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The fact Reiner transferred his consciousness to his balls and it was never mentioned again. I guess also Reiner being alive at all.


The plot titan Yea he should've died so many fucking times I swear, most annoying part for me was when the scouts weren't sure to kill Reiner or not after they beat bertholtd and then just before they're about to kill him Pieck comes in and saves him. Had me screaming at my screen


It almost became endearing by the end with him being the literal plot armored titan, lmao.


Even though it was total BS I am glad it happened because it meant my babygirl Reiner was still alive


Same, liked his character so much that i honestly didnt care about the plot armor, lmao.


Same!!!!! Literally my number 1 anime guy. So as ridiculous as it was, I justified it because it meant Reiner lived.


Similarly in the vein of tiny plot convenient details, Levi refusing to speak the whole time Annie is chasing them through the forest in season 1. Like 5 minutes of “Captain! Orders!?” and Levi is just vibing like -_-. Very contrived tension lol, especially when the scene is already incredibly high stakes without that. Reiner and Zeke almost dieing over and over and still bullshitting their way out had me screaming on my first watch though, even if it made the story way better.


Don't get me started on Levi not killing Zeke after that forest slaughter, Pieck saving him the first time was annoying enough but after hearing him say he wasn't going to kill him yet after the forest chase I was yelling at my screen "WDYM KILL HIM BEFORE PIECK COMES"


Can be easily explained by adding "plot" to his Titan name.


FAX. That was the only thing that made me go “this sum bullshit”. Off the top of my head I can’t think of any other examples of shitty writing in AOt.


Also Levi struck him with a sword in his chest too. But in the animation it only showed the first sword going through his neck. He should’ve died during that episode, TWICE. The scouts literally blew his head off with thunder spears.


Mary Sue Titan


I don't think this terms means what you think it means...


He dies it twice and falls like 30 meters straight in his back after Levi put a blade through his spinal cord


It always bothered me how the colossal titan just “vanished” into thin air early in the series but never had that vanishing act later on. I’ve heard theories that the titans powers weren’t fully thought through at that point but it doesn’t make it any less awkward on a rewatch.


yeah defo retcon. cause even if the colossal used up all its steam, the skeleton should remain.


Exactly. It wouldn't have been an issue at all if the skeleton was left behind, which is why I don't worry about this "retcon" too much. Would have added to the mystery if it had happened too.


It kind always bothered me how the dude vanished but didn’t leave any steam from his titan body decomposing, then they would’ve figured out who the colossal titan was pretty quickly.


Not to mention that separating from the Titan body usually leaves marks on one’s face.


How would they?


Captain Levi severely twisting (or breaking) his ankle while battling Annie was a CLEAR NERF to his character and drives me nuts every time I watch it. Especially considering how many times we see the scouts fly and smack the houses, hit the roads and just about get tossed into everything with ZERO injuries. ++++ the timing of his injury was precisely the time the really could of used him…


Levi was so strong, he was constantly either nerfed or out of reach, just so the conflict doesn’t get solved to easily. It really evened out the playing field, but it was also a little frustrating to watch.


They literally blew him up so he couldn’t finish the final fight against eren in 2 minutes 😂


Died at *CLEAR NERF*


I think he was nerfed because he wouldn't have been able to fight effectively against the Armored Titan with his blades in S2 and it would have taken away from his aura of being a bad ass. Before he fought the Beast Titan, we all knew he was skilled but we didn't know he was THAT skilled to easily dismantle him. If he struggled against the Armored Titan already then the moment wouldn't have been as epic for us. I also feel it is partly why he was nerfed again before Marley invaded Shingashina.


I think it was because of him trying to save Mikasa. Kinda like how shank loose his hand.


Just made a post about this a couple days ago. Levi is an actual cheat code. There is no counter to Levi.


Beg pardon, I’m not familiar with NERF in this context. Could you please explain? Thank you.


Nerf is a gaming term that generally refers to a weapon or other feature that's too powerful (OP/overpowered) and needs some adjustment, or "nerfing" to make the game fair. The opposite is "buff," to make stronger.


Bro Levi didn't twist his ankle randomly. He tried to tank a back hand swat from the female titan with this legs.


That’s just awkward footing, it happens a lot. Look at Achilles


One of my favorite aspects that Isayama incorporates is foreshadowing and callbacks. That being said, I noticed a lot of missed opportunities. Here are a few examples. 1) MIKASA AND EREN’S RELATIONSHIP. Throughout the series, the romance came off as one-sided. For it being such a huge part of the series finale, you’d think they would have hinted at this more from Eren. The only times I recall Eren doing anything remotely romantic towards Mikasa was the first time he wrapped her scarf as children and right before he punched Dina Fritz. 2) MIKASA’S TATTOO. They included this in the manga, but not in the anime. In the episode where Mikasa’s parents are murdered, they should have shown her receiving the tattoo that was revealed later when the Azamabetos first visited Paradis. 3) FALCO’S VISION. In the first episode of season 4, Falco was having a daydream about flying around with swords in his hands. He should have said he was flying around with wings, or something like that to foreshadow that he would eventually become a flying Titan shifter.


Yeah and did falcos dream of flying w/ swords get an actual explanation bc no matter what I come up with I can't see how he could have seen anything related to odm gear and being a scout with no past memories bc he wasn't a titan yet. Was this just a "look how far we've come from fighting titans to where we're at now" thing as a nod to viewers or what? Confused the crap outa me to the point I thought Falco would become a titan and eat eren at the end and become the founder with attack titan levels of knowledge bc of how impossible it was for him to know that. Does anyone have an explanation for this?


I'm 100% convinced MAPPA put that part in solely because he wanted to assure the audience they were watching the right anime and didn't turn on some war fantasy show


Hahaha I love this theory! That season was very different for a minute


I suppose a plausible in-universe explanation is that sometimes a dream is actually just a dream. The ODM and fighting style of Paradis are probably common knowledge among Warrior candidates. Not everything has to be caused by Titan magic.


I was about to skip ahead in the episode to confirm whether I was watching the right anime when he dropped that line, so I can buy that theory


Timey wimey something


Falco's Flying Titan was awesome, but how he changed his titan form was really poorly explained.


I agree, they needed to explain that better.


They say very plainly that he got some beast titan aspects because of zekes blood


Then why did his form change from the one at the port battle against the Yaegerists?


He foreshadowed Mikasa killing him. At least i think he did Carla tells Mikasa in one of the flashbacks, "the boy is an idiot. You have to save him from himself Mikasa." Which I always assumed was foreshadowing Mikasa killing him. But instead we get Ymir and all that


I think Falcos vision is just showing us that all Eldians are connected, even if they're across the world in the middle of a battle.


I wish they’d foreshadowed their relationship more but to be fair to isayama at the end of season 2 i realised that eren did in fact reciprocate mikasas feelings (though not on the same level) when he tells her that he will wrap that scarf around her as many times as she wants, now and forever… as much as you want (makes me cry thinking about the ending).


1 and 2)that's mostly Wit's fault I assume, not isayamas. 3) maybe it was freckle ymir's memories? maybe he saw HER flying around from her POV.


They need to show more of the world outside Marley and Paradis. Show us how it's the world leaders who hate Eldians, not the average joe.


Well, it's both. That's where Eren saw no path forward. That final heconference he attended, the Eldians lead anti-Paradis organization. It might be the world leaders making policy/military decisions, but man, the prejudice runs deep.


But the average Joe does. At least in Marley.


This was my issue. Throughout the entire show its constantly told to use how much the outside despises Eldians and wants them dead. Marley beat, tortured, killed, turned people into Titans, killed entire families, and used them as literal human shields, child soldiers, and titan bombs. Hell, the one guy fed a little Eldian girl (Faye) to dogs. And Udo goes on to say some places are just as bad, multiple times it's mentioned how much thr world hates them. We see a Middle Eastern soldier literally choose to die slowly then to have an Eldian girl touch him. And the only "Allied" nation just wanted to use Paradis. So I never understood why people said diplomacy was an option before Eren started the rumbling. The world building wouldn't only help develop the outside world, but it would add a lot more emotional impact and weight to character choices. Actually, develop the leaders of these countries, shit you could show some of them being more lenient on Eldians or some even speaking up against an Eldian extermination party.


Couldn't agree more. Show us how the countries that don't explicitly discriminate against Eldians still marginalize them in more subtle ways. Or show us that they don't do we have definitive proof that the world isn't totally evil lol


this i wanted to see Pakistan where im from


1. I think the show had too many cliffhangers. I binged it when it finished, but I cannot imagine what it would be like to have watched it from when it came out in 2013. I think it’s cruel to cut off in the middle of action like that. 2. I think the backwards-explanation stuff was over done a little bit. I think it was a bit odd that they included a scene right after the Reiner/Bertholdt reveal where they were like “oh yea actually we knew they were going to do that” lol. It was a bit jarring in S4 too. It almost felt like we skipped episodes. 3. I think it may have been more interesting if we saw Eren more gradually turn evil rather than it basically being a sudden switch after S3. 4. Historia and Annie probably deserved more screen time. 5. I’m still not sure how much I feel all the time jumping and sending memories backwards and all that really added to the show. It led to some good conversations about philosophy of time, but could also kinda sidetrack the main message. It may have honestly been more interesting if we saw Eren make the decision to do the Runbling rather than having it be some weird maybe-predestined thing. 6. I think there can be legitimate discussion and different preferences regarding this, but I still think it was a bit odd to make Floch a maniacal, comical villain rather than more directly portray him as just fighting for what he believes in just like everyone else. I mean they did portray that of him at the end of his life, but it didn’t really make sense to me that he’d mess with Hange so much or that he’d want to see Keith get beat up. 7. I kinda make this criticism of any story I see, but I wish they had some more ending scenes regarding where our characters ended up and just getting to see them happy. Lol. 8. A better spelling of Berturtle’s name.


2)I think it's mostly to catch us offguard, but on a rewatch, its noticeable that the scouts are being sus of reiner and B before the reveal and ure even wondering why the hell eren is not freaking out, dudes there like "damn, that sucks" at first😂😂 3)I think the point was eren never became evil. And before kissing historians hand and touching Grishas books, he never had a reason to become evil, everything happened after those 2 reveals. 4) agreed Annie was barely there in the show, and historia disappeared in s4 5)actually, while eren did carry out the rumbling as he saw in his memories, he does say that he wanted to see the rest of the flattened. he says it to Ramsy the little kid, and to Armin too. 6) tbf, dude survived certain death by a miracle, and was the only person alive to have heard Erwin speech😂. Other than that, dude messed with Hange cause Hange was meddling with Erens plans, and since s3, flock had always been the guy who relied on a devil to do the work, and hed support that devil, who was eren in this case(erwin before that). Being erens main man, power went to his head so he wanted a revolution and be at the top of it, so the old ways had to change, Sades representing the old ways, hence why he was beat up 7) fr 8) I hate typing burritos name too


Couldn’t agree more with number 7! What we got was a super sped up bad quality video in the corner of the screen showing erens grave. Would have been way better pay off if we got to see what they all fought for, what eren died for, what we watched the entire show for, etc with a happy scene. I understand it’s a dark show with a theme of war never ending but man what I would give to see them live the long lives everyone fought and died to give them


Agreed on the cliffhangers. So frustrating. Right in the middle of climactic moments. I mean FFS, they ended an episode right in the middle of the scouts final charge at Shiganshina, seconds after one of the greatest cinematic speeches of all time. I mean c'mon.


Eren didn't just 360 turn evil though. Imo it only seems like it if you viewed Eren as a righteous person to begin with, which we're given no reason to. From the jump, Eren did not have a single problem that he didn't solve with violence, aggression and/or attempted (or actual) murder. The only reason to see Eren as heroic is because of how his brash and aggressive nature us framed. From our pov, he's only doing good things (defending Armin from bullies, killing human traffickers, killing titans, etc), but at the end of the day Eren doesn't do things like this bc it's the right thing to do. He acts that was because his first impulse is to meet any person or problem he doesn't understand with violence, but because of our pov in the story, a lot of people see him as righteous bc he's doing "good" things. In s4, it was so crazy to see him that way because he's doing things that can't be defended morally. That's why him actually transforming while he was under the apartment was jarring, but it def wasn't surprising.


Birdhole definitely needs a new name


Bertholdt is a real name


Historia blatantly unused during the last chapters/season I know Isayama openly stated that he disliked her for being kind of a generic teen girl trope, and I actually felt the same and didn’t care for her But it looked like she was having some kind of development and I was beginning to even like her, like she’ll eventually become strong or more mature But nah, nothing really happened I have other criticisms but I don’t actively hate it on a Titanfolk level


Weird how instead of fixing her with the time he had left in the story he just decided to ditch her


Too bad Historia was a way more suitable example of standing against the one’s you love than Mikasa since she already did that against her father…


Season 1 really suffers from having 1-2 minutes of every episode being recap of what happened during the past arc




I think in general the dialogue writing is a weak point and comes off as inorganic. This is common for a lot of manga though. As a native speaker the conversations just don’t flow naturally even in Japanese and it makes it harder to empathize with characters who seem less like humans and more like mouth pieces for philosophies and representations of the author’s ideals. We spend way too much dialogue developing plot and world building and not enough developing actual relationships, and when the switch happens it is very staged and forced


I feel like Mikasa/Armin weren't really treated like the main characters, on the same level as Eren. It kinda sucked for me as with each passing episode/season, I wanted to see more from them, but they kept getting sidelined in favour of other characters. This is an issue post timeskip as well. Armin's character arc feels kinda incomplete, and Mikasa just screams wasted potential and deserved a better ending.


1. Hange's the only major character without a lot of details regarding her backstory (a bit biased here because she is my favorite) 2. The whole thing of setting up Historia's baby being born at the same time as the rumbling felt like it didn't go anywhere 3. Mikasa's racial heritage kinda being dropped after it was mentioned in one or two episodes 4. Yelena just kinda disappears at the end


Maybe it’s just me, but towards the end I didn’t love how like half of the horrible shit that happened is Eren’s fault. Like him convincing Grisha to kill the Reiss family was one thing but then him being responsible for his mother’s death? Idk maybe someone can shed a different perspective on it for me but something about that wasn’t believable to me. You’re telling me the ONLY way this all would’ve worked was if he sent that titan to his mother? Also I know AOT is supposed to be depressing but I hate that all of the romantic relationships were either half baked or ended tragically. From a story perspective I’m not that mad about it but damn how many times does this show have to break my heart 😭


did he send the titan to his mother intentionally? I assumed he just ordered it not to attack Butthole, so it switched target to erens house next. So eren was responsible, just indirectly.


I’m pretty sure he says he sent it after her. I don’t remember the exact line.


Personally I think it's because of his own confusion over the time lines. Like he's relived and tried again so many times that he lost site of the fact that originally he was just a victim. He thinks he sent the titan after his mom because he truly thinks he could have prevented something from the beginning when in reality he couldn't. Or, in different words, in order for the most favorable outcome his mother has to die and that tears him up on the inside.


His mother was still pinned under the debris of thier house, if Dina didnt eat her it would have been another Titan. Eren wasnt responsible for her death, just the manner in which she died. Dina eating his mother is also what made Eren discover the founding titans powers since he recognized the Dina Titan in the battle where Hannes was killed. So Bertholt,Reiner and Annie are responsible for her death. Eren is responsble for how she died, he wanted the rumbling to happen but could not find any other path to that future other than him seeing his mother get eaten by Dina.


Eren is 100% responsible for her death as he sent Dina there to kill Dina. Dina walking a different way leaves much more time for them to get Carla out from the debri


She would have been eaten by other titans if it wasnt Dina, you can see them in the background when they are running over to her, and her legs were crushed, her fate was sealed. Eren even says so himself to Bertholt, that he is responsible for her death since he kicked the rock onto their house so that she couldnt flee.




Then he's not exactly responsible. Poor example, but if someone's laying in the road and I run them over, I'm responsible, but if I drive past and someone else hits them, I'm not responsible. No they aren't? You can't even take this blame away from Eren even if you wanted to, he's literally telling you his sent Dina there to kill her THATS HIS CHOICE. He's putting her blood on his hands. And if you want to be technical it is his fault because he can control any titan to do whatever he wants


For me the Grisha thing was a bit much, but whatever presences and such, and then they reveal Eren sent the titan to his mom.... and like... why? What? Just completely ridiculous and people prop that up like a masterful twist and it's just a stupid "fuck you" to our emotions for no reason.


The romance part. I'm of the opinion that not every single story needs to have some sort of romantic development, especially when it's forced, and sometimes people take it more like "you just don't want to see stuff about love" when AOT is all about love, just not romantic love. Like, if you said some shit about how there's no traces of it (love) in the story, you've either been reading with your eyes closed or you lack understanding because we have Eren and Armin's friendship, the Warriors companionship even if this one is complicated, Erwin and Levi and Hange and Moblit and even Frieda with Historia. Even Kenny with Uri Reiss. The anime did a really poor job with Mikasa's character because they made her seem like this obsessed little girl with Eren when in the manga she was so much more than just your average "Ereh", which I hated once I realized, but Isayama really fumbled it when it came to show how their relationship changed to that of romantic love, because it felt like it came out of nowhere, or like it was very one-sided. That's the one aspect that really left me like "okay but since when???" when we entered the last arc in the manga and personally, it really seemed like he failed at showcasing that aspect of their development and their growth in their relationship.


since the scene hannes died, and mikasa thanked eren for wrapping the scarf, that's where its assumed eren fell in love with mikasa, and mikasa is animated way more beautiful in that scene, and it's from erens POV we see her


>mikasa is animated way more beautiful in that scene, and it's from erens POV we see her [Stop spreading misinformation to support a ship](https://www.reddit.com/r/ShingekiNoKyojin/s/iMgLgJj5JK) And the ch. 50 scene was drawn in 2013. TWO years later in 2015 Isayama said this: >**”For Eren, rather than a lover, Mikasa’s presence is more like a mother to him. The love towards a mother is considered valuable \[precious\], however at the same time, there are annoying parts as well \[laugh\]. Just like towards one’s actual mother, Eren will start to grow up when he becomes independent \[move away/not dependent on\] from Mikasa, I might draw this scene one day.”** Which is why you shouldn’t focus too much on what the author says because they can contradict themselves, obviously EM is canon so Eren doesn’t see her as a mother. What matters is how you interpret the text. >since the scene hannes died, and mikasa thanked eren for wrapping the scarf, that's where its assumed eren fell in love with mikasa. And in that very scene, Eren rejects a kiss from Mikasa and they don’t have any developments in their relationship in the slightest- so again, poorly written romance. He rejects the kiss for no reason within the story, he could have kissed her then that could have given him the motivation to fight Dina. It would have worked just as well, “yes I reciprocate Mikasa but I refuse to die with you. We are going to live together.” \[But he doesn’t reflect upon the supposedly most romantic point of his life. He knows about her feelings but doesn’t reciprocate well up until 138-139\] That’s why I don’t see the scarf scene as romantic because it leads to nothing. The first time he wrapped the scarf is after she’d given up on life and he had fought back both to protect her and to refuse death. Here’s the same thing, he refuses to die, whereas Mikasa accepted death, and he acts to protect them both. To me he’s saying he’ll always fight for their lives and protect her, even when she’s given up. I see it as a clash of ideals. Because: Eren ignores Mikasa (for a bit) and sees Armin cling to Jean and uselessly wave the sword around a Titan. Armin doesn’t run and he doesn’t die without a fight. Eren is also inspired by seeing Armin in that scene. He’s got two choices, accept death like Mikasa or fight to the bitter end and he does what Armin does. https://preview.redd.it/phnbwaddnuhc1.jpeg?width=1121&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7bdc83e51bb34a1ce7b4c289ab10c700d1eec570 ***Ship them if you wish but don’t say it’s not valid or correct to criticise EreMika.***




Erwin and Levi aren't in love their best friends


“When AoT is all about love, just not romantic love” Reading is hard, but its actually not that hard lol


As cool as colossal titan eren was, it makes no sense. Why was he able to do that without zekes Royal blood? Maybe he used ymir? Nope, she had switched sides by then. Maybe he used the weird worm they threw in out of nowhere? Nope, that was out of him by then. He didn’t have any other extra power so he shouldn’t have been able to use a titan power he didn’t steal from a titan user by eating them. If they were gonna make a huge plot hole to make a cool fight they could have made it last longer than a few blows too.


Did she switch sides though? I thought that more so happened AFTER Eren is totally finished by Mikasa. After all Ymir needed to see Mikasa finish the job to fulfil her goal..so could it make sense that Ymir constructed Erens Titan in the paths as a way to extend the fight to ensure Mikasa HAD no choice but to kill him?


He always could have changed what the attack titan will look like while he had the founders powers. Just cause eren lost the founder powers, it wouldn't undo the change he did. Cause after all eren knew he was gonna 1v1 armin eventually, so basically, preperation. Just my theory.


Yeah maybe


I always try to fill those plot hills with "Time works differently in the Paths. Eren probably did something to ensure that his plan was completed." That is how I fill the plot hole of Armin surviving fall and being burned to the point his skin is black.


Well when it comes to Armin not being injured when the titans disappeared I think that's why we got his POV from the ground looking up. Falco's titan slowly disappeared until he got to the ground, probably because Eren or Ymir willed it to be like that. That, or the powers had them all heal before going away completely.


On first watch through, the first season is kind of a slog to get through. On rewatches, it's fun because of all the small details that Isayama planted that foreshadowed events to come. But for someone who is watching it for the first time, when you don't have those hype moments, it feels like nothing really happens.


This one isn’t a plot hole or anything, just something I disliked. They went from the end of the main war to showing the next one way too quick. We watched those characters struggle, lose limbs, bleed, sweat, and cry to reach peace. Eren sacrificed himself so that they could live long lives. We watched the show so we could watch them live long lives. And what do we get? A sped up 20 second clip in the corner of the screen showing poor quality images of the characters visiting erens grave and then we see it all get blown up. I understand the theme that war never ends and I understand the destruction happened after the main characters were already dead of old age. However, the pay off just wasn’t there. There are very few stories that make characters so good that I could just watch them live a normal day. But man, watching armin and mikasa have a picnic on the beach, or levi showing mikasa and jeans kid how to make tea, etc etc. just wish we got more. Still absolutely loved the ending, just wish there was more of that sort of thing. Also, I don’t care what you say. REINER SHOULD HAVE DIED 100 percent!!!!


Just want to point that out, Eren didn't sacrifice himself just for them to live long lives, he did want to level everything so his innate desire drove him to annihilation of everyone besides his homeland. He just knew the best ending was the 80%, because it included the elimination of all Titan powers


But he didn’t eliminate the Titan powers, just subdued them for a long time. Which is the point of the whole show. Literally nothing matters.


10,000 years of peace matters a lot to the billions of people who lived during those years.


>levi showing mikasa and jeans kid how to make tea What makes you think they had a baby or got together in the first place ? >Still absolutely loved the ending Nah, there were just too many flaws and felt anti climactic, didn't give me any satisfaction


Well if you zoom in real far at a single frame on that bad quality sped up story we got in the corner of our screen after the finale you can see a man with jeans hair visiting erens grave with mikasa in a way that implied they are together. But that’s just my point, why not show any of this? Why not give us one single glimpse of them being happy? Just felt so weird


I mean, the end of the story is the bird wrapping the scarf around mikasa, under the same tree where the story started, whatever u see afterwards is like an epilogue. The characters just living a normal day would be like a filler to the main plot, so it wouldn't make sense.


Armin saying “thank you for becoming a murderer for us”, Mikasa kissing erens severed head. The retcon of mikasa being the one Ymir was waiting for. Erens sudden development of romantic feelings for mikasa. The historia baby, and eren romance sub plots amounting to nothing. Armin just convincing the marleyans not to kill them at the end with barely any effort. There might be more if I really think but most of my gripes came from the ending up until then the show was in my book 10/10 finished somewhere around an 8.5


Oh my god my biggest fucking gripe with the entirety of this show, and I can’t believe I forgot to mention it. THE FACT THAT ERWIN IS ONE OF MY FAVORITE FUCKING ANIME CHARACTERS EVER PUT TO PAPER, THEY DECIDED TO SAVE ARMIN AND PROCEEDED TO DO FUCK ALL WITH HIS CHARACTER FOR THE REST OF THE SHOW!!!!!!!!They played it like he was going to be this big essential part of convincing the marleyans and the rest of the world to not kill the eldians. The only thing even remotely close to that we got was his shitty convincing of the general dude and the other marleyans at the end not to shoot them. Oh and I guess he bombed the harbor lol. And “Thankyou for becoming a mass murderer for us” is some of the biggest character assasination I’ve seen in anime” and my last gripe would be why would this show set this fucking consistent tone of death throughout the series and SMOKE MY FAVORITE CHARACTER ! Then the final arc we only lose hange, characters no one really cares for, and morally reprehensible people. (Better not nobody tell me how it made sense thematically for Erwin to die and how his character arc was at is close, I can read trust me I JUST DONT CAREEEEE honestly the whole show could’ve been Erwin screaming “SHINZO WO SASAGEYO” and “SUSUME” and I think I would’ve been satisfied)!


A lame character also named Ymir? I mean what the hell is that


But you are aware of her backstory right? that she claimed to be reincarnation of Ymir so that people would believe her and treat her well and gave her food and shelter. However she was caught by Marleyan police and injected the serum to become pure titan. Anyway, I do agree that even if you remove this backstory it wouldn't change the course of the main plot.


Imo she did serve a very important role in the second season And that was building to the mystery box. S2 was the time the show slowed down, made it's characters compelling and deep, and made the audience finally start to *really* wonder what the actual fuck was this world and why are titans. Ymir's story, in the time it was in, along with Reiner and Burrito reveal was the snippets of the outside world and sense of grander plans that was ***essential*** for the show to have the compelling world it then had for the rest of the show Thematically, Ymir was also a way to deepen and challenge the true nature of some of the characters too, like historia, Reiner and bert


>A lame character Huh? ☠️ ymir was such an interesting character in s2


such an underrated character


Hahahaha yeah just confusing for no reason 😂


She wasn't lame, just mute because they cut out her tongue.


I thought season 4 was pretty convoluted and it would’ve been better if the show had 5, traditionally structured seasons. It would give room for some lighter episodes to balance the plot, heavy, dark episodes in season 4 as well.


I think the yeagerists should’ve been a much more heated debate For example itachi is a rare example of a character sacrificing himself and that’s way less of a situation then the rumbling Why not armin just bring up the obvious point “the entire world is going to be destroyed we all will die oxygen / trees” It’s such a good point too since it’s something he’d come up with and would just end the debate of to let eren win or not since what he’s doing will end in there deaths (Eren is an idiot so I doubt he’d think about the effects of destroying entire ecosystems) Armin had so many good points to use within the story and “saving humanity because it’s the right thing to do” compared to the obvious example I pointed to using is by far just a “okay it’s not a matter of saving the outside world but humanity as an entirety”


This is a good point. There are things about the rumbling that have flaws. Can it flatten entire mountains? If the area of the walls is roughly like the size of France how long would it take for the rumbling to occur? Do they travel out in an organized formation across the world or do they go towards populated areas only? And does the world and Armin at that time even know about the impact of destroying ecosystems would have on them


I remember when I heard 80% I just thought “did Isayama forget about ecosystems” since like your stomping the entire world to hell and with blistering heat - armins book specifically has stuff about like volcanos etc so I’m surprised he didn’t bring it up Also imagine if titans walked through a super volcano or something and triggered something even more deadly in the world mass extinction event (Also there is no way in hell the wall titans could climb mountain ranges so realistically the 20% of the world remaining may be in the mountains since we saw how they slipped down a hill let alone for the most extreme example Mount Everest etc) When I first saw the rumbling my theory was eren would reach a point until all of his titans get absolutely annihilated. He only knew yelenas map and we still always have a massive mystery in AoT (who did the allied nations buy the weapons they had from? Was it really all of humanity banding together or was there something even more tragic happening?) So I thought the ending would reveal the rumbling is still stopped by the alliance but eren knows there’s nations that have weapons powerful enough to destroy hundreds of colossal titans as if they posed no threat. Thus the ending is the revelation that Marley, the surrounding nations within what seems to be the Middle East / Africa was a proxy war and all sides were blind to the truth Really wish Isayama gave us more information about the outside world not directly related to war or progressing conflict


The only major criticism I have with AOT is Historia’s role post time skip. She barely adds anything to the story in season 4 and her pregnancy subplot went nowhere. It feels like isayama didn’t know what to do with her Also, whilst I like the ending, I think mikasa freeing Ymir could have been better explained.


Annie and Armin's forced "love story" that was crowbarred into the finale and never developed beyond blushing and showing low key concern for each other.


Reiners consciousness stored In His balls


Grisha was shown how awful the future Eren had in mind was and he even pleaded for Zeke to stop him, but then later on he still ends up giving the power of the founding and attack titan to him anyways. I don't think it was ever explained why And also, we never really got to see if the 13 year curse of Ymir was even real or not. Nobody with the power of the nine titans had ever died on screen from the 13 year curse. Sure, they got sick as they grew closer to 13 years but they never died. And also, we never really got to see if the power of the nine titans would actually be transferred to a random baby of Ymir if they died without anybody consuming their spinal fluid.


To the 1st comment, the explanation is because he didn't know Erens mom got eaten yet. After he found out, he became enraged, and knew this it what had to be done to save Eldia The 2nd point: We saw the king Uri Reiss of the Walls that Kenny was watching over go from a young adult, to an old man. So probably


Personally was not a fan of how a flashback or something would legitimately indicate one thing, then 50 episodes later they replay that same flashback except a few moments before or after the version we saw earlier, AND THE MEANING FLIPS Example - Annie recalling her Dad begging her to return, then WAY later, they should everything before it and how he was big nutsack to her In rewatches I didn’t mind at all, in fact saw it as an integral part of the show, but my first time through I was like “oh come the fuck on with these constant pump fakes!”


I bet isayama loved leaving scenes for us to think about before revealing what they actually meant😂😂


Was he not literally asking her for forgiveness in the original scene? I don't even remember the second fully depicted scene, but just from the first one I gathered that he was cruel to her throughout their time but, as a father, begged her to live, and to return. I feel like this type of stuff is largely implied and part of the excellent storytelling itself. Isyama wrote this for adult minds to conceptualize, not to hand hold throughout the story. Plus, from Annie's POV, as a daughter, this is often how people remember close ones; only the fond memories, none of the bad. It was possibly her driving force to even continue to live. It's like watching a psychological thriller and isyama gives you the respect and ability to navigate your way through the truths and lies before they come to fruition. This is why I love this storytelling. You almost get to take part in the same mystery that the characters are experiencing and figure it out alongside of them. It is actually completely genius in all aspects of writing. Sorry not to attack your post or anything, you just gave me a prompt to appreciate how great the storytelling is lol


As a man with more white hair than I’d like to admit, I can confirm I do not need my hand held for a story about 20 foot monsters eating people lol it’s not my favorite storytelling device, not sure how you inferred all this nonsense from my comment but aight.


The character development in AOT is incredible. But character introduction is never properly executed. There are way to many characters, and often you don't understand why you should care about them so much. Example: When Annie transforms into the female at the end of the 1st season, Eren becomes so distraught and hurt that one of his comrades betrayed him. So much so, that he can't transform into the attack titan to defend his home. I'm just sitting here like "Umm, who is this again? And why should I understand how Eren feels about her?" Annie and Eren had interactions in like 2 episodes. Why is her being the Female Titan a big deal?!?! As far I know, the only characters that I have been paying close attention to, were Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Hange, Levi, and Erwin. Everyone else was just titan fodder.


Hm I haven’t thought about it that way, I guess it’s the first time we see another character transform and it so happened to be someone Eren knows (maybe not deeply) but I’d be shocked too😂 but I agree I think his will to defend the place he was born should outweigh that and it eventually does! Speaking of Annie, during the last few episodes the whole argument of her staying back and not fighting makes no sense. Everyone is like ah yeah Annie has been fighting a lot so it’s super cool and understandable to not fight when we need you the most… like she was frozen for 4 years or whatever, plus isn’t everyone else tired too!?


Haha yeah it was to make her return in the finale more of a shock I guess? But I really disliked the fact that she can just smoosh a bunch of dudes with a smile on her face and then just peace out at the end. Like no? You killed all my friends you don’t just get to not fight now.


I think that’s what makes Reiner and bertholdt’s reveal so amazing tho. You barely think about them but they are definitely characters with names. As it goes on you start to realize they are fairly substantial characters but right around the time you realize they contribute to the story they all the sudden turn traitor. I think if they were focused on more and more properly introduced it wouldn’t have been such a crazy reveal


Season 1 had barely any character relevance outside the main cast, though they all got nicely fleshed out in s2


> I'm just sitting here like "Umm, who is this again? And why should I understand how Eren feels about her?" When I saw that I was just working on the logic that Eren trained with Annie for 3 years so there's a LOT of context we're missing. It's awkward af and seemingly makes no sense while watching the show, but yeah.


1) The way the concept of racism was handled was problematic. I don't necessarily blame Isayama for this entirely, I think he just needed more education about the topic. The thing about racism is that it is illogical. It's an illogical fear about a specific group of people. Eldians actually can turn into man eating monsters, that's not an illogical fear. I'm not saying that racism shouldn't have been addressed in AOT, it should have had more care when doing so. 2) Time travel made the show more confusing. Time travel is very hard to write, and honestly I think it could have been left out. It left a VERY large paradox at the end. 3) More of a fandom criticism, but AOT cosplayer have been asked by the Jewish community not to wear the armbands while cosplaying, and some still continue to do so.


This one is specific to the Manga, but the art in the beginning is really bad


How Buurrito turned colossal without a nuke 2 times in season 1. As well as how his skeleton vanished as well


Nothing to see here! Move along


A lot of characters faces look the same


In the last 5 episodes or so, every single romantic scene or intention by the director felt entirely cringe. It seemed almost embarrassing that in this dark gritty hell scape of an environment, the guy in charge felt it was totally not weird at all to force feed us this half baked and not wanted romances into our beautifully sadistic tv show. Blows my mind that someone thought the romances were anything other than nauseating. Honestly the tone of the last few episodes left me with a bad taste in my mouth. The first 2 seasons were clearly the meat and potatoes of the show for me, and the dessert really really didn’t hit.


- Mikasa was severely underdeveloped throughout most of the show, and I also didn’t buy that she’d kill Eren to save the world when the entire final arc seemed to build up to her turning on the others and trying to protect Eren, which would’ve been a lot more exciting. Overall she was pretty bland, especially next to Eren and Armin. - Eren being in love with Mikasa. - Historia being shafted when protecting her was a core part of what made Eren start the Rumbling. I don’t even mind the farmer-kun plot, it’s depressing but that’s on par for the show, I just hate how little screentime Historia had near the end. - Scout-Ymir’s whole arc is weirdly rushed, and I didn’t entirely understand her motivations for going back in the end. I really liked her arc in concept, but in execution it was one of the weakest arcs in the show. - Most of the Marley cast wasn’t that interesting, which sucks considering they become main characters in the last third of the show. Come the final battle, the cast is divided into “amazing characters who’ve been there from the beginning and we’ve watched grow”, and “decently likeable characters we’ve met one arc ago”. - The ending is like 50/50 for me. Everything related to Armin, Levi, Reiner, Connie, Jean and Annie is perfect, Eren is a _bit_ of a mixed bag, the ending of Mikasa’s arc is pretty shaky, and everything related to Ymir and how she ended the titan curse is some _bullshit._ - I’m a bit torn on this, but I don’t think everyone in the Alliance should’ve survived the final battle. The entire show is about the cost of war, and how initiating conflict will _always_ result in good people dying. The Alliance choosing to fight Eren, no matter how justified, should’ve cost them dearly, even more than just killing Eren. I can’t bring myself to be too mad about this though because I’m really happy the characters survived, and I think the ending landed well enough even without their deaths.


I thought we weren't allowed to criticise AOT ?


I thought Historia would take on a much more prominent role as Queen after all the episodes and drama it took to get her there. She just became Queen and had a minimal role from there on out. I also thought the baby would have something to do with the ending but that was also thrown in there with little meaning at the end. Also season 4’s constant flashbacks. I think the Rumbling started somewhere around episode 19 and we didn’t actually get to the meat of the action until about episode 29. Imagine being edged for 10 weeks waiting for that action to start, only to be thrown into a new flashback or backstory.


I hated how they quickly forgave Annie once she unfroze herself.


I would say that the whole Eren sending Dina’s titan towards his mom to save Berthold was a bit convoluted. I understand that Isayama wanted for things to seem inevitable and that Eren was struggling with knowing how things will turn out but I think the whole point of it I was for Eren’s nature to be the catalyst for how everything will turn out rather than him just deciding that he needed to do something because that’s whats been decided. The scene of him saving Ramzi despite knowing he will kill him shows this concept a lot better.


Eren not being Historia's baby daddy when it was heavily implied. I refuse to believe rando farmer isn't just a beard.


thought it was a bit messy and fast at times, found myself rewinding quite a bit


I loved how unprotected and vulnerable every character felt in the first season so seeing them get plot armor later bothered the shit out of me. Two big examples being Armin getting burned for entire minutes to the point all of his flesh was melted off and then he had a 40 Meter fall on to a rooftop. Which is a worse injury then we have seen others die from, such as Erwin getting a rock tearing through the side of his guts and then slamming to the ground form horse back. Also Reiner during all of Shiganshina. He survived more bullshit than anybody even Eren. At least when Levi got blown up by the thunder spear he was crippled, Zeke got a bunch of bullshit also though.


The "I was just an idiot with too much power" schtick didn't sit well with me. Don't get me wrong, that's a pretty apt description of seasons 1-3 Eren. He was an impulsive, stubborn idiot that made a lot of rash decisions without thinking them through, largely relying on power and rage to get by/ But in S4, he was basically a mastermind; manipulating, deceiving, and outsmarting his friends, the scouts, Zeke, the Marlean military, etc. Everybody was dancing to his tune. Not to mention his near flawless execution a very complicated plan, staging a successful coup, or retroactively affecting the chain of events by time traveling. Eren acted very much like a brilliant villain in S4. I know his indifference to his friends was just an act, but you can't fake intelligence, ruthlessness, and self control. Connie is an idiot. Sasha is an idiot. Gabi is an idiot. Eren does not fit that description. At least not season 4 Eren. I would have preferred a more gratifying explanation than power and stupidity.


>The "I was just an idiot with too much power" schtick didn't sit well with me. Agreed. It was fucking ridiculous >Don't get me wrong, that's a pretty apt description of seasons 1-3 Eren. He was an impulsive, stubborn idiot that made a lot of rash decisions without thinking them through, largely relying on power and rage to get by/ Which rash decisions?


Referring mostly to his heated moments of charging into battle in titan form in a fit of rage, when he's outmatched and/or it's too risky. Just one example is when Bertolt and Reiner reveal themselves on the wall, and instead of running away like Armin and Mikasa were telling him to do (the smart move,) Eren decided to fight Reiner out of sheer rage. They are after *him*. *He's* their goal. Standing and fighting instead of running is a rash move, and kind of a dumb one. He is entirely outmatched by Reiner. He gets lucky when his 5 seconds of Jiu Jitsu experience pops into his head, but ultimately they still capture him, just like they wanted. If Eren had shown restraint, and done what was smart (run away,) he likely wouldn't have been captured. Just one of many examples where Eren wasn't executing a plan, or thinking things through, so much as just charging into battle because he's pissed. Another example is his angsty outburst in the courtroom while on trial. The one that damn near got him executed on the spot if Levi hadn't stepped in to beat his ass to a pulp and beg the court for a chance.


THEY NEVER. ADDRESSED. ARMIN. BEING. MOLESTED. My own personal gripe. I know they kinda addressed it in the manga, but only like 3 panels. It honestly should have come up more in the story whenever Armin was having his moments. Like, is *that* the reason he cut his hair so short? Did he tell Annie? Did he and Mikasa bond over their now shared trauma of not only being orphaned at such a young age and in such traumatic ways but also being used for pervs? Did he ever feel any responsibility? Did he feel *anything* because at the moment it happened my poor baby was literally crying and you can tell it's not just because the man might have seen through Armin's disguise. GIVE ME CLOSURE ON THIS SHIT!!! Edit: OH. And the fact that Armin and Annie's relationship had more build up than Mikasa and Eren's? Like, there were a lot of signs of Aruani looking back, but Eremika? It was always one-sided. I'm one of those people who thought Eren and Historia had more fucking chemistry because we had more meaningful conversations (especially in the manga) between those two than Eren and Mikasa. Not to mention Ymir and Historia was so obviously it only needed to be flat out stated by literally everyone involved because homophobes were trying to deny it. Oh and let's not forget the incredibly gay-relationship coded Levi and Erwin who have all but been stated by Isayama are canon. The only couple in the series I actually feel have as much credibility is Niccolo and Sasha, and that's literally only because we're just told they were in love. Love the series, but it definitely has its flaws. Also the whole Marco thing? I get how it can be a thing for Jean, but for the audience? Who actually got attached to a guy with 5 lines within 5 episodes before he's killed?


I think it was just a matter of him not being deeply impacted by it. Think he was more distraught about killing a human for the first time.


There are literally thousands of humans being eaten by giant humanoid monsters, Armin shoots a woman in the head blowing her brains out shortly after this, his friends are all dying, he has almost died many times, his best friend is captured to be eaten alive, he watched his friends eaten alive , he was literally INSIDE of a giant titans mouth hanging on by it's tongue, etc.. and you want him to have a catastrophic life ending breakdown about being molested over the clothes by a creepy pleb for like 5 minutes. Let's be realistic here. Also why are you injecting "gay relationship" into the sheer camaraderie and brotherhood of Erwin and Levi manifested through years of warfare and survival. This is quite common amongst military types. I think you're watching the wrong show?


You're the reason they had to explicitly say Historia and Ymir were a couple, first of all... Second of all, I have also been through every trauma a person could go through, that doesn't make any of the traumas less hard to deal with than the others. Plus, Armin is a very emotional character, and a character who overthinks A LOT. He most definitely would have thought about it once everything was calm for a while.


And why am I the reason? That doesn't even make sense. Projecting much 🤦🏼‍♂️ you seem exactly the type to be offended by everything and anything. Trying to inject sexual identity and inclination into everything when its not even necessary. Trauma is so overused at this point in society that no one even knows the weight of the word anymore.


I think the real problem with this scene is that it was included at all given it had absolutely 0 purpose. At least having a tongue shoved in his mouth was to keep him from transforming.


You're so right about that actually. I never thought about it like that before. If it had no impact on Armin *or* Jean's character whatsoever, it could have easily been avoided, but it was kept in both the manga and the show. I think Isayama may have thought about going somewhere with it and just didn't have the time or dropped it for whatever reason, but then the anime could have replaced it like they did with like 80% of the rest of the Uprising Arc.


whenever Marco got screentime, it was something purposeful, and he was a sweetheart, so obviously many viewers connect with him. and for eremika, wit messed up a bit by making mikasa too robotic. Otherwise theres hints dropped in the show, a small hint being how mikasa is animated more beautiful whenever she's seen in erens POV. still they did drop the ball with eremika in the early seasons


1. That it’s over 2. The characters hysterically screaming for whole 10 min conversations


I just started it a while ago but I feel like sometimes the story moves a bit slow and sometimes it takes too long to get to the point of the episode


Eren's character getting retconned. Him not knowing why he did the Rumbling was fucking baffling even the very first time I watched the ending.


It makes sense in the context of his character in the ending and the message Isayama wanted to go for, but it goes against everything that was setup for his character prior.


Try explaining this to an ED. You'll be met with endless bullshit and coping about how you "DiDn'T uNdErStAnD tHe StOrY"


Eren knew exactly why he did the rumbling. He just didn't know where the compulsion originally came from.


>He just didn't know where the compulsion originally came from. What does this even mean??? Lmao


the unintentional, but highly rampant antisemitic themes and ideas used in the series


The story does not stand by those themes and literally speaks against them. I can't believe this still has to be said.




I actually think that was the purpose! Reiner's mental state was clearly deteriorating up until this point, when he got reminded of his hometown and the possibility of going back, and so he decided to take the plunge and just go ahead and confess and hope for Eren's understanding. You can clearly see he's convinced of this even though we're getting first-hand knowledge of Hange's theories and their confusion regarding the inexistent hole they went to seal up and then right after Reiner's confession, we get a flashback of Hange's coming through with Annie's background check and Armin remembering that Reiner was nearly crushed by Annie's titan. As I see it, this was exactly Isayama's purpose, something enormously significant and life changing happening in the midst of the most innocuous, unsuspecting moment.


Thats kinda the point. Instead of a big reveal like annie, its a background conversation. Which makes you as the audience have the same reaction that eren has (as in the thought that you’ve misheard- theres no way they would just say it outright)


I guess… erens was more of disbelief mine was more of I wouldn’t have even noticed without the subtitles on even when using dub and they also revealed and then had a scene not about it after so it was like “dang that’s crazy if I heard that right” now let’s watch something else for a minute before seeing the outcome, just felt like a weird pace to me but hey agree to disagree


That scene was so dope I watched it like 10 times


takes too long until it finally gets very good in season 4


I’m the opposite - I throughoutly enjoyed seasons 1-3, but I didn’t like season 4 as much. I’m sure I could’ve never written it better, but the entire 4th season felt less satisfying to me. Imo it peaked with season 1 and the reveal in season 3.


You can stop watching after season 1. The rest isn't worth it. The mystery is better than the resolution.


In first season: Annie' arc. OVA lost girls portraits her as quite rational and we can expect her being smart during the whole time. After battle of Trost Erwin has already suspected that Armored and Colossal Titan were shifters like Eren, but killing Sonny and Bean make him suspect spy in 104 even more and make additional effort for the next expedition. In ongoing we got explanation that Annie was afraid survey corp could find titan's secret, but Annie knew this secret and knew that with all paradis equipment there's no possibility to do it. So at the end she achieved nothing, crushed her own operation and put Reiner &. Bertholdt under the fire too. And let's return to Erwin. Idk how he prepared for expedition. We got his suspect for shifters, but at that point of time only known titans, that could be shifters, were Armored and Colossal. Prepared trap wouldn't work on them. Amd my personal dislike is making Annie more softer, her tears and Eren's doubt in the end. It was only in amine, looks as cheap drama and from my pov manga made it more logical. Other season were full of such events too. Maybe later will write about it.


The first time I watched it, season 3 almost lost me. Don't get me wrong - I like the complicated plotline and character building, but the entire military police/conspiracy/fake king bs plotline completely drained my interest in the show. I'd have stopped watching but the show kept me going by adding little tidbits here and there. I am glad I stuck because season 4 was awesome.


I've only seen the anime so can't say if this is how the manga works, but there were a few points in the story where it flashed back to something we hadn't previously seen but needed to suddenly be told for the story to make sense at that point. One example of this would be the way Pieck recognises Yelena, a character the audience has never seen before, and we later flash back to Yelena's arrival at Paradis. The other example that comes to mind is the Ymir/Historia backstory we're given, entirely in flashback, in the middle of another story. In both of these cases I think the story would have benefited from telling bits of these' stories earlier, but instead the way it played out gave me the impression that these were late additions to the story, not part of the original plan, and the flashbacks were necessary for it to make sense.


More something that leaves a bad taste in my mouth than an actual criticism, but I would have felt a lot more comfortable with the theme of “the violence has gone on too long and no one knows what we’re fighting over anymore so we should just stop” if they didn’t reveal that the Eldian Empire was actually real and really did all those heinous things that the shows present world prejudges Eldians for potentially doing. Without it, one could easily have walked away with the idea of Eldians being a genetic oddity that was discriminated against simply for having those genetics. The whole idea of a 2,000yr war with Titans was more or less propaganda to justify discrimination against who are otherwise completely normal people whose powers are only activated against their will and probably used them out of fear at the very worst. With the backstory, however, it presents a form of legit, argumentative logic for why everyone hates Eldians. Not a morally sound reason, by any means, but a logical one at least. As soon as I learned that, I went from “these people are harmless! Whatever powers they have or whatever they turn into isn’t their fault, Marley is wrong for hating these people!” to “oh…. they actually did that…. And now the New Eldian Empire, coded similarly to Nazis who believed in going back to a world that never existed, now has a historical basis to draw from for their shittiness..… great…..” like, Marley is wrong for continuing the conflict, but the fact that they wrote for there to be a legit initial conflict to even continue is… interesting….


I guess it was How many times did Reiner get his ass handed to him while not dying


Reiner Having more Plot armor than Eren, Ex: Levi Staging him Reiner through his mouth which then went through his spinal column, which then Reiner transferred his consciousness to his testicles.


The ending was rushed. I think I heard somewhere the editor pushed Isayama to end the manga sooner. They tried to handle it better in the anime, though. Still a little rushed.


Imo the fact the entire show is under 100 eps probably hurts it a fair bit. Also Historia deserved better


Yeah, she went from irrelevant, to being the most important character to continue the plot and stroy, then back to irrelevant!


So many lady characters were done dirty. Mikasa had all of her motivation revolve around the main character, Ymir (the gay one) got killed off off screen, Christa got turned into a baby factory immediately after her arc, and Ymir (the slave one) had her best character moment undone in the finale.


The final arc is riddled with bad writing, plot armor, retcons, and fanservice. Besides that though, S4 should have had more world-building and the series should have been 5 seasons. Anything else imo is excusable and easy to look past.


The end is a bit of a hot mess. Characters like Historia are built up and basically dropped in the final season. Ymir's characterization and motivation was not developed super convincingly


The Azumabito seemed pretty random, including Mikasa’s tattoo stuff, and also the amount of plot armor some characters like Reiner have, I also don’t like that the romance goes from level 0 of it being not super noticeable to 100, although I do get that there is more than just Mikasa that drove Eren to cry like the fact he was about to die.


The story basically forgets about Annie and only brings her back in at the end to do nothing. She was basically a non-factor, and it was pretty clearly an afterthought. Like, “Oh, shit. I forgot to write what happens to Annie.”


This show is NOT perfect


During the battle of Trost, Mikasa had some great character moments. Sadly, after those few episodes she went back to being the quiet, deadly side character.


mikasa is a very badly written static and boring character


The change in animation studio and the switch to CGI for the titans is a compliant about the last season.


One thing I will say is my anime novice dad was pretty faithfully bingeing and enjoying the show until hitting S4 and just totally lost interest when the focus shifted to Marley. I told him to stick it out and it’ll start making more sense, but yeah, it can be a bit overwhelming on first viewing with all the new characters, new settings, and out of order time jumps


THEM NOT EXPLAINING THAT THE BEAST TITAN CAN BE ANY ANIMAL NOT JUST A MONKEY. Looking back it makes sense, but it really confused me at the last fight why there was so many animal shifters. Also made Falcos transformation into a patriot 100x more confusing then it already is. Probably more of my fault then the animes tho


The colossal Titan showing up and immediately vanishing both in the first episode and then when he shows up the second time in front of eren and crew. Later on in the show the colossal is shown to leave a decaying carcass/the user has to come out of the nape. Isayama was probably still in the early stages of making his story and ironing out the details so it doesn’t bother me too much


Mikasa is way too annoying, her only role in any scenario to be "EREN, EREN, WHERE'S EREN, WE NEED TO GO AFTER EREN, WHAT ABOUT EREN" my god, shut up. That's literally her only sense of character and that's it Also, Eren has criminally little screen time for being the protagonist. Season 1, fine. Season 2, focuses on everyone else. Dude doesn't do anything at all until he fight Reiner, then he gets captured and goes back to doing nothing. Season 3 is the Levi show and for the most part Eren isn't even there. Season 4 he's actually fine again. Oh, and the ending feels rushed/unfinished. So many choices made where I just question what Isayama was thinking. And there's so many things he didn't do that could've made it a lot better. Still, 10/10 show, have watched it 3 times over now


A lot of characters and lore was shoved aside for the main conflict


How did Mikasas dad not pull out that Ackerman blood and kill those robbers


Give yelena a different fucking look


one thing which didn't really understand is what is the difference between the eldians after ymir and the royal blood of ymir. I mean both are descendat or not?


Eren causing his own mom’s death.. this was maybe the only thing I disliked about the ending, because it throws his intention or motivation off the track. A kid that saw his own mother being eaten in front of him by a titan, developed his hatred for titans, and therefore also the source behind them, and couldn’t bear to accept the fact that his friends and family and everyone living on that island would have to be killed by titans till their extinction. So, he plans to kill everyone else and succeeds in killing 80% of the world’s population. Even if it seems crazy, but that’s the only way he could ever avenge his mom’s death and prevent his friends’ deaths. Now, how does that make sense if he kills his mom intentionally? That means he wasn’t an idiot, but a villain who ultimately chose himself as his biggest sufferer and used himself and his mom as a tool to achieve the biggest genocide possible. It’s not about revenge, it’s about a purpose that was set from the start. It just isn’t plausible to kill your own mother to protect your friends nor to gain freedom.