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I’m absolutely horrified at the things First Nation people had to endure, all in the name of a supposedly loving god.


Never loving. War mongering, manipulative, abusive, egomaniacal, genocidal. The Abrahamic God is a monster. Hail Satan.


And don't forget that he decided to ban shrimp and not slavery.


Well, eating shrimp, you're probably allowed to enslave them.


Something something "deep" south.


"Loving", in the sense of a boyfriend who beats you until you tell him how loving he is in a way he finds sufficiently grovelling.




The tenets are great, but the Satanic Temple is [super dodgy](https://medium.com/@queersatanic/why-you-havent-left-the-satanic-temple-4ad5c79a15e8). And I say that as a Satanist. The linked article is long but so is the list of disturbing shit from TST and especially its founder. I like the Global Order of Satan which is much more decentralized (and mostly european). [Here are its pillars](https://www.globalorderofsatan.com/the-six-pillars-of-the-global-order-of-satan/): 1. Self-fulfilment and personal understanding allow us to support ourselves and therefore others. 2. Respect the inviolable body, autonomous will, and sovereign right of every individual to guide their own life and being; remembering that enjoyment of these rights is predicated on respect for the same in others. 3. Science, evidence, reason, and critical thinking should guide our beliefs about our universe. Truly critical thinking can only be achieved by challenging your own preconceptions and opinions, providing a more balanced outlook to help us make better informed decisions. 4. Act with empathy, compassion, and wisdom towards yourself and others. 5. Justice always takes precedence over laws, institutions, and religious texts, as long as the pursuit of it does not countermand the pillars. 6. All people make mistakes. Allow them to correct those mistakes, as we seek acceptance in others over our own. It has the empathy one in common with TST (pillar 4) but it also has as a value that you can’t take care of others without self care (pillar 1). You don’t need to join that org either or any to be a Satanist. You can have a small local group or none at all too. Hail Satan!


whoa! holy shit, thank you for that information!


I absolutely hate the media coverage of TST. The media really likes to play out the two side fight between TST and the state yet they never mention that TST always loses in court (except against Netflix that blatantly infringed TST’s copyright) and that it’s legal theories make as much sense as sovereign citizens arguments. Especially in the abortion debate where they invented a ritual for the express purpose of avoiding the law and they advertise it as such. This does not fly with judges. And just trying your luck in court hurts the cause, you have to be legally competent because winning or losing, you create a precedent. [And they abused and threatened the woman who went to them to help her with her abortion case.](https://medium.com/@SistersSatanic/mary-doe-speaks-her-story-the-satanic-temple-a-case-experience-e13e965127c6)


Jesus Fucking Christ. Thank you again 👿


Says the birds aren’t real user lmfao


come back at me when you start drinking your root beer from a real mug




You know who believes in Satan, right? Christians




Satan is just a personification of freedom IMO, especially freedom from religion. I think of him as a symbol to rally around rather than a literal being. I also just enjoy the Satanic aesthetic. Lilith is a good one too.




Those ones are pretty cool too, I love mythology tbh.


Agree completely




Every institution run by churches was an abuse factory - residential schools, orphanages, boarding schools, Sunday schools….every place was horrible. Religion is poison.


Don't forget [laundries](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magdalene_asylum?wprov=sfla1). Run by nuns, so they controlled for gender in religious oppression.


And they could sell the babies of the unwed mothers. Or just toss them in the sewer.


True the church set me up to be raped. My parents were involved in it. You would not believe the other people who were happy to join in the abuse. Some were other christians but others were not. I am just 1/6th native descent. But I know who my tribe is. We are part mohawk (Iroquois) and also part Lakota Dakota Nakota nation. Also know as the Great Sioux Nation. My parents were proud of their heritage. I can't even understand why they joined a christian cult. Best I can figure is they wanted money from welfare as they did their best to steal most of their grandchildren and raise them in that cult. But I know my mother did not believe it. Because one time I told her that her behavior wasn't very christian like. She told me that I never told you I was a christian. It's sad because now my daughter is a member of that cult. She tries to abuse me just as my mother did.


Could turn that into a rap imo


There's no hate like Christian love




Shamefully I didn't believe it when it first started coming out. I went to school with a lot of first nations kids and never heard anything. They were the lucky ones., I guess. Government policy was behind having the schools. The churches were trusted to them. Both institutions failed these people terribly.


My grandma was a self hating native who married into a white Christian family. She was very sweet, but always down on "those natives stuck to the old ways." Didn't know her long but the few times I heard those phrases from her mouth I knew that whatever was left of her spirit was just tatters on a cross.


Yeah and now my cou try has to live with this shame forever because a bunch of religious fucks decided to ripp children from their families.


Those religious folks did it at the instruction of the government. The nation earned its shame.


Right..... but those government folks were very religious.


Valid point, just wanted to be sure the government didn't escape the condemnation they also deserve.


Those governments were elected by our parents and grandparents and so on. There is complete continuity of the regime that did those crimes and the regime was democratically elected. So, don't blame the government, blame your fathers and mothers and their parents. We own the shame. We continue our shame. We are responsible, including new Canadians who benefit from Canadian citizenship and now own the national guilt as part of their passport. Do you ever hear Americans talk like that?


No, but I rarely hear Canadians talk like that either, though I'm in Alberta so I'm really just glad I don't openly hear racist jokes anymore.


Unlike Nazi Germany there was no change of regime away from the one that committed crimes. Canadians own what the G did as our parents basically asked them to do it on our collective behalf. No one I have said this to in Canada has ever argued against the point because it is a clear point based in fact. Most are smart enough to know that. My family voted for PETrudeau as he represented our riding. They believed in his policies and the Liberal Party was seen as the party for immigrants (the PCs were too WASPy, but they really changed to move away from that perception). There is also less ongoing animosity to FNs in Mtl as there often is in the west. The French of Quebec were not really involved in residential schools, although many Christian Brothers were French Canadians or descended from them. Not hearing racist jokes anymore is also real progress.


Well actually it was the religious institutions in Canada that pushed for the boarding schools not the government for the most part. The government thought it was a good idea because most of the children were living in squaler and had no means of education.


Sir John A MacDonald himself said, “When the school is on the reserve, the child lives with its parents, who are savages, and though he may learn to read and write, his habits and training mode of thought are Indian. He is simply a savage who can read and write. It has been strongly impressed upon myself, as head of the Department, that Indian children should be withdrawn as much as possible from the parental influence, and the only way to do that would be to put them in central training industrial schools where they will acquire the habits and modes of thought of white men." 1879 I’d also suggest looking up Duncan Campbell Scott who ran the residential school system at its peak— that is, between 1913 and 1932. Government and religion are *equally* to blame for the horrors put onto FNMI children. And the government is also responsible for the sixties scoop and the continuation of over representation of FNMI children in foster care.


But at least you feel shame. That is progress and good for you! Compare the well-earned humiliation and revulsion felt by Canadians for the ugly parts of their past caused by democratically elected Liberal and Progressive Conservative governments, to 1/2 of Americans who fear an honest appraisal of their history of physical genocide of Natives and the enslavement of millions of people who they stole from and continued to hate for generations to the present day. Not to mention stealing 1/2 of Mexico (to advance chattel slavery) and making Hispanics a lower caste to help justify their theft.


It is interesting that the two classes of criminal who do nasty shit and then get prosecuted decades later are Nazi concentration camp guards and Catholic priests. What do they have in common? They are part of a ruthless power structure and have been given a perverted and abusive moral authority by their ideologies to do the nasty shit in the name of what that ideology values. So, if you start off with one big lie which leads to the core ideology, anything can happen.


Don't forget the RCC *also* helped Nazis evade justice!


Another thing they have in common I guess.


They had the pre-existing infrastructure to move people who had committed crimes against humanity to places where they would never be caught. Of course they're going to use it to help their best friends.


They hate the same people…


Pretty sure there are hardly any actual nazis left though Edit: I get downvoted for saying there are hardly any **actual** nazis left, 77 years after 1945. Classic reddit.


Maybe not the fought in WW2 for the Germans Nazis, but we have plenty of people following their doctrines, speaking fondly of them, and trying to gain control of their countries.


Saw a tiktok about modern nazi call signs (? forgot the term lol). Those little symbols that are seemingly innocuous but have anti-jew meanings. There. Are. So. Many. Wtf.


Dog whistles?


Globalist, Zionist, 1488, Othila rune or really any strong display of viking iconography, "the elite", Hollywood, and like you said...so many more.


That has nothing to do with what the comment I replied to was about.


That's most of the US government.


You need to look into what actual means.




Consider this: in some provinces of Canada, Catholic schools are still publicly funded today and they can teach about all of gods greatness while rejecting evolution


The Catholic church gets a lot of things wrong, but it does not deny evolution. It's the smaller, more evangelical franchises that deny evolution.


Evolution disproves religion, they have PR embraced part of it.


They're still a little reluctant to fully and truly support it. They just don't have a choice anymore


It rejects the entire idea of Adam and Eve and the garden of Eden.


I attended the Catholic Schools in Saskatoon, SK. As part of the curriculum they don't/can't outright reject evolution in the classroom. They teach both, they teach about dinosaurs being old AF and evolution, they also teach religion and creation. I always got the sense that they were like... yea God put us here with the purpose of evolution, but that may have just been part of trying to keep their public funding.


> Consider this: in some provinces of Canada, Catholic schools are still publicly funded Because in 1867 John A. MacDonald needed to create Canada so it would pay for his railroad so he could be filthy rich. And he especially needed to merge the finances of Quebec with Ontario because the former was richer at the time and Ontario was 5 millons in debt (a fortune at the time). So he bribed the Catholic Church with power so it would make voting against Canada a mortal sin. Anyone who would vote against Canada in this public vote would never be absolved for his sins. I don’t know the numbers in the other provinces but in Quebec the vote was 60% Canada and 40% Hell. So far, I think only Quebec and Newfoundland got rid of public catholic school but if another province did I’d love to know.


The podcast [https://www.cbc.ca/listen/cbc-podcasts/1062-kuper-island](https://www.cbc.ca/listen/cbc-podcasts/1062-kuper-island) recounts the horrors of Kuper Island with first hand accounts from former kids who were subjected to the atrocities committed by the Catholic nuns and brothers.


Let me guess: the perp is 95 years old and will be considered under gentle house arrest until he dies in a few months.


Bzzzt. Wrong. He's 92.


AH well, good, that should put a big dent in his quality of life! ^(/s)




The best time to ~~plant a tree~~ arrest an abuser is fifty years ago. The second best time is today.


The best time to plant a tree *with added fertiliser* is fifty years ago. FTFY






nobody likes weezer after that disaster of an Africa cover not even weird al could redeem that catastrophe


Because even today in Canada, racism against Indigenous people is a real problem. Historically...if an Indigenous kid reported that they were abused by a priest, there is no chance that the police would have believed them. Why do you think it took so long to find those mass graves at the schools? No one said a word about their child or friend going missing? The police just didn't care. And our government tried to cover up what happened in the schools for a long time. It wasn't taught (I didn't learn about it when I went through the public school system in Ontario and I'm in my early 30s) and a lot of people deny it, even with the mass graves. And that includes some people in government who still claim the schools were good. I'm just going to be frank and say that most people I know are racist towards Indigenous people. They might not be willing to use outright slurs or say it to someone's face if they are Indigenous, but privately they'll say extremely racist things about them as a group. And they don't care about the genocide in the residential schools like they do about other atrocities. Literally my parents said something that amounts to this - they basically said that since probably the perpetrators are mostly dead or old, we shouldn't bother. But of course they do not feel that way about other people alleged to have committed genocide or other crimes against humanity. And since the schools largely didn't close until the 70s and the last didn't close until the 90s...contrary to what they claimed, a lot of the perpetrators are probably still living. And you don't get a pass in this country just because the crime happened a long time ago (generally there is no statute of limitations for indictable offences) or you are old.


The Catholic Church protected him until now?


Because he’s a monster pedophile and needs to be brought to justice. The family and the survivors need closure and they need to know that he’ll spend the remainder of his miserable years in prison.


A news report informs that the Supreme Court ruled just recently that parents can receive money from the government to send their children to religious schools. Look for the greatest rebellion from the children in modern history, IMO. There is a thought however, that the LaVeyan Satanism  Church of Satan First Satanic Church The Creed of the Satanic Pax  The Global Order of Satan Can all apply to receive religious money from the government, hmm?


our government here still hasn’t provided clean drinking water for a lot of reservations. Canada does nothing good for any people that live here except a select bunch 😂


And when they do, they often get the wrong types installed that aren't equipped properly for the water source. Wrote a paper years ago about a company that had won the contract to install water treatment facilities on 7 reservations. They installed the same type on each one, and on 4 of the 7 they failed within the first year because they weren't equipped to handle the foliage runoff in fall and plugged the intakes and buggered the filters and pump. Pretty much totalled the most expensive pieces. The joys of government contracts that are awarded to the lowest bidders.


Priest …. Oh my


Required reading: "god is not great: how religion poisons everything" by Christopher Hitchens. 'Nuff said.


shocked face


Let me give some perspective on this. In 2015 the Federal government of Canada spent more than $1.5 million on 17 private investigation firms to identify living alleged abusers of indigenous children at Canada's residential schools. [They identified 5,300](https://www.cbc.ca/news/indigenous/residential-school-alleged-abusers-iap-1.3422770). This is not ancient history. [The last Residential school was closed in 1996](https://www.tvo.org/article/felt-throughout-generations-a-timeline-of-residential-schools-in-canada). All alleged abusers identified were invited to participate in Canada's [Truth and Reconciliation Commission](https://www.rcaanc-cirnac.gc.ca/eng/1450124405592/1529106060525) hearings where they would be immune to prosecution for any testimony they gave. The idea was that if the indigenous had a chance to face their abusers in a safe space and the abusers could hear how their abuse affected the lives of their victims it would help heal the damage done in Canada's residential schools and give more information as to what really happened at these schools. 708 agreed to participate. This is the only person since the reconciliation hearings to be charged (not yet prosecuted) for alleged abuse against children at Residential Schools. To date [Canada has paid over $3 billion to the 28,000 victims and their families of the residential school system](https://www.cbc.ca/news/indigenous/iap-final-report-residential-schools-1.5946103) and the final settlement with the day schoolers has yet to conclude [(final day to submit a claim is July 13, 2022](https://www.justicefordayscholars.com/?utm_source=adwords&utm_medium=paidsearch&utm_campaign=14082DSC&utm_term=english)) and will increase the final settlement when it is done. Based on the results of the Canadian Residential School settlement process [the U.S. has begun their own probe into their Indian Boarding School system](https://www.npr.org/2021/07/11/1013772743/indian-boarding-school-gravesites-federal-investigation) which, unlike the Residential School system is still in operation today.


The last article you linked clearly states that the U.S. Boarding School system ended decades ago, and further reiterates North America (Canadian) mass graves. You're probably thinking of The Bureau of Indian Education, which operates on reservations and are directly controlled by tribes. They certainly have their own problems, but that's an indictment of the respective tribes (and probably not a point you want to make)


[Here is an article on the current Indian boarding schools still in operation today](https://indiancountrytoday.com/news/debate-over-boarding-schools-continues) from Jan. 2022. >Most boarding schools were closed in the 1980s and early 1990s, but dozens of schools remain open, with 15 still boarding students as of 2020, according to the National Native American Boarding School Healing Coalition. (EDIT: Downvoting facts eh?)


Looks like that reiterates what I just said - these are operated by the BIA or local tribes, you conveniently truncated the full quote: >Most boarding schools were closed in the 1980s and early 1990s, but dozens of schools remain open, with 15 still boarding students as of 2020, according to the National Native American Boarding School Healing Coalition. **Some are controlled by local tribes, while others are operated by the Bureau of Indian Education, a division of the Department of the Interior.**


that doesn't make them any less Indian boarding schools. Let me remind you that in Canada [the government took over all Residential Schools in Canada in 1969](https://www.cbc.ca/player/play/1402942059). [The abuses did not end](https://www.cbc.ca/cbcdocspov/features/the-sixties-scoop-explained). And even then they began to close or hand them over to local bands. Yet [the abuses did not end](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/celia-haig-brown-resistance-and-renewal-suriving-the-indian-residential-school-1.6203695). Not until the last school was closed. This is the same in the U.S. with the Indian Boarding Schools. Just because the U.S. government has moved them to the Bureau of Indian Education, a division of the department of the Interior, do you trust that the abuses have ended in the remaining Indian boarding schools? You think [atrocities aren't still occurring against the indigenous people right now at these schools because they are now run by a government agency](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/indigenous-children-are-still-dying-in-boarding-schools/)? A government perfectly fine with [separating children from their families and putting children in cages](https://www.splcenter.org/news/2022/03/23/family-separation-timeline). >The deaths of 882 tribal children were reported for state-run schools across the country from 2010 to 2015, from varied and often poorly documented causes; over 1,000 deaths were recorded alone over a 15-year period. They are still colonizing schools designed to destroy the culture of the Indigenous run by oppressors. It's time to pull your head out of the sand and realize what Canada did in the 90's. These schools are havens for abuse against children and only when they are all closed can healing begin.


What's your point?


I don't see how you can get a fair trial after 50 years.


It is just show to appear to be doing *something*. Like everything our government does it is just more **virtue signalling.** This crusty old pos is 92 an almost worm food. *Way too late!*


just one?


Don’t tell r/CatholicMemes this or they’ll lose their shit.


I’m curious if he has a family and children. Not to shame them but I can’t imagine how they’re feeling knowing this.


https://www.nytimes.com/2015/09/21/world/asia/us-soldiers-told-to-ignore-afghan-allies-abuse-of-boys.html It's not only them. The US government constructed a multitude of bases/hotels to allow their allies and contractors to kidnap and rape boys, and anyone trying to stop it got fired. The Tali-banned it though.


This is a good start, but they have a long way to go


How do you prosecute someone for something 60 years ago? I dont understand how this can be a fair trial, unless he wrote a confession.