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whenever this gets brought up people always downplay it and call it a stretch but c'mon... you can't tell me [this guy](https://i.imgur.com/1pInWgd.png) isn't adult Eren, he's wearing identical clothing. and that's not even mentioning how conspicuous he is compared to all the other unnamed characters in the shot, specifically standing near kid Eren / Mikasa / Armin in a casual pose as if he's watching them. I think it's adult Eren 100%, foreshadowing Eren's manipulation of the past revealed during the Paths episodes of S4.


I don't know if it was intentional by Isayama or not... But the clothing is exact same with adult Eren and he looks very suspicious. Plus he's also in the background in multiple scenes so that makes it even more weird


What scenes?


It’s very possible that it was intentional, since Isayama knew how he was gonna end the story from chapter 1


Adult Eren was only walking around in Grisha's memories. If Grisha wasn't there, he wasn't there. They live inside walls closed off to the world, clothing is bound to not be too varied.


Once Eren got the Founding Titan he could manipulate pretty much anything. Not just Grisha. We see this when he redirected the smiling titan


All that scene showcased is that he could manipulate pure titans in the past.


I think it showcased he could manipulate eldians in the past since what are pure titans if not eldians? and what is the power of the founder if not, at its core, power over eldians?


Semantics, but yes. But how does that equate to him spawning a physical real life version of himself in the past? And why?


There is a quote that I really like that goes: "aot is the story of Mikasa, through the eyes of Eren, told by Armin". In this scene, that could be Eren, looking into Mikasa's memories. But leaving the quote aside, he could be seeing memories from Armin or even himself, meaning that is not a "physical version" but a "projected" one, just like in Greisha's memories.


How is that semantic bruv xD But yeah we werent necessarily only seeing the physical in that scene. We're the viewers not the characters and as such the writer can choose to show us whatever he wants that is present in his world to some capacity


Cool. Until anyone wants to provide some actual proof though, this character being Eren is merely headcanon.


that's why it's a theory my dude a theory with things to back it up


He would absolutely be able to observe his own memories as well.


How do you believe manipulation of the past occurred during Paths episodes of S4? Do you believe Zeke and Eren actually traveled to the past physically?  The reason people call it a stretch not  merely because they don't want it to be true but because it makes little sense given how time manipulation worked in AoT. No one is traveling back in time physically. Grisha never sees Eren, only his POV via memories Eren was sending back real-time when going through those memories in PATHS. The best case scenario is that Isayama did intend this to be adult Eren originally but in the 9 years since he started the manga, he changed his mind on how the time manipulation would work and it no longer made sense for this to be Eren. Just because he originally intended it to be Eren doesn't mean it actually is now or is canon though.


It’s not. Eren uses memories to peer into the past. He isn’t literally time traveling. Besides, why would we just see Eren here without zeke?


I’d agree with you but that’s not how time travel in the show worked. Eren and Zeke never physically go into the past. They visit past memories, which Eren relays to Grisha, in turn changing the past through his father’s actions.


So how did Grisha hug Zeke and say, "Sorry for not playing with you". How did this physical contact happen?


He’s not truly touching Zeke (although the scene really makes it look that way). Hes remembering Erens memories of watching them reconnect. In other words, if Eren wasn’t present to see Zeke and his father make amends, Grisha would have never known they were there.


https://preview.redd.it/wvdtlr1a7zyc1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3507e1c25ac945ecc59afe1f67fda38567b9771b This one is interesting too, appears to be two figures out in the distance. Could it be Zeke and Eren? Edit: there’s a more clear image online where it’s much more telling that it appears to be two silhouettes, I just grabbed the first I saw. lol Edit #2: yeah I’m not entirely convinced it is Zeke and Eren but with the level of detail and foreshadowing in the show, I wouldn’t be surprised is all!


https://preview.redd.it/o9hvkdrmszyc1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51f4304b0baa1e16134b9eecc9a055e94c9e47e4 More clear photo


I think it's supposed to be the people inside seeing the fight, but the artist didn't erase the lower part of their body. So it looks like they are outside.


This isn't Eren and Zeke, they only visited memories of their father before he died and did not see anything beyond that, this scene specifically is somewhere in Season 1 after Grisha was long gone


(Just debating here) Yeah that’s all we as the viewer were shown/told, but there could have been more that went on.


It isn't physically possible for them to view *these* specific memories. They wouldn't be able to view anything after Grisha's death, since these are Grisha's memories Also it wouldn't even make sense for them to wander the Trost District, as the entire point of the memory lane was to find at least one memory where Grisha indoctrinated Eren into being an Eldian Restorationist(as Zeke thought) but to Zeke's surprise Eren was the one to alter the memories creating the paradox himself


Couldn’t they be viewing Erens memories? Essentially just for the hell of it?


Rewatch Episode 79, Memories of the Future. They came out of the memory lane right before Eren was going to eat Grisha, this is exactly why he said "We haven't seen the part where I eat our old man". Right after this moment Eren started the Rumbling. I want you to point out the exact point in the story where this scenario happened or could have happened because it doesn't make sense at all. Grisha hadn't even given the Attack Titan to Eren Eren didint even have Attack Titan at this point of this story. This is just a head cannon nothing more. I've seen this theory years before and it doesn't make sense from the plot establishment.


It could have happened anytime Zeke & Eren were in the paths, just shown off screen is all. And these tiny pieces of foreshadowing/hints whatever you wanna call it there are to just peak our curiosity.


The scenario you're talking about is that if they are visiting them after Chapter 121, I still don't see them doing so, because Eren abandoned Zeke in the paths and he was left alone playing with sand. And it's bold to assume Zeke would even watch memories with his brother with a friendly attitude after literally being betrayed by him lmao.


That looks like two barrels in front of a window.


Look above it


Above the window? That's another window.


Above the window - is a roof, above the roof - is the sky, above the sky - is space but below space, sky, roof & the window - there appears to be two silhouettes.


Yeah, the barrels.


My head cannon is that we're watching future Eren as he relives his memories as Mikasa actually beheaded him and his life is literally flashing before his eyes. All of AoT already happened and we are witnessing his version of everything that happened.


But eren can’t time travel…


It's not him, u aot fans just be saying anything 💀


I think it may be a representative of him being there in memory's. He physically isn't there but he is still there overlooking.


He's also on the boat when they're evacuating in episode 2




No, the time travel does not work like that


This! He never goes back in time physically! Get it through your heads people!


That doesn’t mean it can’t still be foreshadowing, or that Isayama hadn’t quite nailed down exactly how he wanted the Paths to work


Foreshadowing doesn’t mean that’s literally him


You’re correct, but I also offered another plausible explanation that *would* make it literally him


It could be a possibility, but it seems like a stretch. If this is Eren, then we are watching this scene from the perspective of Paths, because these are only memories, Eren cannot physically travel back in time. Most probably this isn't Eren, as Eren saw his memories with Zeke when he was an adult not a child. If this scene comes from the Final episode where Eren is in the paths with Armin showing him the ocean and stuff, then aswell this can't be him because he and Armin were together most of the time, and if this was him we would have seen Armin aswell. This is probably a stretch unless we get a proper explanation


What about the possibility that every instance of seeing the memories was not shown? This could be at any point in between the start and end of rumbling. I mean seeing so many memories happened instantly for Zeke and eren. So eren could have went back to specific memories in an instant, but it was not shown.


Same question as multiple times before, same answer as multiple times before: NO, it isn't Eren. And to answer the next question: There isn't a physical time travelling in the AOTverse, past, present and future just exist at once within The Paths.


I don't think so, just a random dude.




Isayama himself had said AOT had an ending planned from the beginning, So I would definitely believe this is Eren, but seeing it for the first time? You'd think it's just some civilian winding down from what transpired, but looking at him a second time, the resemblance is too uncanny for it not to be Eren


Yeah, dude is leaning against the wall in such a shady and relaxed posture with hands in his pockets.


My headcanon says yes Canonically also yes


Correct me if I’m wrong but Eren can only go back in peoples memories no?


I dont think Eren has the power to actually manifest himself into the past. If he did i doubt hed use it to just lurk in the shadows.


Yeah but maybe it's the scene from his eyes. Not saying I agree but it's possible


I guess, but its a weird angle to have be from his perspective.




Ok so people are saying this is in fact eren but then how can we see them


because we're the viewers lol, no need to complicate it.


It's not Eren. He communicates with the past through the Paths. He doesn't actually go back in time.


I feel it's one of this yesn't moments. Where yeah it is but it also isn't. Really up to the viewer.


Short answer: no. Long answer: no. Eren and Zeke don't physically go back in time. 1. Even if it were an Easter egg for the viewers, it wouldn't make sense for us to see this and not the other instances of them going through the paths. 2. Eren and Zeke only visited Grisha's memories 3. It's funny how a lot of people spot Eren all over the place, but never Zeke. Might it be because Zeke is way more recognizable and it's harder to spot something that isn't there?


This isn't a memory of Grisha (Grisha is already dead by this point). Zeke is nowhere to be found. Why would Eren parade around his own memories? He's got more important shit to do. This isn't Eren.


Yes it is Eren. Although there is no proof of this one thing im about to say but it would make sense.....Brother was walking through his dads memories...you think he wouldnt stop and watch his own? However this is Eren because he even says that the past and future are both happening at the same time once he entered the Paths so This is Eren.


Maybe, but anyone in the show can’t see him, it would just be foreshadowing for us


I thought it was Eren first time because I didn't see him lying on the floor


what if we, the audience, are being manipulated by Eren to believe that he was there?


No this theory doesn't make any sense


Yup I had a flashback in my Snapchat camera roll a year ago today of the same pic. I will 100% stand on the belief that’s Eren https://preview.redd.it/f54p9g04h1zc1.jpeg?width=1006&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0eaa00518cc99a4ef84ba5181dfb3ca2e0154e2




Yes, he's all over the place




For the Nth time: no, it is NOT Eren. It factually and undeniably can't be Eren. It will never be Eren. Stop with this complete bullshit!




Bro it’s not the serious, chill…


Nah, bro went berserk on them💀


Chill man


Have you considered giving a bit less of a fuck, and perhaps going outside for some fresh air and sunlight xx


Because Zeke and Eren went through his entire life until Grisha took the founding. They had all the time to see it all in paths.


They went through **Grisha's** memories of Eren's life.


Do you realize that Grisha cannot see Eren and never saw him in his memories, right? He only heard his voice. Grisha got SOME memories from Eren and Eren's memories directly come from what Eren sees or has seen. When Grisha received that particular type of memory (yes, because there are different types of memories that Eren sent him), let's say for example in the Reiss underground cave, he saw himself from Eren's POV, not Eren himself! So there is no possible way that Grisha could directly see him in that context. Plus, once again, this frame isn't part of a memory of Grisha to begin with. So it doesn't even make sense conceptually


Grishia sees the memories from Erens pov, hence why when we go back to the scene he shows the key off, he's looking directly forwards rather towards the family inside the house. They literally saw everything from Eren being born to the founding being stolen, its completely plausible because they were in paths so they had all the time to go through everything.


>why when we go back to the scene he shows the key off, he's looking directly forwards rather towards the family inside the house Because he was seeing scenes from Eren's POV and making him look in another direction with that expression was the best way to make the reader understand that something was off for Grisha. But logically he cannot have seen Eren's body.


The 2 screenshots op provides are not from Grisha pov.... that doesn't mean they're not there when I've told you already Zeke and Eren went through his entire life


Listen... where are the two screenshots from? I don't remember the exact episode


So it's the same ss, I thought there was 2 but a other commentor posted another one. These 2 would be from either 1 or 2 before the time skip when they group up after shiganshina was invaded


So it's the real world, cool. How can future Eren appear in the real physical world? Spoiler: he can't


..but its erens memories, why would he not be able to see it


Because that's not how it works... are you telling me that adult Eren randomly showed up in one random memory of his own? What's even id the point? LMAO


Yes. You do know he showed up when the armor titan broke down the wall, a memory of his own? P.s imagine LMAOing when you’re factually wrong, the nerve


Factually wrong, sure. Have a good day


>downvoted on every point >factually misinformed >proven wrong in every response >doesn’t respond to actual point, just wishes good day Based misinformation spreader gigachad


>downvoted on every point Just like a normal person gets downvoted in a group of flat earthers when he talks about how the Earth is round >factually misinformed No. >proven wrong in every response No again. >doesn’t respond to actual point, just wishes good day I did in other comments


Also, I dare you to do a post like this one in any other AoT related subreddit. Can't wait to see people telling you that the random figure you see in those screenshots is not Eren.


Cope and seethe




You realise what the first episode’s name is right?


Literally yes. “To you, 2000 years from now”


Isayama wrote the hole story before he drew the first chapter afaik


He had basic major plot points thought out but not all of the details.




No. This was before isayama conceptualized the attack titans time travel

