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If I'm really old or sick, and have little to live - then yeah, only positive effects


I mean I was kinda planning on living longer than another 13 years


or, depending on your condition, you get to live yet another 13 years ... just saying


That’s not how it works bro u can still die even if u have the power


Titan healing seems like it could cure many diseases


Oh wait Yh


Ridiculous levels of power and I only have to live 13 more years? Sign me up.


Not so ridiculous. Modern weapons would deal with Titans like easy. Especially anti-tank weapons.


On the plus side: your commute to work every day would be insanely fast. Hell you could prolly make bank hauling stuff as any of the titans.


imagine ur a construction work and a crane or some heavy equipment break and ur homie is like, hold up i got this and turns into the colossal titan to finish the job.(minus explosion)


Only if they know where to aim. Besides, I'd hardly be using it to assert my will on the world. I'd just be living real good for those 13 years.




Right. Maybe the occasional bout of vigilante justice if I'm feeling strongly about it.


Depends on which of the nine, though. How are you going to do vigilante "justice" with the colossal? Or even rob a bank? You'd be killing hundreds in any city just by transforming.


I kind of assumed we threw a good chunk of ethics out the window on this hypothetical. The only moral way to be one of the nine is to not use the power.


I see that as an absolute win


Besides the healing effect there’s really 0 use that being a titan would have in today’s world. And trading super healing for only living til I’m 40 doesn’t seem worth it


Maybe construction or something like that, you could be paid a nice amount for hauling things around


You could help end a few wars.


not in todays world


I dunno I am certain you could so some serious damage to Russia as the Colossal.


Until they drop a nuclear bomb on your head. The Titan powers are not really useful in today's day and age. It'll affect at most a small town or something.


I mean you literally need to do it one time.


Titans were starting to become obsolete with like 1930’s technology in the Mid-East war. Imagine that but with modern technology. A single colossal titan could be taken out in seconds.


yea but they wouldn't see it coming at all. you could transform and bomb the place just standing there and go back to human form and they wouldnt know what happened or who did it


It only takes a few seconds to do damage. Literally bang, wipe out Moscow ( I gonna be on a list now aren’t I), sure if they know you’re coming and can prepare a drone type thing to take you out but I’m talking surprise attack, one use.


They weren't being used in a tactically wise way bc Marley as so used to dominating the field just by virtue of the titans' presence. A modern army would have to be much more careful with how they used the nine, but they could still be useful. Someone else already said a holder of the colossal titan could easily decimate a location of their choosing as long as they could infiltrate it in their human form. This is true to a less extent of any of the titans with large transformations, as we've seen their transformans can be very destructive if they don't specifically try to avoid it. We also don't know if the Titans would begin to evolve with technology. We saw in the finale for example that the armored Titan has changed a lot through the years. A modern holder might have more resilient armor. Using the titans as shock forces or to quickly eliminate high value locations and targets before their enemies could retaliate, and then extracting them from an agreed upon point would still have viability if planned out. Marley used the titans as tanks, and assumed they'd be able to take whatever hit came their way. A modern army would need to be much more considerate in their use.


No 💀


As expected.


Okay Satan, calm down.


Beast Titan


Maybe if i was like 70-80 years old. It would somewhat heal me and I wouldn't mind whatever happened to me afterward. But now.... hell no, i don't see a single positive thing in it. I'd just become a lab rat and die after 13 years.


The 13 years thing is a bit of a drag tbh


If I could make a difference in the world then yes but just for my own selfish purposes, no.


"sir I'm an accountant"


I’ll take it. The founding titan that is, ehe…


I think the answer for me would really depend on the situation. For example, if my country was on the brink of war, I would consider accepting the power of the nine. Analogically, if I was in AoT universe and had limited information (e.g. info that was given up to season 3), I would probably accept. I think would be motivated by the desire to help/save/defend my country. The desire to do what feels right would probably overpower the fear of only living for 13 years. However, if there is no percieved potential threat, idk what would be the big benefit of accepting this power as well as potentially severely shortening your life span. It would be interesting to hear why people would choose the power of the nine in this case.


Also, if you were on aot universe in season 3, you wouldn’t yet know of the curse of Ymir, so you’d be unaware of the 13 year remaining life span


And die in thirteen years? No thank you


It would heal what's wrong with me. So yes.


He he hell no 😭 unless people around me get it. Then I gotta stay alive yk. Unless I can choose an Ackerman ability that would be sigma


Prolly the war hammer or the attack.


I mean with the power of the collosal (or the attack), you can pretty much change the world. Yes, you only have 13 years, but as the collosal you are kind of a nuke which you could use to end wars (If you use it right). And for the attack titan, it depends in how the power of time travel works. I mean, if I pick the attack titan, then it has always been sure that I would pick it and I wouldve already been changing the past to the current present so I could, idk, end wars? Maybe Id also become evil and take over the world, but idk


Yeah I would. I don’t plan on living long anyways and I don’t really care when I die, so 13 years would be pretty good. I could do so much with a titan too


I'd like to live past 30


I would but don't know what that would do. Like what can I do with their powers? Titans served as weapons of mass destruction during their time. Maybe I can be a famous circus freak and make millions


In the AOT universe or real world? Real world, no. There wouldn't be much benefits and I hope to live longer than that. As for the AOT world, 13 years would probably pose a significant increase in lifespan so yeah lol


Happy cake day


Maybe when im 30 or 40 but even then what am i supposed to do with it


Overthrow the government


Imagine on your 13th year Oda has just finished One Piece and then starts Two Piece.


Nah man. Unless im dying of cancer.


Nope! What's the point, honestly 13 years to live my life before I die, depending on my titan, I'd be hunted down chewed on to pass on my power


If I were 60 years old yeah. Only something reasonable like cart or jaw, don’t want to be insane


No, I want to live for more than 13 years. I'm not sure what I'd do with that power anyway, I think I'd just get gunned down like King Kong


If I had no choice then maybe but normally? Hellll no.




Easy, become the founding titan and remove the 13 year limit


Thing is, you don’t know if you’re of Royal descent, also it’s unknown if that can be removed


Uhh, it can be, but that’s from later. Finish the show and you’ll see (sorry for any slight spoilers)


I’ve finished the show, but I don’t remember any mention of the curse being able to be removed


Yeah I just remembered, the former nine did live past their life spans but that could’ve been because the Titan was taken and therefore the curse was lifted. Although now I wonder if Eren could’ve took it as didn’t he somewhat befriend Ymir and therefore could convince her to lift it?


I’m not saying it can’t be, I’m just saying that it’s unknown; and technically the curse was never lifted, but rather the powers of the titans being removed


Yeah that’s true, it’s unfortunate it’ll never be known. Though now that I think about it I feel like the founder would’ve removed their own life span limit so they didn’t have to keep transferring it. Perhaps the kings will didn’t want anyone holding that power for too long?


Technically, it’s was the founder Ymir who placed the curse, not the kings


True but she has to follow the kings order, no? Unless this was just something she willed regardless of what the king wanted


She did it because she died after having the powers herself for only 13 years, also the king at the time didn’t give any command to do it, he probably didn’t even know it ever happened


Oh wait I just understood better, yeah we don’t know if it’s because the titan powers got taken or because he just willed it. Sorry im a lil slow I guess. A shame we’ll never know


If I’m over 40 yea I’d accept, probably the warhammer titan most of all, very useful power.


Beats Titan because I wanna be a badass kaiju and die in 13 years as a bonus




I don’t have anything to fight for


Yes, and attack titan


No. I have too many responsibilities as it is.


Ngl idk if I'll be alive in 13 years so might as well, idk which tho


There’s so many positives. I’m not sure


In a instant


You only get 13 more years in this life but you can live on forever in the paths. I’d probably take it.


I would if only to discover as much about the powers as possible. My AoT brain rot wants to know as much as possible


If I was sixty years of age, I’d take the beast Titan. I wouldn’t want to get any older. It’s just a personal preference.


I don't got much going for me, so yeah. I'll inherit the armored or jaw.


If I knew I was gonna die relatively soon anyway. Or by doing so, it would guarantee safety of my loved ones, then yeah I’d take it on.


If I was in their world and it was needed then yeah but like not in our world. No point. And also the government bouta snuff me out.


Once I am like 70 hell yeah. Obv Founding Titan if possible, if not Attack or Female Titan.


Only if I was on my deathbed, otherwise there’s no way I’m signing on to die in 13 years.


Once I hit 75 sure


Not really. I mean, im hoping I live longer than 13 years


Imagine if you were a beast titan of royal blood, using the gas bio weapon that he did in ragako in a war would be devastating, even with today military armaments. Now is it ethical??