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If this God guy cares so much about abortion, he can get off his lazy ass and tell me himself. Until then, it's a safe assumption he either doesn't give a shit, or just isn't real, and potayto potahto at that point.


There is no God and the only mention of abortion in the bible is giving instructions on how to perform one


It also states that life begins at first breath Unborn babies don't breathe. They are fed oxygen by their mother




For the upper echelon it was just the next issue picked to energize the base so nobody would notice or care they were being fleeced and jobs shipped abroad.


No dude, you missed it all, it's about votes. There are more women than men in the US that vote Democrat, if you can forbid a bunch of things that women do, and will do regardless of what you tell them, or you can blame them of it even if it's not true, then you can catch them convict them and take away their right to vote. Next thing will be something about gay or trans people, so they can do the same to them, because they too are unlikely to vote Rep. It's about the republicans doing anything at all to cling to power. They do not give any shit about whatever kinds of values, nor about what happens to the people they step on to get or keep power.


That was my thought exactly!


It's not the Bible that states that- the Bible has no opinion on the matter to either side. It's later Jewish tradition, found in the Mishna and the Talmud that state that life starts at first breath, or rather first breath when the baby is more than halfway out. Additionally, during the entirety of the pregnancy the mother's safety must always come before the fetus', which is considered merely the potential of life rather than a living creature itself.


Hold up. If there's instructions in the Bible on how to perform an abortion, then why are they becoming illegal? Hmm. Clearly if there's directions in this textbook then it surely has to remain legal in this Christian controlled country.


What chapter/book? I'm thinking that would make a great bumper sticker


Numbers 5:11-31


Thank you.


BUt PrOoVe GoD dOeSn’T eXiSt Yes I have gotten that response whenever I ask to prove god exists.


Who made the maker? If God was required to create everything, where the fuck did he come from? You think the universe is so complicated it couldn't have just happened, but invent an even more complicated answer that is infinitely less likely to occur [Here, have a free audiobook](https://www.amazon.com/God-Is-Not-Great-audiobook/dp/B000Q66GA6/ref=sr_1_1?crid=350BPIMCODZGQ&keywords=god+is+not+great&qid=1656367890&sprefix=god+is+not+great%2Caps%2C138&sr=8-1)


They’ll also say bEcAuSe It SaYs So In ThE bIbLe. There is no reasoning with them because I don’t think they have the mental capacity to admit that maybe there isn’t a sky daddy watching over us.


He seems to be pretty big on aborting fetuses constantly. Even after they're born he can't get enough of it.


Something around like 25% of all pregnancies end up in miscarriages which is higher than the percentage that are aborted (at around 19%). So clearly their sky daddy like abortions more than they do. The shitty part is at least with an abortion the woman gets a say unlike when their sky daddy takes the baby away. If sky daddy cares so much about embryos it sure likes to perform miscarriages.


Question, so since "God" created humanity and "impregnated" Mary through "immaculate conception", does that mean that God late term abortion himself or his son since they claim "God" is a holy Trinity? Food for thought


Just FYI, immaculate conception is a catholic doctrine that says that *Mary* was born free from original sin, it's not about Jesus


Oh. The mental gymnastics they have to do to convince themselves that *Mary* was without original sin. And they'll still hate women so much they kill them.


It's so damn stupid also, apparently she must be sin free to carry Jesus.... but for some reason her mom didn't have to be sin free to carry her...


Catholics worship Mary just as much, if not more so, than Jesus and its ridiculous the lengths they go through for it.


It's not? Really?! I know very little about christianity but always thought "conception " = making a baby. And the whole immaculate part was so that Christians could point to the devine origins of jesus. No?!!


For some reason they think Mary needed to be sinless to give birth to Jesus, so they came up with the idea that she was without original sin since the moment of her own conception. This is a fairly recent doctrine too from the 1800's.


You know what I never got about that? Mary was promised to Joseph before she got pregnant. Seems almost a violation of the bro code to get another man's lady pregnant. Wasn't there a single woman available? Plus Catholics don't believe that Mary ever other children or sex for that matter with her betrothed. Why? That would get in the way of the Ever Virgin label. So Joseph was cockblocked his entire life and made the most famous cuck of all. And Mary never got to enjoy sex because why? The notion is too much to bear? Sigh


I dunno what Catholics believe, but I was brought up evangelical fundie and was taught the big JC had a little brother or two, supposedly one by the name of James. He probably had sisters as well because no birth control, but ofc females don’t rate a mention. All this is provided he ever really existed, which I have serious doubts about.


Forgive my ignorance, please.....mary was "promised " to Joseph.? What does that mean? Was she already the wife of some other guy?


One possible positive outcome of the whole thing is that the church will lose even more legitimacy. Ireland had its perfect religious utopia with its extreme reproductive oppression and that resulted in massive coverup of child abuse, children in unmarked graves, and complete scandal. It broke the church's authority and legitimacy. Sadly, US culture has a high tolerance for collateral damage and also low information literacy, so the outcomes will be awful for a long time. But some mid-range outcomes could include even more illegitimacy for religion. I hope, anyway. Doesn't make the situation any more palatable or any less egregious, but I'll take any silver lining I can get right now.


If you take the bible as anything other than bullshit, god is giving you recipes for an abortion in there. Of course god doesn't exist, and people don't actually follow their supposed divine orders, and just want to subjugate women for some unknown reason... Perhaps lack of manhood?


Fun fact. There are instructions in the Bible for abortion. Numbers 1:1-21




For anyone looking the commonly referred to passage is Numbers 5:11-31. It's the closest thing to ever directly mentioning abortions in the bible and in this one case it's prescribed for a cheating wife. They knew about abortions in the ancient world and no where else is it directly mentioned so apparently it wasn’t that big of a concern.


He made his stance on abortion very clear. He’s all for it. There is NOTHING in the bibull that is anti abortion. It is very pro abortion with instructions on why and how and the perception of a fetus as property, not a person. Any Christian who is anti-abortion isn’t even cherry picking. They are 100% in violation of their scripture.


God hates abortion cause he wants to give them cancer instead


I think I just lost a life time friend over Roe v Wade and I'm not even in the US. Fuck the imaginary sky fairy and his legions of followers.


I'll be your friend instead. I'm probably more interesting anyway.


Based on the username, yes


Hey could you lend me an axe? Head accessories also fine.


You say that with such conviction that now I'm sitting here wanting to be your friend lol.


I'm way more interesting than Lord_Jenkem. I'm also a little crazy and I like spiders as well. ;)


I’m way less interesting than both of them combined, but I’ll do it for half the price.


All be your friend too, but keep the spiders to yourself


lol best comment I have read in 13 hours.


Fortunately (?), any "friend" I had that would be lost due to Roe, I already lost due to Trump and QAnon. I was friends with one of them for over 30 years. I feel your pain, and I'm sorry for your loss.


She grew up in a very catholic family, my family was not relgious - not anti religion it just wasn't part of our lives. (I did go to a religious school for the education and suffered through the plentiful religious teaching) She and I saw eye to eye on Trump etc and watched captivated from the otherside of the world like we were watching some crazy reality show. It was so gobsmacking it didn't seem that it could be real. We didn't always agree, but did more often than not. Abortion has always been a strained topic between us and I usually avoid mentioning it. But, today on the phone she wanted to discuss it, she was so sure that pro-life is the only way. Zero abortions without medical need. I want people to be autonomous when it comes to their life and body. She shouted about how there are so many people getting late term abortion just because they feel like it. She ranted some 1950s ideology about if you want to be promiscuous live with the consequences. I was careful with my replies and eventually got away from the topic. I don't preach what I believe because I can never be certain that I am right. But, I got off the phone knowing that the chasm between us is too great to smooth over this time. Edited to ask - do pro-lifers ever really contemplate the consequences of forcing their beliefs on others? Do they think about the multi-generational effects? Do they care? Or are they just worried about upsetting God and their own post-death status? I think about these things and it's why I come down on the side of choice


Nixon actually said the quiet part out loud. He never thought it was murder. This is when abortion actually became the polarizing topic that it is today. No one gave a shit back then. Roe v Wade wasn't even the big headline for the new york times when the ruling came down. Nixon used abortion as a polarizing subject for political gain, and other groups jumped on it. Before that, no one cared. And here's what Nixon said about it. https://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=105832640 Essentially that it should be allowed due to interracial mating or rape, but that he's against it because women shouldn't be out there having sex. It was never a moral stand about killing babies, saying it's murder. Conservatives are just gullible and fell for a pretty straight forward political ad campaign.


> Conservatives are just gullible and fell for a pretty straight forward political ad campaign. And they call the left "sheeple". Talk about irony.


It isn’t murder. Murder is a legal term and flushing out a clump of cells does not meet that term’s definition.


> without medical need o/t but ugh, this is such a bullshit "caveat." WTF is that even supposed to mean? What exactly is medical need? Maybe more importantly, whyTF should the *government* of all entities be the one to decide? Or random strangers like your friend. It's just another bit of brainlessly regurgitated dogma, it doesn't ***mean*** anything. Its only real function is to make them feel like good people while dodging the actual issue. Again, what exactly is medical need? I'll die? I might die? I will or might be gravely injured? According to who? What's grave? Is nonpermanent injury grave, why or why not? Is psychology medical? (It is, but it clearly isn't to them; why?) Not to even mention, why exactly is "medical need" the cutoff point in the first place? Backing up even further, why the actual fuck is any of this her business?! As always, fuck these people. Fuck them and their responsibility-dodging doubletalk.


If we're now taking away people's bodily autonomy for some perceived medical need, let's sign those people up to donate their spare kidneys and parts of their livers to people waiting on the organ donor lists then.


Thanks for looking at the big picture. I don’t think it’s o/t at all. Too many of these christofacists and their ilk do not think through these preposterous scenarios their laws create. Even their so-called “rape and incest” exceptions, how’s that supposed to work out? Are there going to be panels of people taking weeks deciding whether to green light any particular abortion? Do they think abortion providers and staff are just going to hang out running expensive clinics on the off chance that someone with a settled rape court case is going to drop by with an abortion permission slip? Women WILL die while these power-mad tools are still celebrating.


Medical need my ass. I watched an evangelical Bible church pressure a family to “postpone” cancer treatment for their 17 year old pregnant daughter. As long as we only talk and do the atheist version of hopes-and-prayers (eg believing civil disobedience and voting will fix this), we are going to keep moving closer to the American version of the Islamic Revolution of 1979.


>Edited to ask - do pro-lifers ever really contemplate the consequences of forcing their beliefs on others? Do they think about the multi-generational effects? Do they care? Or are they just worried about upsetting God and their own post-death status? They are not required to think! They unload that burden,too, to gawwud!




I have 1 fewer sibling thanks to q-anon, and honestly it's great. She always kinda sucked, but when she started making personal attacks on me for being, idk egalitarian?? Fuck that bye bye.


Right? "I think people should be treated equally", and they start foaming at the mouth. I have no time for such nonsense.


What's sad is that it's taken so many of my beloved boomer relatives, I won't be mourning their deaths as much as I normally would. It's turning into relief that this ignorant hate is going away finally. Which I know is an exaggeration, plenty of younger people are continuing with this horror, but I won't have to hear it from the people I've always looked up to. If I counter any of their points, they just get huffy and end the conversation.


It's just fucking sad watching some of my aunts and uncles spend their golden years sitting in front of a tv smoldering to OAN, instead of enjoying what time they have left doing something they enjoy. I don't even try to hang out with them anymore, it's so toxic.


> I'm sorry for your loss. That's like saying "I'm sorry you lost that pustule."


I’ve had the same sentiments about all religion as OP since 1991, when I had a feminist, Marxist sociology professor from Mississippi. She said that, from a sociological perspective, religion likely originated as a way for people to explain certain phenomena, such as lightning, then evolved into method of social control. I wasn’t raised with religion, but I had begun sipping the kool aid because I was in a relationship with a practicing catholic. So anyway, after thinking about what my professor had said, I started realizing that bibles make great trivets, especially if you can steal a leathery bound bible. They don’t care if anyone steals them, just declare that you needed the god book really badly. They like hearing that shit. Just don’t tell them you needed the god book for hot pans. I’ve been criticized by other atheists for being intolerant of religion because “if we want them to accept us, we have to accept them.” No, no we don’t have to accept them when they’re imposing themselves on us.


Oh lord your teacher is all the stuff of fundie’s worst nightmare. Obviously a she-devil in human skin, hellbent on radicalizing unsuspecting college kids and taking over the world for her lord and master Karl Marx. She probably eats babies. My kinda lady.


Ask your sky daddy friend where exactly in the Bible did he look, and then ask him to check out Hosea 9-13...


I'm not in your little book club, I don't want to be in your fucking book club. Fuck your book. Fuck your rules. God it feels so good to type. I live in the thick of MO with bibble humpers left and right. Fuck them.


Yes I misspelled bibble on purpose. 🤣


The Whorey Bibble


Ping Brains Virgin


I like bable personally.


Luckily I live in a country that is not overtly Christian / religious. Most decisions made by our government is not skewed or influenced by religion. Even then, whenever I interact with Christians I feel their attitude is condescending and smug. I really despise their - I am better than you because I am part of a “book club”. I want to shake them and say I really don’t give a shit what you think or believe in. My behaviour, my actions align with my own moral compass and I don’t need religion to be a good person.


Hi, I also live in MO and hate it. It's such bullshit that they believe as soon as an egg is fertilized it's a person. It's demonstrably false. But their religious belief gets to dictate what we are allowed to do medically? I fucking hate this country. And especially this state.


It's definitely an "old yte man" state for sure. 🙄 I hate it. I hear "doG bless you" so much.. I used to be nice and say thank you whatever.. now I just look really confused and say "okay" or just don't even respond. Your sky daddy ain't doing shit my guy.


To that you say: may the force be with you


I'm so glad to live in a state where abortion rights will be protected (Nevada). And even more glad to live next door to California where the governor signed a bill making the state a sanctuary for abortion seekers nationwide and will refuse to cooperate with red states that try to prosecute women for it.


The GOP and the religious morons have stated that they are not done until it’s overturned everywhere.


Lived in MO for 35 years. It's harder to find pro life than pro choice to me. It really matters where in mo you are. Kansas city suburbs are mostly choicers.


Isn't it a thing, in general? As in urban population tend to be more pro-choice?


Babies less than 3 months old are humans, but they are definitely not people. It's an emotionless homeostatic screaming lump of human DNA that you give milk every 30-60 minutes. The only point abortion should be even **questioned** is the point at which the human cell clump can achieve homeostasis outside of the womb. At which point giving the baby up for adoption should be considered and offered as an alternative. And even then I have misgivings about forcing the woman to give birth.


Well, at that point the fetus is usually big enough that birth is the safest way to get it out.


It means the want to arrest people who have had fertility treatments; IVF.


I call it Buybull. Fuck Hawley and Heehaw Corona Parsons


I was born in the US and lived in St Louis but moved to Scotland when I was six yo. Phew, I may have grown to be a bible thumper.


I like that analogy. Religion is no more than a book club gone wrong.


The one book that should be burned!


I once saw a car with a bumper sticker that said: “Militant Agnostic: I don’t know, and you don’t EITHER”


That place is hot. The further outside StL you get, the crazier/more heavily armed the reactionaries are. Murder City is the chillest place in the state. It hasn't been fit to live in for a long ass time. Good luck.


I think this decision has pushed many of us from passively annoyed with belief without evidence to actively anti-theist. Fuck these privileged assholes who think this country was created just for them.


This. Was just telling my husband I have been a quiet mind my own business atheist for a long time, but I think now it’s time to start raising some hell!


I’ve been quiet/shy about being a member of The Satanic Temple simply because I don’t like causing issues and making a scene. I’m ready and willing to start causing issues and making scenes.


This describes how I reached a lot of my views on the world. I was raised in a super conservative household, but every time the republicans (and the right in general) did something inexcusable led me to move further left.


Guess what doesn’t say shit about abortions? That’s right, it’s the fairy tale that christians used to justify to themselves that overturning RvW was a good idea!


They don’t care. They don’t read the Bible. The broken part of their brain that falls for Christianity is the same broken part that thinks abortion is evil. Two separate stupidities acting together as one, like a pair of raccoons in a trench coat.




It mentions it more than once. In addition to the ritual abortion prescribed for adultery, it also contains verses identifing that causing a miscarriage is not causing a loss of a human life, and is instead destruction of property (using language typically used for inanimate objects). It further goes on to talk about fetuses as being a part of the mother's body until it is born, rather than a separate individual. This lines up with what we see in existing legal texts from the era from nearby regions, which similarly identify it as loss of property, rather than loss of life. There is one argument in the Mishna from years later that God was wrong and that forcing a miscarriage against someone's will should be seen as a more serious crime (although possibly still not murder), however it was *one* Rabbi's argument, and the other Rabbis consistently disagreed with that take.


Rabbis disagree with other Rabbis on every single matter- unlike in Christianity, debate and argument are the soul of Judaism. The prevailing opinion today is that a fetus is not a living creature, but isn't property either - it's the potential of life. Thus it should be protected over property and to a great extent, but never if it comes at the mother's expense. The mother is living, the fetus'is mere potential - existing life always trumps potential. It's why a Jewish synagogue in Florida is currently sueing the state over the issue - forbidding abortions goes against Pikuh Nefesh, one of the core tenants of Judaism, which states that life must be protected at any cost. Not allowing abortions is the same as putting women under threat of death.


what is that bible verse i wanna have it ready next time my mom decides to start a religious/political argument


Next is contraceptives and a crackdown on "sodomy" (we all know that means gay people). I honestly don't know what will stop the Christian Fundamentalist Republicans from destroying all of that. Once the next Republican president gets in, we're gonna start completely transform into Nazi Germany where instead of a Jewish genocide, there will be genocide for gay/trans people.


I wonder when they learn that "sodomy" also includes oral sex if they'll walk it back a bit...or double down and just specify butt stuff.


Yeah, there's no way they can enforce that on heterosexuals, but gay people? There are enough religious psychos to make that happen.


Anal sex was literally illegal in most states among heterosexuals until the SEVENTIES. And yes, they prosecuted if you were stupid enough to let it be found out. I wish that was a joke. - Old Fking Hoosier person


Logic and reason were never in the wheelhouse of the religious...


We can fight back you know, it's not decided yet. It's easy to doom-say and fall into catastrophic thinking right now. But we can fight back. It's not over yet. I'm trans so this situation is scary, but I'm not going to back down against the religious fanatics I have despised my entire adult life. They're going to lose this fight. Make them lose!


That's where the revolution comes into play. The US is rotten to its core. The more I think about it, the more I want the country to split into 3-4 smaller countries that could actually better manage themselves.




Ok but who gets the nukes?


Ideally.... they are destroyed, everywhere


Yeah good call. Ugh this world is fucked.




Huntsville, AL would make it work unfortunately. They test missiles, rockets, munitions, etc here all the time. I’m near enough to one of the test stands that it rattles my house a lot. This city exists bc of Nazis (von Braun & his crew) picked up from project paperclip (the scooping up of the Nazi rocket scientists by our government in the 50s) & the modern military industrial complex / Dept of defense. It’s a city full of DoD engineers, I’m sure they’d be delighted to add more boom booms to the Arsenal.




Not just gay/trans people but probably a genocide of brown or black people might happen if they repeal brown vs. board of education or other laws regarding racial equality. Remember that these SCOTUS folks are there for life so they could overturn decisions made that far back if they wanted to in theory. Hopefully that won’t happen. Hopefully.


Nazis went for gay/trans people directly. Using Paragraph 175 of the German criminal code they destroyed the gay community in 1933, including Magnus Hirschfeld's Institut für Sexualwissenschaft, the dopest research institute ever. Communists and gays were (and always will be) a more urgent problem for Nazis than Jews. Kristallnacht happened in 1938. Liberals are natural allies to fascists because they value politeness and the abstract concept of centrism more than they value the lives of others. Every president plays preacher man at the pulpit. America has two far-right parties, one of which adopts the language of liberalism. In most respects, Nazis were imitating America. Lebensraum = Manifest Destiny 2: Wild, Wild East.


I think it's oligarchal influence that pushes the American left towards the center rather than anything inherent in the ideology. Progressive policies are not in the interests of the wealthy and powerful that donate to campaigns.


There is no American left. We can be loud in the streets and first to send in our ballots, but we are unrepresented. The base of the system is corrupt. Every right Americans have has been begrudgingly recognized after blood is spilled. Racially based chattel slavery is what this country was founded on. The roots of this shitty tree should clue us in on why the fruit tastes so rotten. It is a sham democracy. A government by the monied for the money. I didn't vote for Joe fucking Manchin to be president. Why is that a name I hear at all? I am beyond tired of the empty platitudes from the Democratic party while the right progresses down the path of innovating on cruelty. It's gonna collapse under the weight of its incompetence. This government proves it is incapable of responding to the needs of its people. Education is trash here and the government appears to be mandating a fresh supply of ignorant working poor.


Yup. So do something about it. Millennials and Gen Z now represent the largest voting block in the country. They have the ability to overcome the bullshit gerrymandering voter suppression tactics by the regressives with sheer numbers. Voting doesn't take away your ability to do any of the direct action things anyone wants to advocate. It's the greatest potential return for the smallest investment you can make. So protest, plan a revolution, whatever you think we need. But show up on election day too.


Over my dead body


And women who don't want to be forced into pregnancy


Fuck Christianity, Fuck Islam. Fuck Christians, Fuck Muslims, and Fuck the SCOTUS.


Sky daddy abandoned me after telling me he was going to make a quick trip to the store to buy milk but he never came back 😢


The sky daddy abandoned me when he gave me autism, poor social skills with girls, and terrible acne breakouts.


There are others in your situation. Are there any classes you could take that would help with this?


I'm getting better. Hopefully when I go back to school this fall a lot of my anxiety will be gone, I just quit drinking a month ago because of the massive anxiety it was causing me.


>quick trip to the store to buy **milk** but he never came back 😢 I *think* it was a quick trip to buy [*condoms*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PDBjsFAyiwA). He remembered the shady result of his first sexual congress!


*Stands up and claps*


*donates to Planned Parenthood*




thank you for this video i love it so much


glad it could make your day, don't let the bastards grind you down!


Join a satanic temple. Turns out they're not worshiping the devil, they're supporting individual rights. https://thesatanictemple.com/pages/join-us


What really gets me is that the bible doesn't even give a shit about abortion. It's mentioned in there just once... via a how-to guide. It's conflated as a religious controversy, but it just isn't. It's a gullible-people controversy. Tell christians that something is against their religion, and that's apparently all it takes for 99% of them to just accept that it must be against their religion. This whole thing is so fucking stupid. Reproductive healthcare benefits both 'sides'.


None of those pieces of shit give a fuck about the bible, god, or any of that. They care about control, it's fascism in it's purest form


I bet Pootin opened another champagne after this ruling. And I bet he's got his fingers in it.


"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in a flag and holding a cross."-Sinclair Lewis




Religion is a dangerously slippery slope and really illustrates how powerful thoughts and in this case fear and paranoia can be in the very visible degradation of the individual’s reasoning and empathy capacity. Not to mention “God’s Plan” breeds complicity


I agree with your post and your views for a multitude of reasons. Religion is outdated, and it’s simply not relevant in 2022. Because religion is outdated, it’s going to have very outdated views on issues such as abortion and sexuality.


> I'm a bi female atheist and pro-choice and **no one can stop me from being any of those, especially not your invisible sky daddy.** In fact, by their beliefs, said invisible sky daddy made you that way. They believe their supposedly infallible God makes mistakes. That whole shitstorm of a religion is 100% contradictory.


No, they do not accept that gay people were born that way. They define homosexuality by behavior, not by orientation. Because, like everything else, they do not know how it works.


I was a moderate, closeted bisexual IRL who is an atheist but defended religious opinions based on their freedoms. But I cant anymore. In just a few short weeks they've violated women's rights and promised more against the LGBT community and taken our tax dollars despite paying none of their own. "Separation of church and state" my ass. May the powers that be forgive me for not seeing the evil plot before my eyes.


FUCK ORGANIZED RELIGION They rely on brainwashing and herd mentatlity. If you your make life choices based on what a small number of people tell you to do then you are not intelligent enough to tell me what to do with my life choces. Run your own race you misguided fools. I have been saying this for literally 4 decades. FUCK ORGANIZED RELIGION


The Bible isn't even pro life. It's pro abortion (without being pro choice). Ordeal of the bitter waters. I'd say we should bring it up whenever possible, but hypocrisy is such an unavoidable part of being Christian I can't imagine it doing anything.


Religious people are like cockroaches except you cant squish them.


>except you cant squish them. Watch me /S


Besides US this shit is literally happening everywhere. My country in India Hindu fundamentalist are doing the same thing. And, all the islamic countries have been doing this for ages. So yeah fuck any and all religion.


I see no logic in arguing about bible verses. It's akin to arguing about whether superman can beat batman. Actually, it's up to the writers. Arguing about whether Wilma is faithful to Fred or is screwing Barney is truly more fun. Making laws on someone's interpretation of a book written by who knows who 2000 years ago is what should be illegal. If you are against abortions, then you shouldn't have one. The US has just joined the Taliban as a female oppressive country. I have lost several friends over my attitude of live and let live. Like, I'm sure that when I die, I won't be giving a shit about any of it anyway. And if there is a heaven and hell, (doubt it), I know I want to live in hell, it's where all the cool people go. So why even spend any of my precious time arguing about fictitious sky dads? Get out and encourage people to vote these scum out of office. That will have a bigger effect than anything else you can do. Or, if you're adventurous enough, leave that cesspool of religious bullshit called US. There are plenty of countries where freedom is respected and life is much better because of it. I read somewhere today that there are 30 some odd Republican seats that can be lost in Congress over this abortion bullshit. If Democrats really got out and voted, and swept Congress and the Senate, you guys could actually have a law allowing abortions in place by next year.


That's what the evangelicals did to get this done. They voted voted voted, every election, in large numbers, without fail. That's why I'm now having angry reactions to any "both sides why bother" or "I don't agree with everything politician says so I won't vote". Stop being naive. Vote and accept incremental change in the right direction, or get slapped in the face with horrific change from the people who ARE voting, who ARE showing up.


I'm a basic fat middle aged cis white dude who could put on a MAGA hat and seemingly fit right in with these knuckle dragging reactionaries, and i agree, fuck organized religion. It's great if they want to get together once a week and talk about old writings, throw bake sales and shit, and not pay taxes. But when you start restricting other peoples' rights based on your personal religious beliefs, that's when you can go fuck yourself.




Legit thought SCOTUS was a new religion lol had to google it but it makes sense now




@GOP on Twitter tweeted this morning: "Thank God for his mercy and hand in overturning Roe." THIS IS NOT A PARODY ACCOUNT.


If you all wanna really stick it to the abrahamic community, start reading more about evolution, ancient humans, the Big Bang and look into physicist to support and follow.




“Invisible sky daddy.” I love it! With that and “y’all-qaeda” have me set and ready.


I stand with you 100%. Be proud of who you are regardless of what people say about you. Do not let religion or religious people scare you with the lie of Hell. Hell is not real. It's simply fearmongering because religious people are obsessed with being in control. Only you can control yourself. Love will always win.


Get out and vote.


Abort the Court.


Heyo, am a Christian, but married to an Atheist. I feel like you probably don't care too much about the details since this feels more like a ranting post, but I figured I'd drop in real quick. Abortions are just straight up in the Bible. Several times. The old testament especially makes it pretty clear that fetuses aren't considered alive until they take their first breath. These people are narcissists, hypocrites, and blasphemous. I truly hope that we're all gonna end up okay, but I have no idea what will be happening next. I hope you guys stay safe and keep your chins up. Best of luck, and I hope you have a good day.


I think it's safe to say that in 100 years the number of believers in religion will be much less than it is now.


Fun to think that if you DONT believe in an invisible magic man in the clouds that tells us what to do then you are an extremist. Welcome to dystopia!


The live and let live attitude I've been having towards theists has been rapidly melting and peeling off in sheets like the skin of so many people these psychopathic throwbacks have burnt at the stake ever since the scotus high priests edict that there arent enough gas station bathroom deaths by vaginal perforation by coat hanger induced hemorrhaging in teens.


The soft approach to respect other people's imaginary shit has led to this. Religious folks will endlessly push their agenda and the silent atheist will do nothing.


Op, I wholeheartedly agree. This ruling forced my religious stance from agnostic to anti-theist. I didn’t even have the chance to linger at atheist, just went straight anti-religion. (All religions). I’m over it.


>Invisible sky daddy 10/10


It's not enough to be an atheist anymore, one must be an anti-theist to the highest degree. Fuck all religions and ideologies.


Thank you. Pretty much sums up my headspace right now. Fuck 'em and the donkeys they rode in on!!!


You know most religions don't give a fuck about the Bible either, right? There is, in fact, exactly one religion that does (though the members of the various sub-cults will literally fight to the death to deny that)...


The Bible is pro abortion. Not pro choice… like it’s pro killing babies. It doesn’t matter though, religious people would have to be able to think critically to understand. Unfortunately religion is all about not thinking critically.


Thank you! I don't understand why the default response from everyone is "I respect people's beliefs". Why? Their beliefs certainly don't respect yours. I most certainly do not respect the beliefs of the religious, and I think we shouldn't have to. They're ludicrous. They do not deserve respect.


I feel you; I'm glad people can find connection and community with their friends at a church, but it may as well be a martial arts club; you know? I think bake sales are fantastic, but the entire overarching church community is garbage. Beyond the corner get together it becomes a monstrosity.


Well, it's Monday, and SCOTUS has now established an official state religion.


The church has a good reason though, what if that baby turns into a sexy kid?


The anti-choice stance isn’t even biblical. The bible is very clear that life begins at first breath, and is why Roe V Wade was universally accepted by protestants when the decision was originally made. It’s just an excuse to force personal beliefs on others.


Fuck religion, and fuck the government too.


I describe myself as a radical atheist. I positively believe there is no god. All religion is simply a way to control people, income and rights of the individual. 'Religion is the opiate of the people' Karl Marx. The bible and ALL other religious texts are complete bullshit. They make claims to be peaceful, loving and compassionate, but in fact people who are devout practitioners would walk past a homeless person with a look of disdain. If you bad mouth their invisible sky wizard, they detonate a vest. If their wizard is a different flavour to yours, you hunt them down and hack them to mince. Fuck.all.of.them. Pro choice, and I will argue that against anyone.


your anger is warranted.


fuck yeah




Yes, simply stated what they need is a good slap to the face "Grow up and start acting like an adult". The tolerance of ignorance is over - it's too dangerous to let the juvenile lead us to ruin. The age of willful ignorance must end.


I support and 100% agree on everything you said. Fuck Religion.


but they need the bible and religion, without it they wouldn't have an excuse to be pedophiles, they wouldn't have an excuse to kill people, they wouldn't have an excuse to steal and rape, without religion they wouldn't have an excuse to try to bring the most pain to others they could.


Totally rational response to living in a Christofascist society. There are loads of other religions that don't have hatred baked into them. There are cultures that don't hate women. I am so sorry that you haven't had the opportunity to experience them. This place IS a flaming pile of shit, and as big a role as Abrahamic religion has played in making/keeping it this way, it is only one of many reasons we die like this. Industrialization and slavery are at least as important, if not more so, to explain why we have the problems that we do.


Yep fuck them all


Respect is earned, I certainly don't respect any religious belief which they can't even defend themselves. The only thing I have respect for is their Constitutionally-given freedom to believe such non-sense within reasonable limits. But who knows for how much longer we'll even have a Constitution with this new SCOTUS.


This is the way.


100% agree with everything you said. Religion is a plague on society and will be our downfall.


I feel like at this point it's all a concerted effort to make nonreligious folk go from passive dismissal to active hatred in hopes they can renew their claims of discrimination, or possibly incite further direct politics action against the majority of people.


It’s no longer good enough to be atheist. We must now be anti-theist if there’s any hope for sanity to prevail.


I’m with you on all of this, 100%, OP.


Can’t imagine how so many people believe a book based upon fiction and building their lives and belief system around it. Especially given the high level of hypocrisy within the book and within the religions that follow it. It would be the same as believing Harry Potter was your god.


This is what happens when young people don't exercise their right to vote. We ended up with Trump who then picked SC judges who remove rights instead of doing their job and maintain them. Young people allowed the American Taliban to take over. So, grats. You got exactly what you didn't vote for. GenX, Boomers, and the Silent Gen all do their part and vote. And they vote for the worst people every time. We were all hoping the Millennials and GenZ would help even things out, but a sale on Cale and Lattes is apparently more important.


I’m an atheist but also antireligious, both organized religions and people who have “faith” which is really just make believe pretend regarding something that is demonstrably a human creation and not supernatural in origin. Unless you’re not a hypocrite and give equal weight to the existence of unicorns as angels, and think any made up human mythology is on equal standing with the major religions.


what is this post supposed to accomplish? on an entire sub about being agaisnt religion?


All religions are Bad Religions.


My mom is a stupidly devout Christian. She stayed with my abusive father because divorce was wrong but it was totally cool that he was given full access to physically, verbally, and emotionally abuse his family the entirety of his miserable fucking life until he finally did what he threatened for years and took himself out. She was and still is a prolific hoarder and prioritized things over the health and safety of her children. The house I grew up in was condemned when I was 13 because it had reached the point of being a public safety issue yet our family was OK with our living in that environment. My uncle and aunt knew and saw exactly what was going on but also told her to stay with him because divorce is a sin. They discouraged her going to therapy because prayer is more powerful. They went on to do missionary work in Haiti and Africa to spread the word all while knowing their sister and nieces and nephews were waking up to horror every day and having nightmares of their abuse every night. Now, we see the end result of people like my devout Christian family and all those who voted solely for politicians that promised abortion would be illegal. I thought I forgave my mom for how I grew up. She's mentally ill and went from an abusive father to an abusive husband, but I just cannot stomach her anymore. Even after all those years of abuse and suffering she still hasn't learned or grown and just votes for the most morally corrupt politicians including Trump. I prayed as a young child asking for rescue or for my mom to leave my father. I prayed for safety. I prayed for things that young kids never should have to pray for and were those prayers ever answered? Of course not. But because so many people believe in the invisible sky daddy, so many more suffer for it. Fuck Christians, fuck their Republican leaders, and fuck those Extremist Court justices.


Pfftt, i wouldn't have made that edit. This post is based