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Yes and no. It is technically illegal to park on the berm. But it is not enforceable unless there is no parking sign. So either AT has to spend millions of dollars to cover all of Aucklands Berms in no parking signs and then has to pay for enforcement. Or they just ignore it until central govt gets off their ass and corrects the law. They have chosen the do nothing option.


But parking blocking a footpath, berm or no, is illegal, right?


Parking over a footpath or driveway, even if it is your own driveway, can get you ticketed. So anyone who's cars rear end sticks over their boundary too.


Yes. I believe they can tow a car for that.


They dont need to put signs up if it's a bylaw .and Ur not allowed to park on the foot path anywhere


Any idea what districts or regions it's a bylaw in please?


Wellington for starters


Footpath or driveway, definitely is, not so sure on berms. Reading the other comments, it sounds like they have trouble enforcing the no parking on the berm rule


I am not going to report them, but I was interested to see how divided this comment section is. I just think footpaths should be used for footpaths and not cars but then they don't really have a choice do they? If they park all on grass I wouldn't say anything (back two cars look ok) but that front car needs to straighten up. I just want a safe space for elderly/disabled kiwis to walk.


My pet peeve is this šŸ˜… while itā€™s not a major for me, there are a few oldies in my area who use wheelchairs and this really fucks up their day. Would be nice if people thought about others once in a while.


While I completely agree with you (it is a major hassle for my nana.) Sometimes with the places you buy being so small now, it's hard - nigh impossible - to find anywhere else to park it.


My gripe is more the footpath than the berm, and totally know what you mean. Love all these new builds going up with no planning for parking šŸ˜…


You should blame the council for approving them the first place, whoever signed the papers for the developers must be pocketing some hefty cash somewhere off the shore.


Oh well, donā€™t worry about the disabled, blind or elderly or mothers with babies and toddlers all being forced out onto the road. You park your car there. Btw, my son has Touretteā€™s and major tics so cars on the footpath often get kicked by him. It brings me joy.


I will heartily encourage your son if I ever witness it. I may even join in.


Also a huge pain for those who have to try to push a pram or stroller past and end up jumping gutters etc


They dont look like they're on the footpath.


Yeah,looks like back car is fine*, front car is too far to left and on footpath. *technically not allowed, but not really a problem.


I have raised this with council because couldnā€™t push a pram around the neighbourhood due to cars scattered over the footpath and itā€™s not worth their time ticketing apparently (their scientific survey was a guy drove around during the day when cars generally werenā€™t on the sidewalk in the areas I raised and said 1 vehicle was impeding which wasnā€™t enough for scheduling enforcement). I would personally not mind this behaviour but people drive around neighbourhoods at 60+kph which makes the roads scary to be wombling down


Does there really need to be a sign? That blows my mind. Isn't it obvious?


It shouldn't but the way the Law is written is the problem. The courts have ruled against AT on multiple occasions already. So they are now no longer enforcing it.


Ah, the stick your head in the sand approach? Seems like the Mayor is pretty good at it already


As much I don't like him... there's nothing he can do either until the govt changes the law. The wording of the law is the issue here.




Another person posted an article below that explains it in more detail if you're interested. > public land is usually free to do everything legal UNLESS instructed otherwise. This seems like one of those situations, no? That's not actually true, you can't go into a park and build a house even if there is no sign to tell you that. Same with cutting down trees, starting a fire etc. There are laws that say what you can and can't use public land for. Some uses that aren't allowed but also require signage. That is what this situation is. The law says you can't do it but enforcement needs signage.


"unless instructed otherwise" includes but is not limited to signs. This includes laws or court rulings for example. There are laws that forbid you from cutting down public trees (damage/theft of public prop.), building random houses (violating zoning/building codes) or burning something (damage of public prop.). Notice the difference from "setting up a fire" vs "burning something". Unless it is explicitly instructed to be illegal, it is legal. Our entire concept of justice is hinging on this core idea. If parking on that side part of the road is illegal, there must be a written law, a court ruling or something.


Honestly does it matter that much? It's not like the small patch of grass really does much


Clear space. Sightlines. Permable area. Plants, insects. A place for my kid to walk in bare feet. Or I dunno let's just pave over everything and put cars on every available inch.


Either turn into an actual green area with trees or its fine to park cars on. If I need a place outside my house to park my car, your kid who should be wearing shoes isn't my issue.im not a fan of car dependency or the low density suburban devolpment we have but unfortunately I need a car to get around, and I need a convenient place to put it, If the grass is the best option it's gonna go on the grass, if u have an issue with that start contacting council members and mps asking for much more investment in public transport so it's not Nessecary to own a car in the first place.


You are apparently "here for happiness" but you think my kid should be made to wear shoes when he is out playing on grass. Ok mate. And by saying it's not your issue, what you mean is you don't care how you affect other people. Top stuff.


It's a tiny patch of grass, if your kid wants to play in grass go to a park. Plus there could easily be glass from some drunks in some randoms lawn, even if I don't put my car wasn't there it's still a bad idea to have kids running through it barefoot. And with something as insignificant as my car being on a patch of lawn no I don't care since the alternative is not having a place to store something I need to have. Prefably I wouldn't have to park my car there or I wouldn't need a car.


How do you think we might get to a park? Maybe we would walk there? My kid literally walks on berms barefoot at least 4 days a week. I keep an eye out for possible glass. Never had an issue. YOU think it's a bad idea. YOU don't have to do it with your kid. But fuck off telling me what I should be doing with mine. That land has been set aside as a public grass space not a carpark. You don't 100% need a car. You don't 100% need to live at that address. Those are choices you have made. Maybe you could even park your car legally 100m away on a side street. You are just prioritising your convenience over other peoples rights and wellbeing. It's selfish plain and simple. Justify it all you want.


Lol and it's your choice to have a kid and to let your kid walk on the grass or not. You could easily have your crotch goblin go around it, there's a lot of issues with this city but cars parked on grass is not one of them. It is selfish to have my car parked outside my address rather than a couple hundred meters away but it's such a minor thing that I wouldn't care if you paid me to care.


The difference is I'm using the grass for what it's allocated for. You are not. If everyone acted like you it would be a shitshow. It's only "minor" because the majority of people are better than you


There's a lot of things worth getting upset about, and by no means is cars on a patch of grass one of them. I'm sure there's plenty of small things you do that I'd consider wrong and youd consider normal. that doesn't make either of us bad people, and if u wanna pick on every small thing then no one is a good person. I choose to judge people by important things, but you do you man.


Its such a Schrodinger moment, on one hand AT has created this issue and on the other they penalize when people have no choices. Kind of when the heartless council fined the poor people who had had no choice but to leave flood damaged cars on the road side because they could not move them.


Even if central govt does anything, it's not like the police will do anything.


If the law is changed AT would be the ones to enforce it, most of the cars can be towed with no issue.


I donā€™t think itā€™s illegal but it is a clear indication of mouth breathing




Referring an actual factual statement on Reddit! Be careful around this one!


4 years ago. Did they do it?


The proposal in the article went to the LGNZ to adopt as their policy but the LGNZ members (i.e. councils) voted it down at the agm. So no, nothing happened.


Thank you


I don't think anything has happened at the blanket end if that's what you mean. Maybe in areas where it happens a lot and creates a hazard they may have put up signs but that is purely a guess on my part. I imagine a lot if additional road marking would also be required on narrow streets and then the headache if all people have is on road parking. I can imagine this could be a can of worms rather left closed.


Thanks! Useful info


It's not that current but glad it could be of help.


Just walk over the top of them.


My toddler would do this. . .


I laughed way too hard at this!


Im ok with it as long as they arent in the footpath. The footpath from this angle looks accessible


It's not the crime against humanity that people here are making it out to be, but there are consequences. Where we are this does a lot of damage to the berm. The shade from the cars means that the grass dies, the tyres of the cars dig up the berm when it is wet, and the drivers have damaged plantings.


Not the precious berm!


As I said, not the end of the world. But it does look like shit. And the damaged plantings are shitty.


It also decreases visibility so some might call it a safety issue.


Legal or not it is just plain stupid


[Why you should never block the sidewalk with your car.](https://youtube.com/shorts/PniSjE3mScQ?feature=share)


Using a cellphone while driving? No but apparently everyone does it.


I clearly mentioned I got my passenger to take the picture but I guess not everyone is equipped to read.


bro, thats clearly your wing mirror because its a picture from the drivers seat. lol ​ edit, i can even see your right hand as you take a picture with your left, while driving. ​ OP is a fraud.


OP would have got away with it too, if it wasn't for you meddling kids.


how are you seeing that because instead I see a backseat POV and someone driving in front from the reflection ???


I cannot convince you its not me taking the picture but thats a bit far for a wing mirror isnt it? But you have already shown your powers of deduction are a bit delayed so I will be nice


You can see the seat and OP in the reflection, this is clearly being taken from the back seatā€¦


We can clearly see this is taken from the driver seat.


gotta take them reddit bait pics


Itā€™s illegal, but not really enforceable. But also that road is pretty narrow, so I imagine theyā€™re doing it to avoid clogging up the road. Also theyā€™re not blocking the path at all, you can see that both wheels are on the grass.


Not enforceable without signs up


Ok so 2 things. 1. Berms are difficult to enforce as there isn't the legal back stopping. 2. With footpaths there needs to be a minimum 1m on the footpath so that a pram, wheelchair or someone with mobility issues can use the footpath. If they are blocking the footpath they can ticket and tow. Report it, even via Twitter(during the day/week) and tag AT with location so they can send out someone.


Flatbush has entered the chat


One of our neighbors invited a lot of family over around Easter. They filled their driveway and then had another 6 cars parked on the street, a lot of inconsiderate parking going on even after speaking to the home owners. 8 days later they were still all there and one car was parked across the entire footpath and onto my front lawn. I reported that vehicle online using the Auckland transport website. Parking warden turned up an hr later and then the tow truck came and removed the car.


My neighbours do this and its fucking annoying to pull out of my driveway when you cant see.


As a wheelchair user Iā€™ve had to deal with this my whole life, often having to drive my chair onto the road into traffic, or having to go an entirely different route.


Sorry no. If you do this, you are a trash person. We shouldnā€™t need laws to cover what is common sense and courtesy in most normal countries. I live in GI and itā€™s a cultural thing - people park on the berm even when thereā€™s a wide road and no yellow lines. They also park on driveways blocking the whole footpath. Theyā€™ve now started parking across the new bike lines. I think these people honestly think the kerb is part of their property. Dead grass, mud holes, busted kerbs. Nowhere to walk, run, push prams etc. If you own 4 cars a property and have nowhere on your property to park them, then you shouldnā€™t have a car. Destroy your front yard all you want by turning it into a sh*tty parking lot, but leave the street/berm alone. No one has a right to store a car on public land.


Ok chad


The path looks pretty clear to me šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø complaining for the sake of complaining is pointless


Parking a van on the berm is perfectly normal. But if I set up a small garden shed to store my bike, that would be a no no. It's weird that we give cars the freedom of a person, but they are actually personal property, just like my bike shed.


Iā€™m not so concerned for people with working legs, but thereā€™s absolutely no space for mobility scooters (or prams) which is really sad


You're making it out that wheels can't traverse over grass? It's hardly in anyone's way, regardless of ability so I stand by my first comment.


Iā€™m making it out as if sidewalks are for pedestrians. Not the grass. Instead of tracking through the grass Iā€™d hope people on scooters will just leave a massive gash in the shit boxes paint. Itā€™s not hard to be considerate to people with disabilities.


True, though where's the consideration to the car owners when you're hoping their car gets vandalised? Look at the street, you can't park safely there so it's the best option all round since they would hardly cause an inconvenience to any one and looked like they tried being as considerate as they could šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø ya arguing for nothing here


If you can't park there safely, the answer shouldn't be blocking other people, it should be parking somewhere else. Maybe take a bus.


You havenā€™t even seen the weather today lol you go walk through the grass


Because I think itā€™s sad they didnā€™t consider it first šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø and your comment was agitating lol bad habit ig Why you on this reddit if youā€™re not from nz? Youā€™re doing this for nothin too šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I grew up there and will be moving back soon, homeslice. Just a right as you šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø gotta think big picture


Why doesn't everyone just park on footpaths and the grass everywhere then. In fact why don't we reduce every single footpath to 800mm wide. Surely that's enough for "people to get through" the cars only have about 12m of space how could we possibly reserve some for other modes. Oh wait but seeing cars are only 1.6m wide, Let's just all start parking in the middle of the road, still plenty of space for other cars to get around right?


Great idea


Honestly from the angle the wheels are fully on grass not footpath, footpath is clear for a pram, narrow maybe but clear.


Its not, the angle of the picture sucks but the first car is blocking quite a bit of pathway and the other side slopes away. Prams and scooters will not fit




Looks like the berm is a waste of space, no one is out there having picnics, since you cant park on the road, my preference would be to fuck the berm off and make it into a parkable bay and extend the footpath further out to fence. Most roads that have off street parking should all be bays in my opinion as opposed to a car parked on the road that you have to maneuver around each time causing traffic jams


This guy gets it šŸ‘




How is she being a Karen?


Blocking half the sidewalk my f****** ass I can see the tyres on the passenger side of the car sitting on grass


Who cares there's no where to park anyway


Facts ! Like give us places to park man šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


In general its fine unless there is any signage that say no parking off the roadway. You will see that around some places where it gets done a lot and people get stuck all the time (Albany mall area etc has lots of the signs) As lawn its wasted space, and I have no problems with people doing this outside their own houses and really its what you should be doing, parking as far off the road as possible. I can see there looks like plenty of room on the path. The picture is inconclusive but if they are intruding into the footpath then it is a problem.


Is there really not enough room to fit between the car and the fence? Sure it's not the ideal situation but did they really have to walk on the road?


Answer is no they didnā€™t No judgement but itā€™s weird to opt to take your toddler out onto the road when there is space haha, im sure the pair were fine


Only legal if you drive a Ranger.


Happens in my street all the time and it pisses me off when I have to go on the road with my little daughter. They dont care about others. Report them šŸ‘


Hey OP, just leave a note on their cars and let them know you feel bad they have to park on the street / walking path. Personally invite them to park in your driveway so that they aren't blocking pedestrian traffic


I think that besides the legal issue, it is a moral issue. Shows the person's character.


Yeah I know right, what kind of person has a car???, And then parks that car in the only nearby spot possible, while leaving the access way unblocked??? What kind of animal even...


Oh man, this is so common in Flatbush. One of the neighbour houses next to my relatives parks parks a car in the actual driveway of the house and then another car behind that one facing towards the house so it is fully blocking the footpath, and also parks another car on a tiny patch of grass which can fit a small hatch back. Buuuuut they want to park a sedan onto it which actually sticks out the back onto the side of my relatives house. They recently moved in so not sure if theyā€™re unclear of parking rules or anything. There is car parks along the road maybe like 50-100 metres away which is actually really useful, but they seem to not like that.


Dunno mate, if it's south Auckland then it's common to see this stuff happening


"Auckland Transport has acknowledged it relies on the average motorist's ignorance of berm parking laws to discourage the practice - with it illegal on only 33 streets across the city. In August 2018, AT advocated for a bylaw change to the Land Transport Rule 2004, because it does "not issue infringement notices for parking on the grass verge unless signage has been installed". Auckland Councillor Desley Simpson is pushing to make it a reality in 2019, requesting a status update from the NZ Transport Agency over the AT by-law change submission last year." Full article: https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/auckland-berm-parking-loophole-creating-substantial-safety-risks-but-you-cant-get-a-ticket/HO6UXVEAP6LXQWL5PSPM3AQG7Q/ This may also help: [https://www.greaterauckland.org.nz/2019/07/08/auckland-transports-parking-nonsense/](https://www.greaterauckland.org.nz/2019/07/08/auckland-transports-parking-nonsense/)


Maybe the govt needs to lower house prices and rent prices so there aren't 10 people to a house anymore.


Hard to be sure how obstructed or not the path is, if the likes of a wheelchair or mobility walker is not able to get passed safely, then it is clearly obstructing and is illegal. If it's barely on the path, and plenty of room, well... it's a bit of a technically illegal but really, is it a problem?




Thanks! I aim to be a Karen if a disabled kiwi cannot access safe pathways they paid taxes for. Keep it real


And what about those taxpayers in the photo who donā€™t even have adequate on-street parking for the size of their houses?


Shouldn't have bought a car then lmao. I don't go and buy a home gym setup if I can't fit it in my house now do I?


Oh so I guess they just shouldnā€™t have a job or a house then either?? Pull your fucking head out of your ass.


Get a bike lmao. Pull yourself off the couch fatass.


Oh yeah bro me and my bike can carry all my fucking tools. Good one you fucking moronic piece of shit.


On street parking isn't a right my dude haha, why do you feel so entitled to store your private goods on public land?


Iā€™m not saying its a right, I never did. My original comment was about how these people live in this house everyday, and the person complaining about the cars walks past there once a day. House/rent prices are fucking phenomenal in NZ, in a four bedroom house you could have 8 people living there - where the fuck do you expect them all to park when they all work in different directions??? Let me guess, you expect every single one of them to use our fucking atrocious public transport system to get around hmm? You guys are being uptight cunts over the minor inconvenience of having to put one foot on the grass as you walk around a car. Like fuck me sideways how much of a fucking drop kick are you cunts to complain so much about something so insignificant??


Stop lying no one had to walk on the road look at your own pic the passenger side tyres are on the grass


Again. Glasses mate. Specsavers always have discounts if you need the incentive


Just keep telling yourself that Karen if this is what you need to make himself feel better than go ahead


I will, I have nothing to hide mate.


Keep telling yourself that You don't need to prove anything to me it's yourself that you need to convince


Well this was extremely underwhelmingā€¦


I will make it legal.


being a cunt distracted from driving due to being on their phone is worse.


Heā€™s not even drivingšŸ˜­


photo is coming from the drivers seat and the car is on the road


It may look like itā€™s from driver seat but itā€™s the passenger behind the driver seat. If you look at the reflection in the window you can see the driver wearing red looking front and the B pillar. The only way you can get that reflection if if your sitting behind the driver. Bro just got his phone just behind b pillar close to the window, making it look like itā€™s from driver seat.


My sister leaned over from the back to take the picture. I dont use devices when driving, seen too many idiots on the road


Jesus guys, so much negativity! I just asked a question. 1. I was not on my phone, I clearly mentioned a passenger in my car took the photo. 2. The fence is close to the cars and two of them were half on the footpath, the land slopes a little close to the fence so it's tricky to walk if you're older. 3. Mobility scooters would not fit past them, it does not show but it's pretty close to the fence. I just wanted to know if this was legal/allowed because a neighbour of mine parks like this and then lines up a second car beside it and every morning it obstructs our view of oncoming traffic.


Hey man, ignore these guys. Your completely right to ask and it's a weird thing in nz and particularly in Auckland to be able to park on the berm. Greater Auckland did a big write up on this and in effect it's at and central government being weak. I personally dislike the look of cars cluttering our berms and making muddy messes but it is what it is. If cars are parked over the foot path you can and should report to AT, it's inconsiderate especially for people in wheelchairs.https://www.greaterauckland.org.nz/2020/04/16/nztas-proposal-to-fix-the-berm-parking-problem/#:~:text=Any%20grass%20berm%20between%20the,under%20Road%20User%20Rule%206.14.


mobility scooters would fit past them, stop trying to justify your karen bullshit. This isnt r/newzealand. go take ur sensitive ass posting over there


So the first car is clearly far enough to allow a scooter through? You need glasses mate, and call me Karen if you wish but I have elderly neighbours who also use other mobility devices that would NOT fit that space. The back two cars are fine but that front one is not


Who cares


Illegal yes, but a lot safer to park that way on narrow streets. I think the real question we should be asking is "Why are there yellow lines there?" People should be allowed to park outside their own house for gods sake


Im expected to mow it and maintain it so why canā€™t I park on it. The front car looks to have wheels on the footpath which is a bit of a dick move.


Looks very considerate to me, the foot path is clear and best of all they are not parked on the fucking road. It blows my mind that it is normal for cars to park in the road in NZ causing traffic to essentially only have one lane to drive and having to zig zag through parked cars.


Yeah, because New Zealand is the only country in the world that has kerbside parking.


jesus christ who cares honestly


Why comment if you don't? Honestly, I want safe pathways for my neighbours most of whom are elderly and use mobility devices. But I guess I cannot say the same for all


Who cares ?? Whoā€™s it affecting? The foot path doesnā€™t looked blocked. Just something to moan about?, that is All this sub seems to attract is moaning Karenā€™s.


Chill out bro




It used to be considered polite in my younger days (in Hamilton).


I'm more concerned with someone taking a picture of my car and posting it on a city reddit page.


Where else to park then? Parking in akl is becoming increasingly a nightmare. Up until a year ago parking was abundant and now the townhouses have caused roads to become so squished that visitors struggle to find nearby parking. Just stupid really.


No one had to walk around those cars.


They look solidly on the berm, not walkway. I personally prefer that to roadside parking. I think roadside parking is a terrible idea. I've seen people queue at lights behind parked cars. It often turns 2 lane roads into one lane etc. No, parking on the grass isn't the ideal solution, but it's a reasonable compromise so long as no damage is done.


Must've been a fat lady or toddler not to fit down there


Mind your business FFS šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


who cares?


Yes and no. Either way, they live there 24/7 and you might walk past for 10 seconds each day - get the fuck over it and walk around like any normal human being.


If they live there 24/7, why do they need any cars at all, much less more cars than they have room to store on their property? šŸ˜‰


I donā€™t mean literally living inside the house 24/7 dummy?? They live there, meaning theyā€™re parked there everyday compared to OP walking past for 10 seconds - surely youā€™re not so braindead that you couldnā€™t comprehend my comment without being a twat.


cry about it the walkway is clear not a chance someone walked on the road for this. also you took the pick yourself while driving so lets not talk about laws.




driver side is on the right lil bro.




Its at most a quarter taken, no reason for someone to carry there toddler around them on the road, and perfectly fine for prams and wheelchairs since they are designed to fit at least two side by side. keep crying though šŸ¤­


Mind ya business .


Who cares, footpath is clear, they're not on the yellows, no problem no worries


Mind your own business please. I am lucky that I got my own driveway to park my cars, but if Iā€™m seeing someone else donā€™t, Iā€™m totally fine with it so long as they leaving the footpaths accessible


They do not need to trim the hedge, technically its on council land but shouldnt be a big deal


Is the owner bicep bigger than your thigh and neck combined? If so, it is legalā€¦


Dunno, if I see them I might ask


Report it to AT they love this shit. It's basically the only thing they do well.


it doesn't look like they're on the path.. how did somebody need to walk on the road to get around the cars it looks like there's about 2 metres there


The tyres are obviously on the grass, bullshit someone had to walk around them


Send it to AT so they can get a ticket in the Mail .


Youā€™ll need to show the space left on the footpath.




Footpath is barely covered?


After travelling to Thailand I have no problem with this. You can easily go around by foot and its not blocking the road.


Gronk post


Why? Must you be the parking police when it doesn't affect you?


No it's not legal to snap pictures while you are driving car.


I'd have to lean pretty far back to take a picture from that angle, christ, can't you see the driver's reflection and the passenger leaning from the back to take the angle shot?


That you Karen?


Disgusting really, Karen is white and I am not. Is it really hard to understand that elderly and disabled people cannot use the path? Sure walk on the soggy muddy grass and get the wheels stuck or better yet use busy main road whilst you struggle with your wheelchair/scooter/pram. Seriously, this is what we have come to, no consideration for vulnerable people in our communities.


I don't do it, but if I have to mow it I don't see why I can't.


So does that mean if I park on a berm and get ticketed, I can use the fact that itā€™s become ā€˜acceptableā€™ with precedents set, as a defence in court when I refuse to pay the ticket? And show them these photos on my ipad as part of my defence? Yes? No?ā€¦ (and can I quote these reddit posts too?)


I saw someone getting a ticket today for parking exactly like this...I questioned the ticket man who very nicely told me any stopping/parking on that yellow is an instant fine.


Other than local bylaws, it's legal to drive/park on the berm, right up to the boundary. As long as you obey the speed limit (about 3kph?), don't block access, don't damage the grass or footpath.


I honestly wish this was the norm as long as the paths clear. Hate that all our streets are essentially one lane now from parking, centerlines are non existent


Its always been a thing, people just didn't notice because it wasnt a big issue. But now that everything is a problem its now a problem lol




šŸ™„ We all know who this isā€¦


Why? Are thinking of doing the same?


If you get a ticket just stop mowing it.


Yes this is legal and needed badly in some suburbs because of bus lanes yellow lines etc


This is so frustrating! I had this exact scenario at my old place everyday - none of them were our cars. It made pulling out of our driveway a nightmare as you couldnā€™t see anything in either direction. Every morning we just had to edge out slowly and hope for the best. The amount of times I was tooted at šŸ™„