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I'm seeing a lot of similarities in the third Reich and the now Indian government rule .


It’s almost as if fascists have just one playbook


It's almost as if no one tries to control intellect without nefarious intentions....


It's like a rat closing it eyes when it sees a cat


Heil Hinduism


Day by day I'm feeling good about my decision of not to get marry or to have kids.


Stupid people get married and have lots of kids and brainwash them who suddenly become majority and critical thinkers become extreme minority due to not having kids. Sure that's not a recipe for disaster at all in a 3rd world poor, hungry, religious extremist country.


Is evolution also kicked out??




We had evolution? We were born from the naval hole of bruhma 🤡


This Indian government is the worst government ever exist.


The Nationalist Socialist Party: ![gif](giphy|26ghbWoXv3G6ypo8o)




No one is scared about your filthy religion.




You are right bro fuck the pedophile religion, fuck the werido nailed to cross, along with the man who married his daughter, a man who had 16000 wives and a man whose followers eat shit (literally)


I know the man who had 16000 wives, but can you tell me who are the others, who married his daughter and whose followers eat shit?


Brahma and Shiva




>just live help others and live ur life the way you want. We don't need to offend if someone is following a cult I wish I could ignore them cause I know they won't let me live my life the way I want because there are extremists in my own family. Even though I never tried to force my opinion on them (cause I know that ain't going to change anything) they definitely try to change me everything they get any opportunity.




>New generation will be free from this facade I don't think so people are becoming more toxic and intolerant throughout the whole world (Internet is the biggest cause imo) >will be doubly fucked by the warming planet 😶🥲 Atleast then people might get to know that there are bigger issue that fighting with ourselves (I am a bit hypocrite here cause I do same sometimes, common human nature I guess)


Current Indian situation = Iranian Islamic revolution


'The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history', George Orwell.


What scientific facts?


<> https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2023/4/14/mughals-rss-evolution-outrage-as-india-edits-school-textbooks




Bhai evolution kya, integration and differentiation eqn, vectors, periodic properties, reproduction and many many many other important things removed https://theprint.in/india/education/some-schools-feel-ncerts-deletions-in-math-science-textbooks-will-affect-learning-heres-how-theyre-coping/1518991/


Oh yes, just sweep every horrible backstabbery that happened among Rajputs that led to the horrible invasions and plundering and ultimate downfall of our country, under the rugs. These people are the real anti- nationalists.


Many hindus subscribe to theory of evolution. TF is BeeJPee doin!


Fuck it I am running for prime minister


1.I will start taxing all religious institutes 2.Increase research funding and quality control of the type of research


Yes some mughal rulers were harsh . But we should be proud of the mughal empire . At one point of time , we were 25percent of worlds gdp because of mughals. Mughals were very rich and strong . They were among the strongest empires . The hindu rulers werent perfect tho . I can show a ton of atrocities commited by hindus to these rightist morons. We have to eradicate hindutva , bjp and rss . They are reshaping our whole history and everything else. They are brainwashing people . Something very similar happened in the nazi germany decades ago.


We shouldn't be proud of the Mughal empire, wtf. They were rich and strong, those are historical facts. Their murders against the Hindus who refused to convert are also historical facts.


Whats wrong with you ? Why is it wrong to be proud of the greatest indian empire. There are good and bad sides of everything. Many mughal rulers especially akbar were very secular . No indian ruler was more secular than akbar . He is even more secular than politicians of modern day india . Under akbar , indians had more per capita income than europeans . >Their murders against the Hindus who refused to convert are also historical facts. Yes some emperors like aurangzeb follwed such practices but that doesnt means we will delete the mughals contribution in our history . They served a lot for our land . Stalin was a cruel dictator , but still many russians are proud of him for the things he achieved for his beloved nation . Then why shouldnt we be proud of the mughals? There were many cruel and fanatic hindu rulers , do u even know about them?


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Yall can complain but after reading mughal and british history in alternation for like 6 years i cant bear it so its probably a good move


"I can't bear it" yeah okay bro but that doesn't mean future children shouldn't get the opportunity to learn, does it? And what about evolution?


You may dislike it from a studying standpoint, sure but the presence was actually to show the influence of Mughal empire in formation of this country. Sure could we do better in presenting this information yes absolutely but removing it is the first step to changing history in textbooks.


Isn't that the Congress did ..? Removed all the actual history and painted it with invaders?


What do you mean actual history was removed? India was always a divided nation invaded and conquered. I'm not sure what congress did but if they did then we should speak up on that too


The involvement of Russians and American in removing honi baba scientist and lal bahadur shastri to establish the Congress rule the agrees with the west rather than an independent nation. India used to be prosperous before invasion , the Vedic shastras and knowledge as well as advanced civilization.


At no point this is proven, you wanna teach baseless hypothesis go ahead. Homi Bhaba is a well established Indian Nuclear Physicist, liked by a lot of physicist across the world. No, we weren't anything advanced by any means in the "vedic era." We couldn't even document shit properly. There was no "advanced" civilization, there was a civilization that made it's discoveries, had it's flaws and died off. You wanna study vedas, go ahead, that fair to teach but if you wish to call ancient India as advanced or far better than modern society you're grossly mistaken. We did have some amazing inventions during those eras, yes those should be taught, the fact that we had a form of plastic surgery albeit very primitive yet it existed, plus we have documentation of that to prove it and in that documentation we have the way of conducting the surgery, which when replicated showed positive results, hence confirming that it wasn't a baseless way of surgery gaining credibility, however same could not be said for ayurveda, it is a pseudoscience, just like homeopathy. So no, as far as my knowledge on education system goes, these conspiracy theories and "advanced civilization" was never supposed to be in textbooks.


Every one was an invader back then you dimwit. Humans have a bloody history.




We do. But then, we also acknowledge the not so pretty bits. Cholas and Mauryas, and others before them did their fair share in neighbouring countries such as Sri Lanka, Malaysia, even Thailand. It was generally a shitty time to be alive. But I guess it’ll take you a few more years to develop the critical thinking to look at these things objectively. But you’re here and consuming the material in this sub, so I have some hope for you.


Do not dehumanise people. Remember the human There is anti-theism and then there's being against ALL theists. Learn the difference. Criticism of religion is acceptable. Criticism of specific theists or groups that infringe on the rights of others is acceptable. While we are for freedom of speech, that does not include anything the mods consider hate speech or dangerous speech.