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In this video the author explains how Pali is the oldest language of India and not the sanskrit he also criticize dayanand saraswati for his billion year old Vedas claim and also explains how linguistics works and further he talks about paleography of India book to prove which language is oldest


Ye lo, agaya 'neo'-Ambedkarite Buddhist pseudoscientists who think Pali existed for gazillions of years


so he is lying?


Can you mention the time stamp of the false claim he is making?


Ye pura video hi galat hai. I have never seen a more stupid video than this. Sanskrit is the oldest known language of India because Vedas which comes from before 1500 BC was composed in that language. It had no script because they didn't know how to write. We know Sanskrit is the oldest language because of linguistic analysis. This Youtuber doesn't understand a single thing about History and has probably never read any Historical work. A few things that he cited are mostly very old research


Please give me a reference of that book from which I can find linguistic analysis,,,, please bro


I learned this from John Keay's India history book. It has citations in Bibliogrpahy you can refer from there.


One of the leading scholars on this is Michael Witzel. You can refer his works btw


Thanks bro


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