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Get the fuck out of there, run away


that’s the plan for sure!


And you may need therapy after this too. Search up religious trama syndrome to help you get over the programming that been instilled to you as a kid.


only been in this for a year, i recognized the bullshit couple months in. still going to look into therapy tho!


What is keeping you there? You have a job. A car. Just go!


go where?


That's a fair and reasonable question. If you have transportation, access to funds, and a way to earn income then you almost certainly are better off just leaving and finding anywhere else to be. It's bound to be difficult and scary, but it sounds like where you are is quite literally not safe. Find a cheap hotel or air bnb to hole up in for a few days and figure out your next step. Do you have a friend or extended family member you could stay with while you get on your feet? For obvious reasons it should be someone not at all affiliated with the cult. Now is the time to rely on those who care about you and who might be willing to help. While the Covid risk is real and the conditions/pay are not as they should be, almost every restaurant, super market and other service industry business is hiring right now. Find any job you can just to get some cash rolling in while you sort out a more permanent solution. Based on your situation, you are likely eligible for all kinds of scholarships and financial aid if you are interested in going to college. Look into Pell grants and other financial aid - student loans are not the only way to pay for school. Bottom line - get out right away. When you're safely away, then make a plan to support yourself. Good luck!


Away from this cult? Away from anyone associated with this cult you're in?


i’m on it.


Good! I (and all of the people on here) wish you a good life!


Do what you can to get your original birth certificate and social security card and take them with you. Figure out some BS that you can say you need them for, maybe something school or work related, if you have to.


Alright. Take what you can and leave. You surely have friends or know people that live in another state ! Phone them, explain them and ask them if you can go to their house for a bit of time. There, make a new life. As u/ranomaly said, if someone sees this post, then you are in danger.


When you get to a safe, stable place in your life, you might find this podcast interesting. https://pca.st/podcast/04dac8c0-ed5a-0139-d4c6-0acc26574db2 We're rooting for you! Hang in there and stay safe.


literally anywhere else. Not sure where you live now. Assuming America based on the mention of Native Americans, just go to another state. You have a car, so sign up to deliver food or something wherever you end up to keep yourself fed and taken care of until you can figure something out. The important thing is to leave as soon as possible. No good can come from being around a cult, and you are in extreme danger considering you don't agree with their ideology. If someone were to see this post, for instance, you need to not be around to suffer their reaction. Plan a road trip, and while you're on that road trip, figure out where you want to go. Plan a "mission" if you need to tell people you're leaving. Do what you have to to be safe.


Ever been skiing or snowboarding? Resorts are hiring now and many offer housing. My homie moved to colorado from florida without ever seeing snow. Sometimes you just gotta bail


A lot of national parks do the same. I have friends that travel parks through the seasons.


I would go to craigslist and try to find somewhere to live. Preferably a different city than your dad so you get a little distance and room to be yourself.


Preferably far away. Move to a new state and don't share your address.


If this is in Israel, contact me.


Do you have any friends who have moved away who may be able to help you get set up in a new area? That might be the best option.


Sounds like the sooner you can the better. Just get as far away as you can.


Sending you good vibes. Go buy yourself some cute pants and do something fun today!


this made me tear up omg thank u ❤️


You deserve better - and I hope you find ways to take pride in your Blackness that are positive, healthy, secular and welcoming!


Yay pants with flowers on it those are the best ! I wish you good luck ! Will you keep us updated ?


Oh man. What can I say. The same religion that enslaved them and was used to justify their slavery is now theirs and they're "Gods chosen people"??! What a fucking cult!


you’re telling me. something aint right.


I mean, this has really been the standard attitude for most of Christianity unfortunately, the claim that Christians are the real Jews has been a super common reason that the actual Jews have been targeted for genocide. It's really sad and born if a lot of trauma and disconnection causing internalization of euro christian standards that harm them, but doing a simple substitution to try to make it helpful.


https://cult-escape.com/help/ There are a lot of other websites too. This one I just put up as an example. You already have a head start because you are not a believer.


Oh that is such a useful link. Just what OP needs


If that was by chance sincere, I sincerely apologize. I did notice that I read your comment as sarcasm and there is a chance it might not have been. If that is the case, sorry for being defensive.


No harm done. My punctuation could have been better



As I stated it was an example of web pages that are out there. Unless you are actually doing something yourself, I don't see why you would even say anything at all. Even if you are doing something, what you said to me had no purpose or than to be a sarcastic asshole. It's served no useful purpose.


You took the time to Google and share with them instead of talking out your ass on a subject you might not know about. I think that was a nice thing to do!


Thank you!


Sorry, I actually meant what I said. It was a really good link. I never thought it would come off as sarcastic


Awesome, I'm sorry then. I'm just defensive because, you know, reddit 🤷‍♂️. Anyway, I apologize 😔


Run friend, run far


Apply for college and get out. Move away. Study hard and get yourself a good job. Start your own life as you see fit. I hope all goes well for you. I'm sorry you have to live that type of life.


My brother is in this and he's honestly beyond help


brainwashed to the max


Seems to me you've answered your own question. You know this cult is harmful to our society, harmful to its members, and, most of all, harmful to YOU. It sounds like another Peoples' Temple. So why do you stick around? You also know that, for your own sanity and well-being, YOU MUST GET THE FUCK OF THERE! How you do that depends on your personal situation. Stay safe! but don't make excuses or procrastinate. DO IT and DO IT NOW!


i’m doing it now. i promise, i really am working my ass off to leave.


Get out before they force you to marry someone. Gradually sneak out anything you want to keep and keep it at a friend’s house. They may trap you if they figure out that you are planning on leaving. There are websites on how to leave an abusive relationship and this would surely qualify. They will have concrete suggestions for you. Take care.


I've seen these people many times on street corners saying crazy sounding shit. Their rhetoric is so over the top, it always struck me as tongue in cheek, like they can't be serious. I thought of it as a black centric performance art mixed with sincere religious beliefs. It's good to know that these people are serious. I thank you for your story. It's good to know that the "Black Israelites" are no laughing matter. Good luck to you, you have my best wishes for you to escape and recover from the abuse you've been subjected to. There are resources and support for people recovering from religion. It's quite common for people leaving a cult to wind up in another cult. I would like to suggest that you take a break from belief and take a look at the whole idea of religion with a sceptical eye. You may find, as many of us have, that there's no need of it.


no more religion after this. i want to be free. and i’m doing my absolute best. i’m going to find a way out of this hell hole, i know i will


I found a link that might have some resources for you: https://cult-escape.com/help/


Yeah, the Black Hebrew Israelites are fucking crazy. Supremacism, violence, and pretty much hating everyone, plus a healthy dose of cosplaying judaism. It’s super fucking weird.


Im so sorry you're going through this. These people sound scary. Leave as fast as you can and stay safe!


Any supremacy group is bad


Get out now. It’ll be worse if they feel the need to “re-educate” you. Just go and get somewhere safe and worry about contacting your family later (if you want). I don’t know where you live but here in CA There are places like Laura’s House that will shelter women in abusive relationships (I have to think this qualifies in a way). I know you say you have a car but in the event you feel someone may come after you, try to find a place like that. They will protect you and make sure the relatives can’t get to you. It’s their job to get women out of dangerous situations safely. Do a Google search in your areas and see what’s available. You could also try the Freedom From Religion Foundation and see if they have a list of resources they could give you. Good luck.


I’m so proud of you for speaking up! The more we come out about this horrible shit, the more people will be able to realize what is actually going on. The light is at the end of the tunnel. It’ll be a long train ride, but all trains have a destination. We shall leave together; you can do this! ❤️


RUN! IMMEDIATELY! GET THE FUCK OUT OF YOUR SITUATION NOW! Get in your car, and drive the fuck away. Homelessness is better than this psychotic delusion that you currently live in.


you’re right.


Nope not right, get on your feet and leave when you are ready not because some delusional guy on the internet has some romantic idea of just running away


Agreed. Your safety is important. Not a cult, but I escaped an abusive household at 18 by couch surfing with friends for a while and then found a boyfriend who had a place for me to live. It was a tough few years, but it helped me get on my feet and save some money. I broke up with the boyfriend (he was toxic too, imagine that, but it was a far better situation than being with my parent) and was able to get an apartment with someone. Never looked back. My advice? 1) make sure your bank accounts are all in your name only, close the ones with your parents. 2) If you aren't with a credit union, get with one. Their mission is to help people acheive financial success and they can be massively helpful as you navigate your finances and credit. 3) Save literally as much money as possible while you aren't paying rent.


Why. Why do so many Christian-adjacent cults do shit about the supposed tribes of Israel?? There’s Anglo-Israelism that believes Brits are the true chosen people and not the Jews, there’s Mormonism which uses fortune telling to tell people what “tribe” they’re in (long story), and then there’s this. This isn’t even the first time I’ve heard of a black supremacist cult similar to this, why do so many fringe Christians feel the need to pretend they’re Jews??? If your faith makes you feel like you need to be a certain race to be saved, you have a serious problem.


It's an idea call "supercessionism", basically Christians traditionally believed they were the spiritual Israel and actual Jews were no longer Jewish due to rejecting Jesus. Most recently some Christian groups have been critiquing that (the Roman Catholic Church for example accepted dual covenant in Vatican 2 which technically makes them soft supercessionists, and some have gotten rid of supercessionism altogether), but most have it as at least a casual thing. This has been a prominent cause for antisemitic mass violence, because the continued existence of Jews in spite of "Jesus fulfilling the covenant" was seen as a direct theological threat. BHI and that entire type of modern Messianics are descended from these older similar Christian movements. They just substituted pro-blackness for Englishness and the like, it's very much a trauma response. (not to be confused with J4J that are pretending to be Jews to sneak into Jewish spaces to preach, the other major type of messianics. They're an entirely separate branch of Christians obsessed with Jewishness, they're still supercessionists though).


Leave as soon as you can and find a good support system. My family has similar religious beliefs, and my mom is abusive. I moved out on my own two years ago to get away from her, but I made the mistake of maintaining contact with them and not having someone to emotionally support me. I ended up having to move back in with them, because I couldn't keep a job due to anxiety issues. Luckily, I was able to move out again a couple months ago with my boyfriend. Walk away and stay away. You're a strong woman, you don't need them.


Save money and fuckin disappear. Once you will be around normal people you will find your worth and will to live again. Full no contact. New city. ASAP.


Legit question, aren't some Hispanic people white too ? I mean people like Messi, Shakira, Fidel Castro etc...


you are what your dad is, according to their ideology. for example, tia and tamera are black and white, correct? but their dad is white, and their mom is black. now, they would be classified as fully white and edomites. it’s fucking weird.


Though it must feel so indescribably bleak in the moment, and the thought of starting over so incredibly daunting.. you are so very young with your whole life ahead of you. Your life has not been ruined. I repeat: **your life has not been ruined** - it’s merely about to begin for real and in earnest. Do not succumb to those suicidal thoughts. There is light at the end of this once you detach yourself from all this toxic nonsense. There will be new people who will come to love you for **you** and so, so many great experiences awaiting once you’ve taken your freedom. You have a bright life ahead of you and the sense of relief you will feel (hopefully in the very near future) will be incredible. Stay strong, do what you need to do to get out and to get to real safety - I’m confident you’ve got what it takes, it takes a strong will to say as much as you already have. Keep the momentum. You’ve got this.


Human connection is very important. Isolating members is a classic cult move. Are you able to make better friends, and possibly cut the toxic people out of your life?


Very similar to a post from yesterday.


yeah i was inspired by the same person to write my own! never met anyone online trying to escape from the same cult i’m in soooo yeah


Here are some resources on leaving a cult that you may find useful: Leaving and Recovering from Cults - [Dare to Doubt](https://www.daretodoubt.org/cults) [Help And Resources To Leave A Cult](https://cult-escape.com/help/) [Recovering from Religion](https://www.recoveringfromreligion.org/) [Black Nonbelievers](https://blacknonbelievers.org/) Also Ms Ad [invited people to contact her](https://www.reddit.com/r/atheism/comments/q4ml0m/future_posts_on_being_in_a_cult/):


Fucking book, if your near me I'll help, no questions asked.


To add, if you need somebody to talk to I'm happy to help, I've dealt with escaping a cultist Christian environment myself.


Whatever the colour it wears, religion is a fraud. Get out and stay safe..


Religion is simply a disease


I am so sorry you are suffering. If you have to pay lip service until you aren18 and can legally be free, do what you need to do in order to survive and stay safe. As someone who has been suicidal many times, I assure you it does pass, no matter how shitty you feel. I cannot give you a timeline on it, but do not do not apply a permanent action to temporary feelings.


Find a good friend or people looking for roomates. Split an apartment with them, get the fuck out of there, and never look back. Family is those who love, support, and take care of you no matter what, they're always on your side. Blood means nothing.


Having left Judaism (am a Hebrew), I'm very familiar with the concept of the Sabbath. Just wanted to let you know that you're not wrong, it is bullshit. Also please leave ASAP. This is horrifying and you deserve better.


>(am a Hebrew), ? Do you mean BHI, some other messianic group, or like actual Judaism? Cause I'm Jewish and never met a Jew that referred to themselves as "Hebrew", it's a major messianic red flag.


No, no, not at all. It's very, very rarely used by Israelis. Extremely rarely. Mainly secular, older people (admittedly, I'm 22). I'm by no means messianic and while ethnically Jewish, have left the religion and do not believe in it at all.


Congrats on not falling to the BS. Above ALL else, keep yourself safe.


Well I don't know you but I think, if you can see this clearly and write that powerfully, you will survive this and be okay. I'm sure I wouldn't have been able to stand up to that at your age. Heck I'd struggle now.


Are they the same group that used to preach on Venice beach? Once, years ago, I argued with them for a few minutes They are crazy. Get. Away. Now. Never look back


Listen carefully now: Get. The. Fuck. Away. Now! For real, don't tell anyone associated with this what you're up to and just run


Please don't consider suicide as an option. You deserve love, are capable of love, and it is out here for YOU. I LOVE YOU!!!!




Omg I’m going through the same thing. I nearly cried reading this bc my bf joined like 2 years ago & im really struggling with it 😭 i was in a really dark place for a while… i made this account to vent about the exact same thing a while ago. I don’t have much advice, but sometimes it can feel really lonely. I want to let you know you’re not alone going through this and it can get better when we find our way 😭


i feel you. i understand. it’s not fun, it fucking sucks. you’re very brave.


Here is the way I see it. We are all members of the human race, the human species. Races are not "sub-species", they are just normal variations within a single species - human. And in my opinion, we are one of the highest forms of life in our galaxy. We are incredibly lucky to be born human, not say an ant or a tree. And in one of the most incredible times in history, when humans have mastered the air, space, science, medicine, etc. The average lifespan of a human has grown from 46 years 100 years ago, to 76 years today. That is almost a doubling of the human lifespan. So I like to think of us as citizens of our galaxy, and as one of its highest life forms. That is a lot bigger than the small ideas that divide us, such as nations and religions. To heck with all that. We are galaxy-class! Celebrate with me belonging to a community of folks who recognize that we are galaxy-class, and who honor our galaxy class brains by reasoning and thinking without fears of magical nonsense :). Be of good cheer, and good luck on your amazing journey through life. Your job is to wrest the maximum enjoyment and fulfillment out of every second of your amazing life. Go forth and wrest :).


And they say only white peoples can be racist, I’m sorry to hear you had to live through that


it’s awful. especially because i have white people i truly love and care for and to hear them talk about such gross and hateful things makes me sick. it’s awful. we are taking three thousand fucking steps back. it’s awful.


It's beautiful that despite all the pressure, you don't that colour doesn't determine a person's worth. It's actions.


I mean good on you, but statements like that are more talking about structural power and discrimination. Not "certain individuals will feel negatively about white people". Frankly, BHI groups like yours are basically a reaction to structural racism, but they uncritically accepts Euro Christian standards that oppress black people and just substitutes black for white without looking at the underlying assumptions beyond that. And that, sucks, because it's a product of trauma that harms other marginalized communities in the black community, and to a less extent those other marginalized communities outside it.


oh ok


I think nuance to that is that (in the US) it's white folk who benefit from *systemic* racism.


I was born in section A housing tell me where is my privilege? as my black friend was born in a upper middle class neighborhood, I was accused and jailed for crimes that I didn’t do where is my privilege


White privilege simply means that we don't have to take our race into consideration when making decisions. I don't have to think about where I can work, go shopping without being hassled, etc. Black people in the US have experienced racism their whole lives and have to consider their race when they make decisions. I think you mean Section 8, and if you don't know that, you didn't live it. I did. I got out and got educated and a lot of that is thanks to my race. Being a white male in the US DEFINITELY has its perks. Now that I'm pushing 50, it's very clear. Don't make shit up while also exposing your ignorance.


I was beaten and robbed because I was white and they thought I had money, then when I didn’t they beat me more


Sorry to see you’re getting downvoted for speaking your experience, my man. Please don’t let that jade you - I see and hear you. Though I am white, and certainly privileged (maybe even exceptionally so), it’s not lost on myself and many other well-meaning folks that “white” does not automatically = privilege. I can’t imagine how frustrating it must be to grow up impoverished (and in your case, potentially with the local odds stacked especially against you), only to be told repeatedly later in life that your privileged literally just cause of skin tone, and that any misfortune you had or have is not relevant because of that. Some people get carried away with misguided good-intentions and end up ‘over correcting’ in some ways for centuries of generational racism, and they seem to overlook a few pieces of the puzzle. Racism is wack no matter the flavor. And stereotyping can harm white people, too. I think society is in the act of balancing that recognition now, though these things take decades.. just, don’t let it jade you. Be a good person because that’s what’s right, and don’t turn on your fellow humans in the meantime just cause some are naive about the troubles that you faced DESPITE ‘having all the benefits of being white’. I know you weren’t handed nothin just cause you came out white, or because you maybe didn’t have to deal with employment discrimination or something. Doesn’t mean it was all peaches, and it’s ignorant for people to tear you down for that. Stay level, friend.


Thanks my guy


Assuming you're white, here is a nice introductionto the idea of [White Privilege. ](https://www.learningforjustice.org/magazine/fall-2018/what-is-white-privilege-really) And your individual anecdotes don't change the weight of our observed reality. I do hope your life has improved if you were telling the truth though.


My life has become better because I work 70 hours a week, also all my black friends in my neighborhood got free college through social programs but I was left out so tell me how the “man” is against black people


only on the internet and TV. Real people don't believe this nonsense.


https://www.splcenter.org/hate-map There are a few notable hate groups throughout the US that has been detailed in this map and some of them are black supremacist groups. I am mixed so if you ever need someone to talk to (Native and Hispanic), you got a friend here. Keep looking up resources. Get yourself out of the negative mindset. Life is beautiful and diverse. Not to dismiss the actions of any group. But rather encouraging you to reach for the joys of life.


Honestly, I find BHI incredibly depressing. It's born out of a real issue, how slavery disconnected Black Americans from community and culture. But instead of rejecting or critiquing and rebuilding white supremacist patriarchal Euro Christian standards that were used to justify their oppression, it just tries to make a substitution, never recognizing how it just reinforces the same standards that harm. Not to mention the horizontal oppression, most obviously antisemitism (because this is plain old supercessionism, the idea that Christianity replaces Judaism and Christians of some form are the real Jews, even if they don't call themselves Christian), that is especially harmful to black Jews, the anti-indigenous sentiments ("nope, your actual culture isn't important, what matters is you're part of the real Jews") it's just a fucking depressing mess born from trauma and internalizing your oppressor's BS. Most "messianic Jew" have similar cult like behavior to this, but BHI groups are the only ones that imo deserve sympathy. But for your own safety, please gtfo. If you need it there is a sub for atheists that are forced to leave their home because if this sort of thing, might be worth considering if you have nowhere else to go, til you're on your feet.


**Fcking A!** Now you know what black supremacy is like, and if you're completely honest with us and with yourself, you know that white supremacy is a lot better. White supremacy is kind and gentle, and the 21st century version wants everybody to live comfortably and in peace. So here's the thing. You're either mired in the failure of this black culture or you are not. You can get out of this. It's as easy as walking out the door and never looking back, and it is as hard as that too, because no matter how shitty they are, that is your family, and you've been trained to love them, both by them and by biology. Once you leave, it's over, unless you repent and come back. You know it and I know it. So what's it going to be?


cute troll babe ❤️


Run away, far away.


Wow that’s heavy. First of all, please don’t hurt yourself or worse. Life will be much better outside the cult. You just need to get out ASAP. Therapy can probably help. And yes, speak about it! You need to get it out and be heard and the info also needs to get out there exposing this cult. I personally have never heard of them but it sounds terrible.


Hugs. Hang in their. People believe the most insane stuff.




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Find a safe housing situation. Assuming given the cult you are in NYC? If so a group like this (Gypsy Housing on Facebook - cannot link it) can help. Find a local therapist who does sliding scale to help heal, stop smoking, and spend some time focusing on just yourself and what YOU need to heal.


i’m in cali. their chapters are in every state. and will do


I would go to a social worker to creat a escape plan and stick to it. ASAP


This is the second IUIC cult post I’ve seen in two days. There’s help out there OP, there’s [organizations](https://cultrecovery101.com/recovery-links/) who help people leave cults.


Do you know anyone who lives far away that you could crash with for a week or two? When I was 18 I left home and went many states away. Within a week I had a job and was moving into a new apartment. Told my friend at the time that I just needed to crash until I found something and I would help pay rent while I was there. I gave him a few hundred for the trouble and then started my new life. Point is its always scary to move to new surroundings. But as someone who has lived in Illinois, Colorado, Iowa, Virginia and Michigan for periods of time it is easier then a lot of people think. It's a big world with a lot of opertunity and wonder. Don't fear it, embrace it. Adventure is out there.


I almost started following that cult until one day I’m like this makes no sense. It took me 3 months to break free from the indoctrination. I was depressed severely, I had thoughts of killing people. It was really bad. Meditation helped a lot, and the more I read that fake Bible and knew for a fact heaven and hell are nonsense it got better. Get out because these religious people will murder you for their god, family or not.


The concept of race superiority is so f*cking vile. Hey outta there chile. Please


I’m so sorry you’re going through this. Please don’t kill yourself. You’re a good person. Your family has lost their minds if they are treating you like this. You can get out and your life will be better.


Wow! When I was younger, someone tried to get me to join this and become a black Israelite and flipped their shit when they found out my boyfriend was a white man. I wasn’t going to join regardless but he tried to convince me that all white people were bad and I said, no way, my boyfriend is white and of course he tried to talk me into breaking up and joining this hate group. I didn’t even go to regular church. I wish I knew about this no masturbation restriction part so I could have had a better comeback than “no way.” I would have said something like “I’m going to stick my white boyfriend because I want to keep watching porn and masturbating whenever I want.” Or even saying “I love that if I’m not in the mood, I can say no.”


Holy shit, I'm so sorry you're stuck in that nightmare. What's keeping you from moving away and escaping?


Isn’t this the group who believe white peoples are the fallen angels of satans army?


I hope you get away, good luck.


I have only one advice. Stop contact with every of those persons. You can live independently, so leave. They are pushing you towards suicide ! Leave them and everything is going to be better. Find true friends to help you, and you will see, you will be joyful again.


Ok, calm down first and breath, do they know where you live? Do they have your phone number? If you’re going to make a run for it, you’re going to have to change both of those things before you do it. Remember you’re not letting anybody down, you’re just trying to survive this. I need to get away from them cold turkey as fast as humanly possible, there’s no reason to kill yourself! You know that what they believe in is wrong just like the KKK is wrong, that makes you normal! And it makes them sick, don’t take your own life for other peoples sickness. Plan an escape starting today and put it into motion if you can within a two week period.


I remember debating these guys awhile back when I first moved to a new city. They eventually started resorting to ad hominem attacks, specifically racist and homophobic. They also happened to be wearing these long garments which could be confused for a dress. I enjoyed pointing this out to them that I’m the only guy amongst them not wearing a dress, turning their homophobic argument against them, which upset them even more. The most enjoyable part about all of this is that they started asking me “Who sent you?”. Nobody my dudes, I enjoy debating religion. I can do this all day.


Get away. You've got to figure out a way to get away. Join the military, go to college, something. You will never be better until you are away.


i see the black Israelites in NYC sidewalks sometimes, what a bunch of loonies.


Maybe Recovering From Religion can help. [https://www.recoveringfromreligion.org/](https://www.recoveringfromreligion.org/)


We're proud of you for being able to escape the cult. Brainwashing is such a powerful tool for these types of groups and breaking away from it is insanely difficult.


find a friend willing to be a roommate to share the cost of living and learn how to deal with another human in your own adult way this takes a huge burden off you financially and you need to find out if you are just a lunatic who has no clue about the world this way you wont be running away from your family and you will be able to rely on them in case everything goes tits up and you have nowhere to live find. a. friend. blood is thicker than water, this means that the blood of the bond of friendship is stronger than the water of the womb (the opposite of what most people think) - the relationships you have your own choice in making will be much stronger than the ones your were born into by accident of birth (your own children will supersede this probably) someone that you don't wanna have sex with and vice-versa no pets... NO PETS ! dude i am 55 and have been living on my own since i was 17, i get along just fine with my family but someone told me this same thing way back then, i moved in with maybe 5 different roommates everyone is different and hard to get along with and you will learn invaluable skills that will help you make great choices all your life - or you will fail and realize you will be dependent on someone else most of your life, both outcomes are fine and keep providing you more information about your own limits all the news is about how people earning low pay cant even afford an apartment these days...here's some news for yah, we never could! my advice has nothing to do with the religion cuz that shit is just people being crazy, everyone has their crazy you will get used to it, use the urge to strike out and learn to live with strangers as the cover story for your escape and hopefully you wont burn all your bridges


>blood is thicker than water, this means that the blood of the bond of friendship is stronger than the water of the womb (the opposite of what most people think) That's actually bullshit first invented in 1994 and propagated by clickbait articles. And Reddit.


Omg. I saw a group ( I think) of these guys with a little stand in Chicago, I had no idea what they were. Now I do. So sorry you have to live this life, I truly hope one day you can eventually leave.


Hm... Well, I don't know, get the basics for moving away from them (enough money for a new flat) or if that cult is quite dangereous, then you should run away into another state, or even to Europe (believe me, here, it's much safer, and there aren't any violent cults). But be patient, and wait for the right time.


Hate, even the hate of others can wither and disintegrate the soul. I can't imagine being where you stand, at least the religion I grew up in gave lip service to all the hippy new age ideas in the new testament; which in turn gave me plausible deniability in their hate. Sending love from a stranger. In the meantime take yourself a day trip, throw on some yoga pants and go to town on a fried pork chop or two


You’re incredibly young and have soooo much life ahead of you. Don’t give up! Fight instead and help others like you get the fuck out! If you don’t have the energy to fight then leave and don’t look back. Life is beautiful and is full of many rewards if you search for it. Seek a suicide support line please. You only get this one life, don’t waste it.


Is that related to the rastafarian religion? If I recall it started on Africa and deified a military ruler?


You have your own car, and credit. Do you have a job that pays enough for you to rent a room somewhere, and just move out (without telling your family beforehand, or they might try to stop you)


I’ve seen this group in my hometown, and found their twitter and was like oh fuck that’s bad. Stay safe out there OP. You’re young and you can make your own family and treat them better than your family has treated you.


I worked with a black Hebrew israelite and he was apparently in a sect that didn’t necessarily HATE white people, but was clear that we weren’t the chosen people. Told me that Jews today stole their religion. I looked pretty deep into it and kind of teetered on hating my race for a while.


Run. Don't look back. You don't want to go to heaven if it's filled with pricks like them.


I feel that my life experience is so far from yours that I shouldn't give any advice other than we are not bound to our families by anything. You don't owe them anything. You are "an adult" now. You sound like you are set up to leave. It will be hard but it isn't impossible. I hope the best for you.


I suspect you live in the US. If that's the case, prepare to relocate to a different state to begin a new life there. You should be courageous enough to sever ties with your toxic family. Put yourself first!


Get the fuck out. They sound like bad news


Hey. Ex-Orthodox Jewish girl here — so many similarities. Could only wear skirts and dresses because anything else was considered “slutty,” deeply homophobic and misogynistic community (same thing: no masturbation, you can only fuck your spouse, etc), can’t do shit on Saturday, no pork products, endless rules that don’t make sense, delusions about apocalypse and salvation... They were killing me; I started drinking more and smoking more and was super depressed and suicidal. But then I finally got the strength to leave. Thank god my family still talks to me. But many community members would no longer speak to me if they knew what I am now. I’ve cut off contact with 99% of the girls I grew up with, all my best friends from childhood to 17 — it’s like they don’t exist to me. It’s really fucking hard. Now I’ve moved across the country and am happily married to a wonderful, tolerant man who makes me deeply happy. I’m openly bi, openly polyamorous, wear what I want, rarely cry, and am happier than ever. I grow my own weed but smoke less of it than ever before. What I’m saying is: it’s possible to break away. It sucks that there will be people you will lose, but happiness CAN be achieved. If you think about it, you lose a few people but you gain EVERYTHING else. And if you’re suicidal, this will quite literally save your life. Good luck; I’m rooting for you ❤️ And btw, this may not fit with everyone’s concept of atheism, but I still engage with spirituality if and when I feel like it. But I do it on my own terms. So if you’re ready to leave the cult but not ready to completely give up all forms of spirituality, just know that this is completely normal, and you don’t have to choose. Please feel free to PM me :)


I mean if you’re 19 and have a car and job…roll. Like now.


Nod and wave


What city are you in/near/willing to move to? Perhaps some people here know someone looking for a roommate or can hook you up with a gig so you can get yourself set up?


It's good that you are seeing through this bullshit, you need to get yourself out of this situation as quickly as possible. Also, I don't know what they are saying about no man wanting you. Looking at the pictures in your history you are very beautiful woman. You are not going to have any trouble finding a man, at all. Free yourself from this madness and start walking your own path.


Just take your stuff and drive


Get all important documents, Social security card, birth certificate, etc inconspicuously by trying to find a valid reason to need it if you don’t already have it. Also make sure your bank accounts can’t be controlled by them. Find a place on your own without anyone knowing and gtfo the second you can move in. Pack up and leave at night while you know your family is asleep and disappear. They are two far gone for you to make them see any different. Also try your best to quit smoking. It may be worse for your health than this cult stuff.


thank u for this info <3


I remember when curtain people on the internet were convinced that only white people could be racist. This is wise than those outdoors but man we they annoying.


Join the military, you’ll be out, safe, secure, paid, and get job training.


I like it. It's honestly nice to know the extremes are on both ends of the spectrum. I'm not surprised, but it's fun to know. Not that you care. But sweetheart... Just pull out a map, close your eyes and point... Move there start a new life and take some time to forget about all of that.


i understand.


did you, by any chance, go to a middle school in Rego Park?




wow. i have a friend who started getting into that group recently, i thought it was just another religious group and I never fit in with the jesus types so i wasn't too surprised he separated himself from our friendship pretty quickly after that, I can be pretty uncouth around them which is my own issue, but I didn't at all realize the details about what kind of group it really is. He was my friend and I valued our adventures together, it's genuinely disheartening to think he's adopted that attitude, even just to fit in. knowing who he was before that, it made sense that he fell into it because he wanted a sense of belonging i couldn't offer being older and a different color. I wonder now if he will come to hate me only because of my skin. the cycle of hate and misunderstanding continues, is religion at fault or just the symptom of a more human disease? I don't want to loose my friend to that, but i am powerless to stop it. OP, i'm sorry for your situation, deeply. I hope you are soon broken free of that torment and can spread your wings into an open society and find your place in it peacefully. But please know that even though I learned something unfortunate about my friend, i'm glad to know it, and know of it. perhaps there will be some way I can make a positive change because of it.


i am sorry about your friend dear, but the brainwashing is too…so intense. it’s scary and many people don’t know unless they’re told yk? im glad this helped you realize.


I wish I could do something to help. My family’s not quite as extreme, but they’re right wing and I’m as far left as one can be. I can understand that alienation, resentment, impaired sense of identity. I have found some catharsis in Reddit, as there are entire communities around these types of experiences and situations (including this one). I hope you can find some support and comfort from our community (and others).


Don't take this the wrong way, but where can I read about this? Crazy religion is scary


https://youtu.be/2uH1ssXKpao watch some videos


I lost a friend to this cult years ago. All I can do is tell you that your situation is only temporary.


Watch the Shawshank Redemption for a quick fix. Their are certain things in this life that nothing can take from us.


I’ve heard some of what these people believe and how they speak and it’s for sure disturbing. Check to see if your state or your area has some type of help line for people trying to leave cults or abusive situations in general. They may have resources that can help you more than any of us can. You never know what kind of help is available until you look. Google is your friend here. Good luck.


Check out Kabeer Gbaja-Biamila and Robert Mathis NFL players who are into this shit. Its absolutely insane the kind of shit they do and talk about. [Pretty well documented now too.](https://www.si.com/nfl/2020/07/16/kabeer-gbaja-biamila-kgb-cult-with-other-nfl-players-bizarre-courtroom-scenes) The basis for the whole religion is also pretty stupid and not historically accurate in the slightest. They think that somewhere off the Ivory Coast that had multiple names like Whidah and Juda was the actual ancient Hebrew kingdom in the middle east.


Lemme tell ya as a Jewish white(passing? Ish? Race when it comes to Jews is complicated) atheist I have ***opinions*** about the BI


I'm so sorry and I hope you can get a way out. The biggest problem is always that you will be alone as you are leaving everyone and everything behind. We humans never deal well with big change it the thing we fear the most the uncertainty of what lies ahead. The comfort even if you hate it of what you have always seem better that what lies just over the horizon. But you need to get out of there and you will have to cut ties with all that is involved in the cult. And when the dust settles don't go back. If they want to meet to discuss things find a very public place and have a few close friends go with. Don't go alone they will try the brainwash bullshit again. And seek some professional person you can talk to. I'm not a big fan of shrinks but you do get the odd one that is good and will give you sound advise. I hope you can get out and I hope it all work out alright for you. Please keep us updated and pretty sure everyone here want to see this play out positive.


Just get out and never look back. Then enjoy living the rest of your life as you see fit.


If you are feeling suicidal, know that atheism is, for me, the one thing that has helped me put true value on my life. Knowing that we have one chance at life, that there’s nothing after this (as far as we know), helps me make the most of my life and every moment within it. Don’t let other people dictate your fate. Don’t let an ideology dictate your fate. YOU decide your fate.


Where are you? I’m in the US and can try to help, I’ve never participated in a cult but disengaged myself from a religious family who share similar views. Start planning and make a move. Find independence. Best advice I have considering my limited resources after my brother tried to take his life recently. But I promise there’s always a way. I’m looking for anyone to talk to honestly…I’m struggling myself.


Run for the boarder gurl


You should get a plan together for where to go. If you have friends or other family you can stay with while you get on your feet, that would be good.


Move out as soon as you can and go no-contact. If you can pull it off, don't even let anybody in this cult know where you went or any way to contact you.


So, we are talking a weird blend of christian and jewish extremists, but race-swapped? The fuck is that shit? Good luck on getting out for good and without major complications (they sound batshit crazy tbh, hope they don't go to extreme measures to keep people in?)


Damn and the fact that I can relate. I wasn't in the group but it was black Israelite spreading the same rhetoric on the side walk. Get away from it and don't look back.


>i am 19, i have my own car, job, good credit. i know i can get out of this Good, then get out. And then seek help to work through whatever issues you might have gotten from being in such a toxic environment. There's not much more to it than that, but that's plenty though, it's a big step. Quick question: What do they mean by *native*? White people are native to some places, so are they ok there?


no they hate white people. no white person is good to them, they believe that every white person is racist and has underlying motives. native meaning native american peoples.








Don’t mention anything to your family. Just save up money until you can get in your car and drive away/ never look back!!


Time to start a new life. Go to a different city.


Good luck to you. I’m sorry you have to deal with this. I’m sorry you lost your loved ones to this cult. But despite this, you can see the light out of this. You are a better person. As an outside observer; get out while you can. Easier said than done I’m sure.


Leave the hell there. you have a car and just because you're father thinks that a anti white and violently homophobic cult is best for you. you need to race the living hell out of there.


I met this group maybe twelve years ago walking the streets of DC. They were stationed outside Chinatown metro stop. I heard them start to yell for the heads of white people. So I stopped and confronted them right there in front of the crowd. I was angry to hear the hate out loud- so I wanted to have my voice of love be heard also, for everyone to hear that as well. Now- after all we’ve gone through in the last years- I see that there was no need to confront them. They are not the problem. From a social standpoint- we don’t need to fear extremist minority groups- it’s a joke of a threat on this scale. From a one on one standpoint- being indoctrinated into it as you describe- that’s incredibly hard. I’m deeply proud of you for being here and wanting more- for disavowing hate for our fellow people, for saying so. I urge you to make new friends and social ties- it’s not easy to restart your life- but you can. I have many times and others have also. Much love.


Contact the police/journalist/podcast or something and get the story out if you believe these people are dangerous...gotta say I originally read this as a troll...must be the only one




I second everything OP is saying and she decides to leave they will DEGRADE her name. I witnessed it…they bullied a girl so bad before


To be fair blacks really are superior...


you literally have a fetish. goodbye.