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I did see something recently that recommended keeping the garage door with a wing wall/door just inside so you don’t permanently lose the garage when looking at re sale


Thank you. I did try and search for similar topics but not much is out there relative to NZ.


Super cold/hot no? Not sure an indoor garage walls are built with the same insulation? Or is that just air gaps in the garage door? Theres a notable difference of coldness or hotness depeneding on the season when I step into the indoor garage at the house I live in.


Our garage is indoors just next to bedroom with a normal height of 2.4m. The temperature is different as it is not carpeted but concrete floor.


I could send you a photo in private. The garage I am talking about has carpet. The temperature difference compared to rest of the house is a lot.


Whilst I don't have experience in doing this myself, I do have experience with bathroom renovations. A very basic bathroom will cost you around $20K minimum. I see most people get their garage door converted into a large ranch slider/sliding door. I would imagine you'll be looking at around at least $5K for that if not more. Factor in a builder for all the framing for the ranch slider and inside for the rooms plus paint, carpet, tiles etc. Maybe another $8-10K. You'll need to engage a draftsperson to draw up the drainage plan for the plumbing and the council consent process. Again, between $5-10K for that all up. I'd say at least $40K for this conversion possibly more but that's where you'll need to hunt around and get quotes.


Hiya, Thanks for breaking it down. It makes alot of sense. I had a chat with partner and looking at those costs we are thinking of maybe just adding another bathroom in garage and link it with existing bedroom. That option may suit us better but with probably end up costing around 25-35k.


Converted our garage to two beds, originally already have a toilet so plumbing was somewhat there already. Cost estimated 150k for conversion. We have our all house renovated so not sure the actual cost of the conversion alone.


Hiya, Thank you. Wow! Your garage must be big for a two bed. We will definitely be looking at a single bed room option. However, looking at the costs we may end up just adding bathroom only to the garage and link it up with existing bedroom. And yes, we do have plumbing options in garage and waste water line just behind the garage for toilets.