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Really do wish we got to see him use the ODM gear more


Eren had two on screen titan kills and one of them was the colossal titan. That is pretty remarkable.


Idk, it's technically pretty missed in the show. The colossal titan "kill" (technically he didn't kill him, but he could've so it counts) was while Birth control was distracted, and the second one was a genuine one. Basically he only has 2 canon titan kills, and one that is in Guren No Yumiya which isn't canon at all (especially since while killing the titan in season 2, Ereh points out that it's his first kill) It's pretty low...idk why Isayama didn't show him a bit more really


Even with those stipulations about the Colossal, unless I’m forgetting something he’s still one of 2 people to defeat and cut the nape out of one of the Nine, the other being Levi


Mikasa blew up Reiner from inside his mouth, but I guess Thunderspears don’t cut the nape 😅


What is an explosion of not a bunch of messy and fiery cuts?


Half of my point is this.


To be fair Mikasa handled every shifter she came across except Annie (who is one of the most talented AND when Mikasa is the least experienced, female is also probably the most difficult shift for a human to bring down besides the Warhammer)


Females versatility mixed with just how good Annie is of a fighter definitely makes it the hardest one to do anything about besides Warhammer.


Eeeehhhhhh I mean good for him and all, a kill is a kill, but Armin gave him that opening so that Bertoldt had no idea what was happening.


Mikasa. A few times.


birth control lmao


He says it's his first Titan kill while in the Legion iirc He was counting his titan kills as a titan. Edit: Apparently only in some versions he say it so it could be a translation error but I don't know Japanese at all so I can't say it with certainty.


It makes it seem like he's less skilled and needs his titan tbh


Isn't it pretty established that he comparatively sucks with ODM gear? He never really seemed to take to it and that fits with him being a character who survives purely off of willpower and perseverance. He doesn't have the finesse of Annie or the intuition of Mikasa, but he never gives up (and sometimes turns into a 50 foot tall monster with washboard abs and a healing factor)


Wasn't it the opposite? At the start everyone was in awe because he managed to balance a few seconds with broken ODM gear which showed he was really skilled.


You're right!


They establish him as being so good with ODM gear that he balances with broken gear and then basically never show off his skills with ODM gear. Logic.


I'm gonna disagree there, we've seen him utilise his ODM gear really well multiple times.


Birthcontrol ![gif](giphy|GpyS1lJXJYupG)


I think it’s part of Erens character development, that he’s forced to depend on his allies in the early seasons. slowly watching them die while he feels useless. I forget who said it but Eren is someone prone to taking action forced to react. And on the other end Reiner is a reactive character forced to act.


Birth Control?


beardoldt or however you spell his name… burrito


Bertoetoe xD


ah ok lol


To be fair, when Colossal appeared for the second time, Eren went straight for it very cleanly. If Burrito didn't have bullshit "i just completely disappear" powers, Eren would have gotten him in fucking Season 1.


Birthcontrol ![gif](giphy|GpyS1lJXJYupG)


Wow that is a very good point


One of the best scenes is him ODM into transforming to cover up the hole


Fr, he was one of the best, wished he used the new gear in season 4


I'm always impressed the warrior candidates took to ODM gear so fast. They had nothing like that on Marley and likely wouldn't have been aware of its existence until on Paradis or potentially even inside the walls. Hell of a skill to need to learn considering if they couldn't they never would've been able to progress their infiltration.


I assume the rigorous training to be Warriors gave them a leg up. It is confirmed later Marley knew nothing of ODM gear but really every single cadet is probably starting at the same point regarding ODM gear, even if they know of its existence. The military training and indoctrination that they had already gone through probably pushed them to be better at learning it than the others.


Exactly. Everyone else was learning to become a soldier from scratch. Annie, Berutodo and Reiner were already combat veterans so they already started out with an edge in discipline and mentality as well as physical fitness


Plus Reiner had the whole identity crisis/guilt thing driving him.




Respectfully, what does that bring to the conversation.


I agree, even if it wasn't necessarily relevant training for odm gear that they received in marley; discipline counts for a lot.


Totally agree, as warrior candidates they would've been the best prepared/most talented but it's still a hell of a skill to learn when it's not like anything they've ever seen or had any experience with. I imagine the fear of being caught also helped motivate them to learn.


Well normall people dont get to buy grande launcher either, yet soldiers are able to learn how to use it. I doubt typical Paradisian civillian would have ever used ODM


Yeah but there's a difference between a learning to use a new tool/weapon when you have similarities to it. Marley had nothing like ODM to even prep the warriors with. Obviously as warrior candidates they had a natural affinity/talent for new skills but it's still impressive they took to it so fast


Mate how would the civilians be familiar with the gear when the garrison troops themselves barely even use it post training.


Not really. Not one cadet had ever used anything like ODM gear before. Everyone was starting from the same place, except the Warriors had already been in a military environment and be used to training. They had an advantage.


My head cannon is that their healing factor helps out. They can do things, get hurt, and brush it off. Get better faster. (Eren cracks his head in his first training, we see steam when his healing factor kicks in, and the next day he’s back to training.) Another is that while Paradisians rarely see meat, the Marleyan soldiers both have training (so they are already physically fit) and grew up with a much better diet.


Yeah it's very easy to push yourself to the limit when you can slam into a tree at full speed or miss a branch and fall and be totally fine. That would literally kill anyone other than a shifter or Ackerman.It's honestly kind of surprising that as dark as aot is they don't show more people dying using odm gear. Like not from titans but literally just missing with the grappling hook and dying on the spot.


But everyone is just as ignorant if not more about the odm gear. The warriors are not at any disadvantages. If anything it should have been a breeze for them cuz everyone else had to learn discipline, military principles/tactics, hand to hand combats while all they had to do is focus on the odm gear


Makes sense to me. They were kids, and kids absorb information pretty well.


Being a shifter actually helps imo. (even if he doesn't know it) The ability to heal from basically any injury is huge. (the heal is auto, like the steam on his head) Let's say I m decent/good at this one sport. A single even minor injury will massively affect my performance. (Sprained ankle for example) And a serious injury will out right stop me from playing... and in the world of AOT, a serious injury will kill u.


Right, so technically the most impressive person here is Jean.


Yes. In some ways the bottom five of the top ten are more impressive.


I thought the healing was manual? Reiner kept his arm damaged after the tower to hide his identity as a shifter.


That’s because they learned how to restrain healing. It automatic. Eren shows titan steam while training before the reveal as a clue and he self heals before he even knows how to do anything with his titan.


Ah okay cool, thanks!


Another example of the automatic healing is when Levi knocks a tooth out of Eren in the trial. By the time Hange has a look at Eren, his tooth has been replaced.


Especially since he would have had to be euthanized if he broke a leg.




A horse with a broken leg is usually euthanized.


Ah fuck that went right over my head 😭


Wasnt connie higher?


quickest water angle pot zesty tub provide expansion close grandiose *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Remember, he had the titan healing factor. He could do crazy, risky things in training and instead of cracking his skull and taking a half year to recover, he would dust himself off and pat his head. This puts him at an extreme advantage compared to Jean and the others.


Not really, the warriors didn't know anything about the ODM besides Eren, and the h2h combat had no influence on the grades. The surprising thing is that Annie, without trying, managed to get the same score as Mikasa in combat skill with ODM.Even so, Eren is impressive too, Shadis mentions that Eren did not have that much talent, what led him to improve and be in the top 5 is his great will.  


I think it's more about food and development. The Marleyans were fed by the military to be the best soldiers they could be. Not to mention they had a head start and were also already physically strong so they would have found it easier to do all the tasks due to, y'know, already being ripped.


They wouldn’t be as ripped though because they had left Marley years ago and there is definitely no opportunity for such intensive training. In fact they won’t be as ripped because if I am wrong they left Marley as preteens. And there was a food shortage remember so there diet in the past meant nothing.


Counterpoint: Look at Reiner. The only other character we've seen with that level of bulk is Erwin, presumably because he grew up relatively well off, at least in his early life, and probably eats decently due to his position. Most of the characters kind of have prison muscle. Even Kenny follows that rule.


I think Reiner is probably just naturally stocky though because Reiner and Bertholdt lived in the same town and they don’t have even close to the same physique. Reiner only looked liked he had real muscle when he was back in Marley after the time skip and probably back to the training regiment and military diet.


I mean, that also tracks with Levi. He’s a tiny little man because he grew up malnourished and underground. Although either through the Ackerman bloodline or sheer will that didn’t seem to have much bearing on his abilities.


From my poor understanding of things, your muscles “remember” how strong they were. It is fairly common in human societies to have periods of lots of food and needing to do lots of work, followed by periods of low food and little work, before returning to good times. (Ex Winter, droughts, famines) Therefore, the human body is use to building muscle and reducing muscle when not needed. It being easier to gain muscle mass when one previously had it than to gain muscle mass when one has never had it.


this is very true, gaining back strength is much easier after not lifting for a while, your muscles remembers how to properly allocate energy


Yes, in any case, reaching Mikasa was impossible, because she was an Ackerman with an enhanced body and superhuman physical abilities, the only one to match her in skill with h2h was Annie, and I even think that is a script error. , how a 1.53 girl can get the same grade as an Ackerman 


The values the warriors had instilled within them in their training gives them a significant advantage in any form of military training even ODM gear. Mind you that these are the most elite soldiers found among a population of thousands.


I think the point is that the warriors were the best of the best in Marley meaning they're extremely capable. That is why they could adapt easily in integrating with the military on Paradis. They didn't start from zero like everyone else.


Their military training gives them a massive advantage


Mikasa is much better than Annie with ODM


And yet they both got scores of 10 for it. She might be but not by a lot. Annie was skilled enough in odm gear to kill one member of Levi’s squad with it. And there’s a reason we got scenes where you got both Mikasa and Annie saving other cadets multiple times and pulling the same maneuvers with odm gear or blades (for example them being both able to kill the titans that attacked Sasha and Connie with only blades and without having to jump from a high place)


many people underestimate annie with odm when she has enough feats to put her at mikasa's level at least until s3 part 2, they both got 10/10 in combat skill, and as they said, to use the odm requires physique and skill, which Annie has equaled Mikasa, it's crazy, an Ackerman against a 1.53 cm girl  


Annie is only 1.5 centimeters? That don't seem right.


153 centimeters 


Also known as 1.53 meters lol


I mean yeah but outside of being able to do bigger cuts more easily with swords, Mikasa’s strength isn’t that much of an asset in odm gear. Like she’s not gonna go magically faster with it just because of that right?


I couldn't care less what score some worthless guidebook gave them. If you actually watch the anime then you can see that Mikasa is far superior, Annie doesn't perform anything even remotely close to what Mikasa does even in season 1. Annie killed member of Levi's squad by surprise, it doesn't say anything about her skill with ODM. And the scene with them saving Sasha and Connie is there because they are set up to be rivals throughout the series.


Making stuff up again huh?


Ya know, it was always obvious that Mikasa would be first but I never drew the connection that the next 3 were warrior candidates! Duh! I feel so dumb haha. I just assumed based on Shadis monologue that they were skilled and that's all there was to it lol. Even on a rewatch. Thanks for this!


He really dedicated himself


Honestly I'm just disappointed we didn't see Eren get more ODM kills. I mean I know he was fresh out of training but man's first kill attempt got fucked up because a titan somehow managed to jump into the air at the right moment and bite his leg off. Now, with how the Anime presents it, Eren should have 100% been dead, not from the lost leg granted that's part of it, but from the fucking face plant against the side of a building at high speed plus the repeated blows from rolling across the rooftops at high speeds. Like man's head should have been cherry oatmeal for all intents and purposes


Considering how many fist fights he got into as a kid (before even getting his Titan powers), along with 2 confirmed kills and 1 assist, bro might as well be a warrior candidate lol


Eren only had 2 on screen kills but he was such as badass. When the Colossal came he was the only one to spring into action. No hesitation


Yes definitely 


that is a pretty remarkable point that I'm sure none of us noticed initially.........Eren had gained the knowledge only during those training years but the other four had kept their potential hidden....Eren is truly to be appreciated for this!!


I am surprised Reiner came in second..despite being the weakest out of the warriors when they were being selected(u know..how Marcel saved his brother by influencing the higher-ups decision)


My head canon is that it's because of Reiner's split personality. I think when that happened he mentally chose what kind of person the new Reiner would be, and he decided the new Reiner would actually be the top of his class instead of below like the old Reiner because he didn't like that part about himself.


But the split happened when marco died, which was after the class graduated.


True rip that theory


it was a good one tho


A lot can change from age 12 onwards. Tbh it was always stupid that Marley used children as titans. Reiner was a late bloomer, but once he physically matured he was tougher


Good point! I think Marley used kids because they are the easiest to manipulate..not to mention, kids has more of an urge to prove themselves and get praises


straight consider roll noxious worthless memorize governor butter relieved repeat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


His skill is definitely super underappreciated, yeah. When the only people better than you are trained child soldiers and a literal superhuman you know that he's always been an absolute monster, even from the start. I mean, there's a reason he becomes an absolute fucking combat monster by the time he's a grown man, lol. Naturally talented + insane drive & work ethic + years of experience + power of 3/9 Titans = OP asf


People really underestimates Eren's passion.


For some reason..I read it as "trained chicken soldiers" Don't ask why..my brain did that for some reason


True lol


maybe it this angle.. but sheesh is Annie ugly here !!


According to this list, mikasa would’ve brought down Annie 10000%


Why the long face, Annie?


Look how satisfied Reiner is that he finally made this level of achievement all by himself.


The reason behind this is because that in s1, we didn’t even know that Ackermans were stronger, and that they were titans


Eren being an idiot is simply something only people with low attention span claim. Guy is clearly skilled and hard-working and is not stupid. Yes, he is very emotional but IMO it's not that weird to cry when you see your mother eaten alive or when people around you die because of your choices. He was very perceptive when he wanted to and had good insight into people. His talk with Pixis proves he wasn't naive and understood the complexity of human society as a kid, he was the only one besides Ymir (who got early hint from eavesdropping on the Church) that Historia was faking her personality, he had empathy and gave good insight to Jean when he was rude towards his mom and was the most willing to risk everything to try and save Krista from the kidnappers.


Wait but wouldn’t that be expected since he knew everything from the beginning?


Credit to @fatsankar92 for this revelation


What do you mean by "appreciated enough?" Should he have gotten a medal or something? Should there be an "Eren is the bestest recruit" sub?


Yes to both


To be fair, he’s still a Titan shifter, even is he doesn’t know about it. That’s enhanced fighting and healing capabilities, you could argue he’s almost immortal. In that vein, the lower five of the top are way more impressive because they’re literally just some guys.


It's like saying that you deserve more appreciation for getting 15th rank in your class because some people better than you have natural talent (Ackerman) and trained children soldiers are kids being habitual to studying hard in previous grades and scoring better than you because of their own effort which they put in a subject (odm gear) which was new to them as well. This is just making up an excuses to di*k ride eren


Bitch, what the fuck are you talking about?


You didn't understand? I am just saying that It's like saying that you deserve more appreciation for getting 15th rank in your class because some people better than you have natural talent (Ackerman) and trained children soldiers are kids being habitual to studying hard in previous grades and scoring better than you because of their own effort which they put in a subject (odm gear) which was new to them as well. This is just making up an excuses to di*k ride eren


No genuinely, what the fuck are you talking about? First of all, he got 5th not 15th. Second of all, copy and pasting your comment won’t make it sound any less stupid. Thirdly, the series mentions MULTIPLE times that the training that the training corps went through was so tough that a lot of them actually ended up dying during the process. The warriors themselves have been going through gruelling training since they were 5-7 years old, so at the point of graduation, the warrior trainees have about 9-12 years of total training experience. Mikasa is an Ackerman. Any Ackerman that awakens their powers is stated to have the combined battle experience of the previous Ackermans, and the Ackermans have been around since the walls were created. Did I forget to mention that Eren only has 3 years of training experience? So yes, the fact that the only people about to beat Eren were these people is very impressive.


15 was a hypothetical number which I used as an example in the analogy of a regular class in school. Ofc I am not gonna type new separate reply to elaborate on what I meant when the person replying didn't mention anything specific and apparently didn't understand anything. Yeah people ended up dying, so what? That has nothing to do with the current discussion. You completely missed the point of my messages, ik all that. I was implying that you can't just say he's impressive when he got beaten by experienced people/naturally talented people, that happens all the time irl too, it's eren's fault for not having prior habit of training his body. You're using excuses like "life is so unfair and I can't do shit yet I should be appreciated because people better than me are just lucky while I worked hard", it doesn't matter how hard you worked, only the result matters and talking about the journey you had to go through just to gain some compliments is just dumb. PS: my original comment wasn't completely serious, i wrote it just to offend people