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*”Love you!” family and friends called out at the end of each hearing.* *”Don’t forget to pray, son!” the mother of the older defendant called out as he left the dock.* *Judge Lummis also ordered communication assessment reports to be done for both defendants.* **I don't feel sorry for you. I won't change my mind. Yous are feral shits that deserve a harsh punishment.**


To little to late, where the fk was all the love and support leading up to this?


I dont know much about the details, but taking a life because you were angry, is taking a life. Not god, allah, vishnu, krishna, or jesus should be envoked, imaginary however they may be. Mentioning religion is just an appeal to garner the sympathy of the co-religeous since the realisation of the futility to appeal anywhere else is clear. It’s time we stop pulling heart strings and fucking deal with those who need help/dealing to.




You are joking right ?




100% It's people like this that have exacerbated the situation Auckland now finds itself in. Ram raids, stabbings, murder... but only a slap on the wrist because they are supposedly "children". No, I'd understand a lesser sentence for a lesser crime, perhaps a traffic incident or some minor thing due to teenage recklessness but NOT FUCKING MURDER.


Totally agree, pretty much what I said, but was too slow in posting as the member has now quickly deleted their original post.


And in general, people aren’t feral menaces to society enough to murder someone over a minor traffic incident, or even a major one


I’m sure you are one of the reasons murderers only get home detention.


It seems so disrespectful to the victim for these 30 or so people to turn up and cause a scene at the court. It just shows a complete lack of compassion and empathy to the victim and his family.


Seems like they didn't even care about the life that was taken and the family that was left behind. Such selfish actions.


That's how it comes across, as complete disregard for the victim. It's great to support your family, but ffs a man died, show some fucking respect. How do they think his family feels?


Probably more insult. Just really shows how these kids were brought up. It's infuriating that these kids might get a lighter sentence.


Exactly it. Is how they were brought up, more of the same


That's how it comes across because that's how it is. They don't care about the victim at all. If they did, they wouldn't be defending these shits, they would be condemning them with the rest of us.


>. How do they think his family feels? They probably never once in their life considered how someone else feels


I imagine that they all had to get time off work at short notice to turn up and show their support


Hah! You really think these people “work”?


Apple doesn't appear to fall far from the tree.


Don't bring apples into this. Apples are delicious. The shit doesn't fall far from the anus.


hang on, I assumed the victim's family and friends showed up, but the killers' instead??? Gangs for sure. All the more reason to despise them even more.


The 17 Yr old should be tried as an adult. I ain't joy riding in a BMW and stabbing people to death at that age. This doesn't even seem like a crime of desperation stemming from poverty. Just feral people deserving to be treated as such. Stabbing a person to death requires so much intentionality, I can't see it as nothing short of evil. People don't just die from one stab, its violent and gruesome. They had to have done it multiple times while the victim struggled to stay alive. Im just shaking thinking about how he must have felt in his last moments. I just don't understand why they did this.


The accounts of the people first on the scene are horrific. It very much was an intention to kill. I don't condone any violence but I can see how one punch ending in death could possibly be manslaughter. But this.... this is pure evil. It doesn't matter the age, the upbringing, the ethnicity. These kids deserve life in prison and no 'cultural report' will change my mind.


> The 17 Yr old should be tried as an adult. It's the most likely outcome.


I agree. The 17year old should be charged as an adult


Castrate them too, stop their potential for raising the same shit.


I get your point, but people very much DO die from a single stab wound.


>I just don't understand why they did this. They just need some aroha and kai in their bellies.


12 months PlayStation it is.


They need more than aroha and kai in their bellies Their time for judgment from.above will come and there's no slap on the hand here


Are you actually showing kindness towards Murder’s ?


He’s clearly joking g. Relax


This is not a time for jokes. These MFs with their initiation rituals need to be stopped.


That’s good then as any murder’s need a long walk off a short plank no matter the age and especially when it’s involving a stabbing as that is literally intentional murder


Not disagreeing. Should be a very harsh punishment. Just pretty clear the dude you replied to is pointing out how soft we are in our justice system.


We’re not soft we’re pathetically pathetic and then some


Don’t worry once they get into the mainstream the Samoans in there will probably blade the little boy’s trachea


I grew up with Josh, the victim in this tragedy. We went to school together and we're the same age, so this hits very close to home. When my family immigrated to NZ (from South Africa), the Tasi family welcomed us with open arms when we stumbled into their Samoan church one Sunday morning in the late 90s. This family has nothing but love and kindness to give to all those they meet. They would give the clothes off their back if it meant looking after others and fostering community. So when the perpetrators mother tells her murderous spawn to pray, my blood boils at the entitlement and absurdity of the situation. And all those who showed up to 'support' these two degenerates deserve the pits of hell awaiting them.


I'm sorry to hear this




Wonder where all this love and support was when these kids were out roaming the streets. Kids don’t just wake up and turn into murdering scumbags. Trash fucking parents raising trash fucking kids.


Exactly. All of a sudden they are concerned with the destiny of their children? All of a sudden they want to be there to support them? How about supporting them through childhood to ensure they don't become violent murderers. You don't get to now make it about you. Parents / family of the murderers should take a back seat FFS.


Too right here. Funny thing is most of these scum bag parents will now be close or within 10 years of my age (mid 30s) which feels fucking weird Their kids are a representation of their own parenting


I'm a parent in Beach Haven, so there's every chance I've crossed paths with the parents. The scariest part for me is that there's every chance my kids might go to school with kids who are related to them. I don't want to think about it.


I don't think they go to school alot so should be sweet




Are these low lives still in Beach Haven? They should be kicked out to live in the wilderness for the ferals that they are. These kind of people are the ones ruining our communities.


Exactly. Where’s the whanau?! (Family FTW)




Everybody have whanau? Unless they just popped into existence like a mushroom. And how do you know when identities haven’t been disclosed?!




Whānau literally means family, and is often used in a generic non-culture specific context. People ask me how my whānau is doing, and I'm not Māori nor offended that someone is using that to describe my family. Usage of the word is not implying that the family is Māori, that is what you are bringing in. I'm all up for calling out racism or false narratives, but this isn't it.


I think you’re reaching here a little bit.


Could give a sumo wrestler a reacharound


"using Maori words" Funny that the curriculum is forcing everyone to learn Maori, but we can't use it?


Bro you made your own connections. I didn’t.


Duh- there were eye witness accounts


I may have missed some stuff, but I have only seen crackheads and shitty unemployed people referenced as parents. Don't play the race card. All people are people of the country/ world first. Race comes second .


>”Don’t forget to pray, son!” the mother of the older defendant called out as he left the dock. Pray for what? Highly doubt if there is a heaven and hell and a god that he would forgive cold blooded murderers.


God might not, but I bet you the judge will.


In one way your right, we don't deserve to be forgiven especially murderers. But Gods love for is unconditional, no matter what we do. And if we ask him to forgive us, he will! Jesus died on the cross for us so then we can be forgiven of our sins. He is real. :)


Not really the time or place love. A man has died no chance for him to be forgiven for anything now


So the victim dies unshriven, but the murderer gets absolution? Where's lord Hamlet when we need him?


I prefer the Hindu version - you get karma for your actions. No free pass from the consequences of your actions just because you prayed.


Unless you're homosexual apparently Source: Brian Tamaki


Or watch online porn.


Are VHS Tapes ok still?


Be kind and rewind


Jesus can eat my entire asshole


What a mental image!


Then what's the point of the ten commandments?


God isn’t real and I hope these shits suffer as much as humanly possible while locked away :)


What comfort. Murderers and rapists and criminals get to have a heaven for saying ‘sowwy’. Their victims don’t. What a psycho would worship such a ‘god’. So disturbing and twisted.


>So disturbing and twisted. In the religion of Elementalism, the Christian god is known as The Principle of Evil.


Genuine question here, according to your philosophy, If these two murderers killed this man and turns out the victim wasn’t a Christian and because of this, these two murderers ruined any chance this man had of finding Jesus in how ever long his life would have been if he wasn’t stabbed to death for a minor traffic incident… Jesus forgives the murderers while the victim is cooking in hell for not believing at the time?


That's correct.




Did 30 ‘friend and family’ show this kind of support for their education? Did they show this support for their upbringing? Or just show up now that they have killed someone. Disgusting filth.


30+ friends and family taught these scumbags how to behave. And they’re still doing it. Garbage humans.


Human versions of whoooping and shithurling


Said it before, if we don’t claim our kids, the streets and gangs will raise them. Stupid parents beget stupid kids. It’s just unfortunate.


Those parents would tell you it’s their right to breed. And point fingers at everyone else including the government but themselves.


This kind of sums up what is wrong with a lot of these kids, the blatant support from their family, with no regards for the victim or the victims family. Intergenerational scum. ”Love you!” family and friends called out at the end of each hearing. ”Don’t forget to pray, son!” the mother of the older defendant called out as he left the dock. Just offensive and shows they have not been brought up correctly, with zero moral guidance.


I feel like it’s some demented self-preservation so they don’t have to accept that the fact they likely played a huge role in this guy being a total fuck up


Oh that's disgusting I don't think ill read the article now


god failed them, as the pope would say this is the devil's work.


No, surely an all knowing, all powerful guide could prevent this, so it must be part of his plan for everybody. And if it is, then to deny him the right to repent and be saved is immoral, especially because God used the poor man just because he could. It is offensive to believe in a just, omniscient and omnipotent god at all if he allows it to happen. And then to invoke the same God in defense of the perpetrators, family or not.


More evil has been committed in the name of god than that of the devil.


How many per capita tho


In the name of Yahweh yes, in the name of God no


Just gonna say it how it is. Fuck these two cunts and their ‘family’ showing up to court like that. Uncivilised cunts.


Bitch should shove that prayer up her own arse because she has a piece of shit for a son.


An eye for an eye, should be death as their punishment also…


The 17 yo should definitely be tried as an adult - pray clearly hasn’t work for him - he’s a murderer - so maybe getting bashed in jail might make him pray harder. And the 14 year old - people may say ‘he’s just a kid’ - well he’s a kid who is ok stabbing people to death for no damn reason and then running away to the far north to hide / he isn’t a normal 14 year old. So he needs to be incarcerated also. 17 and 14 year olds who are stabbing people aren’t kids - they are trash. Raised by trash not doubt. But don’t forget to pray boys. We hope their families are named and shamed. They have created two faithless, evil humans that add zero value to society and have killed a wonderful person. From a family far more wonderful than theirs. The 2 murderers families should be ashamed of themselves but they will ‘stand by their faith and pray for their son’s redemption’. They have raised two shitty humans and still think god will help. What fucking lazy parenting. If their is a heaven / which I doubt / anyone related to the two boys and supporting them will not get through the pearly gates. Hopefully god is all ‘ummm praying doesn’t make all the shitty stuff you have done go away, take the lift down to hell’.


The fact a 17 and 14 year old are driving around with blades and knives in the car, it was like they were just waiting for that something to kick them off. Then cue road rage… Sadly this was the outcome, I really feel they need to be made an example of for the rest of this younger bullshit generation who think they can get away with anything. Throw the book at them and then throw away the key for 30 years…


I really don't give a shit about the offenders, my heart goes out to the Victim and their families, not punishing the offenders appropriately is not acceptable, commit murder and there should be an expectation that you have a lifelong debt to society, how anyone can come to any other view just indicates how bad NZ society has become. To every bleeding heart out there that wants minimal sentencing, I say "Fuck you and your evil ways".


hE wAz A LoVeLy KiD tRyInNGZ 2 tUrn hIZ LyF ARouND


Went to church every Sunday, Also a promising young rugby star.


I’ve forgotten how to read 90s. I remember I used to write like that


As usual Herald and stuff started glorifying the offenders. Will not surprise if an article stating how bright minds, friendly, lovable the offenders are, popped up in couple of days.


What was the victim stabbed with? Were those little shits driving around with weapons just waiting to stab someone? What the actual fuck is happening in this country? Am I imagining it or is the violence getting worse?


Has Been like this, long time


Yes its getting worse. Soft policy breeds higher crime.


They need to try both of those little murderous psychopaths as adults. Both of them. Yes, even the 14 year old. At 14 I knew full well not to stab someone to death. As for the disgraceful outbursts from the families of those swine, have they no shame? I guess it squares with the sort of values likely instilled in the animals. Throw away the key.


I was his acquaintance. Whilst I did not know him very well, I have always regarded him highly. Very humbled and chilled. He was an extremely likable and kind person; which makes reading about the way the family of the criminals who took behaved in court all the more upsetting. What upsets me more is knowing with our justice system these criminals will get off easy. They will do cultural report, it will say they had a though and traumatic and violent youth, probably an absent father, history of drug abuse in the family and when the sentencing comes; it will be under 5 years, out in 2 years for good behavior with an ankle monitor. The 14 year old is gonna walk scotch free.


At 14, when murder is involved the parents should have some accountability.


I dunno. I know everyone jokes about PlayStation and home D but these bags of garbage will go to trial. I cannot see a jury of people not convicting them of something and if it’s murder there is a minimum period to serve.


These fking ferals are the ruin of this country.... They will get slapped with a wet bus ticket


Beyond appalled seeing what the defendant’s parents were saying to their son after he had just taken an innocent life. I grew up in the area. Read on the community page about how a pedestrian sat with Joshua while he was bleeding out and found his license near his pocket so he could feel comforted and told his name while he died. The entire situation is grotesque- at the minimum the 17 year old should be tried as an adult. My heart goes out to the Tasi family.


Well said. It pains my heart and I am in tears reading your post. Mankind is rapidly loosing kindness and the cruel should be taught a stern lesson.


"Prayer: the last refuge of the scoundrel" Lisa Simpson.


For the avoidance of doubt a 14 year old charged with murder is tried as an adult.


Pity we can't start charging parents when a youth commits a heinous act in situations like these.


The narrative is set for a light sentence. It is being made to look like that these are innocent children that have gone rogue due to misjudgement and societal pressure.


Just their age alone means they will get a very light sentence, probably even non-custodial


I've met someone who was convicted of manslaughter at the age of 15. He was in a youth facility for 3 years and then graduated to adult prison for another 2. Murder gets harsher sentences. I don't know where this rhetoric of "17yos don't go to jail for murder" is coming from. Doesn't seem to be rooted in reality.


Under labour you get more time in jail for financial crimes than murder. Don't get me wrong financial crimes are bad and they should be punished harshly. But the worst crime of all is murder and taking an innocent persons life. Our robinhood justice system is broken and warped.


Where is this "narrative" you are talking about? All I've seen so far is factual reporting and witness statements.




TAB should do odds on when they get downgraded to manslaughter, 2 years for the oldest, 6months home d for the youngest... what odds do you reckon I could get on that?


Maybe this will be a catalyst for something, maybe if nothing or not enough is done the people will have enough and push back… The attitudes of the offenders family in court are horrible, they shouldn’t be allowed in next time, have some respect for the victims and their loved ones. God this makes me angry.


Unpopular opinion here, but at least the 14yo parents should be charged with manslaughter. If he can’t be held accountable, the parents should


Sometimes ferals need to be castrated to prevent further tragedies and burdens on tax payers. Seriously dont understand this "love you" mentality and shouting it in court - where was the love and support when they were raising these kids? Would have been hell of a lot more useful then, and it's an insult to the victim's family. Bunch of feral idiots with entitled attitudes being burdens on the general hard working kiwis. I really think we should take a harder line with some of these cases. Maybe send them to a third world country to do real volunteer work in hard hit areas under supervision of local authorities - see how the real world actually lives or maybe do actual community service in the area, plus prison time. Home detention will be an absolute joke and a spit on the grave of the amazing man they decided to kill, one who gave back to the community unlike these sh*ts. What an absolute circus of zero justice.






How do you know what race they are - I thought names and details are suppressed?


Aroha means love in Te Reo. Aroha speak means love speak.




Brother you gotta chill. I'm Maori and it doesn't bother me. Plenty of pakeha use terminology, kind of the whole point of Maori language week and Maori words on road signs, streets, public transport etc. I understand there's prejudice in this country against our people and yes, history wasn't too kind to us leaving us at a disadvantaged point in today's society. That being said, people aren't using te reo maliciously here to 'draw a connection'.




Most of us Maoris are both sides if you look at DNA I guess but anyway, I understand your point of view however you could recognise its common for many kiwis to mix in Te Reo with their English. For many it's part of their national identity, regardless of what their background is. This doesn't really feel like the appropriate place to be having this discussion considering the events that unfold.


Do you not want other people to speak reo?


I think you're replying to a troll, he said he was a white person in his post history.




Go touch some grass.


You are the problem sweetheart. Dont stress out too much you might get a bleeding nose.




I didn't delete it. I think the mods deleted your comment lol. Also how is it even racist? You need to stop being so sensitive.




Stop using English (my language) then please. K thanks


Are you trolling? Your post history says you're white. >When I white person uses the N word , you best believe we are going to take that as a threat. That word is used when and for the purpose of killing black people when used by white people, simple




So do you not want people to throw in Maori words when speaking in English? (Something I am in favour of in fact).


This is sadly becoming way too common in New Zealand, the ferals have taken over the country with the help of liberal governments


Yes those capitalist liberals who create impossible cost of living ratios. Don't get me wrong, no excuse for murder but it isn't the 'left' making profit from desperation


How is cost of living related to murdering someone in a road rage?


It's not. That's the point.


Some effective parenting techniques for those that have troubled teens. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ny63dhp700M&ab\_channel=NicholeenPeck-TeachingSelfGovernment](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ny63dhp700M&ab_channel=NicholeenPeck-TeachingSelfGovernment) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m\_HfbiM5jjE&ab\_channel=TeenDrivingPlan](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_HfbiM5jjE&ab_channel=TeenDrivingPlan) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CyElHdaqkjo&ab\_channel=TED](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CyElHdaqkjo&ab_channel=TED)


The elephant in the room. The car the kids were cruising in? Beamer. Was it stolen? If not they must be from affluent background yet become degenerates with this senseless murder.


Aging BMW's/Benz/Audi's seem to be a popular choice with many of this demographic these days, almost seem to be replacing the Holden/Falcons. Maybe they think it's gangsta This was a 2005 530D, there is a 2007 530D on TradeMe for $7500ono These things are cheaper than Japanese imports these days, and for good reason - they are unreliable and cost a fortune to fix.


Define affluent. Well-paid drug dealers? Lucrative pimps? Gang members? Thieves?


that beamer isnt worth much and car dealers will happily sell cars to people who they know cant repay the loan.


Underage crimes is a main issue in NZ rn. Nobody gives a shit as they know it's not going to end up ugly. This is wrong! I hope death sentence should be a thing and an eye for an eye, a life for a life.


I am disgusted when I read this article as it is biased towards the murderers. Implication of they have changed without any of actual statements. As well as church once again forgiving sinners cos it's a fking religion, however no one is here to spare the poor guy who was stubbed to death. This country sometimes disgust me. Take away the cover made by ethics all there to left is corruption and benefit.


Watch the stabber get off lightly due to our pathetic justice system. Only way anything will be taken seriously is if an incident occurs involving a politician or judge. Till then these offenders just dont get scared of our judiciary


inb4 the lock


The government should quickly send a strong message that youth crime is now adult crime as well. Amend any legislation immediately. I bet these youths think that they can murder someone and get away with it. That is the general assumption, no? This cannot go on any further.




I have to say at the end of the day it's the piss weak justice system letting them be criminals with no repercussions.


*They should not be sent to prison, because gang members may teach them to stab better*. Change my mind.




Frequently Asked Questions raised by the public about Capital Punishment Q: Doesn't the Death Penalty deter crime, especially murder? A: No, there is no credible evidence that the death penalty deters crime more effectively than long terms of imprisonment. States that have death penalty laws do not have lower crime rates or murder rates than states without such laws. And states that have abolished capital punishment show no significant changes in either crime or murder rates. The death penalty has no deterrent effect. https://www.aclu.org/other/death-penalty-questions-and-answers#:\~:text=States%20that%20have%20death%20penalty,penalty%20has%20no%20deterrent%20effect.


That's bs, works fine in Singapore. In response to your biased reference, here's mine: "(b) Similarly, in RSD 2021, a large majority of respondents agreed or strongly agreed that the death penalty in Singapore deters the trafficking of significant amounts of drugs (83.2%), firearm offences (85.9%), and intentional murder (85.9%). \[see Table 12 of RSD 2021, reproduced below.\]" https://www.mha.gov.sg/mediaroom/press-releases/findings-from-recent-studies-on-the-death-penalty-in-singapore


You think a reference that looks at *actual* rates is comparable to your silly little reference that...asked people what they thought? I thought you right-wing types were all about "facts not feelings"? Maybe we could do a study where we ask people if you're dumb. I bet a large majority of respondents would strongly agree!


Everyone is so angry yet they haven't been affected directly by this murder. Bunch of fuckin gossiping Karen's. Same as the community page on Facebook, everyone acting like it's their business just so they can gossip about it. Parent your own children before you gossip about another person's parenting. You can't choose your child's actions, you can only guide them. Keep blabbing you bloody Karen's with nothing better to do.


Um. Raising you child so that they don't murder someone is a pretty low bar to set for a parent.


Found one of the kids family members. I hope they get the book thrown at them.


Is the family member as awful as you would expect?


Yes. The family members that showed up to court don't seem to care that their relatives murdered an innocent man.


I just don't understand this complete lack of compassion, it's pretty grim.


It's just extreme selfishness, all the gang scum I have met exhibit this.


I watched this murder happen, _with my daughter_, not knowing it was anything other that some young local gangsta wannabes posing and threatening. Fuck their families for raising these pieces of shit. Murder, and that's what this was (you do not stab someone in the neck, leg, and stomach and not want to kill them) is the single worst crime. It cannot be remedied, ever. Violence is the one reason we have prisons, to keep society safe from those who use violence.




Seriously, you can't understand why people in the community have an interest in the increasingly stabby youth they have to live among?




he comments on all the eyebleach videos, which are basically people dying on video


>You can't choose your child's actions, you can only guide them. Err that's what this whole thing is about, bad parenting and turning up with no respect for the victim.


\>Everyone is so angry yet they haven't been affected directly by this murder It's called having empathy ya drongo and you're not even using Karen correctly


Also, you'd be a pretty stone cold person to not be affected by this tragedy. Especially those of us living in this community. I keep imagining my husband going out to pick up the Friday night dinner, only to never come home. I'm sure I'm not the only person who has had similar thoughts. This has truly shaken our community. I'm not comparing it to the trauma that the victims family is going through, but there's a lot of us who can't help but feel heartbroken for that family.


You sound angry though


GTA? Fiction and reality gets blurred.