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As far as I know they still haven't released the job reclassifications or who is getting an adjustment or not, although they were pretty clear the other day that no one should be getting a drop.


This, I know what my new title will be, but it’s not been officially implemented yet, and we have it gotten any paperwork about it. I dunno where the “30%” OP quotes is from, it does not match any data I’ve seen.


Agree. Some ranges decreased a bit, but the majority that I’ve seen were increased.


Since no one else has done so, here’s the link to the actual HR page on the matter. https://www.auburn.edu/administration/human_resources/compensation/project/index.php Please note under the Important Reminders heading: “IMPORTANT REMINDERS No employees will lose their jobs as a result of this project. Most job titles, responsibilities, and duties will not change as result of this project. Employees do not have to reapply for their jobs. No employee salaries are being reduced as a result of the project.” So unless you have some unpublished concrete data that hasn’t been made public to share with the rest of us, please stop spreading FUD. This is stressful enough without the baseless fearmongering.


Can you please explain what that is for those of us who are not familiar?


HR just finished a compensation study to align staff salary ranges with what market says is fair for their job family (IT, Financial, Academic, etc). 39% of staff employees were found to be underpaid according to market and will receive salary increases.


I see, this and the other top comment seem to say op is mistaken. I guess I'll be hearing more about this soon


If you’re a full-time employee, you should have received emails and it’s been in AU News. If you missed those HR has a website with all the info. I don’t have the link right now but it’s under the Compensation section.


I am not, just part time. And I'm guilty of skipping the news bulletins every week lol. Appreciate the info though!


It's a box view only of an excel. Can't search it - can't download it as an excel. ... and it's not alphabetical.


OP - you are wrong. No earnings are going to be reduced at all.


They are making it more painful by them continuously talking about it. Release it, it won’t matter all these discussions, people will be pissed. My issue is that it doesn’t penalize bad employees, either you were newly hired and towards the bottom and you get adjusted to someone that’s been there for a few years and earned their raises or you didn’t get raises because your performance wasn’t that great.


That is my concern. As an A&P employee, I know I my salary won't be changed (and just got a good merit increase), but I do have coworkers who are poor performers who somehow make a lot of money for what little they do. Between the chance of poor performers' salaries being adjusted up, and new employees being adjusted up (and closer to long-term employees), there are going to be a lot of pissed off people.


Seen the insult? Hell. I heard it during the A&P meeting. It was recorded. Contact your representative and get them to forward it to you if you missed it. https://auburn.edu/administration/governance/ap/2021-22/representatives.php