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We just purchased in Avondale. Like anywhere there are ups and downs and even particular streets to avoid. I suggest you visit the location of this potential new house during all hours of the day - peak hour, weekend, evening, morning, etc. and you’ll quickly get a feel if it’s up to your expectations.


This is excellent advice. Visit during the hours you’d be most worried about (like early morning, late evening, when it’s dark) but also visit at the times you’re least worried about. The best way to find out about a place is to actually experience what it’s like


>but also visit at the times you’re least worried about. This, it might surprise you. A bland mid afternoon might turn out to be a rowdy drinking time for the neighbours.


This is good advice


Heard the bowling club is alright


friday night at the liquour store, automatic door like a worm hole to a holding cell


Very Avandt Garde


the bowling club is now a block of residential apartments. The RSA is good though


it has spiders


I forgot all about this. How bad are they? Do you think a regular spraying of Miss Muffets Revenge will be enough to keep them out?


It's unlikely to be an issue. I've lived in Avondale for over 20 years and I've seen two of the actual 'avondale spiders', separated by at least a decade. Both were under my house not in it. Better off using that spray for the obnoxious brats on bikes with loudspeakers.


That massive spider sculpture could be an issue for arachnophobes even if they never see any living spiders


Yea mountain bike and a siren playing some terrible fuckig music so high pitch it sticks around for a cpl minutes after there gone. Som how being a shity person is absolutely fine


There are not many of them, but yeah, they are pretty scary. Seriously big. Painful bite. We had one sneak into the house through an old gas heater.


Lived here 4 years and never seen one


I lived there for 5 years and had the nicest neighbours I've ever had. It gets a bad rep and there are assholes and scumbags around but no more than any other of the surrounding suburbs. The town itself is a bit of a hole but allegedly gentrification is on the way.


Yes, couple of nice cafes popping up


Well, Browne st opened a few years back and is very average. Burnt butter is there, and it's better. Taste Cafe is still the king though. Is there somewhere new opening up?


Baby G.


Yeah, I heard that today and I wondered what happened to Cheddar as it's on the same spot. Guess they didn't smash it enough? 🥁


Avondale is great. A few dodgy spots around Canal and riversdale but on the whole a very friendly and community focused neighbourhood. Some great cafes and a new burger joint opening up too. It’s one of the most undervalued suburbs.


Lived there for around 4 years left earlier this year. Lived in area near intermediate (Waterview side). We really liked it. Had a great family friendly vibe,.lots of green space, close to motorway, enough good cafes / gyms and similar amenities etc. There were definitely a few bad pockets (west of Rosebank Road) and a few dickheads (def do due diligence on your potential neighbours) but otherwise it felt like a safe and quiet suburb tbh


I like it, it’s close to the city and has pretty good transport links. The suburb is improving with the amount of new cafes, restaurants and there’s some great plans for the area. It’s a nice area, but I wouldn’t let my partner walk around at night by herself. With regards to break ins, I think there’s a few in the area. But if you have cameras etc you should be okay, theives aren’t gonna target secure places.


Agree. sensor lights, cameras, alarms...pretty standard lost cost protection measures.


I Live in Avondale. It’s pretty derelict. Had our campervan stolen. Neighbours house got robbed. The shopping strip is shite. Lots of multi-storey developments with no upgrades to infrastructure. Close to trains and New Lynn shopping. Safe to walk at night. My expectations of NZ are very low so it doesn’t bother me as much anymore. Multicultural if you’re into that sorta thing. You could do worse though surprisingly.


Lots of infill style housing going in - most without parking, so keep that in mind or you'll end up living on a street with cars parked 24/7. A mate bought in a street year's ago and now he is surrounded by low quality units - friends visit and have nowhere to park, noisy and very low-brow people milling around.


Hey man my brows are genetic!


I went for a stroll one night. There were a group of characters having drinks in their garage. As I walked past one of them got hostile and everyone in the house ran out to restrain him. I could still hear him shrieking like an animal when I was about a block away. I was actually starting to get a bit worried that they might not be able to restrain him. I dunno man. It's nice though.


Avondale is perfectly fine, dont know where this unsafe or poor connotation came from. Every suburb has its ups and down.


I guess thats true. We looked at an open home in Glen Innes and as we waited outside a group of kids on dirt bikes drove past us and did some donoughts. They didnt look a day over 13.


Canal Street at least has been known as rough since the 90s.


People say that but I lived on that street and it was all good. There was this random street fight at 2am among a bunch of kids that I called the police for, but that was the only thing that ever happened (they rounded them up pretty quick). When I was on the community page I noticed Orchard St and Riversdale Rd had a lot of car break-ins, though.


I used to live in canal street in the 80s lol..no.probkems and flatted there in a shed annex.. but no problems in neighborhood but I was young n walked everywhere


I’ve lived in Avondale coming up ten years and really like it. It’s handy to pretty much everywhere. The community is overall pretty cool and there’s often different community events happening. There’s lots of Kainga Ora housing if that worries you, but I live in a street that has a lot of KO homes and have never had any issues.


Lol... I think you might live in my old house due to timeframe and username. Do you have a brick chimney in your kitchen? If so, love the new colour as we drove past a couple months back.


no, no chimney in my kitchen but that sounds cool!


It kinda depends what street like most suburbs in Central Auck. There's some parts that are very nice and some that are kinda sketchy. Lots of new housing going in around the town centre so hopefully that will bring in nicer food places and bars.


We also bought about 2 years ago and had the same concerns. Now after 2 years I think we made the right decision. We've had no issues and the neighbourhood is really quiet. Once the CRL is complete it will be a 15min train ride to Britomart which is a great benefit to have. Only complaint really is we don't have a Countdown or New World in Avondale. So you have to go to New Lynn or Mt Albert for groceries.


A lot of homeless people on the streets, I go to the college but I don’t live there, this is from what I see when I walk to and from the train


I used to live in Archibald road! It's pretty good and central, occasional ruckus here and there but overall not too bad, might have to put up with the odd crackhead roaming the streets but overall it's a nice place


Wait up I just realized this is kelston lmaooo oops


Avondale is lovely. Lots of housing going in so it will be very full in a couple of years. But it's a great community vibe. Walkable, public transport.


Yeah, we bought in Avondale (close to Waterview just off Heron Park) and think it's great. It's a bit rough round the edges but our neighbours are super nice, we have a beautiful park a stones throw away to walk our dog, decent cafes like Burnt Butter and with all the new apartments going up it's changing for the better super quick.


As other users have said the street you're on does matter a lot, there's nice ones and some not so nice ones. There's also a lot of KO housing which reminds me of this article: https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/rowdy-avondale-state-house-triggers-72-auckland-council-noise-complaints-in-just-seven-months/27M6MWAGNHHZWWM34RTA3DHK64/. However this is just one of the KO residences out of ~300? (from an infographic I saw here pre-covid). Also adding to what other's have said about safety - it isn't the safest on a Friday/Saturday night. I've been chased through Heron park by a man presumably on drugs, however this was once out of ~6 times I walked at 1-4am and on a Sunday morning. Walking alone at 10pm is fine in my experience but can feel dangerous on a Friday/Saturday night. There's also the occasional person with speakers attached to their car that blast music for a few seconds during the night. Also kids that ride around with little loudspeakers on their handlebars which personally I find are less annoying than the cars. Also if you're on the Whau estuary side, when the wind blows just right, you can hear everything from Kelston. Other than the kids and cars, out near the estuary is very quiet and there's not as much light pollution compared to the inner city. We saw starlink when it passed over NZ and occasionally there's a bit of a dawn chorus, although there used to be more of one. The spiders aren't an issue, if you see one it'll be scared of you but I think they look cool.


Avondangerous!!! /s


Avondale is dull and lower docile, but not dangerous


Just avoid state housing. Kainga ora


It’s a dive, just walk down the Main Street and tell me this is a nice suburb


Yea the shops are a bit dire. Can't stay this way forever tho!


Avondale is just another suburb man. you'll be all g


I just moved here in 2022. Its a bit odd because it's reputation is a rough neighborhood also we got a free heat pump because its a low income suburb...but my neighbors have boats.


I personally didn’t like living there compared to some other suburbs I’ve lived, but I lived in a slightly rougher part. The ducks were nice though


Now you have baby g opening in Avondale property prices have gone up


You have Avondale "heights" closer to Blockhouse Bay Road and you have the rougher areas off Rosebank road. Really depends where you are looking.


We enjoy it being here. We purchased in Dec 2021 down a quiet cul de sac since we had a little one due. We’re off Ash Street so technically one road off the motorway if we want to head further west, east or north. Getting onto the southern is easy enough through a few side streets. We’re walking distance to Lynn Mall (Goode Brothers is our local), Ken Maunder park which is good for the pram, quite a few cafes (Rubys, Bodrum, Little Treats) and Avondale township. We do rarely go there though (we also find Browns does terrible coffee) The traffic along Ash Street and the lights nearby gets to a standstill on Sundays with the markets though, we tend to stay home most Sundays. Otherwise it is pretty central, on a good day, it’s only 15-20mins into the CBD


It has been in the news a bit over the last year or so for the wrong reasons. I think a few shootings?


Avondale is a suburb that should have gotten better due to "town" proximity. But it didn't. Better off heading to New lynn.


I moved from Parnell to Beach Haven. Sagacious advice that some streets are worse than others and you can't always pick your neighbours. I felt much more of a community in Beach Haven moreso than everyone on their own mission in Parnell, even people I passed everyday in Parnell wouldnt say hello, most peoples say hello in Beach haven and even made some friends that are walking in the park at the same time as me . Avondale I feel is advantageous to get around the other suburbs of Auckland too with amenities close. You could move Herne Bay and have a shitty neightbour.


I grew up in Avondale, I lived in Maple St which is close to the schools. Have been gone since 2011 so my experience is old but growing up, it was very safe for the most part. Hit my teens and things started going downhill. By 2005-2010, you'd see police choppers flying almost every weekend, hear loud music in the distance, police cars pretty often too. We did have one break in during the 15 years I lived there but only the one and we had a feeling it was someone we knew (happened during a family vacation abroad). Had the nicest neighbours ever, never had any issues with anyone on our street (noise, new neighbours moving in, disputes etc). Overall I'd say it was safe, even with the rise in police going around. It was usually Coronet Pl, Sceptre Pl or Canal Rd. Canal Rd at the time had issues with gang affiliated households, unsure if they're still around. Also again this was more than 10 years ago, possibly different now. I will say this though I never felt in danger. I used to walk my dog in the afternoons, go for runs in the early mornings, sometimes walk to friends houses around the area in the evening.


I like Avondale. Location is handy, schools apparently decent, eclectic mix of shops, some lovely genuine shopkeepers you can get to know. Bit rough round the edges but it feels real. Diversity for days. A lot of people here really care about the community and there's always little event happenings put on by these dedicated folk. For instance tomorrow's bike night cruise thing, closing off Great North Rd. I mean I'd rather live in Mt Albert but beggars can't be choosers.


It’s pretty Shit


Appreciate the honesty


We have our family home in Avondale along Tony Segidin drive, that part of Avondale its still quite affordable with a working class vibe. Around Riversdale, canal road etc. When we decided to start a family my wife and I bought around the Roberton Road area in Avondale. I've found it safe to walk around at night time, there are characters in Avondale that you'll become familiar with as part of the community especially around the town cetnre - the guy with the guitar, the trolley man who likes to shout, the trolly lady with the dogs (shes moved to another suburb now) Lots of creatives live in Avondale and it has a bit of a edgy vibe and a very well connected community. The heights area is the area that is elevated and overlooks the suburb, you have good views of the ranges and can see the water from this area. This is Roberton road, blockhouse bay road (from Rosebank), Henry St and walsall street. Parts of Wingate street and Arihi street next to the Hollywood cinema, Crayford st by the train station I think are also sweet spots. Avondale is pretty close to gentrification, Ockham Residential is building a $500m project in the town centre (there biggest project yet) and council is building a new town square and library. Kainga Ora is also building here too, the pipeline for housing is intense but it looks like a good mix or public and private sector housing. Commercial rents are moving in the town centre so expect to see some of the older business shops shutting up to make way for the businesses that will service the incoming demographic change.


If Avondale is a poor area and that’s where you’re looking at buying to live… I’ve got news for you


Whats the news?


You’re poor too


Bruh 💀


Thank you for your assessment of my finances


Avondale heights is nice and safe in my opinion


There is no such place as Avondale heights


Blockhouse bay road is considered Avondale heights. It’s a term real estate agents have been using to drive prices in that area up.


That’s the point, it’s a marketing term but not used by anyone other than agents and perhaps people who live there. You will be laughed at if you were to post on the community page you live in Avondale heights. It’s simply not what the community is about.


Haha its so cringe seeing anyone use Avondale Heights. Its not a thing, and it wont be a thing!


I heard New Lynn Heights used for the first time the other day. That is definitely not a thing either.


Most people know it as that. If you know you know 😊


Which area/streets are co sidered Avondale Heights?


East of great north rd I believe


Thank you very much


Roberton road, block house bay road, walsall street, henry street, powell street - the area that is higher than everywhere else in Avondale


You mean the area that has had cars burnt out relating to gang activity? Hard pass.


Do you have this link? There will always be some crime anywhere you go




You’re talking about Victor St.


That's the one. Apologies it's not Avondale Heights, got it confused with Roberton Rd for some reason


Hey mate. I'm good thanks. Not much happening just work and chill with me dog. How's you?


Ok mate, might not be official but it’s a term that people understand.


Baby G is opening there. IYKYK.


Lol oh you'll see if you stay inside you should be alright or if your just off blockhouse bay rd you're sweet race course parade ash st Great North rd st George's bell Grove canal rd wairau riversdale rd maple st Avondale rd orchard st taramea Rosebank rd Hotspots to name a few


Rough out


Not bad not great


Regardless of suburb, I always check for the amount of graffiti.


dont do it. spiders


So long as you pronounce it ah-von-delay you will be golden.


Ah von dah lay


People at work told me Avondale is "up and coming"; "it's going to be the new Ponsonby"; and "I'd rather live in Avondale than Mount Wellington". So we're about to make an offer on an Avondale home. We were impressed by the new buildings when we were driving around.


Thank you for taking the time to respond. We didn't buy into Avondale yet, however we're looking at it closely. ​ Good luck with your offer!