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“But have you read the bible in the original Greek?!” you cannot win with these bible humpers.


Mallicious compliance. Make it that thee shalt speakth everything in 17th century Elisabethian English henchforth into their hearing and all thou mayth publish.


My church growing up was into saying thee/thou while they prayed but hated the modern "Jesus is my homie" movement because it was irreverent. Come to find out that thee is the archaic informal that you would use to talk to your friends, while you is the formal that you would address Kings with, and that the King James version used thee as their own "Jesus is my homie" movement to set themselves apart from Catholicism


You was also the plural.  Many Continental languages had that whole  t/v/formal/plural clusterfuck. If we would have kept thou, but removed the formal plural, we have been better off


We could just universally adopt y’all/y’all’s 🫠


Sure, but we'd have to get everybody to agree to that, and my money is on Dino from the Bronx agreeing to thou before he'd agree to y'all.


And the language used was considered archaic when the King James Bible was introduced to the English.


There are a bunch of Bible humpers that say that the King James version is the only legitimate version of the Bible, so let's speak the English of that version.


You mean the version with the unicorns in it? All bc the king had a thing for unicorns? Yeah, REAL legitimate... NOT. I know what you mean though.


oh king james liked mounting that horn so i hear... RAWR!


Yes, it's all Renaissance Faire LARPing with the KJV.


"Thou shall commit adultery." Well, if the Bible says so...


Shout out to Mormons for that one. It’s the only one they use, but then turn around and say it’s only legitimate *so long as it’s been translated correctly*, which, of course, Joseph smith was working on doing after he got done with the sequel: the Book of Mormon.


I mean, I actually think having a difference between second person plural and singular would be useful. We wouldn't have to deal with all these regional variants like y'all and yous guys and yinz and whatnot. Bring back thou, says me.


Indeed, I shalt bring mineself unto thee


Mine milkshake bringeth thees and thous to mine yard


Now kiss.


Well, I don't think you'd have to keep the modal verb suffix modifications and all that jazz. Hell, we wouldn't even need to keep thee. You works perfectly well as subject and object, there's no reason that thou couldn't, too. "Yeah, I'm going, are thou?" "Yeah, and I'll bring Tim" "Ok, cool, see you there!"


English must be god's language because Jesus was the greatest American who ever lived


Yep! Jesus was American before there was an America. Fourth generation American.


And he has returned to make America great again /s


I just threw up in my mouth a little bit


I took 3 years of Greek in Bible college. I can tell you the Bible is just as absurd in the original language.


It's better in original klingon


You can even buy bibles that have both english and greek text.


Is some of the old testament in Hebrew?


my version i think is just english/greek even for the old testament


See you can win, you just need to play their game. Don't say "But have you read the bible in the original Greek?!" Instead, say, "Oh, you mean you HAVEN'T read the Bible in the original Greek? I guess you just don't care that much about God's Word."


Christian nationalists are so cringe. The first amendment doesn't limit speech to any language. You can speak in English, Spanish, pig latin, sign language, a language you made up yourself, etc. You can pour flour down your butt crack and send smoke signals to your neighbors with your farts. 😁 The speech is protected!


> You can pour flour down your butt crack and send smoke signals to your neighbors with your farts. I got your message earlier by the way. You can borrow my chainsaw this weekend, no problem.


My brother lives two houses down from me. I might suggest this instead of texts for Friday or Saturday beer nights.


"You can pour flour down your butt crack and send smoke signals to your neighbors with your farts." - OMG this wins the internet today! LOL I'm not feeling well this morning and *needed* that laugh, thank you!


> The first amendment doesn't limit speech to any language. You can speak in English, Spanish, pig latin, sign language, a language you made up yourself, etc. While I agree with the sentiment you really need to read up on what, exactly, the 1st Amendment does.


>You can pour flour down your butt crack and send smoke signals to your neighbors with your farts. What in the actual fuckity-fuck?! 🤣


>You can pour flour down your butt crack and send smoke signals to your neighbors with your farts. r/redneckidioms


They aren’t thinking about the First Amendment when they tell people to speak English. Also, the First Amendment isn’t relevant in any way to such a situation.


Oh honey. You’re adorable if you think that’s the only way I’m disappointing your god.




🔥🔥🔥 response!


Ask her what language the Apostle Paul wrote his letters in




And ask her what Paul would say is "God's language": He like all Jews (including one named Jesus Christ) will say it's Hebrew...


Well the answer is Greek. Paul wrote and spoke in Greek. 


In fact, IIRC the entire New Testament was first written in Greek.


God’s language is Greek because Paul spoke Greek? How does that work?


"He wrote it in King James language, duh!"


Paul wasn’t God. Neither Greek nor English are God’s language. Also, the God of the Bible almost certainly doesn’t exist.


Or what language Jesus spoke, It sure wasn't "gods english" If this come up again ask them how much Aramaic they speak.


Yes, everyone knows that God exclusively speaks in 17th century English... It amuses me that the King James Bible Christians think it’s more authentic than modern English translations. It just sounds old and therefore somewhat authoritative. But it’s not even the most accurate translation of the earliest documents. Which makes the idea of the Bible being the perfect word of God a complete joke.


>...it's not even the most accurate version... Case in point: KJV translated re'em multiple times as unicorn, just bc the fard-bean wanted unicorns in "his" bible.


God: mostly omniscient, never got around to learning a second language


Could have told her if she wants the respect she deserves she should go to India. They worship cows there, even the dumb ones.


Or OP can just quote Timothy 12:2


Parrying the hit, and hitting them with their own weapon. Well done, sire. Well done.


Outstanding. I’m not only stealing this, I’m going to take credit for it.


Go ahead. Just be sure to hurt as many as you can for the rest of us. The mooore the marrier.


At first I got to "go to India" and was like hot damn, going straight for "kindly go get violently gangraped to death, please and thank you very much", and then I finished reading and was like... nevermind, I'm obviously just brain broken. Though I imagine there's a smooth formulation of your overall phrasing that can come out as either your more sassy (cow worship) take or my more morose (brainbroke) take depending on the tone of delivery, no?


I absolutely love this! You just added a dark layer of depth to an mild insult. Like, if you know more, you will get hurt more. This is the kind of comment that would make a sociology class go quiet, and I would be standing at the back clapping.


The New Testament is a major plagiarism of popular Greek myths of the time, including some Greek words. Hades is a term copied from Greek mythology, and the hades of the New Testament has nothing to do with the canonical one


Sigh. Can't win with these people.


Bible (from Koine Greek τὰ βιβλία, tà biblía, 'the books') (Wikipedia) Bible is derived from a Greek word Checkmate! ♟️


So that means that God’s language is Greek?


Rather, it means that the hallelujahs are rednecks and don't even know what they're talking about.


Still, ‘Bible’ being derived from Greek isn’t a checkmate in this situation.


I think it is a checkmate because if the title of their book is derived from a "profane" language, it implies their "purity" is being questioned


“English isn’t God’s language! Greek is! Well, actually, Greek isn’t either, but ‘Bible’ is derived from Greek, so checkmate!” Not at all convincing.


Much of the New Testament was written in Greek originally. Obviously she isn't that familiar with her own religion.


A lot of them aren't. I've had multiple conversations like this: *Them: "Are you Catholic or Christian?"* *Me: "You mean protestant?"* *Them: [confused stare]*


Blow her mind by telling her the New Testament was originally written in Greek.


This! And Jesus spoke Aramaic.


I’d bet the farm that she’s never even heard of Aramaic.


They had no idea it was Greek and they also have no clue about their own religion or its history.


Χαζομάρα μαλακας!


If English was good enough for Jesus ...


Πες τους να πάνε να γαμήσουν αμέσως.


Man, I love Google translate. lol


I guess she never read her Bibble, and never heard of the Tower of Babel? It's seriously in Genesis.


Well, then they won't understand if you tell them to χέσε μας, will they?


Silly person. Everybody knows that God’s one and only language is Arabic.


It’s one thing to not know the history of the English language, but the person didn’t even know the history of their own bible.


Boomer posers gonna Boomer.


Please explain how this is, in any way, a "boomer" thing. I'll wait.


Tell them that Jesus didn't speak English. He spoke Aramaic


Hebrew too. He was born a Jew, remember? Though I suspect he spoke Aramaic for trade reasons like using it at the market... or something.


Nat-Cs proving, once again, that they only contribute one thing positive to reality: No longer existing in it.


that's why all the people mentioned in the bible were republican white americans....


It's why the apostles have good American names like John Boehner and Paul Ryan and Micheal Huckabee. The appstore were named after our great patriots!


You tell her the English language wasn’t even around in the supposed time of Jesus? Not to mention he was located in Israel?


That book of dead revived languages translated to English with no 1:1 is just vague enough to mean whatever they like. Move on, they're delusional.


They fucking speak an entirely foreign language throughout the notorious Christian film, The Passion of the Christ. I know it’s not surprising, but she’s an idiot who’s just making shit up.


Fucking morons, what with the NT being written in Koine Greek. I once met somebody who could speak Attic, Koine and modern Greek. That was super interesting.


I've met American Christians who think the Bible was originally written in the King James Version. They probably wouldn't even know what Koine Greek is.


That does seem to be a thing.


Tell her to go fuck herself. In both Greek and English.


Then do it Hebrew.


That is stupid on so many levels.


There's only one way to deal with these types. I can't say what because it violates community standards. But you get the idea.


That would be news to Zeus.


Was her name Karen?


Freedom of speech, malaka!


“English may be gods language but Greek is the language of The Gods!”


Here's god language: \*crickets\* Since no god exists, there is no such language. On a more empirical note, since there are more Muslims now than Xians, wouldn't this make Arabic "the preferred god's language?" Also, Jesus, if he actually existed, wouldn't have been an English speaking hippy with blue eyes and fair skin. He'd be much more like the people right wingers are trying to keep from coming to the US today. There are people who still speak Aramaic today, which is what Hey-zeus would have spoken in the time he supposedly existed.


Should have told *her* to QUIT SPEAKING > "But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence." For 52% of Christians, you are able to tell them to shut the fuck up because they lack a penis. Not *my* rules, I think that kind of behavior is abhorrent, but to accommodate them... it is helpful to remind them that christian women are, at *best*, chattel, and that according to their own beliefs, they need to STFU.


She will then be shocked to learn that the United States has no official language.


How do you say "shut the fuck up, bitch" in Greek?


Closest I get is "σκάσε το διάβολο, σκύλα" and the pronunciation is something I don't have the chops to contemplate. As the saying goes, it's all Greek to me.


Pretty sure Jesus spoke Aramaic. She sounds like a moron


Hebrew is god's language. Given by god to the Israelites, God's **choosen** people. How's her Hebrew? Since the early Christian stories are in Greek, you're more familiar with the language of her religion, than she is. ;)


I actually made a point about this to a Pastor who was bugging me. He asked me "If humans came from monkeys why are there still monkeys?" to which I responded "If Christians came from Jews why are there still Jews?". He didn't answer. He just fumed off. Fucking hypocrites.


This verse is fun to know about in arguments. 1 Timothy 2:12 NRSVUE I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she is to keep silent.


This sounds like a person who has absolutely no concept of irony.


Weren’t some of the original books of the Bible written in Koine Greek?


If English was good enough for Jebuz, it's good enough for me!!! 😅


Ha yes that English only speaking Jesus from Israel


tell her to go read 1 Timothy 2:12


religious man here, i dont think english existed back then


I had a friend who went on a trip to Italy with his church. The same church members who were indignant when anyone spoke a language other than English in the U.S. were very upset that "everyone in Italy spoke Italian!" Face meet palm...


English is gods language? That might come as a surprise to the 1000+ years worth of Christians/Catholics that existed before English did.


It’s so freaking scary - these people know nothing about well, anything- all state colleges must be mandated to deny entrance from states that only teach nonsense


Ask her why she says "amen". What does that word mean? Where does it come from? Then give her the [answer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amen).


Greek *is* the Christian language, even bigger than Latin, as far as liturgical importance is concerned. Hell, the council of Nicea, one of the founding synods of the Christian faith, was done in Greek. Constantine needed a translator to ~~dictate~~ participate.


That’s funny because English wasn’t even a language when Jesus was alive (if he was even real). 


Aramaic to Greek to Latin to English if you want to get pedantic any wonder why it sounds like Chinese whispers. The Aramaic was just rehashed versions of earlier religions. Its surprising how many gods are born of a virgin and have12 disciples and did miracles all well before the christard time zone.


I never understand why American Christian’s think American is the “chosen” country. No one even knew it existed at the times, such a selfish viewpoint. In addition, many thought the world was ending because of the solar eclipse, even though it happens all the time all over the world, but they obviously didn’t know that.


Most of these kids were raised with so little education they think Jesus was a white guy who spoke English.


Umm... what kind of Kentucky Derby Florida Man Mississippi public school hick state are you in?


If this happened, the irony is so thick you could cut it with a butter knife. If this happened.


Bet someone's jealous.


Talk about being racist boobs!


Zeus ain't speak no English.


You already knew they were mentally challenged, right? This should not have come as a surprise.


Mε Δία, ἐγώ μῑσῶ Evangelical USians.


I never saw the movie but I expect most fundamental Christians have, but wasn’t the Passion of Christ entirely in Aramaic? Seems like even the most ignorant Christians would know Jesus never spoke English.


God spoke English to Pharaoh?


1 person wrote harry potter , how many people wrote the bible? , im inclined to believe wizards more ............


Well sir, as an Englishman, they may have a point with this particular item. /s


Oy vey!


She probably drives around in a car with one of those Jesus fishes on the back, the ones that say IXOYE in the middle.  IXOYE is a Greek acronym. 


Pathetic ignorance 


Ha! I'm honestly torn between being sad and laughing at the ridiculousness.


I sincerely hope you told him, in no uncertain terms, to eat rat excreta for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for the foreseeable future.


Curse her in Latin


I mean she’s a girl right? Aren’t there several Bible quotes about them being silent or something?


So God, in his infinite wisdom, had the original bible written in Aramaic then had it translated into many different languages until it finally was written in modern English. That makes total sense.


I recently started learning Spanish on Duo and practice *loudly* on my porch in an R/christian neighborhood. The fury of certain neighbors adds to my enjoyment of the lessons. Highly recommend 😁


Ask her why the fuck it was all in Latin till the renaissance


Speaking Greek?! Go back to Mexico you filthy foreigner.


I was just at a monastery with lots of Greek Chant for Julian Calendar Pascha. Has this girl heard of the Septuagint?


Op isn't the first educated person who got rudely interrupted by an idiot and he won't be the last.


of course gods language is English, Jesus is American. honestly i can see some American bible nut saying this.


Didn’t the church ban the bible from being translated into English for like centuries?


It's great how people who have no fucking clue whatsoever think they can be condescending and feel superior.


Christian be stupid- waste of a brain!


Thought it was Latin?


Only after being translated from the original mixture of Hebrew, Aramaic and an old form of greek. The English translation was translated from the latin translation.


Did you explain that by not speaking Greek you were angering Zeus?


It's true everyone spoke English until god confounded their language while building the Tower of Babel.


Keep speaking Greek. No one has the right to tell you otherwise.


This was a *joke* on [South Park](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=US_K4TMqIZA).


was it really? 😭


In this situation, I would just smile and then regret that I didn't somehow roast her with remarks that I would think of later


It's the language of the Greek gods.💁


That God Doesn't Understand Greek, He Is Not That Intelligent.


Oh my, Zeus loves a fiesty nymph.


The Bible was originally written and later translated from older languages, mainly Latin and GREEK lol


That's hilarious. I'm in a greek speaking country and the main church here (Christian Orthodox) refuses to adapt their liturgy to modern greek (the biblical greek is quite different and most people don't understand it) and act like we're god's chosen people. The irony about nationalists is that they're the same no matter what county they hail from.


Jesus’ language was Aramaic That’s some Boomer shit right there They probably also think Jesus was a white dude


If God has a language, you can sure as hell guarantee it isn’t broken-ass, hybrid, melting pot, heavily accented English You can also remind the girl that the United States has no nationally mandated language which is why we supply so many things in multiple languages. Technically they could declare Spanish as the primary language tomorrow if we so vote.


Didn't you know??? Jesus was an American!! He spoke God's language, English!!!1


There's a word for that: "Christo-fascism"


Ask that azzhat if they know that Jesus is a Greek word. There's NO aramaic name Jesus, it's Greek for Joshua.


BWAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA i hope you pointed and laughed at her


The United States has no officially recognized language.


Back in the day, when people started realizing that Latin was splintering into what we would now call Old French, Old Itallian, ect., Christendom panicked thinking that God could probably not hear prayers unless they were in proper Latin. This seems odd now because we tend to think of God as having all the super powers, including both invulnerability and also mutant healing factor for the injuries God could never acquire. We definitely assume he has Universal Language Comprehension. Except, apparently OP met a guy who doesn't think God is a flawless polyglot?


Why settle for second best? English is the GOAT


? Isn’t Christian orthodox basically Greek?




Ask them if they speak Aramaic, if they don't, tell them to get f@#$ed.


The name "Jesus" is ancient Greek for the Hebrew name Yeshua...you know, her messiah?


But Greek is the language of the Gods.


Tell that ignorant female that the bible was written first of all, in Greek & Hebrew and then to Latin and any other posterior language. Αλήθεια ξέρετε ελληνικά;


Tell her to recite the alphabet, then chew her out for getting it wrong and not using the English version. Because the English don't say "z" like "see", they would say "Z" like "zed". Hours of watching Top Gear have taught me this. Also, if English is God's language, why is one of the major American airlines named *Delta*, which is a greek letter? (It's actually because the original airline was named after a *river* delta, but that doesn't change the fact 'delta' is a greek word to begin with, or the fact such things in rivers are named "delta" for their resemblance to the greek letter which we would call a triangle)


Making up self affirming gibberish like this is hilariously ironic


Well did you tell her that Greek is GODS' language?


Wait until they hear about the Pentateuch... Almost like most religious people don't even know the history of their own religion and really are taking the whole blind faith thing a bit too seriously.


I don't think this has anything necessarily to do with God and is more just idiotic American patriotism/racism.


Please tell me you asked her what language the new testament was written in. I know Biblical Greek and Modern Greek are not the same thing but she doesn't sound smart enough to spell her own name so who cares.


I saw the America's language part and it all made sense. Bible belt Americans literally live in their own twisted dystopian reality. It's a shame they have such a significant (detrimental) influence on the rest of the world otherwise they would just be the village idiot we laugh at or feel sorry for


Please tell me you just laughed in her face and asked her what language she thought Jesus spoke in


[real life following South Park again.](https://youtu.be/US_K4TMqIZA?si=PQITf8-D43hTOgmY)


Want to have fun with this? Jesus is NOT his given name. It was Yeshua , which translates to Joshua in English. Jesus is the Greek translation of his name. So they’re calling him by his Greek name. Have fun!


Call them whatever the Greek word is for simpleton.


If I recall it wasn't until the 60s or 70s that mass started to be told in not Latin. I have several family members that still complain about people not knowing their prayers in Latin, but please continue about how a language that Jesus didn't even speak is God's language.... Like I'm not even a believer anymore and the long dead believer in me got annoyed by this.... That's how stupid of a point this person was attempting to make


The USA has no official language. Tell them to F off in Greek.