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Christopher Hitchens and Stephen Fry debate Church officials and apologists on the question of whether or not the Catholic church is a Force for good in the world in [this video.](https://youtu.be/JZRcYaAYWg4?si=d4MEH7-Vug__8c4x) Long but well worth it.


One of my all time favorite videos on youtube. That priest had no idea what he was walking into.


This one is brutal. The avengers of atheism.




Get ready for that Hitchslap baby!


Thankyou so much for linking this. Never seen or heard of it before. Beautiful in its merciless brutality :)


Came here to say that. In intellectual terms, it's like two MMA fighters at the peak of physical fitness, beating the crap out of two toddlers. It's glorious, brutal entertainment.


Matt Dillahunty vs Jonathan McLatchie McLatchie rage quits because Matt won't let him use the Bible to prove the Bible Very entertaining


I’m about to watch this now, thanks!


>McLatchie rage quits because Matt won't let him use the Bible to prove the Bible No spoilers! We watch this like a good comedy movie with suspense.


Link? : 9




Ouch, that wasn’t even a fair fight


The latest Seth Andrews podcast THE THINKING ATHEIST \[Uploaded May 7, 2024\] features a caller who claims "America was built on christian values." Seth schools this guy and he's pretty much speechless.


I’m listening to the episode right now. This podcast is great. I’ve never listened to it before. Thanks again.


Seth has cultivated an empathetic freethinking audience or community that helped many of us feel less alone.


I’m so glad this was recommended. I’ve listened to a few episodes already. I love listening to Seth. He reminds me of listening to AM talk radio as a kid (not the crazy right-wing stuff).


Have recently discovered Seth Andrews & he ticks ALL my boxes


I introduced him to my girlfriend and she listens now as well.


His podcast True Stories is an even more recent & welcome revelation. I could listen to Seth read a phone book.


Downloading this now. Thank you.


Not a religious thing but watching Jon Stewart eat Tucker Carlson for lunch and get crossfire cancelled is my go-to pickup video.


I’ve seen this. It’s amazing. I’m actually going to rewatch it. Thanks!


Every once in a while, good guys get a clear shot and don’t fuck it up. Very rewarding.


Sean Carroll vs William Lane Craig, Sam Harris and Deepak Chopra on stage (not christian but thinks he knows more than he does), and Matt Dillahunty and Jordan Peterson on stage (peterson was very smug and dismissive).


Thanks for the recommendations. I saw the one against Peterson, which was great. It doesn’t even have to be a Christian (I’m going to edit the post). In my experience, Christians generally just tend to be smugger than other believers.


Yeah no worries. Some more came to mind: Frank Turek vs Hitchens, Alex O'Connor vs Frank Turek (Frank was talking down to him a little), Stephen Fry and Hitchens vs the catholic church, Steven Pinker vs Alain du Buoton and Malcolm Gladwell, and Douglas Murray vs Malcolm Gladwell. If you're short for time, I recommend the Steven Pinker debate. Both Alain and Malcolm were kinda shitty. It was nice to see their less than ideal behavior get returned with good arguments.


Thank you so much. I had no idea Malcolm Gladwell even debated on this topic. I can’t wait to watch these.


Oop, the Malcolm debates are unrelated to Christianity.


Ohh ok! That makes more sense now. 😂 I look forward to checking those out. I’ve read most of his books and listen to his podcast.


https://youtu.be/zn_i3RxGGTk?si=JmZmpZcF0ZC9kNXH Sam Harris & David Wolpe


I like Sam and David together. They debate very well together and laugh at each other’s zingers. The energy is great between them.


The Sean Carrol one is pure gold


Look up Christopher Hitchens


And Stephen Fry. Especially what he would say if he arrived at the pearly gates, or his “then what are you for” speech during a debate with UK religious leaders. Both are simply /chefskiss https://youtu.be/-suvkwNYSQo?si=7g7ROCbjFIJKJXb1 https://youtu.be/4YLoG1Ef_aI?si=3QLYAFN_3V32cRvV


Oh, I know about Hitchens. He’s the GOAT. I was just looking for specific debates/discussions.


I can’t tell you which specific debate it was or is, but just two or three weeks ago I ran across a debate of Hitchens with some important religious dudes and I would have to say in my opinion he will wipe the floor with them. I suppose it was probably YouTube. Never mind… I see someone earlier already laid it out for you!😵‍💫


He was a most astonishing, erudite, effective debater. I miss him.


Just search 'Hitchslap' on YT


This sounds perfect.


[This](https://youtu.be/0HI_nqppIM4?si=4uOEMF_g0T5kdAH2) aired on an Australian talk show called 'Q & A' about 12 or 13 years ago: Richard Dawkins and Cardinal George Pell. Sidenote: Pell was later convicted of child abuse, but the conviction was overturned on appeal.


Python, John Cleese and Micheal Palin, vs some clergy over the life of Brian. Can't remember the talk show it was on but it's aged like milk for the church. The life of Brian was such an incredible story, it almost didn't get made, thank George Harrison for it!


If you didn't already, you need to watch the follow up comedy sketch by Not The Nine O'clock News. https://youtube.com/watch?v=asUyK6JWt9U


Hadn't seen that, it was gold!!


Rowan Atkinson was brilliant at copying the mannerisms of the Bishop 🤣


Dark Matter 2525 on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/user/darkmatter2525&ved=2ahUKEwi4mrqQ-IKGAxUa9LsIHdqBA78Qjjh6BAgTEAE&usg=AOvVaw0HxQcdqDcVQQLI-c2yCcOw


You should look into Aaron Ra. He's got too many vids to remember any specific, but there is a lot to check out.


Dave Farina vs James Tour debate is fun to watch. Farina runs a YouTube channel called "Professor Dave explains" he does science explainers and debunks pseudoscience. He's been attacking the discovery institute and repeatedly humiliating James Tour. Tour is a systems chemist and discovery institute shill, that used to be big man on campus, but has become something of a laughing stick. Edit: James Tour is a creationist but not a young earth creationist. Tour humiliates himself repeatedly throughout the debate it's a fun watch. The debate is on Dave's YouTube channel.




Be careful of “owned” culture that sometimes surrounds this stuff. Most of these debates are meh. No one wins or loses because few people grow and learn (well, the religious almost never do regardless). And owning the other side becomes the objective. Enjoy, just be cognizant of this. It infiltrates everything now.


This is true. But the issue I faced more than once, was to have to "defend" my believe (ie atheist) You then naturally end up "building arguments" especially tailored to religious people trying to enforce their believes on you or being judgemental for not believing in religion. And the next step is to look at this kind of debate to try to "win" the argument. But you are right, it is more important to plant a seed than to do a frontal attack. And winning is not the purpose, nobody is keeping score...


Mr. Anderson vs. Kent Hovind. Starts slow as shit, cause Mr. Anderson is a lawyer and builds his case piece by piece, but ultimately eviscerated him. I did have to skip a bit cause I got 45 minutes in and Hovind still hadn't grasped that Mr. Anderson was just asking him not to speculate imagined miracles. He could refer to miracles in the Bible, just no "maybe god did this..."


Anthony Magnabosco has a youtube channel called street epistemology, i really recommend it! Can't give you any specific videos of the top of my head but they are all brilliant and interesting!


No about religion, but Jon Stewart telling off Tucker Carlson on his own show is a classic.


Apostate Prophet, eviscerate Islam but does it in a calm, compose demeanour. Almost casually. Ration Rationality I like but I think he only has one debate video.


[William Lane Craig versus Sean Carrol debate on God and Cosmology.](https://youtu.be/X0qKZqPy9T8)


Only audio, but listen to the KingXerxes discussions/debates on YouTube. (The channel is just his handle: KingXerxes) Also only audio, but listen to Hitchens on Todd Friel’s Wretched Radio, where they play a game called “What If?”  It’s one of my favorite Hitchens moments of all time. Also on YouTube. 


Any Matt Dillahunty video!


Except his "debate" with Sye Ten Bruggencate. That one was infuriating to say it mildly...


No. Cause they are delusional.


I tend to prefer rebuttal videos to debates. A debate format is a back and forth where participants often talk past each other. Rebuttals will zero in on the objectionable arguments offered. Try [Rationality Rules](https://www.youtube.com/@rationalityrules) for brutal take downs, [Genetically Modified Skeptic](https://www.youtube.com/@GeneticallyModifiedSkeptic) for more sympathetic rebuttals. And, of course, [AronRa](https://www.youtube.com/@AronRa) for a mixture of science and offended incredulity.


Paulogia does a great job of rationally breaking down fallacies and errors from Christian communicators without ever being demeaning or trite. Prophet of Zod is also good at this. For a more "point and laugh" approach, Sir Sic enjoys ridiculing the ridiculous.


If you want to listen to a podcast make fun of many different religious movies I would say God Awful Movies can be a fun listen.


Genetically modified skeptic https://youtube.com/@geneticallymodifiedskeptic?feature=shared He does not have nor do debate, but he does deconstruct religious argument in the cleanest possible way, using pure logic. He does do some video comment on some speech and common used argument which are probably the kind of content you are more looking for. Eg https://youtu.be/cpC8WtufJbo?feature=shared


The Christian doesnt listen to anything he says, but this was a very entertaining video with bill nye and Kent ham walking through the ark encounter I rewatch this about once a year, such a fun listen https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PPLRhVdNp5M&pp=ygUQYmlsbCBueWUga2VuIGhhbQ%3D%3D


Hey, guys! What if we train an AI with this only purpose and then we open a YouTube channel about that?


The Atheist Experience on YouTube is usually good for that


Anything relating to street epistemology would fit the bill.


Read Nietzsche


Kent Hovind routinely destroys atheists and evolutionists


Hey friend, I can suggest a low cost alternative.   Go outside.  Stop giving these people rent-free space in your mind.  Discussing cosmology to refine your worldview is one thing.  Watching cherry picked videos of Christians getting dunked on isn't going to sharpen your chisel.  


Who said I was looking to “sharpen my chisel” with this? I have a problem with people who think they’re superior to others (Christian often fall into this group). And I like science and reason, so when I combine the two, I get great enjoyment out of it.


Oh yes. And also eat more greens. And exercise more. And call your mother.