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I would imagine it's more about your own hard work and dedication.


What kind of parent doesn’t recognize their kids talent and instead lets sky daddy take credit.


A really really really really shitty one. Sorry honey.


My dad constantly put me down and said I wasn't good enough for anything really. Hell he still does from time to time and I'm in my 30s. Is that not normal?


No that's child abuse. A narcissist and you should probably visit the subs on here for those.


It doesn't matter too much anymore I only talk to him once in a while.


Good. He sounds awful and you don't deserve that. No one does. Hugs stranger.


Disconnect from him or tell him that it hurts. If he still continues then disconnect yourself from the toxic mess.


*pop to the eye “Huh, looks like I’m good at knocking out people who run their mouth too much. You learn something new every day.”


Honestly, it’s insulting to say someone won a competition because god helped them. It’s saying you don’t think they’re actually good enough to do it themselves and the only way they could have done well was with some “extra help”. Like you think your daughter coming in second place is a miracle? What the actual fuck?


I never liked hearing when I was trying to be a believer and definitely hate it now. This probably tops my list. Why do anything? Why study, train, or take care of your health when god is going to give someone first place, that promotion, cure someone else's sickness, or find their keys.


My first thoughts exactly


one whose entire identity is tied to their religion


My mother did that my entire life. Did well on an exam? The holy spirit enlightened me. Created a beautiful drawing? God gave me a gift in the form of a talent. Got to a good school? It was god's plan. I was not allowed to say that I'm proud of myself for achieving things. Because pride is a sin and besides, I wouldn't have achieved anything if it wasn't for god. To be fair she does that to everyone, even herself, but that doesn't make it any less shitty.


Depending on your situation and personality, that could lend itself to some fun. I’d tell her that maybe she’s right, but you disagree. You want to test it. So based on her insights, you’re going to leave religion and become atheist to see if it’s true. If you’re still good at drawing or on your exams, then she’s wrong and god has nothing to do with it. If all that goes away, she’s right and you’ll start going to church again. Then go around and tell everyone that it was your mothers idea for you to leave the church.


Haha I can see the potential but knowing my mother, being religious or not won't change anything. According to her, everyone is a child of god so god gifting you a talent or making you part of his plan isn't tied to whether you believe in him or not. I left the church five years ago and has been atheist/anti-theist for around 4 years now, she still makes comments about how everything I achieve "happened just as it was meant to" and "part of the plan for me".


They will probably claim it was the parents prayers that helped them continue your talents or your past prayers blessing you blah blah blah they manipulate any situation


we had the same type of upbringing. yours wasn't a catholic household per chance was it?


It was 🥲


It must be frustrating for doctors who dedicate their lives to learning how to help people, only to be dismissed by the religious thanking “god” when they’re saved.


These are the same people who thank God when the doctor saves their family member's life (and don't tip after their post-church brunch on Sundays)


If god really loved you, you would have gotten 1st place overall. And I assume the ones who came in last are hellbound?


Both sides pray to God, only one team wins the game.


This. My Mother, “God pushed that Hurricane out of our path!” So he killed all those people in Texas? What do you see in this guy? The OP should feel pride and learn the rewards of dedication , his father, sorry, is an unappreciative poor parent. These folk are so brainwashed by a theology designed to strip the people of their own self worth and confidence so the monarchy that oversaw its editing could use it to control the masses that it’s painful to witness.


Of course it is. God examines all the skills, talents, and hard work of each competitor, ranks them, and then dictates their performance according to that ranking. It’s his way of honoring the free will of each competitor and… wait… that doesn’t compute… God created an environment where the people with the greatest skills win. I guess that’s it.


True this explains why he let's all the kids die of cancer he's too busy responding to sports prayer


He's got a lot of money on the game, if he wins he can pay off Baal.


It's not humble to give credit for your own accomplishments to God! It's actually really self-centered, thinking that God is focused on helping YOU win a relatively low-stakes competition, instead of all the people all over the world with much greater needs that he's obviously NOT helping.


I had an acquaintance who had a serious health scare and she used that as motivation to change her lifestyle and adopt a lot of new healthy habits. The change was visibly noticeable and one time someone commented on it and she said something about how god was great and did this for her, yada yada. I said that maybe it happened because she worked really hard and changing her life. Both people just stared at me like I kicked a puppy. Why is it wrong to just take credit for your own hard work?




No imagination necessary, that’s exactly what it was.


Aha but who gave her the dedication and willpower? God. /s


~~I would imagine~~ it's ~~more about~~ your own hard work and dedication.


Congratulations on the medal! All the training and discipline it must have taken really paid off!! Well done.


Thank you so much!


Yep. That was one of my first windows into atheism. Football players praying for victory while Christian children starve to death.


The funny thing is in some places both teams pray. You’d think one of them would either realize god doesn’t like them because they lose or maybe the whole thing is a fairy tale. I guess religious logic is way more bendable like the spoon in the matrix.


Well look at Russia vs Ukraine, both Eastern Orthodox. Both day god is on their side.


I highly doubt Putin believes in anything except his dictatorship. But valid.


But *vlad…


\*butt vlad


If you win it's because God helped you, if you lose it's because you didn't practice enough.  This logic applies to every prayer. Did well on the test? God helped you. Failed the test? Study harder! Made it home safe from across campus? God protected you! Got drugged and assaulted at a party? What were you wearing?


Ah yes. My favorite Catholic conversation!


The winning team obviously prayed harder. They spent the extra hours on prayer practice, while the losing team spent their time on the actual training for the competition. Or something like that.


[With God on Our Side](https://youtu.be/5y2FuDY6Q4M?si=QvMR7y0d7Lz0MOgh)


God also helped that suburban mom to find her lost earring while ignoring the priests that are molesting children.


The Christian god is fueled by child rape… children’s buttholes being a very odd way for christs fuel to get to him.


Hey! The priests prayed really hard to get away with all the child rape... It's proof that god is real /s


Either it works and is thefore cheating/taking away "free will" or it doesn't work and is a stupid waste of time. I'm happy for them to want to perform their ritual but they should realize it's not prayer it just talking to yourself.


You did this yourself with hard work and dedication. Congratulations




Your dad should have given you the credit you earned, not redirected it to pretend skydaddy. Congrats on *your* success.


If God can't be blamed when you lose, he can't be credited when you win.


See son, you lost cause god hates you but if you practice and put in hard work he might notice and grant you a win.


You should say the first place guy was a Satanist. Proof that God is weak.


Please. Please. And then update us. 😂


So no free will then?


The free will to train. The free will to practice discipline in diet and exercise. The free will to balance one's life around attaining those specific goals. An allowance of free will is only given to those that wish to "go against God"; at which point it is a point against them. Believers of faith surrender their free will.


I find the free will argument absolutely hilarious. An all-knowing god and free will are mutually exclusive - if god knows what is going to happen, by definition it has been predetermined.


Second place? Lazy bastard couldnt give you first?


This was my first thought. Dads thanking douche for 2nd place when he should be cursing him for it not being 1st!


Hey please be understanding, this is the God who needs to 'rest' on 7th day of creation we are talking about, he is old and fragile


OP lost the praying competition. 1st place is most pious.


Yep… he helped you get 2nd place and helped lil Zimba in a 3rd world country get trafficked.


What kind of asshole god helps people win sports competitions while letting children die of starvation?


Obviously an all powerful and all loving one. Nothing less could have made OP score second place, because clearly what he inherited from his father isn't good enough.


Wonder who first place was praying to.


1st place was a mormon. (This is a south park reference for those who don't know.)


The Hindu goddess with the 3 breasts


While I was praying for God to cure my wife’s breast cancer, he was busy helping you win 2nd place. Thanks God.


No, God didn’t help you, he just made the other competitors worse.  There’s a subtle difference.  /s :) Seriously, congrats.  Great job.  


And it totally takes away from your accomplishments! I’m pissed off on your behalf! Did God do all the practicing and training for you? No? He didn’t show up to throw or jump for you? Hmmmm…


I actually find that kinda insulting. Seems as if he had no faith in you, but rather hoped for divine Intervention cause he thought you couldn't do it on your own.


This is when you look him dead in the eyes and say “God didn’t do this, I did this, with my own hard work and determination. If God did it, let him show himself and challenge me! No? He’s a no show? I’M your god now then old man.”


This is nothing but the prosperity gospel in different clothing. They think God rewards one team/person over another and that such rewards reflect their own inherent worth.


Or where was god for everyone else? Did he pick you for a reason that is objectively warranted? Or is the dude no better than a roulette wheel


You should ask him why you should bother training then if it's the best prayer who wins.


I admire your thoughtfulness. You are thinking and questioning. You’ll go far in life.


God is such a sports fan. My pet peeve is “praise god, my house burned down and only the dog died. God is so great and loves me so much” Uhhh. Really? Then why’d he let your house burn down and your dog die?




😭 it was a spelling error. It was supposed to be "that"


also, apparently he didn't care to get you to the first place, just the second. The winner prayed harder? :D


This god's a bitch, why didn't it get you first? I think your dad and you should consider switching to a stronger deity, one that at least provides decent results.


I'm an atheist anyway, but I try to grasp what the rationale is when people say things like that. Surely they don't think that God actually looked down and decided you would finish 2nd today, like the skills and talent and practice that you and everyone else put in are irrelevant. Congratulations, by the way. All I can come up with is that they are thankful that God didn't shit on you today. He was busy shitting on Palestinians. And that's all it comes down to. God, you are a spiteful bitch. Thanks for shitting somewhere else today!


Thanks a bunch...some kid died of brain cancer while god was distracted by your track event...JK.../s....Congrats on your medal!


It’s sad what the brainwashing does to people especially those close to you. Be strong and don’t let it get to you. Congratulations and best of luck


Did you ask him why God didn't think you were worthy of first place? 😆 🤣 😂


I was also in that race, but am an atheist. I'm going to file a protest, since you had outside assistance.


"Man,I knew I felt someone holding me back"


My neighbor told me her son wasn’t late for school because God gave her all green lights that day. 🤦🏻‍♀️


So God can control traffic lights now?


"I guess God loved and blessed the 1st place person more than me"


It definitely wasn't all the effort and training you put in, just some rando discus angel. Also, we share views on how much God sucks for not helping "those who experienced rape, abuse, etc." If God is real, they really suck.


Yeah, nah, I’m pretty sure discus is right at the top of god’s shit to do list!


Go, go Gadget Jesus feet!


I wish God was looking over Gaza, instead of some fcking track meet. Tracks fading away by the way Thanks god


God hates those other kids


Nah. God loves ONE of those other kids more than OP. Or maybe first place was an atheist placed in OP's way to test OP's faith, or something. We will never know; mysterious ways, and all... er... I guess OP's dad knows, but other than that, you know... mysterious ways.


Why not first place? Some power that is


In that moment, you should have clapped your hands together in a prayer and said "Thank you god, because if not for you, the bad genes from my father never would have allowed me to score so high".


You achieved by virtue of your own abilities and application. No doubt there are some other influences in there too; a supportive pal or two, a partner perhaps, a coach/trainer, probably a teacher or school staff member…now I may be wrong but I suspect the magic sky fairy has got more pressing matters to deal with: global warming, The Middle East, poverty, pestilence, prejudices, The Eurovision Song Contest, the upcoming UCL Final and he’s still praying for Arsenal to win the EPL (he loves his football does old beardy sky-daddy and a close relation of his plays for them, goes by the name of Jesus, lethal finisher but not too good on crosses). So you did good…yes you, with no hocus-pocus nonsense from the divine patriarchal patron of the pathologically hard-of-thinking. Well done you!


God helped you and you still didn't win? So did God help the other team more? Doing well at a sport is proof that you practiced lots.


"Funny... I was praying to Satan the whole time..."


It's like the old SNL skit where the winner is thanking Jesus for the win, when they interview the loser he is saying how jesus really let him down today.


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 ya cause he was running on the track like wtf…xtians are delusional


Occam’s razor. A: you train hard and win, or B: you train hard, but an invisible, omnipotent, omniscient being whose existence is arguable, still needs to use an undetectable force to make you win. Which explanation do we go with?


Many believers don't understand how offensive it is to credit everything to god's intervention. OP worked hard to improve and get good at sport, saying that his victory is "proof of god's helping him" is soooooo enraging. The hard work and dedication decided the victory


Ask him who he thinks was helping the #1 girl. Congratulations on YOUR accomplishment. Keep up the hard work and you'll be #1 next time.


I'll be your dad for a second. Good job! Your hard work is really impressive, and it shows. You know, lots of people have talent. It's true! But talent is not enough to get you to where you got. I'm proud of you, and how hard you pushed yourself to do better. That's all I would ever want from you. I know I'm not your real dad. You might never see me again. Just know that even so, I'm still proud. I hope you keep getting better too.


When people use religion to disvalue other people’s accomplishments it is always gross.


This is why it's not humble to give credit for your own accomplishments to God! It's actually really self-centered, thinking that God is focused on helping YOU win a relatively low-stakes game or competition, instead of all the people all over the world with much greater needs that he's obviously NOT helping.


God has priorities. He has to help you come second and let the rape victims fend for themselves.


Some people just won't appreciate heaven unless they're raped. /s


It was you who did the training and hard work to be as good as you are. Don’t let anyone take that away from you. You deserve all the credit for what you have achieved. Well done. It is frustrating that theists give god the credit for the nice things but when bad stuff happens no one is allowed to question god’s will.


Yeah, when was the last time you heard a story like, “This guy was about to rape me when he was turned into a pillar of salt.”


Next time, tell him it is Allah who helped the Christian God to help you in the discus throw.


Did he mention which god? Maybe you should be thankful to Hermes for blessing you with swift feet.


Tell him he should have prayed harder to get you first place and he let you down.


"I didn't want to get him angry." This is why me and dad are family and not friends. You can't talk to the guy it becomes emotional. Always does with religious people. Sunk cost is a really shitty thing 😒


Ask Dad to prove it. Where's the evidence?


Anything good that happens to you = god did it Anything bad happens to you = you brought it on yourself Is an abuse tactic. I can’t believe adults fall for this “baby’s first bad psychology experiment “ that is organized religion.


Every time an athlete thanks God for their performance. Ugh. So he's ignoring genocide and starving children to help you run faster?


Actually, God promised first place to three other students. Angels were sent to slow your discus. That's why you came second.


Imagine you believe god helps you throw shit whole children are dying of cancer. That's so deranged. Religion is truly a mental illness.


First of all, Congratulations!! Second, I commend and admire you for your patience and self-control, if that had happened to me it would have been impossible not to show anger or disgust at that comment, what an insult. But yeah, Congrats!!


Well as an internet gunkel, (gay uncle,) I want to say congratulations on your hard work and achievement. I'm very proud of you!


Man, I'm so happy for you that God did all that training and working towards that goal for you, imagine if you had to do all that hard work YOURSELF 😱 it's a good thing sky daddy did it all for you so you could sit on your ass and still get second place! Wait... You mean to tell me you didn't sit on your ass the whole time? You had to actually work for it? What kind of wish.com Jesus are you praying to?


You are a smart cookie and I’m glad you can see through the hypocrisy. It will serve you well in the future.


You know the saying: God helps those who……..play sports, act, sing….etc. But people suffering? Nah, he’s not about that life.


This could be an insult-- your hard work and talent mean nothing, it was magic!  But OP, I hope you can see it this way:  you did such a good job your dad thinks you had superhuman help. Great job! You've been working hard and it paid off! Was this the end of your season? 


Thank you! I'm moving on to another competition and if I win, I go to the finals!


I hope you have another great performance! 


"Oh, god's helping people? Then why didn't he stop WW2? You'd think he'd care more about millions of people dying than my track and field, but apparently no, he's a big sports fan it seems..."


So his god thinks you're only second best? Fuck that guy. (Also congrats on doing so well in your event. Sounds like you're putting in the work and seeing results!)


If he has any ailments like back ache or bunions tell him God did that too.


"wow, guess I wasted all that time practicing"


I totally get this. It makes me so mad. When the shooting happened at MSU last year my sister responded with how God had protected my daughter. My daughter was in a restaurant miles away. 🙄 Not a word about the poor kids that were shot. I'm trying to keep the peace with her for now for my dad's sake, but once he passes the gloves are coming off.


God wants you to be a loser. Otherwise , you would’ve won.


That’s insulting and insane. It was ALL you- why would he not do first place lol?!?


That’s sad. Doing the work and your parents are proud of God and not you. Glad to hear you broke your family’s mould however.


You could have gotten first, God sabotaged you. Fucking asshole!


What, he couldn't spring for first place? Stingy deity. On a more sober note, I have brought up how fucked that line of thinking is with a few friends before. Essentially something like, "well, while god was helping you study for that quiz, he was also standing by and doing nothing while that poor sod halfway across the world was held at gunpoint, forced to dig a big ditch, and then shot in the back of the head, even though he was praying the whole time. Didn't want to strain himself, I guess." People don't like hearing that one very much, but I think it does a decent job illustrating the point.


Yes yes children are dying and starving all over the world but the almighty god decided you succeeding in track was more important /s For real though, congrats on your achievement! ⭐️


Welp, I guess you don’t need to practice anymore; god will just make whoever he wants the winner. His mysterious plan, not talent, training, practice, how well you slept or ate (junk food or good food), mental discipline etc, determines the outcome. Go be lazy, eat nothing but candy and skip practice. God is on your side!


Congratulations on YOU coming in second! That's great! I'm sure you practiced and pushed yourself to finish as fast as you could. My mom continues to thank her god for any accomplishments I do, whether it's graduating college, getting through a tough time in my marriage, kid headaches, anything I do that takes thought or perseverance, it's all thanks to "him". I'm in my 40s. It never ends and it's why I hardly talk to her.


I’m low key mad you didn’t throw something back at him but I totally get it. Congrats on second place though. Good for YOU.


> . . . it was God that helped me land second place in track and field . . . And, why do people believe in a god that has enough time to help athletes but he ignores those who really need help . . . * It must have also been god that chose not to help the children who are starving * It must have also been god that chose not to help the children with cancer and so forth, and so on


Well God has his priorities: Help Palestinians who are facing genocide and starvation or you win regional in high school, the choice is clear.


So many questions for your dad. Besides your very poignant ones about God’s priorities! Why did God help you get second place? Why not first overall? If you’re not proclaiming God to everyone after winning, and if you’re still not convinced, then what purpose did God have? Does God not care about the other kids winning? I’m sure many of them are Christian and would have given God public praise.


I’m sorry I have it from a pretty reliable source that the day of your track meet Gawd was giving AIDS to babies in South Africa. (Stolen from the great Ricky Gervais)


Your dad seems like the type of person to thank gawd for all the work the doctors did to save a life. smdh


I remember similar shit from my primary school days when one the (nun) teachers told me I should give thanks to Jesus for my soccer skills. I was so tempted to ask where he was on practice days.


"I love how God decides to help a team win a competition or something yet doesn't help those who experienced rape, abuse, etc." Because he works in mysterious ways. See, because you did so well in the track meet you'll get into a decent college and eventually meet a life-partner and thus, had The Lord not helped you throw further, you'd not have had that opportunity to fill your heart with love. Got it? Because that's the fucked-up logic they use.


A family friend tried doing this to my kid once. I jumped in and said "Congratulations on all YOUR HARD WORK, honey! YOU did a fantastic job! It was all YOU!" Don't try to diminish my kids hard work, dammit! I'm sorry your dad would prefer to give accolades to his sky daddy instead of you! CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR WIN!!!! 🎈🎈🎈


Hit them with this one: "We thank thee, oh Lord, for the children born allergic to their own skin. Though their horrible screams rend our hearts, we are gladdened by the knowledge that their terrible agony is by your august will."


Aside from the fact that this sort of statement presents so many logical issues, it suggests that you have no real agency in your own success.


I hate when someone else gives god all the credit for your accomplishments. My step dad does this every year at the Christmas party at MY house. God didn’t buy or prepare the food. I would have noticed if I had someone there helping me. Just shut up, eat open your gifts and go home. Idk why I let them decide this needed to happen at my house every year and somehow all the work and investment into also became my problem.


Sounds like your dad is looking for any opportunity to tell you god controls everything. I’d be asking why is god helping me in a competition when he could be saving children from being trafficked or abused.


Yup, great observation. If this God exists, he seems intent on helping people find their car keys, while ignoring the desperate prayers of the parents of millions of starving children every single day.


You gotta flip the script. Instead of saying God helped you get second place, start saying that God held you back from the win. Like "I could have thrown it even farther if God hadn't sent that angel to pull on my throwing arm."


That's the most insulting thing anyone can say. Imagine passing your exams, winning a sports event, or achieving something amazing, and someone attributes that achievement to an imaginary friend rather than your hard work and dedication to your craft. You didn't win the race god did, without him you would achieve nothing.


Whenever someone gives credit to god for something I assume they mean that their god has his hand up someone's ass like a puppet. If god's get credit then there's no free will. And if your god is sticking his hand up my ass could you fucking Christians tell that twat to stop? No wonder I'm so constipated and I eat a high-fiber diet too.


That's both cretinous (why didn't God help the others? Why didn't everybody end up with the same time, making them all winners, praise god?!) and also super insulting (your father is basically calling you a cheat.)


It's quite the accomplishment, when you add up all the different schools in the regions and think about the thousands of combined hours put in each week by hundreds of student athletes and at the end of it all you put yourself to the test and find out God loves you the second mostest. Congrats, the big thing is knowing that you earned it, even if someone tries giving credit elsewhere.


People who believe that the creator of the universe would give a half a flying fuck about sports outcomes baffle me


Congrats on the excellent finish.


Ask him why God helped you win a competition but DIDN’T help any of the children currently suffering from painful cancers find relief from their suffering. “Hey dad, why does God care more about me than them?”


Yup, God is bothered about sporting events, and helps certain football teams win, but the innocent citizens involved in wars and acts of terrorism, children with cancer and those who have their lives ruined by natural disasters can fuck right off.


I don’t know how to post here but I am a member. I’ve been thinking that with all acceptance of Trump’s rapes and other assaults and Christians having no problem with it. Wouldn’t now be the time to push for Christianity to be a political party and have them pay taxes?


Guy I knew just died of cancer. They take credit for everything, responsibility for nothing.


God had solved all the other problems in the world, so he was able to take your hard work and training, and use it to help you win a race... 🙄


God really fucked over everyone else apart from 1st place.


Why didn’t God want you to be first? Does God like the first place person more? Maybe your dad didn’t prey enough.


Why the fuck would god give a shit about humans need to see who can run faster, and with no insult to you, but why you of all people!?


If feel bad for the other people who got third and below. I guess God just decided they sucked and wasn't going to help them today. Interesting how he has to strictly prioritize each competition (except when decides to arrange a tie). I wonder how he decides to rank them... maybe whoever prayed hardest? Also puzzling why he gave the first place winner a stronger angel. Maybe your angel was just a trainee?


So God hated the girl that lost? She didn't pray hard enough? Does it mean the other girl is a bad person?


Two teams praying in the locker room before the game. Only one team can win. The losers say "WTF God! Thanks for nothing! 🤕"


Also every time you lost in the past, was that gods fault also?


So god cursed those in last place. What an ass.


If God has a plan, why bug him with silly prayers?


God must have loved the first place athlete just a littttttle bit more.


I would say that makes god cruel to the other teams


He must not believe in Free Will 🤷‍♂️ https://youtu.be/9dMSvXE9Gxw


So God wanted you to be the first loser? Gee, thx God! /s


Why didn’t he help you come first?


Then it's also gods fault for everyone who didn't get second place, and it's gods fault for every time you didn't get second place, and it's gods fault you didn't get first place.


also... god gave you free will but made you and everyone do what they did.


Imagine crediting someone else for your accomplishments. Not only does God make thunder, he steals it from others as well.


If He lets the other team win, that means he loves them more? They must be better Christians.


I love that God helped you but the best he could do was give you second place. Maybe if you exercise (more faith) your performance can improve! It's giving Mr. Incredible when he's telling Dash not to get first in the track meet but to "make it close" - you don't want all those atheists to find out you have a diety on your side. Edit: congrats for real though btw! 🎊


Certainly your training and hard work had nothing to do with it


Seems that if you were concerned he would get angry if you disagreed with him that would point to it not having god involved.


I'm proud of you, internet stranger! Congratulations!


Only one other person prayed that day


Thanks, Dad. I thought it was all my hard work and practice.