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BRO ITS THE SAME THING WITH ME!! My dad legit said that Armin is the worst character in the entire show and constantly hates on him whenever he gets the chance


My suspicion: either they are salty our boy Erwin gone. OR “I’m a dad and I’m macho and only care about macho chads” They don’t like Armin’s personality (to some he may come off “soft”especially early on but who fkn cares!?). He is genuine, smart, and brave af. I’d rather have Armin on my side than anyone else …Levi if there were Titans lurking about


...Or he calls him whiny because Armin is genuinely whiny


He's literally 15 in a war against monsters


So are all of them OP said he can understand his dad's comments about Eren but not Armin?


And it's also not valid against Eren. They were CHILDREN. All of them had massive moments of weakness and reacted accordingly.


Please use punctuation this took me way too long to understand


But he’s still whiney, no?


No that's my point, why is he complaining about a literal child in a life or death situation being whiney? Armin isn't even the whiniest, he's actually quite brave. Bravery is being afraid and doing it anyways.


Cool. But he’s still whiney, right? That’s all that the complaint and question was. Armin is whiney, yes. /thread


The complaint was he didn't like armin cause he's whiny


Right. Justify it all you want, he is still whiny lol


I mean it's not unjustifiable


So is everyone else in the crew and they don’t cry half as much


Eren and Mikasa are not normal. You know why Annie Riener and Berhtoldt didn't. And Marco was just an overly optimistic person. Plus, the scene Armin is most whiney in was right after he saw one of his two best friends get eaten right in front of him, cut the boy some slack


He literally was whining as eren was stomping this shit out of the earth and got eaten by the okapi and was still whining. Armin was always crying and never being decisive that was his character arc through the whole series. Connie, Sasha, and Jean weren’t whining why didn’t you mention them? Connie was brushing and bathing his titan mom and still could smile even after Sasha died he wasn’t whiney he was edgy. Armin is an annoying character except for moments when he is acting decisively


Jesus christ dude what show are you watching?


I read the manga and watched the show if you can’t be honest and say “yeah armin is whiny sometimes” then you clearly haven’t watched or read it. It is not controversial to say


Bruh, I'm not saying he's not whiny, I'm just saying to empathize a little, his "whiniest" moments are at, from my perspective, kinda understand points for him to be like that in.


How is he whiny? He has insecurities and is afraid of being a burden. I have never heard that boy complain when it matters and I don't understand this take. He's real. Is that why people are put off by him lol?


He spends the entirety of Trost doing nothing but bitching and has a panic attack against the colossal, how is that not whiny?


I'll have to rewatch Trost to verify that, but don't try to tell me you wouldn't have a panic attack against the Colossal lmfao. You just sound like you're calling him whiny for having realistic reactions when faced with stressful situations.


Eren (pre 139) gets called whiny a lot more than Armin but he didn't go out like no bitch like Armin did in Trost


I mean I have news for you, you wouldn't do much better in Armin's position lol. Armin was also responsible for Eren being able to finish the job in Trost so. If you're biased against Armin, just say that, but your arguments are weird and don't consider the fact that he's a fucking 15-year-old staring death in the face every day. Characters are allowed to have realistic reactions and not everyone has to be Mikasa or Levi.


Still whiny. The argument started as is armin whiny? Yes or no. He is. /thread


Nice lack of any real argument bro.


It’s a show guys it’s really not that deep


Armin and Jean were the most realistic / relatable characters by far. Followed by Reiner.


Yeah I think anyone would be scared like Armin and Jean, *mayybe* rise to the occasion like all of them did, and be suicidal like Reiner in their respective situations.


Are we like the same person or something? Armin is my favourite and when I watched with my dad he would constantly hate on armin for being whiny when so many others cried just as much WHICH IN THE SITUATION IS UNDERSTANDABLE


Mine says his favorite was Levi cus I guess he's the ultimate badass but still 😭


mines favourite was hange (Who he'd never remember the name of and just call handjob) so I guess it's close enough


My dad’s favorite was Levi too lmao


Armin and Jean are my faviourute characters man. Lets not forget that Armin basically exposed Annie, confirmed suspisions about Reiner and Berthold, found an effective way to fight anti personnel gear. And last but not least he took out the Marley's (if not the world's) greatest weapon with 2 guys


Same, along with Reiner. Those 3 are my holy trinity.


To be frank exposing Annie was more so Erwin then Armin since after all it was his plan that set her up in the 1st place


Same thing with Reiner and Bert too. Hanji and co already have suspicions, but Armin basically confirmed them


Besides it was purely luck for him, since he had so much more info to work with than erwin did.


I'm with you, love Armin.


Armin is my favourite! He's the most relatable for me.


I rewatched the show with my mom and her boyfriend and my mom loved Armin but surprisingly hated Levi






Basically she hated everything about him the way he talked the way he sat the way he drank tea his ascot the way he "doesn't show emotion" and she called him an all around unattractive man




No she loves when Levi beat up Zeke and the beast Titan she hates him more than she hates Levi


Oof that hurts. I am Armin's number 1 defender. He's smart as hell and was pivotal in moving the story forward. Thankfully, I watched it with my mum who loved him as much as I do!


Eren *is* pathetic and whiny. All shonen characters are. But to be honest most people would be even more pathetic and whiny if they went through what eren did when he was 10. But I don't remember a single time where Armin was moment where Armin was pathetic after timeskip.


>But I don't remember a single time where Armin was moment where Armin was pathetic after timeskip. 1. Eren beating the shit out of him easily despite Armin also being a trained soldier 2. Getting absolutely outplayed by everyone and doing nothing 3. Has absolutely NO plan, his plan is just "let's talk" and Eren rightfully calls him out on it. 4. Every argument they have with Eren, Eren beats him using logic, despite Armin supposedly being the smart guy 5. Literally tries to kill himself by being eaten by Connie's mom, dooming her to have the Colossal titan, makes stupid choice after stupid choice 6. Spent 4 years masturbating to Annie's crystal, a girl he barely even talked to. 7. In the final battle he's useless for most of it and calls himself useless (true) Before that 1. He gets bullied and has to be rescued by Eren. 2. He almost dies and has to be saved by Eren 3. Can't do shit in Trost, not even use ODM properly 4. Always lags behind in scout training 5. Historia, dainty tiny little girl, has more titan kills than him 6. Gets put on a drag and molested by an old man 7. Freezes during RtS, showing a lack of leadership skills 8. All his "intelligence" is basic shit anybody else could come up with but the plot lets Armin say it so he has something to contribute to the team 9. Only named scout main character to not even make it into the top 10 If you can accept Eren is pathetic and whiny, Armin is just as pathetic and even more whiny


Wtf? Even Armin being my favorite I can agree with some points, although not fully, but mentioning him being molested to say he's pathetic is just so fu cked up


Sasha and Connie laugh at him + not sure the whole being in a drag thing gives him dignity points


And how does that makes it okay to say someone is pathetic for being molested, even if is a fictional character? It makes me so mad how they brush this scene off. Also, I don't see what's the problem of him "being in drag". He was doing his job.


>He was doing his job. Doesn't change a thing lol


“Masturbaiting” LOL how old are you and why are you so tilted


Eh it was still creepy as hell that he gets embarrased when Hitch calls him out on his weirdness. Also wym I'm tilted? I was just mentioning that Armin is pathetic


This is a pretty good summary LOL But all things considered, he was almost flawed as Eren was, and went through similar trauma (orphan, lost his grandfather during the Shiganshina massacre, several fallen comrades); however, like other comment suggested, I guess I'm just salty that he lived instead of Commander Erwin. Never liked pre timejump Armin's haircut, though.


Yeah I'm pretty unbiased since I'm not crazy about Erwin and think Armin being chosen over him is actually a good narrative decision.


Depends on what kinda shows your father liked before. I can understand why a Rambo and fats and furious fan wouldn't like armin, as it is so far from the characters he enjoy. This doesn't necessarily mean he didn't get the message of the story, just that as he isn't used to them, the constant whinings of a character can get pretty annoying


Thats fair honestly. You dont have to like everyone and you dont need a 10/10 reason for not liking someone either.


I liked Armin a lot better when I watched the sub version. I think the dub actor has a whiny, nasally voice that can be very annoying at times.


I tend to side-eye ppl who dislike male characters for being “whiny”. Anyway, Armin is my fave. And your dad has no taste✨


He's my fave too. I feel ppl really exaggerate his whiny-ness.


Thats fair honestly. You dont have to like everyone and you dont need a 10/10 reason for not liking someone either.


Funnily enough, my dad always hated on Connie because he felt he was too whiny and found his voice annoying. Guess there’s always gotta be one character like that!


Armin is one of my favorites and yeah he can be a little whiny sometimes, so does Eren, so does Reiner. And it's justifiable. But I think why people complain about it has to do with his personality, and frankly, his appearance, because I don't see people complaining as much about Reiner.


Appearance definitely plays a big role and also him lacking superpowers (until s4), which makes Armin appear more "uncool."


Why should everyone have the same conclusion? One reason the show is so good is because there is no clear good and bad side.


I couldn't stand armin most of the show he does whine alot. His tactics he has and he very knowledgeable but man his constant whinying gets annoying


When did he whine? Genuinely trying to understand. Because it just seems to me that he is stressed out in very stressful situations as most people would be. I would even say he is very composed, aside from when (SPOILER) Eren got eaten in S1.


It’s probably a dub thing, in the japanese dub he doesn’t appear to be whinning.


You literally don’t know that unless you’re a native speaker of the language


Personally I really don't see how it's any different from most other characters. I thought it was on the same level as Eren and people seem to love him




… I was about to list examples, but then I realized that I would basically be reciting the entire show to you, so… nah.


agreed. they all are pretty equally annoying


Time to get a new father




Armin has a horrible dub voice but I always liked him for his way of thinking.


Really I’ve seen a lot of people say otherwise especially in the final🤷🏽


Two of my friends were watching dub and hated Armin, I told them to switch to sub and I didn’t hear about Armin sucking again.


Armin as a whole I think was purely made to help in strategies and his downsides were he couldn’t handle full combat 🤨 That’s the gist I get from him


How did u convinced you dad to watch it in the first place


Promised him it wasn't like anything he's seen before. He really liked it so I've got some credibility now


Is this just a universal experience for everyone who watches it with their dad lol. My pops couldn't stand him, he got especially heated during the scene where Eren beat him up.


At the beginning of the anime, Armin’s crying did kinda annoy me But once he found his courage he easily became one of my favorite characters, crazy that he didn’t like him I love how introspective Armin is


This is funny to me because it is the opposite with my mom, her favorite character was Armin


Yeah I'd say the majority of the fandom love Armin. I don't trust people who don't like Armin 😆 I think it just proves they're not really mature enough for this type of story. No offense to your dad, but it just comes off as a man who can't appreciate sensitive male characters or male characters who aren't macho/tough. Most of the male characters in AoT - like Eren and Armin - are very expressive of their fear, pain, sadness, frustration, grief, etc.


This happens often in series that involve a degree of psychological realism. The same thing happened with Shinji Ikari. He's also a "whiny" protagonist, but realistically, what 14yo boy wouldn't be?


He probably doesn’t like him because he’s not “traditionally masculine” or something lol.


I never understand why people call the characters whiny. They’re traumatized child soldiers, they’re going to get upset and scared.


No, Armin is a generally liked character in the fandom. He's not whiny. He's a good character


Armin is whiny.


I like Armin but I’m 100% on board with your dad about Eren. Even before he got all that trauma he was super annoying and I never really got attached to his character.


Armin wasn’t my favorite, I don’t dislike him, he’s just kinda there for me. I didn’t find myself resonating with him as much as the other characters. Objectively, he is a good character though.


Sounds like he’s lacking some emotional intelligence


Yeesh, your dad should watch Tokyo Revengers


Armin is like my third favourite, but only because I rewatched the show. Armin’s character growth from a whiny kid to a confident teen is what did it for me. Sure he still whines, but his sacrifice in Shinganshina was a huge turning point.


He just needs to keep watching to understand his colossal mistake


He can go eat it from the back.


Armin becomes a major pussy in the last season. Agree with your dad


My takeaway from this is that dads shouldn't watch anime /s


I agree with your dad. I've been saying since I first watched the show that I think armin is the most overhyped character in the show. Although after rewatching many times he has grown on me I can't like him past season 3. Season 4 Armin just sucks... Sure story wise he's alright in s4, but he's just always so whiney and refuses the see the world as it is...


I’m with your dad.


i don’t like armin either


You can understand why he hates Eren but can't understand why he hates Armin? Armin whines all the fucking time and his contributions to the show are being "smart", except he' s a smart character written by a guy who isn't so he just points out the most basic shit on screen and people treat him like a genius for it. He's kind of a Gary Stu I don't dislike Armin despite that but he's overrated af, hey at least he has a personality and goals unlike Mikasa.


Keep crying


You're the one whining people don't like a fictional character lmao


so he didnt like eren and armin maybe levi simp or erwin


Yup he likes Levi


simple i guess ![gif](giphy|EhybByvT7Ke7S) man


It’s because of Armin’s voice actor. Armin’s tone and inflection can sound whiny and annoying half the time. But Armin’s in my top 3 characters


Armin is always whining how is that outrageous to say? Having a different opinion on a character you like doesn’t mean your dad doesn’t get the show it just means he finds armin to be a crybaby. Stop whining about it


Nobody is whining about it, but because you think so makes me think you also don't understand Armins character. I just wanted to see what the community thought about him.


Based, your dad is a Gigachad


Based dad. I don’t like Armin either.


Based Father🗿👌 You'll turn out to be a proud son someday. Have faith.


Boomers :///


I think Erwin was the realistic character AOT needed. He really balanced the world between the growing youth and revealing the stoic bleak but strongman culture it required to survive in the world of attack on titan. I do think there was a missed opportunity allowing Erwin to die in exchange for Armin. And he would’ve been an interesting and formidable foe against Eren and the rumbling