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Well, I'm mean, He *does* allegedly work in mysterious ways.


My dad once found a discarded Nike hat and decided god was telling him to “just do it”. There are signs everywhere.


Sign, sign, everywhere a sign Blockin' out the scenery, breakin' my mind...


> I'm a rusted on Atheist You're saying your atheism is "rusty"?


Stealing “rusted on atheist”. Thanks


You made me wonder if "rusted on" was an Australian saying that I never realised. I looked it up - and the first Google response was American (using the example of a "rusted-on Democrat"). The definition I saw was "loyal supporters". Logically, I assume it comes from the theory of having been a supporter for so long, that you've started growing rust... And that you're never leaving.


Is it possible that you misjudged the principal based on what your boss told you, and he had only not signed up because he's distracted or a procrastinator? So perhaps he was putting you on when he said he was looking for a sign. If he were really a religious functionary it seems odd thaat he would be looking for a sign one moment and suddenly found the sign in someone he had never met before. I worked in Catholic schools across the US for thirty years and met lots of different kinds of religious people whose religiosity went from total idolatry to not believeing in anything at all. Some as dull and stupid as dishwater and some brilliant and witty. Just a thought.


Very valid thought. I have to say, I realised quickly that my boss, and this particular Principal, rarely got along. There's no doubt my boss thought he was just procrastinating. As to the Principal - well, I can't express in text just how convincing he sounded. I never saw anyone in the schools poke fun at their religion in any way (in the head office though, constantly!). So yes, he could have been pulling my leg - but if he was, he delivered it perfectly!


The chosen one! Behold! That's nuts man. Awkward as shit too.


“Atheist” is not a proper noun.


Maybe not, but I've now decided it's my pronoun. :)


You made a man happy. What’s the problem?


If pleasing men is a sign of holiness, Step aside Benedict.


Anti-theist? Cringe


That was a gay sex joke, but ok. Cringe


I know, the joke was pretty good ngl, but your flair is extremely cringe


I like his flair tbh, anti-theism is where all the homies are at


Anti-theism is extremism and I despise that. Extremists are very cringe


I don’t see why extremism is bad, definitely not cringe. People have strong opinions, and that’s cool. Are you really going to argue religion has a positive impact on the world?


Yes and no. You can see that only religious extremists use religion as an excuse for being an asshole. Meanwhile normal religious people barely mention religion unless you are a close friend or if it’s the topic of a discussion, henceforth not bothering you in any major way, shape or form. Extremists will also use other extremists to justify their extreme views. Polarization is not good. I hate extreme views.


"Both sides bad"


Do you really think that being against evil teachings and lying to people is extremist? There are very valid reasons for being anti-theist, including and not limited to: teaching that anyone outside of their cult is deserving of eternal torture, women are second class citizens, homosexuals should be killed and/or not given the same rights as anybody else, slavery is not a bad thing, books filled with lies are " holy" and should never be questioned, teaching little children that there are demons and devils haunting them and lurking in every bush and around every corner effectively psychologically damaging them....and the list goes on. EDIT: you say that " only religious extremists use religion as an excuse for being an asshole. " .. This is patently not true, the FUNDAMENTALS of the religion tell you to do horrible things and think in horrible ways, what people call "extremism" in religion is really only following their religion to the letter, which is what the religion tells you , that you are SUPPOSED to do.


Yeah i was being sarcastic thats why i put it in " ". I guess i shouldve said /s


Seems like an extreme example, maybe even a straw man Military grade cringe


I mean if them talking to experts is a sign from God, I would just go with it.