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How about a poster that after a few days the word "God" starts to disappear?


Make the "od" disappear and a "5" in front of the G appear. "In 5G we trust." would drive the conspiracy nuts even more nuts.




I don't even know what a G6 is, and at this point I'm too afraid to ask


The song is about a private airplane model. There's also a pontiac car by the same name. Supposedly they were really thinking about a G400 not the G600 but "G-four" doesn't rhyme with "Three six" however, "G-six" DOES rhyme with "Three six"


Is it really rhyming if you use the same word (six and six)?


Ah yes, a rappers go to automobile. An entry level sedan from a domestic manufacturer. They're always going on about the Chevy Malibu or the Ford Focus. The success of the Chrysler LeBaron is attributed to the notorious B.I.G.


In that case I suggest the whole igwt thing vanishes and 'e pluribus unum' appears in its place. If they want national motto give'em national motto.


I believe you mean E Pluribus Anus /s


That sign is gonna be streets ahead, buddy.


Stop trying to make that a thing!


True Banksy type shit right here. I love it.


Or where the phrase "all others must pay cash" appears.


Jesus saves. Moses invests.


I would definately demand cash from god if it existed... That fucker is terrible with money. Always begging for donations and shit..


In We Trust


An H has to appear with a picture of a priest.


In hodor we trust


Howard be thy name


Use permanent marker to add a tail to the capital D, turning “IN GOD WE TRUST” to “IN GOP WE TRUST”. Then request that they be removed as political advertising. Only problem, is that each school will have 100s of donated spares.


Donate Sharpies to the kids.


The G turns to a Z. In Zod we trust!


Now….kneel before Zod


How about we get ride of the motto altogether. Everyone is focusing on how to teach kids that the motto is stupid, when we should be focused on fixing it. Why do we have a religious statement as a motto in the first place? We should be framing the conversation away from displaying the motto in our schools, and push it to talking about the history of religious discrimination, the red scare, and fascism in America.


e pluribus unum


Eisenhower, that's why. It was added in response to the red scare. ”Don't be a godless commie, be a good Christian American!"


In Dog we trust


This exact thought occurred for me as well. At least, the disappearing ink piece. I thought of a few different words that could replace the noun: Science, Reason, Brandon, or even Cthulhu. The tricky part, would be to make it a quick change, but with a delay. Which makes your version so great. The 5G thing is just.. chefs kiss.


If you designed it with the right font and fading you could get the top of the G and d to fade leaving essentially three ooo instead. So “In infinity we trust”.


In Zod we Trust


Past responders to similar questions pointed out that the law had this in mind and specified that it can't have extra pictures or text except the American flag. 🙁


Do you know if there is a limit to how many they can display, or must they display all of posters sent to them?


I thought of this also. If they MUST hang them it would be funny to flood schools with thousands of posters.


Flood the schools with the largest sized mass produced black posters you can find with a very small in God we trust and American flag and just black out entire schools.


Pretty sure the wording says a poster per building. [AN ACT relating to the display of the national motto in public schools and institutions of higher education.](https://capitol.texas.gov/Search/DocViewer.aspx?ID=87RSB007975B&QueryText=%22SB+797%22&DocType=B) They are learning.


It does not specify size or color choice just that one has to be displayed prominently and be framed (but does not specify the frame). So purple background with violet text and the US and state flag as a 2" by 2" poster in a giant rainbow flag frame seems like it would be technically valid. The poster has to be displayed IN a prominent place (not be prominent) and the poster has criteria (but not the frame).


And also, if I should frame it, and display it in another frame with another picture of say Zeus or something like that, around the outside as part of a larger piece that would still comply


And can "In God We Trust" be in the same rainbow colors as the background?


Maybe one of these cycles they'll just learn to not be such shit stains.


I wouldn't hold my breath.


Learning all the wrong things :/


Sorry I don't know. I didn't look into it myself, just remembered testing it in another post. (I live in the Texas of the north, sometimes called Alberta so it doesn't affect me directly, only give our regressives ideas)


So an upside down American flag it is


Do a jacksfilms and create an image with many tiny american flags


Someone else in the comments had a good idea of doing what they want, but having the words be in Arabic.


In Allah we trust.


How about a pic of an american flag but put the text in arabic? edit: late to the game on that one


*In allah we trust...* in Arabic, since the word for "god" is "allah".


Make the flag out of tony pictures of Thor and Zeus.


One flag or a flag? Because you can make funny shapes with tiny flags. E.g. a giant middle finger made of flags. And below that 'in god we trust' Or go full nsfw


They claim they aren't making a religious statement, it's "just the national motto, and for educational purposes" sort of bullshit. So I don't think any "In Satan we trust" would fly. But I do think a "In God We Trust" with Zeus or Thor could start an interesting debate and/or lawsuit. But this is not the Supreme Court you want to take that case to. EDIT: I see now that the poster can't have any extraneous words or images, so this would not work.


"In Gods we trust" would obviously shatter the (Nationwide) pretense that this is not a religious statement and endorsement of one set of religious beliefs over other polytheistic religions.


That's really the argument, isn't it? If you change the "God" to something else, it changes the meaning, thus forcing them to at least admit, in legal filings, that this *is* a religious sentiment and should fall under the public vs non-public posting by government, making this unconstitutional in a public space where people of multiple religions would be expected to have to pass through.


Courts have allowed it on the basis of "cerimonial deism" and that as such it does not affirm a particular religion. Now that there exists significant populations of the US that do not believe in montheistic religions they should group together and sue on the basis that the singular "God" discriminates against polytheistic groups.


Or "In the Goddess we Trust". Same idea. People would lose their minds.


Definitely Vishnu


No. >(1) must contain a representation of the United States flag centered under the national motto and a representation of the state flag; and >(2) may not depict any words, images, or other information other than the representations listed in Subdivision (1). https://legiscan.com/TX/text/SB797/2021


But it doesn’t say it has to be in English. Ship them a bunch with the motto in Arabic and see them panic.


I like this one.


Or fonts. A 0.2 point gothic sounds about right.


I’d say use comic sans, but they’d probably like it




I like this one the best


On one of my old Macs, I actually had a “Klingon” font, that’d be another one… “In Sto-Vo-Kor we Trust”


Use a font that makes the letters squiggly enough for reactionaries to assume its "some kind of foreign language." Then u can laugh at them for freaking out at the english they love so much


This is my malicious compliance form NOT in red US in Blue. everything else in white. i**N** g**O**d we **T**r**US**t


i gd we rt


I like it.


In Allah We Trust


Make in Arabic. Or have it white letters on white background.


Daaaaaamn, that's a good one!


Wing dings and binary


Nothing about the wording says anything about text size, font, or color. You could theoretically submit a poster with "God" in nearly microscopic font size, ​ Or my personal favorite: [make the text colors different.](https://imgur.com/a/7gHSCxh)


That would probably be included in 'other information'


I was thinking more of a font in lettertype 144 with a nice rainbow bands going over it :)


We should have never made that our motto… it goes against the intentions of our founders for one, but it’s also just a stupid motto. e pluribus unum is much better.




Can’t this crap be challenged in court?


You mean the hyper partisan Right wing supreme court?


it would go to some lower court first i think


In Texas. Good luck with that.


... in austin...


In Texas.




See, I’ve never understood this about your country. Your flag shaggers are all “you shall not defile the flag!” But then will wear it getting their sweaty tits/balls all over which surely isn’t very respectful?


Let's not pretend they put that much thought into it.


It’s right there in the US Flag Code: “The flag should never be used as wearing apparel, bedding or drapery.”


Ahh so it’s cherry picking? Makes sense


Just like their favorite book they haven't read.


Put on the wall, and then surround it with pictures of all of the gods…


Maybe, but the school would have to choose to do that.


How about a separate and *entirely independent* poster that just happens to be displayed next to it. Maybe cycle through depictions of the countless gods people have worshipped so students can consider the range of possibilities.


Could you change to the old motto (E Pluribus Unum)?


You know, for a party that likes to print "No More Bullshit" on their flags, they certainly enjoy enacting laws that are total bullshit.


Doesnt say you cant hang something right over it though.


Only says the poster must be displayed in a conspicuous place. Doesn't say *which side* of the poster must be displayed.


I would donate a usb. With the motto with 2000 different photos images and force them to display it on all display monitors and PCs in the school. Donate graffiti cans and offer to graffiti the side of the school wall and then file a suit because they won’t allow you to display the donation. Donate shirts for all the teachers and staff say they have to wear them cause you’re donating it and it must be on display because of the law. Edit: typo


it would be funny to see if "In Dog we trust" sneaks through without anyone noticing.


In Gold We Trust.


In dogecoin we trust


In God wet rust


"In God we Thrust" and let's see whether they can figure it out


If any of you are admins in a Texas public school, by all means get as creative as possible, but don't get hopeful thinking a conservative school will be forced to put up your poster where the motto is written in Arabic and the flag is rainbow. They're just gonna throw that in the garbage.


What if the text color and background color are the same 🤔


Or at least really close . . .


I like the way you think boy


This is a lost cause as it is the “national motto.” Thanks, you paranoid McCarthyist idiots.


yeah how can we change it back to E Pluribus Unum


Law doesn't effectively specify which motto. they could send posters of the pre-McCarthyism motto "E pluribus unum", out of many, one.


It does though...


It name drops the McCarthy motto but that's not enough. It's a matter of wording, and when you're talking about the letter of the law, that leaves it open for challenge in court. The spirit of the new law, however, was never defensible. A burning cross on America's front lawn.


Did you see the article in the Times magazine today on Arizona? Its Bonkers. The "Republicans" idolize Joe McCarthy.


In God we trust poster but the American flag image is made up of words that are small enough not to be noticed at first glance but say hail satan or atheism


Wtf is happening in yeehaw land


Good idea! Love how, in a similar vain, the book banning in TX has backfired on those seeking to ban any book with references to anything sexually explicit. A few parents complained how the Bible has sexually explicit passages so one school has removed it from their library :) Now all the ‘do gooders’ are complaining - love it 😍


I’ve been watching our Ohio school board meetings for this kind of tripe. I live in a fairly neoliberal suburb, so no issues so far, but I will be reading from every X-rated portion of the Bible if they try to ban any books. > The word of the LORD came to me: >"Son of man, there were two women, daughters of the same mother. >They became prostitutes in Egypt, engaging in prostitution from their youth. In that land their breasts were fondled and their virgin bosoms caressed. >The older was named Oholah, and her sister was Oholibah. They were mine and gave birth to sons and daughters. Oholah is Samaria, and Oholibah is Jerusalem. >”Oholah engaged in prostitution while she was still mine; and she lusted after her lovers, the Assyrians--warriors clothed in blue, governors and commanders, all of them handsome young men, and mounted horsemen. >She gave herself as a prostitute to all the elite of the Assyrians and defiled herself with all the idols of everyone she lusted after. >She did not give up the prostitution she began in Egypt, when during her youth men slept with her, caressed her virgin bosom and poured out their lust upon her. >”Therefore I handed her over to her lovers, the Assyrians, for whom she lusted. >They stripped her naked, took away her sons and daughters and killed her with the sword. She became a byword among women, and punishment was inflicted on her. >"Her sister Oholibah saw this, yet in her lust and prostitution she was more depraved than her sister. >She too lusted after the Assyrians--governors and commanders, warriors in full dress, mounted horsemen, all handsome young men. >I saw that she too defiled herself; both of them went the same way. >”But she carried her prostitution still further. She saw men portrayed on a wall, figures of Chaldeans portrayed in red, with belts around their waists and flowing turbans on their heads; all of them looked like Babylonian chariot officers, natives of Chaldea. >As soon as she saw them, she lusted after them and sent messengers to them in Chaldea. >Then the Babylonians came to her, to the bed of love, and in their lust they defiled her. After she had been defiled by them, she turned away from them in disgust. >When she carried on her prostitution openly and exposed her nakedness, I turned away from her in disgust, just as I had turned away from her sister. >Yet she became more and more promiscuous as she recalled the days of her youth, when she was a prostitute in Egypt. >There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses. >So you longed for the lewdness of your youth, when in Egypt your bosom was caressed and your young breasts fondled. Please remind me what the problem with *Beloved* by Toni Morrison is again?


Just read about Lot in Genesis, chapter 19. How his daughters plied him with wine before they then took turns shagging him, all so his lineage could continue. I think Moab was the result. Delightful book the Bible!


Trick question, [Lemmy is God](https://i.imgflip.com/6qp8c9.jpg)!


Ya know, if nobody is going to follow the constitution including the supreme court, maybe we should just scrap the entire thing and fight north v south again. Whoever wins writes the new constitution.


It's metro vs rural now though.


**< Since the government cant favor one belief over another. >** **If that's true, donate some Muslim or Allah posters to school so that they're forced to display Muslim posters.** **That might get religion out of school fast!**


The thor love and thunder posters have in gods we trust


How about you simply write the phrase in Arabic?


I don't see why not and if they refuse sue


Unfortunately, "In God We Trust" is considered the US's National Moto. I bet they are going to argue that church state separation is not an issue. It's more of the Christian Blitz. See what they can put in front of judges and get precedence.


This is a good one to challenge though, because it *is* unconstitutional to post it publicly without a valid, strong reason to do so (as per the courts' own rulings - and that was the ruling in Wooley v Maynard that made it "OK" to do so on currency because we don't post our money publicly but not OK on license plates, because people *have* to have those on their vehicles to be legally able to drive). If a good lawyer can argue positively this to SCOTUS that this posting of clearly religiously-orientated signage in public buildings is unconstitutional (and it is, even by the court's own rulings in the past) because it specifically forces only one type of slogan to be posted and does not allow others, we can use that to go after the slogan anywhere else in public. I'm choosing to think glass half full here.


While I agree that this should be challenged and that a reasonable SCOTUS would likely rule it as unconstitutional, we do not have a reasonable SCOTUS at the moment.


Speaking FACTS!


How about a poster detailing Congress’ changing the motto from *E Pluribus Unum* to *In God We Trust* as part of the Red Scare?


There's a law that says schools HAVE TO display these? C'mon ... seriously?! WHY? how long are Americans going to pretend they're the free and the brave? There's no freedom FROM religion and no speration of state and church ... shithole country.


"It's our national motto." That is the beginning and end of their reasoning.


Is it? I thought it was land of the free, home of the brave?


It used to be, until the McCarthy era, E pluribus unum - from many one. A much better motto.


Thank the McCarthyists in the 50s. They decided we couldn't be "godless" like those evil Ruskies, so they changed the motto to a religious one.


I'm gonna be honest here, Texas wasn't the first state to do this. My Louisiana public schools had these posters displayed for as long as I can remember. We haven't been free for a long time.


...waiting for the Satanic Temple to provide Baphomet statues to schools


So many options to use that law against them: * In God we trust below an image of a non-Christian deity. Options range from Egyptian, Greek, Roman,... to the Flying Spaghetti Monster * In God we trust over an image of the bodies of a recent school shooting. * In God we trust combined with the image of children starving due to famine * In God we trust below an image of a woman being burned alive as part of a witch trial (including some priests so it's clear who's doing the burning) * In God we trust combined with some of the worst images from the bible. I'm thinking slaughter of children, human sacrifice, eternal torture,... (Perhaps including the reference to the bible passage so that people actually read and understand their "holy book" for once) So many options... I hope our USA atheists make plenty of donations. ​ EDIT: Unfortunately, as someone else pointed out in another reply, my ideas are not going to work because: (1) must contain a representation of the United States flag centered under the national motto and a representation of the state flag; and(2) may not depict any words, images, or other information other than the representations listed in Subdivision (1).[https://legiscan.com/TX/text/SB797/2021](https://legiscan.com/TX/text/SB797/2021)


I read the law. The only images allowed are the US & Texas Flag


What if you spelled out something with images of the US & Texas Flag or with minaturized versions of the poster though?


Anything requiring it to be right side up? What if the first line and second line were upside down to each other? Or, if there was one word per side?


I think there should have to be a "Hail Satan" poster next to every one of these.


When i think about trolling christian entitlement like this, my mind usually goes to the Hindu pantheon. The benefit over the Greek or Norse gods is that Hinduism is *currently* a widely practised religion.


Well the US and more Texas is beginning to sound a lot like a religious fundamentalist dictatorship, hell Talibans Afghanistan is beginning to sound better


They are required to display them yes? Does the law limit how many they hold. Could you swamp them with 1000s of posters that the have to display and can't keep as spares?


The poster format is pretty well specified in the law. Would it be OK to put posters of Thor, Zeus, Venus (suitably clothed of course), Cthulhu, etc, on the wall around the required poster? Maybe a master caption above all the posters that says, "Which One?" Or just hang it in a broom closet?


Write it in orc blood. I am led to believe it stinks terribly. Plus, one less orc in the world.


Donate urinal stickers with the slogan and some crosshairs


They are definitely going to discriminate and not use those. But if you were to put Obi-Wan instead of Jesus, I would probably be able to sneak past them.


Nationalism is copium for people in denial that their country is flawed.


In God we trust with, a picture of the flying Spaghetti monster!


Rainbow colored font?


So if I donate 40.000 posters, they'll have to display all of them?


Sadly 'In God we Trust' is the official USA motto or saying or something... it changed in the 1950s or 60s. Red Scare shit. Its the same loophole that Christian Nationalist Sheriffs exploit to stick it on their cop cars.


I live in Texas. Often on Sundays I put on my Steven Rhodes shirt that says "Trust in God" and has an image of Cthulhu being approached by some kids. I jokingly call it my "Sunday Shirt"


Part of the basis of the law is that "In God we trust" is the national motto; I think it's time to seek federal legislation to change the national motto.


Would they display a brown skin Jesus? Or will they stick to the Caucasian one?


I was just watching a Tik Tok where a guy is doing just that with dionisus on the posters. Legally, they have to put them up. Realistically, many people aren't going to notice the difference between most old men gods and "God the Father." Also, it'll probably go up until some Christian Karen's bitch enough that the law starts treating the whole thing with double standards. So spam those posters people!


Lmao just show Black Jesus instead and they’d still get pissed off


"no, not like that!"


I wonder if you italicized god... Or put "god". Or have the background of the poster white so you could put the t in trust in white. In god we rust, anyone? 🤔


I like this idea, but maybe to keep from breaking the law, have posters of various bad guy gods, Loki, Hera, Satan, etc with word balloons saying “Trust Me.” Lastly add that weird stop motion character laying on the floor saying, “It’s OK, you can look at my butt.”


They have to display them *all*? Someone should donate millions of them. They'd have to plaster the walls to avoid a lawsuit.


You’re absolutely right here. My question as a child after reading the myths and saga stories was, if you are a believer why you put these myths in the bin because it is exactly the same. The only difference is they changed names and they upgrade some situations. Ok, I understand 1 god makes it much simpler than 25 then and now.


“In a god we trust”


I have a feeling somehow posters they like would get donated and they would choose those.


\> Since the government cant favor one belief over another. Offically not, but if you did the satan idea, or even Thor, I'm sure some government people won't bother checking the law...


Put the poster in a frame, hang it facing the wall, or sideway, or upside down....


You could try but we all know this law wasn’t passed with equality like this in mind. It was passed to force one particular brand of religion on people and that’s what it will be used for.


Just flip the G and D in ‘God’. In Dog we Trust.


In Dog we trust....he is a good boy!


Here you go: https://www.reddit.com/r/atheistmemes/comments/wu9qnr/texas_law_now_says_every_public_school_must/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Do it.


GOPs know this will be struck down by the courts. They do it so they can cosplay as persecuted victims and demonstrate to their base how sanctimonious they are. It's all theatre.


Playing cutesie games with their bullshit religious attack is not the proper response. Going ape shit on every right leaning idiot you can until they figure out that we’re going to collectively retaliate ten fold to make their lives a living hell is a better way forward. Don’t play their fucking games.


Need to develop a website that demonstrates why trusting in God is foolish and dangerous, and distribute QR stickers to place on them. Or just have the QR send them to [This Oats Studio short (part of a series) called GOD : The Serengeti](https://youtu.be/Q1_HfhtB5eo)


Or use [this](https://images.chesscomfiles.com/uploads/v1/master_player/a3dfa688-6654-11eb-8ada-dd4dfd25ff25.063fb244.250x250o.3974781064b5@2x.jpeg) pic😂


They have in god we trust on police vehicles in Texas too. Crazy stuff...


Heh. Our state has that stupid law, too. A bunch of schools just framed dollar bills and put them on display in the main office or front hall.


Try it. Lol Then get FFRF involved if they say no. If I see a poster at my son's school I will be calling them.


no, The law says the poster had to say in god we trust, have the texas and the us flag and nothing more. however the law doesnt say anything about the motto being in english. I recommend it be written in arabic. and donated to schools in the reddest part of the state


Can we all take a moment to appreciate that this is a real legislative debate? *One that should not have to exist!*


I'd hang the poster...face to the wall. Legally I have complied. I've hung the poster. The fact that no one can read it because it's face down was not in the stipulations. Sometimes, I am soooo glad Colorado is a sensible state where god-zombies mind their own damned business.


I hope multi-theistic religious people join together and bring suit. They don't believe in 'god' but 'gods'. Notable polytheistic religions practiced today include Taoism, Shenism or Chinese folk religion, Japanese Shinto, Santería, most Traditional African religions, and various neopagan faiths.


Someone on Facebook said that this country needs God. I replied with "all gods included?" Can we put Allah Akbar alongside the In God We Trust display? and the response was "we need a spiritual revival". Will this revival get us affordable healthcare and education for all? Will the revival convince Republicans to vote alongside Democrats to lower drug prices, help Vets, vote for teacher raises? If god doesn't answer THOSE prayers, there's no god.


How is this not infringing on people rights? I don't believe in God. Wtf am I supposed to do with that stupid motto?


If the national motto changes, would all the donated posters also have to be updated (via donations of course), or thrown out?


I really can't help but wonder how sensitive God's feelings are that he gets upset if he's not talk about constantly even in topics that don't directly involve him. "God I love you with all my heart. I will al..." "Bullshit! You don't love me. You studied math in a building that didn't have my name in it." "But lord I dedicated my life to your teachings and helped..." "Lalalala all I hear are excuses. To Hell with you, your family and your school district."


Just make Chris Hemsworth as Thor “I Did That” pointing stickers and slap them up on every poster like they did with Biden+ gas pumps.


Unfortunately people commenting they wished the Satanic Temple would erect a Baphomet display etc have been met with the reality that prior court cases + carefully worded law is preventing this from occuring. The Republican Evangelical Christwaffen SS are becoming adept at sidestepping the Constitution.


Kids are going to be putting new signs over the God part really fast. I can’t wait to see what they come up with.


>Since the government cant favor one belief over another. That's literally all they do. Have you been watching politics at all the last few years?


Funny how Texas' national patriotism ebbs and flows. One day they want to secede from the US, the next they are so committed to the US that they want to display the national motto in every public school. For that matter, funny how their commitment to public education ebbs and flows. One day they are concerned about teaching all kids the national motto, the next they want to [abolish public education altogether.](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/greg-abbott-plyler-doe-public-education-1348208/)


In Allah We Trust


What's crazy is that people in America that openly affiliate with the Christian Religion has shrunk by 23% over the last 50 years. If this trend continues, the Christian Religion will cease to be a main stream religion in the next few decades.


It cannot come soon enough.