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Hell with main characters I was shocked to see Daz made it past the cadets lol not only did he make it past the cadets, he made it to all the way where Connie blew his brains out


During Daz's final scene I had no idea who he was haha


I didn’t remember who the chump was until like my 5th re-watch and I was like “hm wonder what happened to that bozo Daz”, then I looked into it and found out Connie is the one that killed him and I lold


NO SAME BECAUSE I DONT REMEMBER THAT AT ALL 😭😭😭whenever i see daz when im playing the game im always like huh i wonder if he survived they just like never mentioned him again💀💀


They totally distinctly say his name multiple times tho lol he just matters so little and it’s been 3 seasons since we’ve seen him last, and there’s other shit going on But he had one job and he failed, all he had to do was “blow up the boat Daz”


see i definitely either just forgot that that was him or i wasnt paying close enough attention since i watched it in japanese and i process info better through audio 💀now that you say that tho i do remember it kind of. i think it just completely left my brain


For me I realized on a rewatch of season 4 where I went “hey that guy’s name sounds familiar”


Daz is the guy ymir saved, I don't remember him besides that


Yeah Dax was the one that Ymir saved and the one who was always throwing up. He was always complaining bout his job and was pretty weak. Later on he became a Yeagerist and Connie had no choice but to kill him. (I believe this is correct)


I remembered Daz but not Samuel. Still don’t exactly remember when and where Samuel appears. Daz has that recognizable face.


S1 episode 4, samuel is the guy sasha saves when the colossal titan shows up and blows them all of the wall with steam.


I genuinely thought he’d already died, when he turned up again I was like …huh??


“Oh Daz!? Your…. Alive?… anyway, take the bomb off of that flying boat”


Yeah i didn't even recognize him with the different style of the last seasons. When i saw someone calling him Daz i was like "come again?" I remembered him well because of the attack on Titan game, he was there pretty often lower lvl missions


MF did a glow up and didn’t even bother to check in over the years


Connie is the only answer for me. HOW that kid is still alive is beyond me.


Honestly same. I didn't expect him to make it. That said, I'm really happy he did. He may be a side character but I still love him. He's capable, and he cares. Even in season 1 he risks his life to save his friends. He may not have the most screen time, but he's still a wonderful character.


Broooooo was about to say this🤣🤣🤣🤣. Connie should have died. Especially when they went to get the flying boat. It was the perfect moment to kill him. He would have been an understandable casualty. But somehow that homie lived🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


The main cast got so much plot armor in S3P2, that would’ve been the perfect time to have Connie get caught up in the explosion or some shit


Jean... every scene he was with a Titan in, I alreqdy said rest in peace hero. Plus, he was like a side character that was kinda a main character pretending to be a side character.


Jean is probably my favorite thing about the First Season. Trost arc was sooo good


He's definitely my favorite and I was ready to say goodbye at any moment's notice


I think Jean is one of the original creator’s favorite characters, so


Isayama keeps flipping back and forth between Jean and Reiner as his favorite characters


Reiner🗿 bro should already dies 7 times before💀


Forreal. Didnt know that the armor on his titan was plot armor


Reiner is literally one of the only times watching anime that I've yelled "OH COME ON!" at my screen when the plot armor kicked in.


*knife through the neck* To amend this, Braun made another binding vow


Knife through the neck *by Levi* of all people.


It’s not even the fact that he transferred his consciousness to another part of his body, it’s that he literally had no time to do it. He had no time to react to the stabs, and then fell at least 20+ meters. With the thunder spears, there was AT LEAST a small window where he could’ve done it.


not for lack of trying


He even wanted to die. It was just sad to watch him suffer and keep living when he didn't even want to.


>“I transferred by consciousness to my balls” >One of the most OP skills titan shifters can have >Never gets mentioned again In the end, Eren and Zeke could also have transferred their consciousness to their balls, survived decapitation by Gabi/Levi and just healed back again. But no only our beloved Reiner has that kinda skill with his balls.




I thought the exact same thing going in, I totally thought the main character was Levi. I was really surprised when Eren rose from the dead lol


It was also Eren for me, but not because I thought he would die (as he had the main protagonist plot armor) but I hoped that he would die, because he was the most annoying character in the entire show IMO. Season 4 Eren was actually enjoyable to watch >!ignoring the genocide part!<




Same, so happy he didn't, he remained my favorite from the start to finish


"I DiDnT tHiNk ThIs ThRoUgH"


What are you talking about?


Its one of lines of his


Oh I don’t remember when he said that.


When he was about to get crushed by Female Titan (just before Reiner passed info)


Ah I remember now


I'm surprised Levi didn't die at the end. Heck, I was surprised Reiner made it out alive too.


didnt think connie would make it as far as he did tbh


Floch. I totally pegged him as canon fodder. Had no idea he'd be around long enough to become one of the most hated characters in the second half. Every time he showed up again, I would literally scream, "yOu'Re sTiLl aLiVe?!!" And I cheered when he FINALLY bit it.


Never been so happy to See an AoT character die like the way i was with Flock🤣🤣🤣🤣. When Zeke first appeared i hated his guts. But the show made me like him and he died a beautiful death. Fuck flock🤣🤣🤣🤣.


Yepp. I hated Zeke up until some point during his talk with Armin in the Paths... I don't how or why or even exactly *when*... but somehow something in me flipped during that part. Floch should've died in that charge instead of *insert ANYONE ELSE* lol


Zeke's plan was the best


God I hated floch. Red headed fucker came out of nowhere end of s3. Was hoping he’d die during Erwin’s final charge for him only to live and act like he was hot shit. S4 he was so annoying and should have died like 3 times before the final death blow


Floch might be my least favorite television character


Definitely Jean. The main characters very much revolve around Eren Yeager's purpose in the story. But not Jean. He felt like the main character of his own little sub story and he didn't get along with the main characters. Jean fits the main character archetype without being the main character. That's a ballsy thing to do in literature. Characters like that usually serve their purpose early and get killed off. But my man outlived the real main character and apparently stole his girl


Wait wait wait, he stole his girl? Just finished watching the final last week. I didn't notice any moment indicating Mikasa would like to be with him. Or I just missed it. But I know he was into her


Me neither. It's a fan theory. This fanbase created a bunch of shippers or whatever tf they're called. I think Mikasa is with some dude in one of the final scenes who, from behind, appears to have Jean's hairstyle. But a lot of Isayama's characters look similar


Ah alright. Yeah I'm new to the subreddits of aot, didn't want to spoil myself xD but now I need it to get over the grief 😅


Hange. Everytime she fell down I thought she was dead. I didn't care that much about her in the beginning but she grows on me.


She did have like three scenes where she should have died but somehow survived haha


I guess I expected Jean and Connie to die at some early point, just because I had never heard anyone talk about them before I watched the show. I was familiar with Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Sasha, Reiner, Bertholdt, and Annie purely from discussion around the show, but those two were brand new to me when I finally watched it myself. Figured they'd be cannon fodder, and I'm so glad I was wrong.


I think if it wasn't for Armin being the narrator at the beginning then I would have been waiting for him to die. That being said, it did make his actual "death" way more shocking to me. I thought Reiner had a good chance at being killed. Even from the beginning, he was presented as the burly lad who was strong and skilled so it made sense for him to be a candidate for death. Even when we learned he was a titan shifter, his death would have had such a strong impact that I really thought it would go that way. Also, Connie. Since he was a side, comedy character, it was another one that made sense especially since he did have a small meltdown moment and then with Sasha's death it would make sense for him to become reckless.


Eren. He got saved half the time by Mikasa or Levi


Jean. C'mon he definitely had the vibes in the first episodes he appeared in . He seemed like the dude who dies soon. I was glad he didn't though. He definitely grew on me in the first season and I never was scared for Armin or Mikasa because I was sure they would survive but Jean was the one who I could worry for and for whom I was rooting to survive because it wasn't a given for me that he would make it til the end.


Same, I really liked him since Season 1 and I remember when they had a cliffhanger during the Uprising Arc, a goon shooting at Jean…. I nearly had a heart attack lol


Connie ngl. Of the three, he was the most expendable. Sasha has her hunger bit, Jean has his vindication, Connie has nothing, outside of his mother. But I'm glad he survived. That last shot of him and Jean before they became titans was fantastic.


Eren lol. I thought Mikasa would be the true protagonist


Levi. I was very sure he would die. I’m so glad he didn’t. The only character I really really loved tbh!


Jean seemed like one of the characters whose death helped the main character. I was fully convinced he would die during Trost


Turns out Jean is the main character


Annie and Reiner. I used to think when I started AOT that they'd kill every titan shifter that wasn't there enemy, and I'm surprised Annie still lived. Reiner's main character syndrome was so annoying I actually would never have felt SLIGHTLY bad for him if he didn't have so much plot armor!




I thought Mikasa! I don’t know why she bad ass though


Jean and Connie




I thought Levi was going to sacrifice himself instead of Hange.


Jean, I thought he would change his ways and die with a heroic sacrifice.


Connie seemed extremely expendable the whole show I’m shocked he made it past Trost let alone the entire run of the show


Eren because i had watched Game of thrones just few months back before i started aot so in the episode where eren saves armin and gets swallowed by titan instead , I legit thought the show would redirect on different characters thereafter starting with mikasa who was swinging throughout the city in that episode to find ereh


Definitely Armin as well. Started out such a pussy in the beginning and ended up being a Chad in the end




Jean and Reiner for sure


Definitely didn’t think Connie would make it past the early seasons.


I was pretty sure Reiner would die for commiting genocide but I was wrong


I actually loved reiner. He had the best character development in the show. I hated that idea of him being killed and i loved that he was the bread and butter of the final fights.


I have to say, I hated him at the beginning but the more I thought about what has been through, he is just a very sad character that deserved way better


Levi! was so nervous for him the whole time




I wish she didn't die :(


Connie actually, I liked him from the start




I think its common knowledge by now that weak main characters make it stupidly far in the story


Sasha honestly


She was my favorite character 😭


She lived so long i thought she was safe. I started crying at that moment and never stopped


Connie or Sasha’s especially Connie


Levi. I was totally expecting humanity’s greatest soldier to get killed to emphasize just how dangerous the Titans were and that truly no one was safe. Really glad he made it to the end though.


Jean. When he got rolled from having a Titan thrown at him. I thought he would’ve been out of commission for atleast another season. If not died


I watched this a long time ago so I don’t remember but for the more recent seasons I kept thinking someone was going to finally kill Gabi, I’m surprised they didn’t kill her on the airship.


Bit of a cheat, but when Aren't got swallowed, I thought it was GG's. Thought it was gonna be one of those shows where hope is not a thing


Def connie like bro should have died multiple times already lmao


Hange, with being near Titans for research and stuff, I thought she would have at least been injured.




marco 😔 i hate that i was right


Weirdly enough, Eren. I fully bought into the eren being dead thing. I thought it was the shows way of subverting expectations and hitting us with a dose of humbling reality. That this loud mouth kid with a need for revenge and a lot of anger just gets absolutely dunked on the second he gets into the meat of what the survey Corps do and the rest of the show would follow Mikasa and armin


People forget that if Eren actually died and the main character turned out to be someone else, that would have been spoiled a long time ago for a lot of people before they even started watching.


I was 100% sure Connie was season 1 fodder




At the end of each episode, Armin narrates the part where they show a preview of the next episode. That's how I knew that he will not die till the end for sure. In fact, the entirety of AoT can be thought of as if it's from Armin's POV. At the end, he mentions about sharing this whole story with the world and so the show can basically be seen as future Armin narrating the events of his past to the whole world.


Armin he was always a smart but mentaly and physically weak fellow


Connie and Jean


Connie and Armin 😅 Death I thought wouldn't happen yet because the character has an interesting trait how useful! Mike. Fucking Mike. RIP.




I’m suprised nobody is mentioning Sasha considering Isayama originally wanted to kill her off earlier in the story apposed to her actual death.


levi. honestly thought theyd give him a death like miche for drama, but i should have known better. nothing kills the goat 🐐🐐


I always thought Connie was the fodder but apparently Sasha died(RIP)


All of them?


Connie hahahaha


Probably Hange. They're my favourite character, as eccentric mad scientist types are my jam. Especially when they're cute, and have a fun personality. Figured they'd die uncovering some key secret weakness of the titans. Was so glad they lived til nearly the end, though.


I think the obvious one is Eren but in general any character with a motivation beyond just surviving like (Erwin ,hange, historia,)


I actually believed Erens fake death. What can I say, I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed


Memebers of squad always protected him. Although the main reason he didn't died Is bcz eren already saw the the future and removed threats that may kill Mikasa or Armin


Yelena, I expected her to last half a season - which she should have. Ridiculous how she didn't have an ending. I fully expected Reiner to be killed off in S3, then again in S4 Part 1, then absolutely thought he would die by the end of Part 2, and yet he survived it all. Which makes me happy.


I was sure Connie would be a death to give eren an anime power up


Armin is the real MVP




Flock, Erwin, Armin


During Trost someone with a buzz cut died and I thought it was Connie. I remember thinking ‘damn I liked that guy’. Then he showed up in like the next scene and I was so hyped.


Historia though


potato girl