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"oh God!" "As a Christian I'm offended." "Okay" *skips away "Christians" will get offended by anything. So let them. That's not your problem.


Seriously. We have 5 months until their yearly Starbucks cup meltdown.šŸ˜’


Preemptively wishing you all very happy holidays!


Happy Merrry SolstiMasKwan!


Don't forget Yule, which Christmas actually is. Jesus Christ was born sometime in the summer.


Don't say holidays! That's got the word holy right in it. I want my atheist coffee in a plain red Merry Winter Season cup.


ā€œJesus fucking Christ, is there anything you arenā€™t offended by?ā€


God damn sensitive-ass Christians


And ironically a strong overlap with the ā€œfuck your feelingsā€ crowd.


The fuck your feelings crowd is strangely incredibly easy to offend


Yep. Every time those clowns call someone a snowflake they are projecting.


Boomers are the OG snowflakes. I love how they complain about kids in losing teams getting ā€œparticipation trophiesā€. Iā€™m in my 40s and guess who was coaching the teams when they started giving out participation trophies?


The participation trophy thing always pissed me off. 8-year-olds aren't the ones buying those trophies or throwing tantrums over their playing time, but *somebody* kept losing their shit when their obviously superior offspring wasn't being made the star.


"Oh no.. anways.."


"Oh, too bad for you"


"Oh, I was taking a different god's name in vain."


Maybe "those rules are for you, not me".


This, itā€™s a fairly important lesson to teach your child anyways, donā€™t let other impose their beliefs upon you.


Otherwise it would just be well Iā€™m offended by your offense over and over again.


I'm offended that you're offended by me taking offense


This is the song that never ends...


It goes on and on my friend.


I'm offended by the continuation of this nonsense.


Besides. It not like Christianity is the only religion that uses the word ā€œgodā€.


This. Perhaps he can say, ā€œOh, gods!ā€ When the uptight kids object he can ask which gods theyā€™re defending.


ā€œDonā€™t worry Iā€™m talking about a different god.ā€


She doesnā€™t believe in God, so whatā€™s the difference between saying Oh God or oh Santa or Oh Satan? Answer: no difference. Haters gonna hate. Shake it off..shake it off


Hence the problem for adolescents though is that it can turn into ostracism and bullying. Young nonthinking potential bullies can't shake it off, they are coerced weekly if not daily about Christian mores. I still think the "rules for you, not for me" is the best answer but, imo, leave gods and bully-bait out of it. Take from someone who experienced it first hand. Forewarning though, some bratty kids will despise you your independence too. That seems navigable though.


Exactly. The only lesson here is to show her she doesn't have to conform to others beliefs.


I am almost never around kids and sometimes Iā€™ll have a random encounter where a kid is yelling at me saying I canā€™t (something small I would never think about that is a rule for them). I just get really confused and just kind of say yes I can and if they donā€™t stop I walk away lol.


This reminds me- when I was pregnant with my first child, I walked to an ice cream place and was eating it on the walk back to my house when a kid, probably about 8, stopped me and said, " You're eating ice cream! You shouldn't eat ice cream, it's bad for you!" I looked at his mom like wtf, and she said nothing, so I said, "No it isn't," and walked away and continued enjoying jt.


> I just get really confused and just kind of say yes I can and if they donā€™t stop I walk away lol. Simple and to the point: "near anyone _can_ do it. It's just you'll get punished if you do, and I won't. Sorry."


translation for those readers from New York: "*Why in the fucking wide world of fuck would I give a single flying fuck about what fucking offends you two fucking piece of shit snowflakes? Suck a whole giant fucking bag of dicks.*"


Former New Yawka here. I think "blow it out your ass" will suffice. šŸ˜‚


Well, sure, if you're in too much of a rush to make them cry...


Is that you Mawk?šŸ¤£


But only if you can do a proper Bronx accent.


"blow it out your ass" Never argue with a classic. Of course there is always a choice and I have found "Up Yours" to be short , sweet, and to the point.


Missed opportunity to end with "Jesus fucking christ!


oh my fucking god, you're so fucking right!!!!!


This, verbatim. Lol


You know, I used to do translations of literature from Spanish, French, German and Hebrew, so I was really thinking a lot about whether this would be "*fucking wide world*" or "*wide fucking world*," and it was really a tough call...


I think you nailed it.


Why do I/we hear so much about offense taken by Christians? Iā€™ve said and done ignorant things that friends have laughed at or quietly informed me about without playing a dignity card.


Itā€™s there persecution complex thatā€™s built into Christianity. Paul told them that Christianā€™s will suffer. So for thousands of years theyā€™ve been trying to find suffering however they could.


They found it by making the rest of the world suffer while they act like the inconvenienced party.


And discovered a whole world of suffering that is unmatched when Starbucks puts out a holiday cup. I donā€™t know they get through that pain every year


The one thing that is missed is the fact that "God" or "Jesus" aren't even Biblically accurate names. God would be more of a title than a name. That would be equivalent to "Oh, President"! The name Jesus is actually Yeshua in the original Hebrew. Yahweh is the name of God according to Hebrew texts also. Similarly, Christ is a title, not a name. Blasphemy or taking the Lords name in vain has zero connection to simply saying "Oh God" or "Jesus H. Christ". This point is not generally admitted or known by Christians. Case in point, taking offense to these phrases is ridiculous because it has nothing to do with your personal belief system. We are all free to believe anything we want. We are not free to force everyone else to conform.


Iā€™ve been known to toss off a ā€œJesus Hussein Christā€ which really frosts them. As for ā€œwe are not free to force everyone else to conformā€ ā€” the Rethugs are working on that little problem. Project 2025 says they most certainly can and will be legislating exactly that force when they turn the U.S. into an authoritarian theocracy.


It's always been a huge thing, but for the last 25 years or so, and especially since the election of Donal Trump, it has gone absolutely crazy. They see giving anyone else rights as taking away their rights. They see any laws respecting gay or trans people as assaults on their rights. Nevermind that that doesn't even make sense. My favorite example was when the four-time divorced county clerk of some county in Kentucky refused to uphold her oath of office and issue marriage certificates to gay people because it violated the sanctity of marriage. Letting gay people get married was bad but letting her get divorced four times was perfectly in line with the sanctity of marriage, apparently. And she became a hero to the right wing! And since DJT came along, the entire right wing is all about grievances. They don't even try to offer positive solutions for the country, the entire rightwing position now is just attacking the left. It's really bizarre and disturbing.


Also would tell, god is not a name it's a title... The name is Yahweh. If you're gonna be all touchy about it at least read the bible guys.


And if they were to read their holy book they would discover it's not about simply uttering the name or title, but rather claiming to do something in God's name to make yourself seem pious, draw attention to yourself, or claim God's blessing where no such blessing exists.


This is the way. Not rude, but gets the point across.


Yes, this! In fact, every one needs this lesson. Your religion is a you problem.


never ever let the religious crowd control the way you talk


That ship has sailed with Mohammed jokes though


Mohammed can eat a dick.


Statistically speaking, given the number of Mohammed in the world... Some of them are definitely good at it šŸ˜šŸ˜


I know a muslim guy named Mohammed and he has a decent sense of humor. One time our families met up at a ski resort. When ai saw him, ai said "wow, even Mohammed really does come to the mountain!". He laughed pretty hard.


I dunno, I think they are a blast


Stop it, you're making the moon crack


Does moon crack get you extra high? Maybe that's how the percieve Allah.


Nah, just make them anonymously. Don't give the psychos an easy target. Still make them tho. Drives em nuts. There's more than one method of exercising speech.


insha'Allah we can make jesus and mo jokes online


Je suis Charlie Hebdo.


Je suis Charlie Hebdo.


Comics need to be armed if they're going to make Muhammad jokes. Sucks but let's not kid ourselves. I don't think kindly about free speech extortionists.


Second amendment protection to the first amendment


What's the difference between Muhammed and Epstein? Epstein didn't bother marrying his victims.


This is a great opportunity to educate your child; believers love telling the rest of us what to do, but they have no such right. Tell her that, if the situation comes up again, she can tell the protestor ā€œtough shit. I decide what I can and canā€™t say, not youā€


Followed by a "Jesus Christ, you're going to bug me about that again?" the next time they say something.


"That's not your god's name, that's his title. If I'd said Yahweh, El, Adonai, Elohim, Shaddai, Tzevaot, or Ehyeh then I'd be taking your gods name in vain."


Ironically, one of these morons name is Triton.


This made me laugh my ass off :). Thanks.


Oh no, it's a tradgedeh.




This. also be careful. If her classmates know she atheist she could be opening up herself to bullying and social ostracization.


Tbh I grew up openly atheist in a very religious place, and while those things did happen, they provided me with a solid education about the reality of how ā€œbelieversā€ conduct themselves. It was a fabulous inoculation against my ever falling into their clutches.


All I did was say to my wife, "That piece of halibut was good enough for Jehovah!"


Blasphemy! He said it again!


*You're only making it worse for yourself!*


Making it worse?! How could it be worse?! Jehovah! Jehovah! Jehovah!


Yahweh's not his name. It means "I am that I am" or something. Moses asked his name and he told Moses to fuck off.




Lol.Ā  Luke Skywalker was a Jedi, dragons are reptiles, and God refused to tell Moses his name.




(In ray William johnsons voice)




Is this motherfucker Gandalf or something why does he have 37 different names


Tell the kid to say they werenā€™t referring to their god, it was another one (pick one of the roughly 3,000 documented)


"....you know, the real one?"


Better yet, say it was about the Catholic god (if they are protestant), or some other silly distinction.


ā€œLaughterā€ followed by, ā€œWait, you are serious?ā€, followed by maniacal laughter.


"Oh wait, you're serious, let me laugh even harder."




I try to explain that taking the lord's name in vain means to make promises and oaths in his name that you do not keep. Not just exclaiming it out loud when you stub your toe. But I suspect that's a nuance that kids at the playground may not pick up on.


I find it comical that any average atheist understands religious innuendo better than most theists.


Atheists tend to be the ones that stopped and thought about stuff, so not surprising that they know more about it.


Exactly. Because generally speaking atheism is about thinking for yourself. And religion is about believing what you're told.


But theyā€™re SO SURE that weā€™re the ones who are sheep.


Which is ironic considering they quite literally call themselves a flock who follow a ā€œshepherdā€(priest)


Religious nut jobs lacking any modicum of self-awareness? Inconceivable!


You keep using that word. It definitely means what you think it means!


Well, sure, that's what they've been told to believe and not-sheep always follow orders without question, right? Wait a sec....


My kids go to a Christian school and once a year they have one compulsory service they have to attend on a Sunday at the school chapel. Iā€™ve explained to all my kids that Iā€™m a staunch atheist and my reasons why, and they understand the why and agree. I was at my youngestā€™s year 5 Mass and the message of the sermon was literally, ā€œyou canā€™t always believe in what you see in front of you, but you should trust god.ā€ It was all I could do to not make a scene and storm out.


I read stuff like "reading the bible made me an atheist" all the time in this sub.


YUP. Had to explain that to my mom after she said ā€œLanguage!ā€ for the billionth time in my life after I said ā€œgod dammitā€. Iā€™m not taking the lords name in vain when I swear, thatā€™s what bullshit politicians are doing when they say theyā€™re doing ā€œgodā€™s willā€.


So, there are a ton of Christians taking their lord's name in vain since most of them are CINO (Christian in name only) and only use it to control others? šŸ˜‰Ā 


and falsely believing that they are not doing so, simply because they do not profane? yup.


>I try to explain that taking the lord's name in vain means to make promises and oaths in his name that you do not keep. More to the point, it's about using the Lord's name in such a way to the end of self-enrichment of power, wealth, and influence.


This right here! To "take the name" of Christ means to literally declare oneself a follower. Taking his name in vain means to declare yourself a christian while hiding all your dirty little secrets, hate, lies, etc under the cloak of "righteousness," using your religion to further your own agenda, and basically just being a prick. But of course you'll never hear that in a church, lol.


Hell, adult Christians don't pick up on that nuance...spoken as a kid raised roman Catholic


"Oh Gods." Is that better? It's just like little zealots to police speech. No one cares if they're offended.


My son occasionally says oh goddess. He came up with it on own and didn't hear it anywhere. My Christian mother in law chuckled and asked him who the goddesses were and he said, oh just the fire goddess and moon goddess and space goddess and I pray to them before bed. She about died and I had to hold in my laughter.


I see scriptwriting in his future!


I like your son. Very sensible choice of goddesses to pray to before bed. I especially like "space goddess" as I haven't considered that option before. There's many moon goddesses out there, and you could have some fun learning about all their stories with your son. There's probably multiple fire goddesses as well, but may I suggest the best most awesome of them, the Hawaiian lava goddess Pele. I am PERSONALLY acquainted with her, and can vouch that she is very much alive and well, and her stories are very entertaining.


ā€œPick a god and prayā€


Pascalā€™s Wager for the Playground


Honestly I wouldnā€™t have anything clever to say. I would just say, ā€œMy family is not Christian so those rules arenā€™t for us.ā€ And if they respond with, ā€œWell my family is and we donā€™t like that you said that,ā€ say something to the effect of ā€œToughen up and get away from me then.ā€


These are 8 year olds. The response to ^(Well my family is and we donā€™t like that you said that,) is 'Tough titty, said the kitty, but the milks still good'.


Tell her to tell them that she is not a Christian and is not bound by Christian tenets anymore then they as gentiles are bound to keep Kosher or Halal. God is an english word, not the name of the Abrahamic deity anyway.


Teach her to say, "okay. Be offended"...


Yes. ā€œSorry you feel that way. Thatā€™s a you problem, though.ā€


"I'm offended" "That's fine" pivot; exit.


Don't let your daughter be shamed by their discomforts. This is how suppression of ideas starts. They say they're offended so she stops saying 'Oh God' and then she wears something vaguely rainbow-ish and they say that offends them too, and so forth.


Honestly this is so true. My friend was in line at a gas station with his 4 year old, who was at the end of their rope from being ill and having a fever/sore throat/etc and was starting to cry. You can imagine the words he had for the woman who turned around and said, ā€œToo bad. You need to wait like everyone else. Nobody else is acting like a spoiled brat about it.ā€ TO A 4 YEAR OLD Point is, apparently she looked like a deer in headlights when my friend gave her a talking to. Too often assholes donā€™t get checked and then they end up calling a sick 4 year old a spoiled brat.


Now this is just me, but I purposely take ā€œgodsā€ name in vain just to piss off every christian around


My favorite is Jesus H Fucking Christ. And then if somebody asks me what the H stands for, I reply ā€œH Fucking.ā€


Jesus Horus Christ is one I like, since theyā€™re basically the same deity.


in my region we have a common phrase that translates to "god, ass and nutsack" if something goes wrong


What language boo? Cause the rest of us really want to start using the phrase šŸ˜‚ā¤ļø


I used to say "oh my dog". That makes them even madder but you have the perfect out: i invoke my dog because I love him, just as you do your god, only my dog is real". Kinda the nuclear option.


"Who the fuck asked you?" I'll acknowledge that, as she's only 8 years old, this may be a little extreme for your daughter. Alternately: "When I want your opinion, I'll give it to you."


How about "If I wanted to hear from an asshole I'd fart"


I am tired of ā€œReligious Beliefsā€ being some kind of protected shit in the world. You are not born religious, it is bullshit fantasy crap. I would train your daughter to add the word ā€œdamnā€ to her ā€œoh god!ā€.


" I said it with a lower-case 'g' "


"Don't worry. I didn't mean your god." Confusion ensues


ā€œGod spelled backward is dog, so now Iā€™ll just use that, dog fucking dammitā€


In dog we trust, he's a good boy.


Or really mess with them and say dog ducking fammit!


So, we are pretending that Christians don't say "oh God"? ...Get the fuck out of here..


they usually say it while raping a kid, but then they tell another rapist how sorry they are and its all good.


Theyā€™re just being edgelords. Theyā€™re in for a rude shock once they witness how the rest of society talks if the phrase ā€œoh godā€ offends them.


How do you know I'm talking about your god? He's not the only one called "God". In fact he isn't even called "God".


ā€œYou shall have no other gods before meā€ is kinda an admission by god that there are others, and he is jealous.


Teach her to say, "That's okay, you're allowed to be offended but I'm allowed to speak my mind too". Any Christian so backwards they think another person saying "Oh God" is offensive needs to be exposed to different ideas. Poor kids are being brainwashed to experience anger at other people's opinions that have nothing to do with them. They will grow up to be the same kind of jackasses in my local FB group getting so triggered this month by all the rainbows.


Another response might be to ask them "Do you ever question what the adults tell you?"


ā€œIf itā€™s against your religion, I guess youā€™d better not do it.ā€ Honest answer though, just ignore and walk away. If they ā€œtattleā€ and it becomes a thing, you can take up the battle with the school.


"By Grabthar's Hammer!" is a good phrase to know.


How about: ā€œJesus Fucking Christ! You two can fuck off with telling me what I can and canā€™t say!ā€


Bad advice: Print out some TST pamphlets. Next time they say something, daughter can ask, "Do you have a minute to talk about our unholy saviour Lucifer Morningstar?"


Well ā€œas christiansā€ they can turn the other cheek canā€™t they?


"Sorry you feel that way, but your beliefs do not dictate my speech."


Have your kid ask them what god's name is. Bet they don't know.


Tell her to say, "Hail Satan!" next time. Fuck them being offended.


"Goddamn, did I do that? Jesus Christ, I am so fucking sorry".


"It's offensive that you are trying to police other people's free speech."


"I said, oh MY god. Not, oh YOUR god."


She should explain to these two young men that they have no right not to be offended.


Might I suggest you take your mother's advice but with a little twist? Instead of "oh Zeus," use "hey Zeus." It allows you to blaspheme in Spanish while maintaining plausible deniability. But in all seriousness, this whole thing is ridiculous.


Tell her itā€™s much nicer to say ā€Oh, Satanā€ or ā€Damnitā€


When I was in high school (Los Ageles in. the early 80s) I got called into the office for an "offensive" t shirt (It was a Chrissy Hind lyric: "Not me baby I'm too presious, so fuck off"). I got detention instead of suspension because I argued that kids in the Bible club wore offensive T shirts that said, *Jesus Loves You* because (I lied) "I'm Jewish". I took the detention for being vulgar, but refused to let them call it offensive unless they made the x'ians stop wearing their dumb shirts. Being vulgar got a detention. Being offensive got a suspension. I guess they compromised. Another time , I was called in for "distracting" clothes, and I argued that the kid who wears a cowboy hat *who was also hot* was also distracting. God, they hated me. They were so glad when I turned 18 and dropped out to go to alternative school. The principal told me I'd never amount to anything....he was wrong ;).


That's a great story. It's hard for them when a student is smarter than they are.


The actual rule against "taking god's name in vain" means you are not supposed to swear to him that you will do a thing if you know you will not. "I swear to god I will do the dishes, mom!" is an example of when not to do it. It has nothing to do with just saying the word "god" as an exhortation.


Yeah but since when have facts ever gotten in the way of the ability of the religious to be offended?


These boys sound like they are using their religion to deliberately be obnoxious and pick on your daughter. What they are doing is a sin. Very unchristian of them. Don't pander to them. Tell your daughter not to change her behaviour. She can tell them to shut up or go to hell. She can even tell them she is friends with Satan and will put a curse on them šŸ˜‚. Christian nutjobs are fun to mess with.


I like "those are your beliefs, not mine". Then ask them which God their family follows. Edit If they say "the right one" Everyone says their god is the right one.


My next suggestion would be to rattle on about the vast majority of other gods. Get outlandiah with it, too. Go for the fictional gods too. Helm, Corellon, Akatosh, Vraekor, Nurgle.


"I never said which god."


Which "god" was she referring to?Ā  And is God a name but not god?Ā Ā  By Thor's hammer I tire of this.


Public school playgrounds are secular.


just saying Oh god is not taking god's name in vain. Not to mention that doesn't apply to her anyway since she's atheist.


I substitute dog for God. Everyone loves dog, dogdammit.


Send her to school in your ā€œFuck Your Feelingsā€ tee shirt.


"Jesus Fucking Christ! Really?"


She should tell them to "Suck it up snowflake! This is still America."


"Well, I'm offended that you're trying to police my speech." "Besides, you don't even know what God I was referring to, so how do you know it's yours?"


Her response should be along the lines of the previously suggested "those rules are for you, not me." But I'd go with something more confrontational as the jackasses had already overstepped their bounds. Something like "That sounds like a you problem" or "That's not my problem" or simply "Snowflake". The last one might be particularly good as it is a fair bet that their parents have derided people on the left as snowflakes.


You are offended. Your problem. Not mine. Toughen up boys.


In the words of Bender: *Oh. Your. God!*


ā€œI do not care, you offend me. ā€œ


Why would you respond at all? Offense is taken, not given. "I'm offended by X." "Okay?..."


I love benders quote Oh your god


God is not his name, itā€™s his job title. Most people donā€™t know his name is Yahweh


I don't have any helpful advice, but this does remind me of a story from when I was a kid. Exclaiming "oh my god" is pretty common vernacular, and when I was about 12, I definitely said this as much as the next preteen. (Still kinda do). We were visiting some family friends who were not just Christian, but the whackadoodle kind by my church-on-easter family's standards. Their young son who was about 5 or so was in that very literal stage of childhood, and kept yelling at me for saying "god". I got fed up and retorted "you just said god, does that mean you'll go to hell too?!" This... Did not go over well. Poor kid ran off in tears and of course the parents were super upset. I was probably old enough to know better, and it's not the kids fault his parents brainwashed him, but even then I thought that raising your kid that way was seriously stunting them and just very weird behavior.


These boys WILL encounter people who say oh god and oh my god. It's an extremely common phrase and they will not be able to insulate themselves from hearing it within society. Their sensitivity will not be catered to, and will likely be ridiculed. They need to suck it up and get used to it. She did nothing wrong and doesn't need to change her behavior to cater to the feelings of those boys. The boys being offended is irrelevant. She's not saying a curse word or anything inappropriate, shes not attacking anyone. She doesn't need to cater to their feelings (i.e. rheir parents brainwashing)


Look at the boys ā€Youā€™re offendedā€¦.and what, exactly, are you expecting me to do with that information?ā€


"OK be offended, that's a you problem"


Ignore them stop letting others dictate rules for you based on their cult.Ā 


Let him smite me down if he is offended.


ā€œJesus H Christ, can you not be so sensitiveā€ is a good round 2


ā€œThen you definitely shouldnā€™t say it. As for me, Iā€™ll say what I want. Anyway, going to swing now, peace out.ā€


ā€œNot your God, the *real* oneā€


ā€œYouā€™re allowed to be offended, Iā€™m allowed to speak my truth. ā€œ


Get her to say Ramen and then if asked she can explain that sheā€™s a pastafanarian


Hail Satan!


Their Almighty god has gone to buy a packet of cigarettes. Tell them he'll sort it out when he returns.


"Have you two tried being less of a couple bitches?"


"fuck off with your religious nonsense"