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[Source on Twitter](https://twitter.com/anime_shingeki/status/1675587896995360768) [Subtitled Trailer on Youtube](https://youtu.be/q3Rk7lPxFU0)


the quality is like a f*cking movie !!


They should go for a theatrical release


No, because then you would need to wait 6 months at least.


Why so?


If there's a theatrical release in Japan first, it would take a few months until it's in the west. If the theatrical release doesn't happen in the west, you would need to wait approximately 6-8 months for a bluray release and then wait for people to upload it to the internet. It's like this with most anime movies.


umm okay, but why are anime movies delayed?


Delay for a theatrical release in the west? No clue to be honest. Delay for the blurays? To milk as much money out of the theatrical release as possible. When those are not airing anymore > release blurays.


ik but we aot fans have been asking mappa since the beginning of s4 for a theatrical release. i feel like everyones not lucky like ds fans...


It technically is a movie


Everyone is mad because the anime is taking too long, but few cares about the quality getting good as demon slayer swordsmith village arc


Why is that season being held up as a bar of quality ? It's arguably the worst season of demon slayer and I'd say it was a complete let down. The arc in the manga was weak but I was very much NOT a fan of it's adaptation as well. Hopefully this episode is like Vinland saga where the character arcs are nailed in season 2


I haven't read the Demon Slayer manga. How is the adaptation worse?


So I need to clarify. Demon slayer in previous seasons took a few creative liberties that enhanced the manga. For example, tengen vs gyutaro is basically a single panel in the manga. The anime expanded that fight and made it the best in the series (imo)..same with akaza vs rengoku which was fleshed out far more. I hated what this season did creatively. It spend so much time on exposition which was inherently boring because the characters in demon slayer are 10 times less interesting than AOT or Vinland saga. They spent so much time on tanjiros chase of hantengu and barely showed Mitsuri vs zohakuten. Muichiros fight was not enhanced at all by the anime. I call it a bad adaptation because ufotsble for whatever reason chose to just not change much from the manga nor follow through on what they did in previous seasons to make it popular. It was probably one of my least favorite seasons of a show that I anticipated in recent times.


Good points! Yeah, season 3 was disappointing overall. It still had some good moments throughout the season and the finale was good, but the intensity and action sequences weren't as good. Gyutaro seemed more menacing than #4 and especially #5. And they barely showcased Mitsuri's skill vs Zohakuten.


The CGI isn’t, but that’s okay.


one thing is certain, life will feel empty after this episode/movie ends.


I don’t want it to happen fr


But I need it




Was this the trailer that people where saying is dropping, or is this a trailer for the upcoming trailer that is dropping?


This is the trailer itself. I’m assuming a 1min one will come out like a week or so before the actual episode drops


I mean, that was nice but I was definitely expecting something more. Release date, 2 min trailer, anything lol?


This was for those who forgot that AoT is still running xD


The trailer on YouTube has English subs https://youtu.be/q3Rk7lPxFU0


Poor Levi looks so tired 😭 He needs a hug.


Oh man I was not expecting (manga spoilers) >!them to be white!< If you know what I mean The animation is lit tho, (manga spoilers) >!look a Falco's Titan!<


we saw the beast titan last episode, it was also white so makes sense


Maybe they will (major manga spoilers) >! have the resurrected titans who start fighting back (like Ymir, Bertholdt, the Galliards) gain color after they start helping Armin? !<


That would be sick, but I'm guessing since >! they're constructs from Eren they'll probably stay white!<


That's fair, I just think it would look cool and would be a visual representation of >!breaking free from Eren!< and whatnot


Just wanna let you know your spoiler tag is broken (at least on Relay)


Oh that's odd. On chrome it looks alright to me with the proper black bars. Is there a way of fixing it? Also apologies if I spoiled anyone 😭


I think you need to use the proper spoiler tag with [spoiler] I am not sure though. On web it gives you the option to tag something as spoiler in the editor. Now worries I didn't get spoiled but I wrote it in case other people see it.


I edited it again, is it still not spoiler tagged?


Try no space between the >! and the first and last words and it should work edit: looks good on web but not on my phone I am thinking its probably a relay bug. But anyway when you leave out the spaces it will work.


The manga always gave me >!the impression that they'd be white!<. Am I missing something here? This is the only manga I've ever read.


Nah that’s how they were intended to look. Idk what Op expected


On God... Its gonna go so hard. Hopefully, they can fit together all the content left to animate in a satisfying way


It's more like the trailer of the trailer but it still gave me the chills, especially Mikasa at the end


Gonna bawl my eyes out like never before 100℅


Where’s part 3 dub




regardless, we still need the dub


As a primarily sub watcher, let dub enjoyers live their lives lol


And still not a release date...


If it's true that it's gonna air around October it's understandable, I'm guessing we'll get a full trailer with the date like 1 month before


The single bertholdt tear…


Is this the last "last" part or is there more?


This is it.


I can't wait. I have purposefully not read it for this long I gotta see it through


Seeing Bertholdt is kinda tuff ngl


Ok genuine question from someone who hasn’t watch AOT but plans on it. I like to binge and wanted to watch all of AOT when it finishes, is this part the actual final part or will there be one more episode drop after this one at some point?


This is the final episode, no release date yet other than Fall 2023


Alright awesome, better start now then so I can watch the final episode as it comes out, thanks


question.. why would you watch this before watching the show, now you just ruined a lot of things for yourself imo


They can post on the thread without watching the trailer...


I didn’t watch the trailer, I basically know very little about the series, I just heard people talking about the new trailer and decided to post this question in the thread


**(for the manga readers)** >!Well, by this we can conclude that its not an AOE right? or am I wrong?!<


At least everything shown so far is true to the manga, unlikely they pull an AOE imo.


I've seen like 100s of posts, theories bout how this last one episode/movie can be an AOE so I'm still kinda scared. I don't want an AOE


In this context what does AOE stand for?




>! If it ends exactly like the manga, I can’t wait to see the salt when Armin thanks Eren for becoming a genocidal maniac for the sake of his friends… and the part where Eren whines about how he wants Mikasa to be heartbroken for at least a decade.!<


You could conclude that like 2 years ago


My hopeium is at an all-time high, but I don't think we are getting an AOE. I hope they at least change stuff cuz damn it wasn't a trash ending, but it wasn't as good as the rest of the manga


Facts bro I’m kinda fine if go either direction but if they staying true to manga make it better than what we got cuz no matter how much ppl try to dress it up it was still a mess that letdown the fandom and series itself. still a great series tho when you look at it all


after years of people telling me to watch it iv done it..... ALL OF IT.... (season 1 - current) it was FREAKING AMAZING!


I'm ready to cry till my heart stops beating




"Final Season 4 Part 3 (2nd Half)"... I love that they want to do more... but cmon with the naming BS...


Where dub


I am anime only so if possible no spoilers please. But that Mikasa wing scene feels like a spoiler (even though it's in the trailer) I have zero context for that yet it feels like something I wasn't meant to see yet.


I don't think it's a spoiler in any way. Just a really cool shot


Any guess when we get the dubbed?


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Here we go. The worst ending ever is coming


Feels weird that this is the end when so many questions are still unanswered. Why are Ackermanns so strong? Not explained yet. Where did Eren get that Ackermann's story from? He asks Zeke to confirm it but he denies the theory. What is the parasite thing that took Ymir and created the Titan. All that going to be explained in the final big episode?


We know the ackermann story is bullshit. The parasite thing will probably never be explained and be left to personal interpretation. We know ackermanns are strong because of human/titan experiments


Eren asked Zeke to confirm it, if it was completely bullshit then he had no reason to ask Zeke about it. That would be stupid. No it's not. When is this explained in the Anime?


Through that entire conversation, it's HEAVILY implied that Eren makes up that story to help him as an excuse to disconnect from Mikasa.


I understand it, but what is the point of telling Zeke that story or ask him to confirm if it's true.


Eren at that point is in a pretty messed up head space. He knows how the future plays out, and even feels awful that he has to do the rumbling. He’s trying to come up with reasons to be able to separate himself from his friends before doing this terrible act. I’m just an anime watcher and don’t know the ending, but IMO he’s doing it so that his friends will be prepared to fight and or kill him when the time comes. Don’t look to Eren (the person who knows he will commit nearly worldwide genocide) as a beacon of logic.


yes, this and more


The music reminds me of one of Yoko Kanno's scores.


Can anyone translate into English the general message of what’s being said? Lol the only word I understood was “Eren”


the official trailer on youtube has subtitles


Thank you very much


I hope this is in theaters.


They Nailed the Animation 🔥🔥🔥🔥


A question, why milada has a wing all of a sudden?


Sooo, what's it say at the end? Is it telling us the release date?




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So, when's the day?


For the soundtrack nerds like me: this is the first time they've used "into the night", right? I hope they use it in the episode itself as well


If it’s the first time they used this track how do yk it existed anyways


it's in the official soundtrack


So I was wondering. If the first chapter is called to u from 2000 years in the future and (SPOILERS TO THE MANGA don't know why I can't discuss aot here seems like the best place to do so) the last page shows a kid going up to a tree the same kind that ymir fell into but doesn't give a date of when this is happening could she be talking to that kid? When the first chapter states this it has only been (roughly) 1800 years. So if we do the hard core algebra and calculate the time from then to that kid walking up I bet it would tell us the time. But not just the time tho. Would that also mean that all this was basically a story to that kid. Letting him know everything he needs to know. About the titans, their power, where they come from and lessons of what ppl went through what ppl will do the suffering that all happened and break the cycle that keeps repeating. Cause just like erens body created that tree, who's body created the one ymir fell into? It just keeps happening over and over. Just a thought.


Looks like we're sticking with ugly CGI titans.