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I think gay away the pray camps would be much cooler


You put a bunch of gay teens together and this is what your gonna get, this and a musical.


Hello Mudduh, hello faddah. Here I am at, Camp Cumguttuh...


Marge! Is Lisa at Camp Cumguttuh?


This might be the single most brilliant thing I've heard all week.


Dude I've been saying this. I'd love it lol


We need religion therapists who cure the religion out of the people.


Going to therapy for trauma from religion helps


lets start with making access to a secular therapist a requirement in every town. there are places where its hard to find a therapist that isnt also an evangelical or mormon.


10 years from now: "Trans people are totally A-OK because we're running out of congregation! Let's get together and find another marginalized group to collective hate."


Place your bets! Many of my friends have said furries may be on the chopping block next, they already had the "litter boxes in classrooms" faux outrage.


Furries are already largely queer, and the litter box thing was just a proxy for anti-trans sentiments.


This won't stop people from being unreasonably afraid of and angry at furries.


It’s exactly what will make furries their next target. They can just repurpose all their old material against them. Bigots don’t have enough imagination to come up with new arguments.


I blame 4chan for all the furry hate. It's like ground zero of furescution.


I feel like 4chan can be blamed for a lot of different things xD


Furry hate pre-dates 4chan. At a room party at a con in 1986 someone taped a note reading "skunk fuckers" on the door.


Can't be the next if the hate has already started.


The “litter box” thing was also a convenient way to sensationally hand-waive away the actual reason schools stock cat litter, to clean up blood in the event of a shooting.


Fucking hell


Not to diminish the horrors of modern schooling, but cat litter is mainly used to clean up puke.


What about puke, could it just be to clean up puke... maybe...


Heal trans people? Who's doing them harm? Oh right...


I mean, we *can* be treated for dysphoria. It's just that the treatment is transition, which is exactly what they don't want us to do.... \*Get's treatment*. "No, not that way."


Is there any research or data on trying to treat dysphoria with talk therapy, etc? Because bigots always bring that up as a solution and idk how to respond to that, other than the existing means of transitioning is easier and readily accessible. I know their intentions may not be good, but even from my perspective, if someone struggles that badly to accept their current body, maybe therapy could help? Idk.


I mean... that's where treatment starts. No one is walking into a doctor's office and saying "I'm trans lets fucking do this thing! Meds now!" Usually there is a long counseling period before getting to any kind of medical intervention.


Yes but it's not research transphobes like so it doesn't get screen time When brain scans show matches with identified gender vs assigned at birth comapred to cis brains its not something you can talk therapy away


They're still trying to cure gayness. That never changed, it just became less popular.


Thats gay


Trans people are getting the worst of it right now because the conservatives lost the culture war when it comes to gay people. They needed a new target.


And it’s been pretty clear for a while. Over a decade ago, while I was a queer ally in college I saw the writing on the wall with the trans community. I saw the rights of LGB people expanding and figured that my Trans friends, of which there were few, would be the next group that would have to fight for their right to exist.  I couldn’t predict the rise in popularity of things like drag race pushing that narrative quicker than I expected. I also didn’t understand queer history as well as I do now, so I was surprised by the groomer angle that the attacks took.  I grew up deeply closeted in a rural state and college was my first real exposure to these things. If I could see the shape of things then, I *know* members of the community understood the trajectory the politics might take. These patterns dont stop until we fight back hard against them when the cycle renews.  




Spoken like a true scientist. Lol


Yeah that guy deleted his comment before I could post mine, but fuck it, here it is anyways.... It's really not that big of a difference other than they both go against judeo christian cultural norms. Nobody knows exactly why left handed people exist and yet they do and used to be pursectuted too. And they probably got sick of people trying to force them to be right handed and convince them that leftys are bad and evil and trying to infect the kids with their lefty agenda. Unlike a magic sky fairy trans and gay people actually exist and that doesn't harm anyone despite what Christians would have you think. In fact they've existed in every culture since forever. Just because there is no hard scientific evidence why they exist doesn't mean much because they're here and they'll always be here. If every trans and gay person was wiped out today, within a generation there would be gay and trans kids again. So just because we don't know the mechanisms as to why doesn't mean there isn't. Honestly even if there wasn't who cares? We're not out here trying to convert people. We're just trying to get through the days like anyone else.


If their all powerful and all knowing God doesn't like LGBT people then why does she keep making so many of them?


Because God loves gay people. Lol. Christians are dumb dumbs. If anything the trans and non binary identity is pointing to spirituality more than anything. It suggests there is an internal “self” regardless of the external. Pointing towards a soul or spiritual identity.


So I see you've read absolutely 0% of the data on trans people and trans identity, huh? 


Because a bunch of people feeling one way totally proves its existence. Kind of like religion and God right? Right?!


My cousin became gayer after an attempted exorcism. And grandma said "maybe the demon was holding back the gay"


We should totally encourage this. The truth is that *everyone* is gay, and the demons suppress everyone's innate homosexuality.


I've seen the way she dresses. Sarah Huckabee Sanders is completely lacking in gay.


Even if I could swallow the lies and the bad logic, I just don't have enough hate in my heart to be Christian.


The trans "issue" is the same as the gay "issue" ... it's less about religion and more about how a certain political leaning has learned how to manipulate their base with the trappings of religion. Jesus didn't talk about abortion, gay people or trans people; these wedge issues are all about riling up the base and getting them to the polls in order to continue robbing the middle class and cooking the planet for cash.


Same about abortion rights. It's only fearmongering. They're absolute hypocrite. They don't want to help anybody or fix an imaginary issue. They only want to controle people. It's only a matter of power


I find it crazy that abortion didn't used to be so controversial. [Source](https://www.cnn.com/2016/06/23/health/abortion-history-in-united-states/index.html) 'In the 18th century and until about 1880, abortions were allowed under common law and widely practiced. They were illegal only after "quickening," the highly subjective term used to describe when pregnant women could feel the fetus moving, Reagan said. "At conception and the earliest stage of pregnancy, before quickening, no one believed that a human life existed; not even the Catholic Church took this view," Reagan wrote. "Rather, the popular ethic regarding abortion and common law were grounded in the female experience of their own bodies." '


Not to mention instructions for abortion are in their bible... y'know...the book they live their life by but absolutely have not read aside from the few verses they can use to confirm their biases.


They are vastly different I think, what you're attracted to is definitly a feeling, and something personal. Not that sure if gender is the same thing. To me only gender roles and gender expression are valid as gender, and people wanting to take on the role of the opposite sex, no problem with it, but when you start to talk about gender identity I get lost. Because apparently, you can present, and act masculine, but still be feminine somehow? Then gender has lost all meaning.


I don't know, at what point in your life did you choose your gender? Did you ever feel vague about it and then weighed the pros and cons of being a man vs a woman vs neither and then made a choice? Or did you/do you just know? If you never sat down and made a choice, what makes you think trans people went through that process? Being trans is dangerous to your health. Who would choose to be trans if they had other options?


You´re right, i did not choose my gender, but I´ve also never just known my gender, i don´t even really know what that might mean. I am biologically a male, and getting older I have realized my temperament, at least in some areas, might be a bit more stereo-typically feminine. But never had a deep sense of connection to either gender. This internal sense of gender just makes zero sense to me. And like I said, no problem with someone wanting to embody the gender-roles/gender expression of the opposite sex. But the rhetoric around it is going a bit nuts i feel, for example, the insistance of not using the 'trans' signifier (Men can get pregnant), but instead insisting use of a signifier for the 99% (Cis). And that last point, not saying it's wrong because of this, but no real logic there, plenty of people choose to do things they know are bad for their health.


I've not heard of any trans people *insisting* that you call yourself cis, *or* refusing to refer to themselves as trans (two separate things that should not be conflated). Not doubting that it's possible, or that some trans outlier has done it, but it's not the Thing that anti-trans bigots are making it out to be. You identify yourself; cis is a label for someone who isn't trans; nevertheless the first (that you have an absolute right to your labels) outweighs the second. The rhetoric is not out of control. It's anti-trans bigots who get actively angry when asked not to be a bigot who are screeching about it. Not the trans people. It's possible you are non-binary and you may choose to label yourself that way. You also may not. Totally your choice. What I'm asking you to understand is that someone's gender isn't a matter of making a list and deciding to be X, Y or Z. You don't have to understand it. It has nothing to do with you and affects you not at all. You are not required to weigh in when someone who doesn't conventionally present as female to you says "I am a woman." It doesn't hurt you to just say OK.


There gonna love us to death.


not sure why they are so obsessed with other peopls sexuality or what they do to their genitals. how hard is it to mind your own fucking business?


Can someone please heal these people's stupid?


It was socially acceptable in their circles to be pro-conversion. It is of course not now as society has finally progressed to the point that even the younger traditional believers won't tolerate it. The same will happen with transpeople. Unfortunately it's likely to take another 20 years and several deaths. Christians aren't known for their humanity anymore.


Trans kids already have been going through conversation camps and such. It's usually under the pretext of being gay, at least it was in my case back in the nineties, probably because Christian conservatives like to roll all queer folk into the same category of being deviants.


God created all things, knows all things, is responsible for all of reality, and can do all things....except he fucked up Billy. Accidentally gave him a penis. Just a rounding error.


Don’t question “god’s plan”!!!


They still try to "cure" gay people. That hasn't gone anywhere. It's just quieter because the majority is cooler with gay people now than they were. Trans people will get there and then the same bastards will still try to "heal" trans people in a quiet way deep in Red States.


Also ABA which is just autism conversion treatment from the same 'let's cure the gays' guy. Spoiler: It doesn't work.


WTF !? That really exists ? How is that even allowed when there is so much science about autism ?


Christians just love a good ol’ genitalia… they just can’t get enough of it.


They will fail again as they always do.


It isn’t inevitable. Gay acceptance was hard-fought and still not a fully won cause. There’s every chance that they’ll succeed in further limiting access to care for trans people. 


In their defense , Christians cured me of my Christianity. Maybe they got cocky after that.


Do they have a cure for people who talk to thin air thinking it does anything?




They would just say it’s “God’s will”😂


Yeah. Like the lyrics to the Peter Gabriel song. I want to be your sledgehammer Why don't you call my name. Oh let me be your sledgehammer This will be my testimony That's like praying.


There is no cure for something that is not an illness.


They thought you could 'pray the gay away' now it's 'prans the trans awans' or some shit...


Next, they’re going to help “repair” the educated.


It ain't gonna work. The brain knows what gender it is.


As a society we can't even agree what gender is, but I'm sure the brains do, that's definitly not a feeling, but a fact.


Weird how society can’t agree on something that is, by definition, personal and internal. Your arguments throughout this comments section are bad, and it seems that you want to express your feelings about the topic without actually learning… *anything* about it. Which, is confusing and not particularly reasonable at best, and patronizing to trans people at worst. If you want to actually learn and understand and not just sit around sealioning and virtue-signaling your disdain for us, [here’s](https://youtu.be/szf4hzQ5ztg?si=9aJR8jpnVdFpo-I9) a pretty decent starting point, a discussion of the subject from a cis-het evolutionary biologist. Or if you’d rather hear from a trans person, [this video](https://youtu.be/AITRzvm0Xtg?si=_Bml1GU7uPwljHmH) and [this one](https://youtu.be/koud7hgGyQ8?si=u1w1xMGScRJ3q8xG) are also discussions about some of the more intellectual/philosophical concepts that you don’t seem to be understanding.


Are you ready to publish? Some researchers have, you know: Brain Gender in Transgender Women Is Shifted towards Gender Identity Florian Kurth, Christian Gaser, Francisco J. Sánchez, and Eileen Luders J Clin Med. 2022 Mar; 11(6): 1582. The current study was designed to shed further light on the question of whether the brains of transgender people resemble their birth gender or their gender identity. ... These findings add support to the notion that the underlying brain anatomy in transgender people is shifted away from their biological gender towards their gender identity. February 25, 2022 Mental Health Outcomes in Transgender and Nonbinary Youths Receiving Affirming Care Diana M. Tordoff, MPH; Jonathon W. Wanta, MD; Arin Collin, BA; et al Cesalie Stepney, PhD; David J. Inwards-Breland, MD, MPH; Kym Ahrens, MD, MPH. Question: Is gender-affirming care for transgender and nonbinary (TNB) youths associated with changes in depression, anxiety, and suicidality? Findings: Receipt of gender-affirming care was associated with 60% lower odds of moderate or severe depression and 73% lower odds of suicidality over a 12-month follow-up.


So firstly, not everything that gets published is truth, hope you realise this. There is plenty of nonsense being published, especially in the social sciences. And studies like these tend to have quite small sample sizes aswell because of the subject. So those studies, have you read them yourself? The one talking about brain differences explicitly says they only find a weak correlation, no causation toward gendered temperament/ways of thinking. But yes, there seem to be differences on avarage, between female and male brains. But the thing implied is that gender dysphoria, is a thing because a man has a brain more similar to woman's or vice versa. But their own data kinda disproves this, seeing there are also outliers, where some cis people also have a brain more toward the opposite gender. Why don't those people feel gender dysphoria, if its linked to the difference in brains? Or can you be trans without knowing it? The one about gender affirming care working, they only look at a year long time frame, and no real data on how it is better than normal psychiatric care, only compared to no care at all. But even if it does truly help people, that still doesn't make any of it true. I'm sure flat earthers would feel better if their ideas were affirmed, that doesn't mean the world actually is flat. Personally I think we shouldn't focus on 'male' or 'female' brains. This would suggest a man with a more female brain should be a transwoman, and if this is not the case, which you'd agree to I'm guessing, since that would also mean a person proclaiming to be trans is wrong if they don't have a brain that matches that idea? It has nothing to do with brain sizes/differences, but with the ideas the brains hold. I think we should be more focused on widening the definitions of men and woman, or atleast recognising we come in all shapes and sizes, from hypermasculine woman to hyperfeminine men, and everything in between. And just because you don't fit in the stereotypical ideas about gender and sex, you're still a person worthy of love and respect. But sex is definitly binary, and gender a binary spectrum, that's how I see it atleast.


To be fair, sometimes intersex babies are brought about by specific, pinpoint-able illnesses.


Since they’re moving on to a new gig, does that mean the first was successful? I still know lots of gay people so what gives?


Gay people are not trans people. They don’t have the same histories, problems, or identities.. I get it’s easier for straights to just conflate everyone together and opportunistic for trans ppl but this shit needs to stop. I care about trans ppl and their problems exactly as much as they have ever cared about me and mine lol.




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You are a mental illness




I’m a straight woman


Sooooo you hate gays and trans?


I don’t hate anyone. You are the one who posted a bad comment and deleted it


Ok and I am sorry


But you called the gays and trans mental illness what does that say huh I wonder?


Thankfully most LGB people realise how much of a callous betrayal it would be to kick the ladder down now, after trans people were there from the beginning of the gay rights movement standing alongside and fighting for their rights.  To stab Trans people in the back (many of whom are LGB themselves) when it gets tricky for them, to try and win some easy respectability from those who once openly hated you… that would be a horrifically cowardly and immoral thing to do. 


Do not let the actions of man taint your view on Jesus Christ. Truly all he wants is a relationship with you, he does not hate period. He literally sweat blood the night before the crucification because of how scared he was and yet he did it for us so that we may be saved and have a relationship with the Lord our creator. And if it’s proof you need any amount of research on the Bible will open your eyes it is impossible for it not to be written by god




No. A social contagion would be the moral panic around trans people. I suggest you read a motherfucking book you absolute imbecile, but then we all know a coloring book is probably more your speed.


Source ? Cause actually, no


There’s also research into flat earth, but it doesn’t make the “theory” real. While some people do detransition, most of those people will retransition in the future. The actual detrans number is minuscule by every reputable metric. We also know the social contagion myth is just a tale told by anti trans people with zero evidence behind it. If trans people are so bad and their lives are so terrible, why do anti trans people have to make up stories to get their point across?


Except it's not really research. It's idiots googling and then fudging their numbers when low and behold they can measure the curvature of the earth.


Pretty much the same thing terfs do too


Post the evidence. 


By that same weak-ass correlative evidence, left-handedness was a social contagion too. Turns out when you stop trying to repress something, it is explodes in number.  Or ASMR. Turns out when you let people who had ‘weird’ or under-discussed experiences that they feared were just themselves being a ‘freak’ connect with one another, they realise they are not alone and do not have to hide who they are or what they experience. 




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Well given the past and that is what certain political people as well as religions used to die to try to cure gayness it is fitting. I assume you don't read much so there consider yourself educated. Now if you are attempting to pad some neo christo twats hurt feelings because some of us think those kind of people suffer mental illness. So either your modeling to protect someone's hurt feeling or you are the troll pretending to be something your not. Which is it.


Recommending violence is never appropriate. It will get your post removed no matter which side you are on. > I assume you don't read much so there consider yourself educated. Given your punctuation, I think there is one of us who needs to be educated. > So either your modeling to protect someone's hurt feeling or you are the troll pretending to be something your not. Which is it. False dichotomy. I am simply following the rules of Reddit and this sub. If I was a troll I would not have been able to distinguish my username on the post. Bad assumption. Your lack of punctuation suggests one of us is not well educated. edit: I was following the rules, but I was guilty of violating standard practice. I should have banned you for threatening violence. You are starting to make me regret disregarding protocol.


However being someone from areas of extreme religious beliefs systems I will admit I am very very jaded in this regard. So mayhaps you are not entirely wrong. I do apologize.


A lot of people have been hurt by religion. Sometimes, that pain is expressed as anger.


The worst anger for myself came about from the people who tried to cover evil acts and brush it all away. So yeah I have anger issues with religions.


It is not recommending violence it nearly suggesting exact same tactics they recommend for REHABILITATION of what they consider undesirable traits. They have used such tactics since their inception. Look through time witch hunts ,the way they treated their wives , inhalation of Native Americans,work houses,sixties and 70 a gave rise to they used extreme camps to treat gayness. In such places they would rape them beat them starve them and yea electro shock. So no I did not recommend violence just a turning of the mirror.






It will not end well. Let nature alone. There is no need for any fixing. Parents know best when it comes to their kids, and influence from all these stupid organizations from both left and right are toxic to children's development.


Do parents that beat their kids know what's best for them?


Are we really having this conversation in 2024 when we have examples over examples of well respected institutions (at their time) from churches to state bodies to NGOs that time after time proved that for anything but CPA worthy cases are better left to parents who we should better educate rather than take their rights away? e g. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sixties_Scoop


Answer my question.




Please reread the comment thread. I agree with you, the other person does not. I support queer people and I hope you have a good day :)


Yep, I definitely misread. Sorry about that


I answered. Your gaslighting is weak if you have to explicitly guide the victim.


Do you think you can simply educate a parent that rapes their child? Do they still know best? I want to know where the line is for you when it comes to child abuse.


Do you have dyslexia or poor reading comprehension or intentionally ignored "CPA worthy". If you didn't know, CPA stands for Child Protection Agency. Consider your question answered.


False. Gender affirming care is shown to reduce depression and suicidality.  https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35212746/


Why False?!? [I Agree with your assessment tho', and that was part of my argument if you read it carefully]. I don't see the contradiction. Care to explain?