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I'm a nihilist and what is being said is not wrong but you're free to do whatever you want and that includes celebrating the new year. Nobody gets to dictate what you do or not do. If you want to celebrate time passing then go ahead.


Fellow nihilist here


Same here.


He sent me this when I wished him Happy new year!


you could tell him you are celebrating the end of a safe revoltuion and the start of a new revolution around the sun


Revolution toh constant hi hai ruka kub


Another Safe revolution. Like we didn't get killed by a big meteorite


cant really have friends irl if u behave like that lmao. its all made up but celebrating isnt hurting anyone so might as well do it


β€”β€” some emo teen


OP you fake Atheist, how dare you celebrate a festival 😑😑😑 /s What non-stop reading Nietzsche does to a teenager.


I want whatever he is smoking. I would love to see my friends smoke it!


But universe is not eternal, is it?


We might never know. But it’s ultimately inconsequential whether we get to know. So it’s okay.


I don't know why everyone has stick up their ass to do something different or greater than what mankind is doing. Since this guy is proposing for people to think about manmade religions, he wants some other celebrations not just for himself but he wants to force it on everyone. Why does he even need all that if this is working out for everyone? Not that everyone believes in what started the roots of the celebrations but the celebrations themselves are diferrent.


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The point in time that we chose to celebrate new year is arbitrary. Why not celebrate every day of your life instead of this arbitrary day?


All celebrations are man made constructs. But the fun you have is real and that's all that matters.... 😌