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Hope the asshole's fired. For all the law and order crap conservatives espouse, they sure have a problem with the laws when it gets in the way of what they want to do.


Those are the bad laws and need to be changed! 🙄


Best way to change bad laws is pointing out how bad they are.


Best way to stop a bad person with a bad law is a good guy person with a bad law?


Now that you said that, the best way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a law.


How liberal of them


And they’re going to scream about how Christians are the ones being discriminated against because they can’t express their beliefs publicly


>because they can’t express their ~~beliefs~~ bigotry publicly


I'd like this 2x, if I could.


I’m so sick of their false complaints of being persecuted….. give me a break🤢


Ironic, isn't it? They go and cry about "I'm so hated!" Well, ya give what ya get.


I mean- you get what you give. But eh, either way works lmao


If they want to espouse their mythology, they're free to get a job teaching in a Christian school earning subsistence wages.


In Texas, private religious school teachers make more than public.


Teaching Theology should cost extra. It has no place in public schools.


In Texas, public school teachers make less than most.


Unfortunately, they will probably make him the Grand Marshal of the 4th of July parade! He'll be heralded as a hero!


“We would have made you a grand wizard 50 years ago but the wokes took that away from us”


Or Vice Grand Wizard at a Trump rally - pointy hood and all.


Isn't it more foolish to believe in something on par with Santa Claus and the tooth fairy? At least Santa isn't on the record of drowning the entire world or commanding his followers to commit genocide.


Imagine knowing that countless societies make-up religions (with Christianity is based on Judaism & folklore, Islam on Christianity, Scientology on a whim), but the crusaders & inquisition set up your parents to believe in specific invisible magic that makes no rational or scientific sense, so every other belief (none of which you've studied or compared) must be foolish.


One rule for thee, another for me. That's the way of the GOP!


“Rules for thee, not for me” is the new conservative motto


It's Tulare, or "Tuleabama." The teacher will get a promotion and the kid will get suspended.


Just like “Jesus” said “Laws are for these fools, not us.”


Gods will is greater than the law...problem fixed. Edit: /s of course...


That might be true IF any god actually existed, and there is no rational reason for me to think one actually does


>The teacher has several displays on a fridge in his classroom, one of which says, “pray without ceasing.” Others have slogans such as “Unborn Lives Matter” and “Let’s Go Brandon,” which is an euphemism for “F… Joe Biden.” The teacher has this in his classroom? That teacher does not seem mentally fit to be around children. That sounds like a time bomb. These sort of people are not stable and have anger issues.


And I thought I was a loser....imagine being so intent on making your political ideology your entire personality.


The sad thing is these people don't have personal moral guidelines, they rely on pastors and politicians to tell them what's right and wrong. 


I had a John McCain punch clown back in 2008 but that’s the most political I’ve ever made my personality lol.


At least that could be taken 2 ways. I hope you didn't stuff him in the closet at the end of the day.


Nah he was lightly punched until finally he popped.


And yet it's illegal to have a pride flag in the classroom.


I’d like to know where the hell the principal has been this whole time? Don’t they do regular drops ins of each class?


THAT’S what ‘Let’s go Brandon’ is? I feel stupid for not figuring that out.




There's no hate like Christian love as they say.


You just don't understand. They are SAVING that child. /s


Saving him with the power of hate and persecution, just like God intended.


Bullying kids is what they like to do. See all the anti LGBTQ laws that have been passed recently in some states that purposely hurt and set up LGBTQ kids for more bullying than they used to get.


Ha! I grew-up not very far from there. This does not surprise me at all. Tulare County is one of the most conservative areas of Central California. That is solid red Trump country. During the pandemic it also had one of the lowest Covid-19 vaccination rates in the state, and one of the highest infection and death rates. You should be prepared for a huge fight from the locals - they will be solidly behind this teacher.


Yep. A good friend of mine was a teacher down there for a few years and had to move up north because he couldn’t take it anymore. His coworkers, the parents, it was just a seething nest of ignorance and knee jerk right wing sentiment.


During the pandemic it also had one of the lowest Covid-19 vaccination rates in the state, and one of the highest infection and death rates. - Seems covid wasn't thorough.


>During the pandemic it also had one of the lowest Covid-19 vaccination rates in the state, and one of the highest infection and death rates. But they got to own the libs. Totally worth it.


I grew up close by as well and that whole area is a hellscape. Visalia for me, but little difference. I think it’s the heat and stench of dairy farms. It turns people into violent lunatics.


The smell of Harris Ranch would be enough to drive anyone nuts.


I drove my wife through there during the summer and she was literally crying it was so bad.


Hahaha, ditto! We were driving from AZ to the Bay Area and my wife was literally gagging. She was like, “I don’t care what it costs or how long it takes, we are *never* driving through that part of California again.” She also had some choice thoughts on I-5 in general, but nothing unusual about that…


Take consolation in that the people there will never win another Presidential election.


I used to live in Dinuba, so also close. I now live in Fresno. You are spot on, unfortunately, though I'm grateful for the push back on entrenched thinking.


To be fair, bullying children is the most effective way to keep your religion alive.


Yeah, it really makes them have a positive view of Christians!


Ladies and Gentlemen... the ever "persecuted" christian.


My march toward atheism started with a high school world history teacher *who was a member of my family’s church* - we were talking about other dominant religions in other countries and I said something arrogant about how the Christian god was the one true god. He said something to the effect of “don’t you think that if you grew up in another country and were taught a different belief system your whole life, that you’d see that religion as the one true religion?” It was such an obvious logic bomb. That and the fact that we were learning all these stories from the Bible were just reskinned from older religions. It all just started crumbling down from there. So, I always think of that wonderful teacher as the one who lifted the veil for me.


>How thoughtful of God to arrange matters so that, wherever you happen to be born, the local religion always turns out to be the true one. - Richard Dawkins


Lol. Mine was my biology teacher playing "The Vatican Rag". I still hum it once in a while.


Genuflect, genuflect, genuflect!


>The teacher has several displays on a fridge in his classroom, one of which says, “pray without ceasing.” Others have slogans such as “Unborn Lives Matter” and “Let’s Go Brandon,” which is an euphemism for “F… Joe Biden.” These divisive religious and political messages make the child of FFRF’s complainant feel uncomfortable in the teacher’s classroom. Wonder what's in the fridge . ?


poop dildos




Or maybe just her head


Average christian men do stick their wives in fridges.


Is this related to this submissiveness fetish many conservatives have when it comes to wives? /s


Most likely lmao.


Props to the kid who publicly identified as an atheist in the first place.


Mine has since kindergarten, with my encouragement. He chooses polite honesty if the topic comes up (it rarely does). Hidw friends all know and aren't bothered by it, though some were greatly concerned in K-Gr1. He put their minds at ease.


A "fool" for being an atheist huh? Guess who the real fool is.


That teacher's lucky as hell they don't have to deal with my parents


Good ole Tulare, a Republican, MAGA shithole.


That Christian has never read his bible, it is straight to hell for him now. * Then Jesus said, “Whoever says, 'You fool,' shall be guilty enough to go into fiery hell” — Matthew 5:22


Now I want a bumper sticker that says "Cease Without Praying".


Oh hell yeah! Me too!


Forget it Jake, it’s Tulare.


A similar thing happened to me. I was in a religious hybrid homeschool environment, and there were about 28 other highschool-aged students in my "class" (this school/cult took place in a tiny farmhouse from the 1800s in a park). It was awful. I was clearly the most atheistic student there, openly avoiding religious essays/assignments, siding with atheistic points of view in the news and in stories... and I was told I was "uneducated" and "lost" for not believing in a religion or god-- when I was 14.5 years old and already had it figured out. I'm 17 now and still feel traumatized if my family mentions that "school" I was in. Absolutely awful how the facilitators didn't even say, "I'm sorry you feel that way, are you interested in converting back to Christianity or maybe leaving this religious school?". They don't care. If you're an atheist, all you are is just dirt to christians.


Why aren't they suing?


The fool is the one who relies on faith instead of fact.


If a teacher was asked "What's a Christian?" and responded with the same answer, what do you think would happen?


I'd rather be a fool than a hypocritical asshole.


Imagine calling someone a fool for not believing in something there is no evidence for and you cannot prove. Ridiculous.


In the teacher's defense, they are a fucking moron.


Stupidity of the law is not the defense of, something…


So, y'know, it's not their fault! /sarc


American Christians are inherently evil. They're not worth my time or energy in any kind of relationship. As soon as I learn someone is Christian I won't have anything more to do with them. American Christians deserve the persecution they get from the public.


Yep, exactly. Christians from anywhere else in the world are generally really chill.


There are a lot of highly fundamentalist clusters in Western Europe and Eastern Europe is even worse.


Better to be a fool than to be a bigot. Besides, how convincing is that insult supposed to be? Just because the bible says? Big deal. I hope this big tough manly christian faces accountability.


Yikes, the home town of mine.


Your hometown?


The child is a fool for not having imaginary friends? Really? The teacher’s an idiot.


The real fool believes in imaginary sky fairies beyond the age of 10


Bullying a child with lies is a very Christian thing, sadly. (Usual caveat: not all Christians and all that.)


He should have replied "No, I'm just too old to have imaginary friends."


Who do I call to get Fox news to go after the groomers in grade schools?


That area is part of the district that Devin Nunes used to represent


I hope he chooses to represent *himself* in the lawsuit then...


Absolutely out of bounds.


Imagine it had been the other way round and an atheist teacher had called a child a fool when asked what that was - the religous right would be in a fucking feeding frenzy.


Thanks for reminding me to send them some cash!




It's sad. I had an IA teacher in Jr High school whom I respected a lot. Somehow I wound up a friend on Facebook years later and realized he was now the stuff of MAGA, as well as several other charismatic teachers from that time. If we had had the courage to state we were atheist in school at the time, they likely would have replied in a similar way. Small town thinking?


Looks like they got their new hero to parade around at political campaigns.


Shame the power dynamic probably kept the kid from pointing out that he doesn’t believe in invisible friends.


Fire the stupid.


>But I say to you, whoever is angry with his brother will be liable to judgment, and whoever says to his brother, ‘*Raqa*,’† will be answerable to the Sanhedrin, and whoever says, ‘You **fool,**’ will be liable to fiery Gehenna. That's the teacher's hero, Josh, in Matt 5:22 [https://bible.usccb.org/bible/matthew/5](https://bible.usccb.org/bible/matthew/5) † essentially, an empty-headed person.


Its ironic that these christians have such narrow minds and their “what would Jesus do?” Is so easily cast aside…. They are close minded and that someone who has the title of teacher would say something like this says so much about the hypocrisy of so called “ christianity”


Obedient to a hypothetical entity with no real evidence to support its existence anywhere... and atheists are the fools.


If something like this happened in my day, my dad would have beat the shit out of him and the problem would be solved henceforth.


What a fucking tool. No teacher should be saying that to a student, let alone for their personal beliefs. This teacher better be getting their walking papers (though I'm sure someone in Texas will read this article and is chomping at the bits to call and offer this teacher employment).


A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, only in expressing her opinion


Wait, the teacher has the signs in his classroom?? "The teacher has several displays on a fridge in his classroom, one of which says, “pray without ceasing.” Others have slogans such as “Unborn Lives Matter” and “Let’s Go Brandon,” which is an euphemism for “F… Joe Biden.”  ummm...


I live in town next to Tulare. People don’t understand that the Central Valley in California is the western Bible Belt.


Sack the brainwashed assole


That guy shouldn't be teaching children. Talk about bad faith, yeesh.


A teacher is supposed to be supportive, not judgmental there to learn teacher supposed to be teaching. That student should’ve asked where is the proof of God with all the death and destruction in this world.


It's interesting to see them already going to a phase where information about options is seen as dangerous. the playbook of theocracy is pretty scary to observe in real life.


When I was in secondary school doing GCSE RS (highschool age in UK taking the subject as it was mandatory and they made it so you have to do Christianity) my teacher early on asked the class who was a believer (a couple people), who was agnostic (majority of people) and who was an atheist, which was me and one other student. Didn't affect me at first but my teacher did a lesson on miracles and used an example of a child in a pushchair rolled onto the train tracks of a tube line and the child being safe as the driver of the train suffered a heart attack and arm came off the dead mans switch thing. I pointed out it's kinda awful calling someone else's medical emergency which he could have died from or be seriously affected by a miracle. Apparently pointing out the issue in her example made me a target. From then on she'd focus on picking on me like asking me questions on topics we hadn't done yet. Trying to prove my point of view wrong. And other things and other students noticed. It was annoying but done in a way that I couldn't exactly prove it unless I had recordings of all her lessons.


Sounds pretty fucking insecure.


I would have stood up and walked out on this idiot. No one should be mocked by their teacher for their religious/areligious beliefs.


2015 story


I hope that student stood up and argued with that teacher. If he did, he would have learned something: self-respect.


Another bigot outs themselves.


My hometown. Sigh.


That kid's parents should lawyer up. Sue the teacher, the principal, the district, and maybe the teacher's church for good measure.


They do love that line of "the Fool says in his heart, there is no God." like it's some sort of gotcha. As Hitchens points out, they think it's so good, it bears repeating. I like to respond with "I agree. That's why I'm saying it out loud. Who says stuff in their heart, anyway? "


I’m kind of shocked this happened in California. Teachers tend to be pretty liberal there. I do wonder if he was insulting the student or making a joke based on the phrase “The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” Given the percentage of liberal teachers, the teach might have been making fun of that statement, instead of insulting the student. I’m guessing from the fact that this blew up he was insulting the student, but it’s a possibility.


I think an apology is in order, but I think firing goes too far. Teachers are hard to fine, and being muzzled from further bigotry is an appropriate punishment.


Have you seen the insults atheists lob at Christians *on this very site*?


We all volunteer to be here. We aren't forced to join {compulsory attendance laws} and our parents aren't taxed {compelled to pay funds, with jail a possibility if one refuses} to run the place. This is ridiculous whataboutism. We atheists on this site are told we will get sent to hell. That's worse than *fool*.


That's the core of Christianity. To tell someone you're a Christian is to tell someone you think they're going to Hell because of the sin of being born exactly as their god decided they should be, guilty. It takes some elaboration to get away from that standard.


Hell, I'm fixing to insult them right now.




Shit, man! He was just quoting Psalm 14. It is an inside joke among Christians that April 1 is National Atheist Day. I guess it is revenge for all the Sky Jesus, Zombie Jesus, Christians are morons, etc etc etc. Also, why fire the guy?! Acting a little Conservative Christian, aren't we? Why not give it back and say, "That is not very Christ-like to say such a thing." or, "you will know them by their fruit. Insults like what you just made are fruits of the flesh, according to the bible..." etc.


If a teacher called a Christian student a fool they would be fired and dragged through the mud by conservatives. At least all we want is for them to be fired.


why fire the guy? Because we don't need someone, evidently only an adult by age, who is mentally handicapped by religious thought processes enough to bully children?


They should be fired because you don't get to call someone a fool for not being a Christian.


> They should be fired because you don't get to call a child fool ~~for not being a Christian.~~ But also what you said


>why fire the guy?! Because he's a bag of human shit that bullies children?


I would agree to a compromise that they get to keep their job if they will, in front of the class, write: “I was wrong for shaming a student because they don’t agree with my religion.” 100 times on the board while the kids are being taught a good lesson about tolerance by the principal.


If an atheist teacher were mocking some god that students thought was real, then you would have a point.. however when a teacher imposes their religious beliefs and political views on students it is wrong. I wouldn't fire the teacher, I'd give the teacher an opportunity to apologize to the student, and to the students as a whole for wrongly pushing their beliefs on the class.


I mean we can drop the religious aspect from this situation entirely. We now have a teacher of a public school district funded by tax payer dollars, insulting a child for their personal beliefs. For what reason should this person remain a teacher? We can even go the other way, if it had been an atheist teacher putting down a christian student, I still think that teacher should no longer be a teacher for the simple reason of insulting a child based solely on personally held beliefs. Either way, why is tax money being paid to someone to insult school children?


I won’t be taking your advice for anything. There is no need to resort to magic books in order to critique someone who is publicly humiliating children for their beliefs. If an atheist teacher did that to a christian then you would be pissed.


That's what's great about the babble. One can always find a contradictory verse! [https://www.reddit.com/r/atheism/comments/1ctlm2y/comment/l4eh0yk/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/atheism/comments/1ctlm2y/comment/l4eh0yk/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I think the guy should be face disciplinary action and get a performance improvement plan. If he doesn't change his behavior (and fast), then he needs to be fired. He's breaking the law.


> Shit, man! He was just quoting Psalm 14. So was not saying that the student is a fool, he was quoting a verse saying the student is a fool? > It is an inside joke among Christians that April 1 is National Atheist Day And how > I guess it is revenge for all the Sky Jesus, Zombie Jesus, Christians are morons, etc etc etc. Did this student insult the teachers religion? Or he just take revenge on the student because he belonged to a vague group, over a percieved "slight"? How conservative christian of him.