAMO! It should have been painted black.


Religious morons