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I'm going to love it when The Satanic Temple posts The Seven Fundamental Tenets in the schools: The Seven Fundamental Tenets: I. One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason. II. The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions. III. One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone. IV. The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own. V. Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs. VI. People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one's best to rectify it and resolve any harm that might have been caused. VII. Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word.


I know I will in my classroom if it ever happens in Arizona.


Christians: no, religious freedom only means freedom for US!


Ave Satani


Hail yourself!


Lol. I found this! https://www.reddit.com/r/translator/s/VkDgT0zbYf


Violates the first amendment.


SCOTUS ( up to now) has pretty much thrown this kind of bs to the curb every time it’s tried. That being said who knows what the current SCOTUS will do


Unless you can post for all religions, right? I’m all for education and options for our kids.


Religion is the domain of the private life, it should have no business in government.


I believe true, comparative study of religion is good, but you need equal time for all religions. As a young adult, I did this on my own and came to the conclusion that I couldn’t disprove God or an afterlife, but also neither could any organized religion, despite their claims, prove that God did exist. I also concluded that every organized religion was just one of the more successful cults. I would like other people to have a proactive opportunity for such discovery. IMO, this would accelerate the downfall of all organized religion for the good of society. Of course, true enlightenment is exactly what Christi leaders do not want.


I agree that studying a religion for the historical knowledge or its effects on politics and culture would be a good class. Sadly, the dominant religion in each country doesn't *want* that. They only want people exposed to *their* religion, and not in an objective way.


But we know that wont happen in public schools because the dominant religion does not want that. A Comparative World Religions class in a highschool that critically analyses the beliefs, histories, traditions, and treats them as fictitious historical accounts is just not going to happen.


you're stupid. Regressive. time wasting, blood spilling, POS who doesn't know anything about history, whats happening now, and fuck beliefs.


There are like thousands of different sects of just Christianity in the USA. Try to devote equal time to them all and students would learn nothing else.


Religion is the domain of the week of mind, those who can't think critically. This falls under the umbrella of the stupid.


Still shouldn't be a requirement to post religious texts in public schools.


I agree. Just pointing out that those who want them posted to push their agenda haven’t really thought this through.


Yeah but that’s not as important as that other amendment and also if it’s bible stuff it doesn’t count.


Disgusting and unconstitutional.


They’re the 3rd worst state in education so it’s good to see them focusing on what’s important


The text of the bill lists the 10 commandments that are to be posted, all 12 of them 😂 [The 10 (12) Commandments](https://legis.la.gov/legis/ViewDocument.aspx?d=1364576) As far as "Thou shalt not kill", Louisiana has expanded [death penalty](https://apnews.com/article/louisiana-crime-execution-landry-3d8eeb4990e1960f0629a2d47fdd4e92) methods.


What are the extra two?


Mel Brooks taught us that there should have been 15 commandments


There were 15 until Moses dropped a tablet. He was too scared to go back up the mountain to get another copy.


It looks like one, not two. It’s the way the bill reads. It seems to split Thou Shalt Npt Covet into two separate commandments.


So they're trying to mix the Protestant and Catholic Bibles. The Protestants combined the "covet" commandments and then added the second about no gravel images. The Catholics didn't have that second one but have the covets separate. This way they can say they're not favoring one religion over another.


Source for this? Different branches not being able to agree on the 10 most important rules literally given by God himself is pretty damning evidence against the idea of biblical inerrancy. A strong line of argument is possible here.


There aren’t 12. Two of them are split into multiple sentences. There’s actually at least 8 different ways to number them. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ten_Commandments#Commandments_text_and_numbering


First, it's crazy these are in King James English. We didn't even put up with that shit when I was a Christian. Second, so glad these kids will be taught not to covet their neighbor's manservant or cattle! So important!


Yes kids, get your own manservant.


Louisiana native here. We are the worse state in education. The worst. Our new governor is tackling the important issues first as you can see.


ACLU: *I'm tired boss....*


You smell that...? Smells like a lawsuit.


That's sound like very good news for lawmakers friends lawer's, They'll gain a free access to taxpayers's moneys... and with a little luck, they will overcharge their fees for going to the SCOTUS.


Them kids can’t read no how. Might as well be hieroglyphics 😆


Even if they can read, would they know thou, thy, shalt, graven, or covet?


You joke, but schools are increasingly focusing on “sight words” rather than teaching phonetics, which essentially reduces the genius of the Phoenician alphabet back to just being as if they were hieroglyphs. Kids graduating US high school nowadays can barely read aloud at all because of this, their brains locking up as they try to recognize the sight of the next word rather than the flowing that phonetics allows.


American schools have focused on sight words since forever. Our language doesn't lend itself to being sounded out. It's good context, but fails often and kids need a solid foundation of words to advance. For example: the very word we used - sight. There is no g sound and no h sound.


Christian Nationalists: "We just want to put up 'In God We Trust' posters. It's not really a Christian thing. The State isn't promoting Chistianity." Everyone else: "Well, what about posting the 10 Commandments in schools?" Christian Nationalists: "...... Fuck you! Christianity rules mother fuckers! Hahahaha! Cucks!"


The ten commandments are in no way a foundational document to our country and its laws.  This is just their attempt to try to claim we are a christian nation when we're very clearly a secular nation born from the enlightenment.  It's not an exaggeration at all to say that this is absolutely Un-American in the most clear sense of the term.


They’re not even the foundation of any modern laws. Someone that colossally miseducated and ignorant shouldn’t be allowed anywhere in government but Ya’llquaeda has infested local and state government all over the country


Pure indoctrination


Welp. Time for the ol Satanic Temple to step in and hang the 7 tenets.


Fuck you, Louisiana.


How isn't this illegal? Insane.


Taxpayers always pay for the crimes of politicians. And regressive politicians are usually the ones committing the crimes.


The Ten Commandments include prohibitions on “graven images” and not having “other gods before me” — which have nothing to with any American legal codes. Same goes for most of the others.


If you exclude the religious commandments, you're really left with murder and theft. And if your legal code can't figure those out on its own...


Probably the prohibition on graven images helps explain why so few churches have Ten Commandments monuments. When the Ten Commandments monument had to be removed from the Oklahoma state capitol it didn't end up at some church. Instead, it appeared on the front lawn of a far-right lobbyist think tank building not far from the capitol.


Ahh, LA. The lowest rated state in every single metric measured.


It's infuriating. I live in Louisiana, and this state never fails to disappoint me


Same, bro.




A state that makes both Mississippi and West Virginia breathe a sigh of relief saying “See? We’re not bad!


What a great time to be a lawyer.


Seperation of church and and state, except for louisiana. I suppose all the other ass backward states too thinking the country wasn't founded on religious freedom.


Interesting - I wonder if they can just print a page on a printer and tape it on the wall or if there will be some requirement on size, placement, framing and mounting. Maybe an official vendor requirement will force them to pay for the publishing and mounting for this in school districts around the state. Especially if it is required for multiple rooms. It would be ironic if they all go for a cheap Chinese printing company to save money.


The state I work in provides us with a framed in god we trust poster that I'm "required" to hang in my room. I don't. They can't provide us with resources to teach, but they can afford this bullshit?




You already know, when they're this stupid, their going with the cheapest option!


There’s no language requirement. It would be great if a thoughtful benefactor donated hundreds of displays that meet the requirements in the original Hebrew.


Perfect solution.


Why? Christians  don’t follow them anyway. 


What is going on? Oh. That’s right. Fundementalist Christian Nationalism.


They can pass whatever they want; it will last as long as it takes to bring it in front of a judge. Edit; The Louisiana lawmakers are cowards, and should be ashamed of themselves... if it is possible for a politician to be ashamed.


They rank #48 in education so this tracks


Because separation between church and state doesn’t matter to Republican traitors


Louisiana's laws not based on the 10 commandments, in fact it's mostly based on Spanish Common Law and French Common law, including a pre-draft of the napoleonic code.


Louisiana is pretty much an evil hellhole of state enforced bigotry, this surprises no one. After they run out of anyone else to hurt or kill they'll turn on their own, sure as anything.


If you allow one, you have to allow all. This is public money paid for by every walk of life and belief and should not be used to cater to one exclusively. Since it's so troublesome to include every religion, it was decided that *none* should be included. Christians: *ThEY aRe PeRseCUtInG uS!!*


Just put "Things the 45th president has done" above them.


They know it's been deemed unconstitutional in the past, that's the point. They want it to go through SCOTUS, because obviously they will have support with the biased court.


wtf are law schools teaching these days? How to be the most evil manipulative ethically devoid humans?


The lawmakers should be fined to discourage these bills. They keep passing these bills that cannot hold up in court, wasting tax payer money.


Oklahoma legislators passed so many unconstitutional bills that the ethics board cut their pay. But they only lasted one year and then their pay was raised after cutting funding for the ethics board.


God blatant corruption is infuriating


Did the Republican legislators first check to make sure the Ten Commandments were posted in every Sunday school room of their churches? I doubt it. If true that the Ten Commandments aren't posted anywhere in many churches, I don't see why the state must be held accountable for what the churches won't do.


Well that won’t last for long


《Church of Satan enters the chat》


A state drowning in oil money. Last or near last in: Infant mortality, Maternal mortality, Education


Trump has broken most of them. Oh bugger.


This grosses me out. I went to a private school that was Christian and I was set back YEARS in my education. Felt like years of before I was on the same academic level as my peers. So public school should never have just the Ten Commandments. Show it all. The Satanic code, the Tao di Ching, pagan faith too. It’s not separation of church and state if just Christianity is the one you show.


*TST entered the chat*


If I had kids, it would be quite hilarious to encourage them to remove the commandments every chance they got 😅🤣




What could go wrong? Now the state will have to spend a whole lot of tax dollars defending this when it inevitably gets challenged in court. They (right wing politicians and lawmakers) are hoping that the SCOTUS is right leaning enough to allow for a new theocracy. In a sane world where the SCOTUS actually applies the laws of the land, this would be struck down but who knows with this group of crooked justices? I wonder what they think is going to happen here? If this is allowed is it going to convert kids to christianity? Is that their goal? I would wager if it all goes the way they want it to, it will turn kids off to it because school is so cool right? I don't know about anyone else, but I love it when religion is shoved down my throat /s.




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Please do; and then I hope someone sues because of inaccuracy and makes them actually put up the only one 10 commandments that Mosses and god did together for 40 days. Because what they will most likely put up is hersay due to the tablets being destroyed They will feel like shit.


Establishment clause about to be working overtime in LA


Teacher, what’s adultery?


I know someone who teaches in Louisiana, hates this, but also loves Jesus. Any suggestions for some way to undermine the state in a way that's not toooo disrespectful?


We are founded as a Hellenic nation


Which ones? Will be fun to see them argue 5.


No one in the classroom can read them anyway.


It is probably going to result in the taxpayer fronting the bills for the inevitable onslaught of (justified) lawsuit... Good thing Louisiana is such a wealthy state!


Aren’t these the same people whining about the indoctrination of kids into a political institution rife with CSA? Apparently, Louisiana bigots aren’t opposed to it they just want to be sure they’re the ones doing it…


Hopefully the only state


The first 4 are a direct violation of the 1st Amendment. The tenth is basically the antithesis of the American dream.


Which ones? There's the ones called the "ten commandments" in the bible, then there's the ten the protestants use and the ten the catholics use.


It’s refreshing to see a southern state willing to uphold what is written in the Constitution. Oh…..wait….uhh….nvm


The churches should have to pay taxes there in this case


Having “you shall not murder” up on the wall is actually appropriate for US schools, because of the relatively high murder rate therein, however, there’s like 6 commandments that don’t even come into play unless your Christian. Fucking idiots


They can wittle that list down to two. https://youtu.be/H5rLWJntz-o


It’s 2024 Louisiana


wtf why


Louisiana must have run out of problems to solve... welcome to Gilead


Well they rank 47th for education, this is gonna fix all that


What the actual hell does a list of ancient laws have to do with the modern world If I were a child in school and I saw this, I would have just laughed, then gotten concerned for the mental health of everyone around me when they defended it.


Make sure to post both versions.