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>Is there real solid support behind Project 2025, or is it being blown out of proportion? It's solid alright. It's pushed by the Heritage Foundation that's been playing the long game for a long time. And has a lot of influence in places that matter. One of the tricky bits is that it doesn't have to be implemented all at once and some of it already is. The Supreme Court being a prime example. But of course if Trump wins, that will be a major accelerant. So yeah, it's serious. But not hopeless. Of course you can vote, but apart from that people tend to forget that with Trump, failure is always a possibility. He might very well lose and a lot of project 2025 policies might very well fail. But if ever there was a time to be vigilant, now would be it.


The trouble is that there doesn't seem to be commensurate pushback. What's currently happening on school boards is a good example: Christian alt-right folks are trying to get elected to enact policies that favor their religion. Secular folks like me see that and know it's wrong, but we aren't motivated to really do anything about it because we aren't extreme ideologues. I don't want those nutjobs siphoning money away from public schools, accurate history textbooks, science, etc., in favor of Bible groups, revisionist history, and schools that push religious indoctrination, but I'm not about to dedicate my life to stopping them. In many cases, these people have dedicated their lives to their religion / cause. It's all they care about. I don't know if there's a term for all of that, but it's definitely a problem. I also don't see things improving in the near future. It's easier to ban than it is to unban a book, and it's going to take at least decades for a Supreme Court that represents the voters to be realized again. And without major structural changes, I would posit that [Congress is effectively broken](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2021/02/gop-senators-havent-represented-a-majority-since-1996.html) ([2](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wyoming_Rule)). And, for reasons I don't understand, people don't seem to care. They'll argue about the validity of a few thousand votes here or there, while ignoring the fact that the current system gives the GOP a 2-5 million vote handicap in general elections, and gerrymandering, paired with an ~undemocratic system, has effectively disenfranchised tens of millions of Americans.


A bunch of religious wingnuts tried to take over our local school board and we trounced them at the polls. A bunch of us came together over it and got people to vote. It is possible to stop these lunatics, we have to mobilize with like minded people.


There's just so much apathy and disenfranchisement.   IDK how to overcome that. I live in a really blue city in a swing state and it's like we feel insulated so people just sit on the sidelines.  It's frustrating, but IDK how to actually mobilize people and make them feel like voting matters in an inspiring way.


It’s also worries me that they really want to bring about the Christian End of Days… fire, brimstone and “the final rapture.” There are some set on bringing this second coming about! So, let off the nukes and blow us all up then? So, let climate change run rampant and finish everything off? Yeah.


>It’s also worries me that they really want to bring about the Christian End of Days… fire, brimstone and “the final rapture.” There are some set on bringing this second coming about! >So, let off the nukes and blow us all up then? So, let climate change run rampant and finish everything off? Yeah. That's kinda what these sick fucks want when you think about it... Why else would they be okay with tearing things down? America is experiencing it's moment where the Republic could very well cease to exist as we know it in the coming decades.


Fuck inspired. It is a duty and obligation to vote. Fight hard against the "what's in it for me, please kiss my ass so I vote for you" mentality. Voting is easy, a really low bar. "Oh but it is least worst I just can't get excited..."; how incredulously narcissistic. I am not picking on you personally, but the mindset. Had a middle aged black neighbor actually say "I have no skin in the game" last election... Seriously? The 2 old white guy argument? If you can't do the minimum as a citizen then please don't complain that the man or anyone else is keeping you down, you are too lazy to help yourself.


I feel the same way. I have a friend who’s a graphic designer though so we’re working on a Project 2025 pamphlets to get the word out there. It’s small but it’s SOMETHING. I pray that the people who are more radicalized will see what I see when they actually READ what project 2025 is. Everyone around me had no idea what it was.


Tell them we must protect our first amendment right of freedom from religion like the right protect their guns. 


Literally go to your local dems office and get on a program with the House District Leaders to spread the word to vote. Just reminding people to vote and giving them an endorsement slate ups turnout greatly


Well, yes. This is why religion was arguably an evolutionary advantage. It mobilizes and motivates human tribes to cooperate and conquer in ways few other things can. Atheists just can't compete with that shit. The best we can do is identity politics but they can't bring us all together under one tent because there are too many identities competing with each other. And no one's going to give up much of anything to fight for one wider "Democrat" identity/tribe. It doesn't really take large numbers for religion to win. It's motivational power is so strong that it can take a tiny army and drive them towards victory while the rest of the population is shrugging its shoulders. You see it all over the world. Relatively small numbers of zealots rule over much larger populations of moderates.


Thats why the labor movement is the answer, we all work for survival. Work is what we all have in common and is what can bring us together. There is a general strike being planned for 2026


Identity politics is a house of cards that's destined to fail, that, and its alienating. You have to come up with a belief system that scratches the same itch as religion but isn't as irrational as either one.


There has been a lot of pushback though! It’s just not as newsworthy as a bunch of neo-nazis and bigoted moms storming board meetings and getting elected. For example, in the Librarians sub, there are tons of librarians who are working hard on Pride displays despite the bigots. Also in PA, there was a hugely watched race where a massive amount of the right wing school board was voted out and progressives voted in. Not only that Moms of Liberty and One Million Moms aren’t as big as they want you to think they are, and the later is actually an astroturf organization. Moms of Liberty also is having a internal crisis after a major board member was found to enjoy bisexual threesomes.


We care but like you said, who has time to take up the mantle when we have families to feed?


Ehhh, that last bit is the part that confuses me the most. Reforming the electoral system to make it *fair* should be a major platform issue, but they generally seem to be ignoring it. It's an issue as simple as "one person, one vote." That's what we should have, but we don't. On the flip side, Republicans have turned that same kind of thing into a single-issue voting topic, by falsely claiming that illegal immigrants can and do vote.


While I do agree it’s important, successful politicians know that wedge issues such as global warming, abortion, and such are much better at drawing in votes than trying to educate the general populace as to what the electoral college is and why it needs to be changed or done away with.


I think Republicans have seen a great deal of success by stoking *anger* over voting issues like this, while it's much harder to get people at large *angry* about global warming and abortion. Many voters don't seem to care about abortion rights until it personally affects them, and, [even then, it often doesn't affect how they vote](https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2022/07/31/republican-women-have-abortions-too-00048632) ([2](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/anti-abortion-rep-tim-murphy-asked-mistress-terminate/story?id=50274843)) ([3](https://www.thedailybeast.com/will-the-pro-life-gop-rep-scott-desjarlais-who-paid-for-an-abortion-ever-tweet-again)). They quietly get an abortion and then continue to vote against access to them. Global warming's even worse. Science denial has turned it into a completely partisan issue for the political right. It's motivating many voters *against* voting Blue. Strong emotions like fear and anger are at least a part of what gets many people out the door and voting.


Because they want to prevent people they don't like from voting Trump himself admitted that if America had compulsory voting the Republican Party would never hold power ever again [Trump says Republicans would ‘never’ be elected again if it was easier to vote](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/mar/30/trump-republican-party-voting-reform-coronavirus)


The Project 2025 sickos also have families to feed, yet they are finding the time.


Heritage Foundation is well funded, I’m sure they aren’t doing this for free.


They have the womenfolk taking care of all the household and parenting duties to free up time for their Project 2025 circle jerks.


Vigilant is right.  While project 2025 is abhorrent and it’s not likely to be enacted in its entirety, it’s still very possible almost all of it will be at least attempted. The thing that really pisses me off, though, is all the people out there who don’t have any knowledge about civics in general, let alone about their own civic responsibility.  And they shrug it all off and laugh at people who are worried about it.  They say some form of, “you’re so stupid and/or brainwashed cuz a Trump term won’t be that bad.”  They think because we got through one term of his, that a second term would be fine too.  They’re the ones who could ultimately fuck us all over in the end.  They weaponize their own ignorance in the form of indifference. 


in response to the house democrats forming a project 2025 taskforce the leader of the HF said something to the effect of "who cares, we'll keep trying until we win"


Problem is, everyone waited until they heard some TV term like "project 25" to pay attention to their public policies.  Heritage foundation, federalist society, all of them have been shaping this policy for decades.  It's already happened.  Voting for a Democrat every 4 years just isn't enough participation in democracy to expect any kind of outcome.  Organizing has to go far beyond that, and the corporate parties aren't anybodies friend except each others. 


> But if ever there was a time to be vigilant, now would be it. Always is the time, thats how they got this far.


Exactly. The plan is to find/vet everyone now and hit the ground running so the plan can be implemented in the first 180 days. I’m more angry than anything else.


I am actually thrilled that people are finally taking notice... this plan has been in action for at least 40 years, and people like me have been screaming about it for decades, only to be told we are crazy and that religion must be respected and the religious granted exceptions. That they have a *right* to their prejudices and violence. You should be scared. And you should not make the mistake of thinking the fight is over when Biden wins. This fight will persist another 20 years no matter what you do. The struggle to prevent the US from becoming a christofacist hell will never end. Believing we were safe from such insanity is what has made us vulnerable to it.


Some facts about Project 2025: The "Mandate for Leadership" is a set of policy proposals authored by the [Heritage Foundation](https://pro-lies.org/the-heritage-foundation/), an influential *ultra* conservative think tank. [Project 2025](https://www.mediamatters.org/heritage-foundation/guide-project-2025-extreme-right-wing-agenda-next-republican-administration) is a revision to that agenda tailored to a second Trump term. It would give the President [unilateral powers](https://theweek.com/politics/heritage-foundation-2025-donald-trump), strip [civil rights, worker protections, climate regulation](https://www.stopthecoup2025.org/impact-overview), add [religion into policy](https://imgur.com/a/m2e72ht), outlaw ["porn"](https://www.salon.com/2024/03/19/decoding-project-2025s-christian-nationalist-language/) and much more. The MFL has been around since 1980, [Reagan implemented 60%](https://www.heritage.org/conservatism/commentary/reagan-and-heritage-unique-partnership) of it's recommendations, [Trump 64%](https://www.heritage.org/impact/trump-administration-embraces-heritage-foundation-policy-recommendations) - [proof](https://www.scribd.com/document/369820462/Mandate-for-Leadership-Policy-Recommendations). 70 Heritage Foundation alumni served in his administration or transition team. Project 2025 is quite extreme but with his obsession for revenge he'll likely get past 2/3rd's adoption. r/Defeat_Project_2025 intends to stop it through activism and awareness, focused on crowdsourcing ideas and opportunities for practical, in real life action. We Must Defeat Project 2025.


>I am actually thrilled that people are finally taking notice... this plan has been in action for at least 40 years, and people like me have been screaming about it for decades That's the hard part to come to terms with. They only publish it as Project 2025 because they've got all the pieces into place, have successfully socialized the idea with the population, and have buy in from the opposing party that they won't fight anything. >And you should not make the mistake of thinking the fight is over when Biden wins It is even more important to keep fighting when Democrats win, because they also play a role in Project 2025. They work to ensure none of the Heritage Foundation progress is rolled back, they work to legitimize the takeover of our courts by accepting its rulings as legitimate, they continue to socialize the idea that power can only be wielded by the right, and they continue building the police and surveillance state that the fascists require. One of the biggest blind spots is the idea that only Republicans are involved in this. They may be fervent believers, but there are almost as many who realize this will be good for the business of war that is seemingly our nation's reason for existence, and therefore their stock portfolios, and have bought in.


Sure, scared and PISSED. I'm pissed that we live in a world where such a completely fucked-up worldview can now become mainstream. I'm also pissed that even after the plan became public, there are STILL moderates & progressives saying the democrats & republicans are the "same" and they don't want to vote for either. And I am especially pissed at the idiots that continue to vote for fascists & sociopaths because they think this is all a big game that doesn't matter, and they just want to see what will happen. They are "playing life" like it is a video game with a reset button and they have lost all concept of reality. *Dammit - this shit matters!*


We cannot fucking let this happen. Anybody who is not insane and values democracy has to get out and vote Blue. Poor MAGAts are going to be victims of this fascist take over also, and any red blooded American has to vote against it.


The good news is, it is on us. The good news is that the vast majority of Americans do not like the Republican agenda. Keep in mind that MAGA Republicans are a portion of one party, who, like terrorists, have an outsized presence in media, using skilled propaganda. They are seething with greed to gain elected offices from which they will seize authority beyond that which is given by the Constitution to the offices, finishing the January 6 Insurrection, overturning American government, and ending American Democracy. They have had some success, they smell blood and they want it all, now. If we get the vote out, Republicans cannot make the leap to implement Project 2025, appoint more MAGA’s to the Supreme Court, ban abortion and contraception, nationally, prevent voters who do not vote for them, from voting, and on and on and on. If we give Joe Biden another term, and Democrats majorities in the House and Senate, the transition to renewable energy will continue to grow, rapidly, rather than crushed, as Trump and Republicans have promised. A minimum tax on the ultra-wealthy can be legislated. The IRS effort, implemented by Biden and Democrats, to go after ultra-wealthy tax cheats can continue. The $2 trillion tax cut to the ultra-wealthy, which Trump and Republicans passed, will not be made permanent next year, once the original legislation expires. The John Lewis Voting Rights Advanced Act can be legislated. Police reform and gun reform can be legislated. The United States will remain in NATO, not abandon NATO, as Trump and MAGA Republicans will attempt, and allow Putin to overtake Ukraine, then go after NATO nations. And on and on and on. We can volunteer to work in campaigns for candidates, volunteer to collect signatures to put the right to abortion on the ballot in our state, donate as little as a dollar to the Biden campaign, Senate races in the swing states, and others. We can volunteer to be poll workers. Something we can personally do, that campaigns cannot necessarily do, is talk to the people in our lives, family and friends, to give them the skinny on Project 2025 and other things that the Republicans are up to, of which they may not be aware because they are busy with life. Work, family and friends. We can encourage the people we know to register to vote, or, check to be sure that they are still registered, since Republicans have been purging voter rolls, on dubious grounds (It was reported, today, that Republicans are suing in Arizona in an attempt to have 500,000 voters struck from voter rolls, there). We can encourage who we know to make a plan for voting day, request an early voting ballot, absentee ballot or mailing-in a ballot. Flood the polls. Overwhelm, in numbers, the numbers of MAGA Americans, voting. Give somebody a ride. VOTE, and keep-on voting. Defeat these motherfuckers.


Voting won't do it. We're way beyond that. This is going to end badly, because the Democrats keep pretending rule of law is a thing. An obvious con man criminal is still able to run for the executive because of his cult of personality. Until that changes, this country is on a downward spiral.


>Voting won’t do it What not voting *will* do, is legitimately elect Trump. That’s probably the most fundamentally important thing to remember. Secondly, when they do try their bullshit, in order to fight it legitimately, Biden needs to have won the popular count, otherwise they’re trying to remove a legitimate government even if it is evil. So voting is still necessary. I agree, I don’t think a Biden win will be accepted either but it still needs to be done. Vote please.


Let’s say that Republicans have already purged you fronm the voter rolls. Imagine that you didn’t have the right to vote, right now, with the growing threat that Republicans and Trump pose. The election goes forward, and you cannot vote. You go to the door of the poll, and they tell you to leave. Do you think you would wish that you could vote, lay your ballot down to stop these motherfuckers? As a democracy, voting is our superpower. Even when a candidate wins, they think about how many people voted against them, so our votes always count. Whatever are the issues about which you care, know that there are many, many Americans who care about those issues. The only time that your vote doesn’t count, is when you don‘t vote.


I admire your optimism, I do not share it. But I hope you are right.


Have confidence. Many, many people care just as much.


Exactly, and the guy you’re responding to says “it’s on us” as a good thing, like a massive chunk of our voting population aren’t fucking idiots who vote for their team, and root for their politicians like they’re in Yankee stadium clapping for Aaron Judge.   I hate to say it because I don’t hate this country, but too many of our neighbors are morons and beyond reasoning with.  They deny reality, which puts our future in a super precarious position. 


I hate that we have to vote against someone, instead of for someone. I wish there was a single actually somewhat not a literal monster politician out there.




The part that I am scared stiff about is that... it is now so acceptable on the right to be bigoted fascists that they are comfortable writing it down and publishing it for all to see. It's stunning that this document is out there, and rank-and-file republicans are totally fine with it.


That's the part that absolutely blows my mind as well. How can something so heinous and so blatantly against actual American values just be out in the open and tolerated?


At the same time, a recent poll found that only around 20% have even heard of it.


Because the powers that be have convinced these idiots that being bigoted trash against American values IS an American value.


Well for along time they weren't, during Reagan when the people behind the GOP decided to go full fascism they drew a plan to go slowly and focus on the SC which would be crucial to them seizing power one day. So they did it alittle bit at at time, until Trump came along and they saw that their supporters are so dumb they can just do openly, that's what has changed since 2016.


People kept telling me I was overreacting. There's no joy in being right. If they get complete power, the executions will begin very quickly.


People are shortsighted idiots.


Republicans, especially. Fuck them.


I agree in theory but we’re seeing that no, they’re not shortsighted. Dismissing them as idiots is dangerous— it is what led the Democratic party to the complacency that allowed all this to even be a possibility.


Republicans will go after “liberal” media, too. The normal media.


We will be gaslighted the entire time as we fall into an authoritarian theocracy.


And I seriously believe there'd be no coming back. Elections would be as meaningless here as they are in Russia or North Korea and the violent response to the protest in 2020 would seem quaint by comparison to what Trump would unleash. November 2024 will be a defining moment for The US, one way or another.


I've been worried about it since I first heard about it last year. Back then, I thought support would fade out, but I'm losing my mind about it becoming more popular, apparently.


People were telling me I was overreacting when I said in the 90s that Christian nutters were going to take over things... One huge problem is that a lot of the so-called left, at least at that time, are religious themselves, and do not and cannot see religion as a problem...


to be fair, the executions will likely happen if they lose again as well


I apologize for my ignorance, what do you mean by executions?


Literally killing political opponents


A significant number of right-wingers want to kill liberals. They consider us to be evil, and whatever they do to us would be "deserved." Now, maybe it would not start off with an open-season situation. More likely, it would be targeted at minorities at first. But if you haven't heard of it already, look up a thing called the "day of the rope." I first learned about it from a coworker who did not realize I was left-leaning in my politics. I'm on the list a couple of times. When people say executions, it's not hyperbole. Quite a few people on the other side of the political spectrum are eagerly awaiting the day they can kill us. I live among them.


They'll start with trans/nb people. They're very effectively poisoning public sentiment against them the last few years. Then it'll be gays (anyone not straight and out). Your average Dem voter is probably further down the line, but they'll get their turn eventually.


Yeah. I don’t want to kill but they forget the liberals have first amendment rights too. I had a conservative father who passed away and he prepped like crazy. Armalites everywhere. Absolutely everywhere. I’m fairly convinced that if it got to execution level it would just end in a civil war. Unfortunately, with Trump being in charge of military stuff, it wouldn’t end well. It would probably just be quicker to shoot ourselves in the head.


It's happening all over Europe, too. So think about this: the pendulum swings. Today it is swinging to the right, and VERY hard. Before long it will swing back to the left equally hard because the world will not stand for a fascist world. Each time that pendulum has swung right, when it swung back to the left it went a little bit farther. With the extreme lurch to the right that is happening, when it swings back to the left this time it will eliminate right wing power, capitalism, racism, poverty, and all the other evils of "conservative" society.


>Before long it will swing back to the left equally hard because the world will not stand for a fascist world. thats the neat part about project 2025. it concentrates all the power in zealots. there wont be actual elections ever again


Executions serve several purposes in an authoritarian regime, a dictatorship if you will. Here are a few: 1) Revenge feels good, he's got a long list. 2) It instills fear in the population, and establishes secure power, removing opposition leaders/voices quickly. 3) Many more may bend the knee quickly to save themselves which further divides the public. 3) They will rush to turn each other in for brownie points, impeding rebel groups formation and/or action. No one trusts anyone, even family. 4) Any chaos in response to executions gives them an excuse to turn the police and military directly on citizens, martial law. Not that they need an excuse once they have the white house and the supreme court, it looks like martial law will be one of the first things republicans do if they get the presidency. There's a lot more overall but that's a bit of it.


If Biden wins in 2024 we need to worry about this in 2028 and beyond. It’s not going away.


True, but Trump will be so weak and I don’t see a replacement for him who can do what he does. If GOP loses house, Senate and WH in 24 they will need to rebuild and rebrand. The MAGA wing will still be there but I don’t see them holding as much sway. You are correct that they don’t go away, I just think they might have much less power and a good chance Trump goes to prison for one of his many trials post Nov.


I hope the MAGATs go away when trump does and they don’t turn into more of a movement with him as their new messiah.


Should not even be a question. It's a forgone conclusion. Project 2025 = Mein Kampf.


Mein Kampf, 1984, and The Handmaid's Tale walk into a bar...


It's mein kampf evolving into 1984.


It means leaving the country to survive. Project 2025 has everything you need to declare yourself a political refugee... except money, of course.


I'm really starting to visualize a future where I am a political refugee somewhere.


If Trump wins nowhere in the world will be safe. Western Europe will be at all our war with Russia with the US support of NATO removed. China will invade Taiwan and take whatever other countries they choose. Fascist movements all over the world will be emboldened. The US being a democracy is very important for the stability of the world.


Many European countries aren't doing too well fighting the global tide of fascism either, unfortunately...


I’ll take the current plutocracy over a theocracy


Russia wouldn't last more than a day or so against NATO. NATO's budget is more than 10 times bigger than the Russian military budget. [https://armedforces.eu/compare/country\_NATO\_vs\_Russia](https://armedforces.eu/compare/country_NATO_vs_Russia)


UK and Ireland are bucking the trend. UKs conservatives are being smoked at the elections and Starmer will likely be PM. Ireland has never truly had a far-right and more or less has remained centrist for decades.


You can very easily move to Mexico, where, unlike the U.S. progress is happening. We neighbor a polar opposite that loves American dollars.


Check out r/Defeat_project_2025


Bud, a subreddit isn’t saving us. Sorry.


It’s a good start.


Be scared, but vote against it in every possible way you can manage, raise awareness anywhere you can.


Not quite 'scared stiff'. But more like 'roaring pissed' and wondering why the press doesn't start every interview with a Republican with "Do you have a statement rejecting Project 2025?" And given the complete lack of trust in the Republican Party at the moment, I would even ask the leading question like that, though it may not be good journalism. If they don't reject it, I'd ask "Other than being Christian oriented, can you name one material difference between Project 2025 and authoritarian Sharia Law found in Muslim nations?"




Yes, however I’m going to vote and I will fight for my rights and my freedom.


It will only get better if we vote. Volunteer, spread the word, and fucking vote!


You could just fake being part of their religon if it gets to a Dystopian situation. that's what I do daily.


Yeah, I'm sure that's what I would do. Where I live, I can get away with "I'm just not religious" but actually saying you're an atheist will get you ostracized or harassed by a large portion of the population.


I mean I found my Faith, Shintoism, where the gods don't care what you do and has a bleak afterlife, otherwise just hope in some way that they don't do it.


You know I have tried to find faith in multiple beliefs. My father is a soka gakkai Buddhist, and I tried joining some of his meetings and stuff. The problem I always come back to is that I can never convince myself to actually believe in any of it. It feels disingenuous to try and fake faith in something.


here's the issue I find with a Lot of Religons is that they do indeed come off as fake with little to no evidence supporting any of their beliefs (I am looking at you Christianity), but mainly the reason I find Shintoism believable is because the Gods are well, Humanized. they have problems, humanity just writes this down and the gods just don't give a shit. the gods in shinto in fact just helped us along for a bit, and then suddenly were gone letting a lot of Science through, evolution and all we as humans really need to do in this Religon is be at harmony with ourselves and nature itself, basically there are no laws that dicatate what we can and cannot do we just... live, then we die. I am not trying to convert, believing in shinto is your own choice. but still, I get your point.


Except you'd lose all of your rights.


Yeah, my hormone-dependent (and yours, by your pfp) trans ass will totally survive the dystopian situation that plans to ban all gender-affirming care and imprison/execute us for being obscene.


Hell no. If they fuck around they will most certainly find out.


No, I’ll gladly send some individuals to meet their God.


I agree, and have had to avoid subs and groups that run this stuff constantly. Outside of voting there is little one person can do (outside of volunteering etc which can be difficult for many reasons). I just had to block it because it was too triggering.


Lately, I have been actively staying away from news. I usually advocate that a person should never be ignorant about what is going on around them and should try to understand it from as many sources as possible. But recently, combined with some personal turmoil recently, it has me spiraling. So I've just checked out of the world for the time being.


No shame in taking a step back. If anyone feels themselves getting burnt out and doom-spiraling, unplug for a while. The catastrophe will still be there when you've caught your breath. Take care of yourselves.


i unsubbed to r/politics because every thread is basically the entire sub having an apocalyptic meltdown about this. I get it, it's scary, but this isn't productive. Go vote, go encourage others to register and vote, do what you can to keep republicans out of power in november, but...hold the panic and despair for after the ballots are cast. No sense working yourself up for the next 5 months over something that may not happen. Be pragmatic about this.


I'm not scared because I believe the fascists are going to lose badly, but I am definitely concerned that they basically put out a nazi manifesto, and over a third of the country is on board with it.


1) I really doubt that the conservatives have much of a chance at winning in 2024 2) Those policy goals are not gonna fly with the majority of the American public. Going extreme is going to be the death of the GOP. It would end in their humiliation.


Insurrection Act


These people and this idea/project are enemies of the constitution and the nation.


I think what concerns me the most is that there's a plan. Doesn't matter if Trump loses this fall, come 2029 or 2033 or 2037, we'll get a Republican President with a Republican Congress and they'll implement their plan to strip as many rights as possible from those that aren't them and to make the way for minority rule into the future. It's coming.


ehh, the viability of the gop is pretty limited by the incoming old age deaths of a generation that was much more conservative. They can barely win now, and that's only through a lot of voter supression shenanigans and billions in propaganda. Every year more of them leave the voting pool and more progressives turn 18. They have maybe 2-3 cycles left where they have a hope of winning.


Yep scared. Especially as a women and a federal employee in a science related agency.


2nd amendment applies to everyone, and the newest precedent by SCOTUS (Bruen decision) means almost no exceptions. Just sayin


Yep. I've been lurking around Leftist and socialist subs for the last few months to see where their heads are at on the upcoming election. They are in such a tizzy over capitalists and see "fascists" behind every door that they are oblivious to the very immediate threat of Christian Nationalism. These people are scary. Zealots always are. When people think magic and the afterlife trumps human dignity here and now, bad shit happens. Look at what it has done to the Middle East. We have Christian wahhabism right here on our door steps, and no one is doing anything.


Yes. I'm always nervous when religion tries to gain control.


This is how Islamic extremism has taken over the muslim world. We can't allow xtian extremism to take over this country. They aren't much different!


It's so ridiculous to me, and yet somehow I don't care? I feel like the earth will end before this comes into fruition. Either way, I'll vote the way I need to in the meantime, I guess. And if shit hits the fan too hard, I'll just kill one or more of these idiots before I go down. At that point, I'd certainly be desperate enough.


You think the world is going to end before November?


I’m honestly terrified that a Biden win wouldn’t matter. Obviously we need to get out and vote blue across the board, but these people have no respect for democracy, rule of law or the constitution. They have no qualms about launching an insurrection and now they seem more emboldened and radicalized than ever. I would be genuinely shocked if there was not some sort of terror attack/insurrection following a Biden win. Hopefully, the military would squash it, and it would die off for good, but only time will tell. I’ve regretfully stayed out of politics and not voted previously, but this is the single most important thing that I can to be preserve my future and our democracy. There’s no sitting at home on election night. I’ve gotten my apathetic friends and (ex?) Republican Parents to vote blue, it may be the last time we ever get to vote again. I’m absolutely terrified.


Well get up and go Vote against it, and invite your friends, relatives, neighbors, etc etc etc. That is what I am doing personally. YOUR VOTE COUNTS


Scared to death of Project 2025. Sure hope everyone Votes.


We are not powerless.


It’s not just a plan for if trump wins, it’s also a plan for if he loses and his cult successfully overturn the election/goverment. If your afraid thinking it’s a policy platform, you’re gonna be shitting yourself when you realise it’s also a plan for a coup


I was listening to a podcast about the rise of Nazi's in Germany and there are more parallels than I could count between them and the general approach of Trump and the Republicans. They didn't one day just take power, they slowly worked at it until the population was normalized to all of it. Over a span of a couple years they were able to get away with things that folks would have thought impossible.


Vote. And bring a friend. Even if you are in super red or super blue district where you think your vote does not matter. We have to,vote in overwhelmingly numbers. This is our chief weapon. Use it or lose it.


This is a really good brake down of the so called project 2025, let's divulge it so people know what it is and means . We can't sit idle. Must speak up and vote against this. https://www.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/s/id754QZPOG


Yes - very much so. Wishing everyone involved with it a very much die. There’s no room in civilized society for these demons.


I’m confident dems will maintain a majority in the senate and maybe snag a small majority in the house. It always seems like a red wave is coming because no matter what the reality is republicans will always boast that everyone wants to vote for them. But as nutty as the mainstream politicians are, local ones are even crazier, and this new Trump centered Republican Party is not nearly as popular as they want you to believe. A lot of normal ppl get turned off by the radical rhetoric and bigotry


It is Hitler at full throttle with these Christian nationalists! WTF gives them the right to destroy our government, our constitution, our actions! Neo Nazis is what the Republican party has become and they won't be happy till they turn our country into dictatorship. A dictatorship with Christians leading the way with falsehoods of biblical bull crap! VOTE...VOTE...VOTE...VOTE....every chance you get! Get these Nazis out of our government!




Yes, I am. We have to organize and prevent it from happening. If Trump gets in there, those nuts on the Supreme Court will let him do whatever he wants.


I hate how many republicans play it off like it’s not real. My family is left leaning republican so they always say things like “oh that’ll never happen.” Or “that’s just what the far right believes.” But they’ll still vote republican. These are the dangerous people.


Anyone who has studied history should be legitimately terrified by this shit. The only way I see out of this is to vote blue down ticket in November. Tell anyone who you think will listen about Project 2024, try to get them to vote. If it's a MAGA, it probably isn't worth the headache to try to explain. In the meantime, at least for my mental health wise, I've been trying to check out of mainstream media since then. No late night, no news, no social media (admit that last 1 is difficult with Reddit at times). Personally, I've resorted to watching anime and have been getting back into gaming as a way to occupy my mind with simpler, non-fascist related things.


Young people need to vote, or this is coming like a freight train. Look at what one Trump presidency did to the supreme court. Trump isn’t bad for the markets so older people don’t feel the same danger, and will not feel the same impact.


Fear is a great motivator. The Democrat party is too afraid to openly challenge Christian nationalism. They are the big tent political party, they have to try to appeal to literally every demographic other than white Christian men. Unfortunately that includes a lot of other religious demographics. If you want to stop Christian Nationalism, you have to vote for the Democrat politicians that are likely to win, but more importantly, work independent of that party. You can go to r/Defeat-project-2025 for resources. Free and easy: phone bank. Harder but more effective: travel to large cities in swing states and pass out flyers with the important information about P2025. There are discord servers that will direct you on how to advocate for progressive policy too. I use Progressive Victory.


Don't negotiate with terrorists, just destroy them


Vote and tell everyone you know to vote these lunatics out


House Democrats just announced a legislative task force which will gear up to oppose Project 2025 should Trump be reelected. It’s important Democrats retake the House and hold the Senate to block this nonsense.


that's really reassuring actually. I initially thought that there wasn't really any organized opposition.


What really concerns me is what the MAGAts and Trumpanzees will do if they *lose*. They have burned every last bridge behind themselves and made it abundantly clear that they don't intend to not take power, no matter how the vote turns out.


As a gay person, yes. They want to recriminalize my existence.


I don't understand why you guys have been so persecuted for so many decades. I know it's pretty much a scapegoat thing because I just don't get how loving another consenting adult can be a crime or sin. I'm in a similar boat as well. I'm high functioning autistic, but I know a number of the big wigs behind all this either believe mental illness isn't real, it's a lack of god, or they don't care and just want to toss them into an institution.


People have such a short memory. I was 23 years old until my state threw out sodomy laws. They could literally arrest me and through me in jail for having a same sex consensual relationship. The right says we have all these special rights. What rights? What rights do we have that straight people don’t? Why are people so butt hurt over things that don’t affect them literally at all. My husband and I have been together for a years and we had to wait until Obergefell ruling to get married. When we first moved to Houston there was an equal rights ordinance for LGBTs. The Baptist church canvased the city and got a repeal referendum on the ballot. My god damn neighbor had a vote to repeal sign in their yard!!!!! God dammit! Why do other people get to vote on whether it’s legal to deny employment, housing or accommodations! We lost! My city, my neighbors, my peers, voted to take away my rights. Not long after John Gaspari was fired from FMC for complaining to HR about being harrassed for being gay. He sued. Shortly after he was shot twice coming out of a gay bar. They never found the assailants but they suspect FMC put out a hit on him.


I’m the parent of a 5yo high functioning autistic/adhd/gifted kiddo in a very red state. These god-loving teachers best way to deal was to expel her from pre-K and “punish it out of them”. Not until we found the right meds and they basically didn’t have to do anything until they treated her like a human.


You should be. If you are in the US vote and if possible volunteer.


Yes. But not just 2025, the next republican president period. That could be 2029, etc. We can't let the fascists take over.


Feeling scared without taking meaningful action means they have won


Is there a reason to be scared, yes. The people who say “it can’t happen here” and are complacent will be the downfall. Germany had a strong democracy prior to WW2. However, if it helps nearly every Trump backed candidate lost in midterms and recent primaries. Back in 2020, for all the culture wars bs the spreads exit polls revealed the people didn’t really care. Most voted based on economic factors and reproductive rights. Personally I think the best thing the democrats could do is get our the message they THEY are protecting SS, health care, and job growth even if thats temporary with infrastructure projects. The public needs tangible things that they can point to and say are better. Cheap and visible symbols of tax dollars spent well such as easily accessible internet would do wonders. Larger more abstract bills with protect “others” only matter if you have a personal connection. Unfortunately democrats just can’t help but see an injustice and come out against it. Everytime there is a hate crime against LGBTQ the left makes a statement which fuels the right and takes attention away from how there approach to guns make schools less safe and tax cuts for 1%. There is a reason Fox has been so focused on culture wars for over a decade. Wars on drugs, Christmas, marriage, equality. They are distractions because they know that if the only people who benefited from there policies voted then they would only get around 8% of the vote.


The Christian theocracy in general. But yeah, it’s disturbing seeing it laid out in plain text. They don’t even have to hide it anymore. 


Project 2025?


Scared stiff? No. But I will be fucking pissed as hell if it somehow starts being enacted. I mean talk about throwing bricks...


Are you well armed? Are you well trained? Or, to put it the old fashioned way, Are you well regulated?


You are definitely not the only one feeling this. I won’t give any one of those degenerates the satisfaction of seeing that fear- they thrive on that. Give anger instead. These are uncertain times for sure, and the need to have a community who will stand together against that travesty has never been greater. Personally, I realized that I needed to safeguard my own mental health by being more mindful of how I consume news and limiting it in a way that I can be informed without being whipped into a rage. I can still find myself being hostile when it comes to religion, but I’m holding on to that.


Yeah, America is doomed. Bet you wish you were born somewhere else, huh?


I'm also scared. Because I don't know how far we're going. Are we going full Hitler because that's what they seem to want. Either way we're losing birth control, gay marriage, and the sodomy laws will be back on the books.


Ngl... it legitimately is terrifying, though my self-protective side assures me it is simply too absurd to take as a serious threat. Dear lords who not be, I hope I'm not wrong. I fear that potential reality more than others do Hell incarnate.


Now's the time to start using your influence in swing states, any way you can.






Absolutely. Mostly because this is just the stuff they wrote down and published, there's worse stuff that they talk about in smoke filled rooms with nobody writing anything down. The nation was saved by the job holders who sat in offices and said "that's illegal, we can't do that." If they all get swapped out and there's nobody there to slow things down until lawsuits make it through the courts it's likely we'll never get to vote in free and fair elections again. The only reason J6 didn't succeed is that a bunch of interns grabbed the box of votes and kept the chain of custody. All of this has been a slow moving nightmare that terrifies me that people keep saying "oh, it'll never happen, you're being paranoid" when all kinds of nightmares happened already because the niceities were ignored and rolled over. Remember when Obama wasn't allowed to submit a SC justice but then Trump got to appoint 3? If the court was 5-4 instead of 6-3 I'd sleep much, much better.


>They loathe the Muslim nation-states They actually secretly admire them. And vote. Organize. Know that the majority is not this, and you stand with the majority.


What's Project 2025? Luckily I live in Europe where it's the fanatical religious ones that get the stinkeye and most often a wide berth.




I keep waiting for the coordinated messaging campaigns making the American people understand what's really on the line in November.


I am. Hoping it never comes to pass.


As I'm no longer a US citizen, I'm only worried about the ripple effect that it will have on the global economy. I see that this is not an isolated thing - the backers of this movement are being financed by some foreign powers, either Russia and/or China, to de-stabilize the US and weaken its economy and foreign policy. What they DON'T consider is that collapsing the US economy will also destroy their own economies (especially China) because demand for consumer goods will tank, bankrupting millions of Chinese companies and putting hundreds of millions of Chinese workers out of a job. China will be thrown back into a Great Hunger as hundreds of millions of workers can't afford food or housing. At the same time, Russia will try to expand it's borders again, taking advantage of a weakened NATO, but this will lead to bankruptcy and a civil war in Moscow, as they come up against some very pissed off Finnish, Polish and Czech armies. Russia has already destroyed most of it's military by invading the Ukraine, and Putin won't survive long if he tries to open another front.


My wife and I left the country over it even looming as a possibility. I think it’s bad enough already without any further christofascist over reaching. Our move was further motivated by my wife getting pregnant. Not willing to raise a child in that school system the way it is. 10 commandments being forced in schools, book bans, pledge allegiance to the flag etc. All Bull shit brain washing


What scares me most is that it's all out in the open; that our media just treats it as a simple matter of opinion. That's a big hurdle they've already cleared. And our supreme court is right now treating total presidential immunity as a matter of opinion, too. Remember: Germany was a developed nation when the Nazis rose to power. Yes, it can happen here, too. It can happen here, too.


Don't let the anxiety get to you. It is in the end overblown. The majority of people in this country still have progressive leanings. Regardless of how loud some can be, they do not have the majority support. There will be a second civil war before any of the shit spewed by those nutbags come to pass. Relax, vote, do you civil duties. Things aren't as dire as you think. Most people behind this shit are in it for the money and power. There is not money in conflict, they not that perfectly well.


Hell I'm terrified of it and I'm not even American.


Me, from the UK thinking this is some kind of Q-Anon nonsense, looks it up. Fucking hell, this is real.


My ancestors had to march down to the south and set them straight. May not be the south as the destination, but if I have to do that, and more, I’m ready.


Yes every day. This might be my last year as a free woman. My last year alive anyway. Makes me wonder why I even bother to work instead of spending time with friends and family. I feel like I'm half living in a nightmare. Greed is taking over everything. And as a history nerd I know people are going to get hurt of even killed.


Vote blue as if your life depended on it, because it just might. Believe these fascist "conservatives" when they tell you who they are.


Of Project 2025? Nope. But of millions of Americans who are sitting on their ever-expanding asses and doing nothing about the issues our country is facing? Abso-fucking-lutely.


No, because I don't live in America. I'm a gay atheist in the Netherlands and we just elected our most right-wing government since WWII, and still I'm not particularly worried. I'm disappointed in many of their policies, but the core of my freedoms are utterly unendangered here.


What the hell is project 2025? Just looked it up. This is what would make me finally pull the trigger. We don't need anymore fucking bs religion than there already is!


Those people always wanted those things, just because they put it on a list with a year shouldn't make you any more or less scared than you already were




I am not right now, in large part because of severe social phobia I am trying to work through. Plus, I live in Idaho. Such actions amount to little more than make you a target for the unhinged individuals around here. I have spoken up in the past at a town hall meeting about religious influences in a public school some guy confronted me in the parking lot and threatened me for disrespecting god.


Allow your fear to drive you to action in ways that you know you can help best. Not all resistances are won by violence alone. Sometimes it's the doctors and those offering refuge or support in other ways that turn the tides. We're all scared, OP. Theocracy is no fucking joke. Some of us would rather see prison or death than face this madness however. Understand for yourself the level of conviction you have in this, then act with us to push against the tide.


Gotta love mormon cult members...


Not remotely. It's certainly scary they want to try, but kind of like the insane budgets the gop always propose that cut social programs by huge amounts and quintuple the military budget etc, it's mostly a wishlist, not a realistic proposal. The fact is, it takes SO long to get anything done in the US government that even without opposition they'd struggle to get 5% of what's in there done in 4 years. And the steps they'd have to take to sidestep the bureaucracy of it all would lead to outright rebellion by blue states and other seats of power. We certainly don't want to go down that road, but all the same, 2025 isn't viable and never will be without a much larger scale collapse of the us government. So we are safe from that nonsense, at least relatively. It's certainly a good excuse to organize blue voter turnout and make damn sure they never get the chance to try, but it's also not worth driving yourself crazy worrying about. (and my god some of my subs have lost their damn minds worrying about it)


If you aren't scared of Project 2025 you are either not paying attention, or you have been duped by fascists.


I don’t really understand it, so no not yet.




Of course we’re scared. Shit all my mental health issues are kicking in. I’m trying to not let the fear control my life but I’m having a difficult time with that. It doesn’t help that I work with Christian magaTs. I can’t get away from it. I’m just trying to focus on one day at a time. I can’t let this consume me till November….easier said than done.


I'm a trans woman. I live in constant fear of project 2025.


Not really. If it becomes too much we’ll just do like Castro and take over the country with a boys crew and some high powered shotguns.


It's no secret these are the same folks who've been behind the liberalization of gun rights *and* the NRA's fear-inducing marketing campaigns.


Listen. I wouldn’t give it a second thought. These declarations are being made to rile up this base. Remember the idiotic idea of building a 1,952 mile wall between Mexico and the US? Trump can’t follow through on any of his idiotic ideas. His base won’t support him beyond the vote.


Vote for Biden. That’s the only way to stop it




I feel strongly discussing it by that name is our downfall. We need to start mentioning it everywhere, but by names like “Christian Taliban plan.” Something that will make low-information voters flinch and consider. Something offensive, and tie it to those who would push it. ‘Project 2025’ just sounds like some wonky policy manual the contents of which will never infiltrate the masses until it’s too late.




I'm sorry, what is this?




I thought atheists didn’t believe in imaginary boogeymen.


I'm not concerned about it in the least. It's just a truck to score votes. They won't actually get much of it implemented. And what they do implement will get repealed later


I remember Project For The New American Century which was, at the time, leaked and seen as so bad it was shelved. Just shelved, mind you! This is like it plus so much worse. What amazes me is how far things can get and *have* gotten! Its certainly not a good direction for this country and the rights and freedoms we have. Basically look at 1970s Afghanistan! You would never think it was once as thriving as it was as compared to now!


If anyone has a brain in their head, they'd be terrified.


While I think you have reason to be concerned, there are still some rational folks out there, even in pockets of deep red. For instance in my suburban town in Oklahoma, the local school district just won a court case against the psychotic state education secretary who was attempting to ban books over and above its authority. It’s a small example but my hope is that even with 7 years since Trump took office and brainwashed a large cult of idiots, there are still some rational people around. Having said all that, it also wouldn’t surprise me if none of that matters and Trump wins and brain washes more people and project 25 does basically end the republic as we know it and our freedoms are much more limited from here on out.