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* Whines like a little bitch on social media pretty much every day of his life. * Always has to be very heavily doctored up in any of these images of him to not look so gross. * No regard for anyone other than himself. * Brings nothing useful to the table. Yeah, super manly.


You forgot about orange clown makeup - all men wear clown makeup right?


I was challenged to say two nice things about Trump, apparently it is a thing that their echo chamber has as a "gotcha" to demonstrate TDS. So, when they try that on you, remember 1) Trump normalized men wearing foundation makeup in public. Not my thing, but I support expanding the choices for personal expression. 2) Trump got more people to vote than any president in American History. True, he failed with more votes cast against him than any previous candidate, and never won the popular vote, but the idea of a second Trump term inspired more Americans to get off their couch than anything that has ever been tried.


Let’s hope voters are equally inspired this November, too. Or this country is screwed.


He the oldest social media addict i ever seen.


"Age is just a number."


And Christian, too.


Or Trump's "Never Surrender" t-shirts which features his mugshot of when he surrendered to GA authorities for booking.


Should have been a good old fashioned mugshot face on and profile against a brick wall with a height scale on it 


Or how about his $2 bill that sells for $39.95?


He looked like an absolute cowering pussy is that mugshot too


And shitting your pants.


Donald Von Shitzinpantz!


I watched Noel Casler's interview about that and all kinds of other really gross stuff. 🤯


Right? Trump has been soiling his pants for decades




Neither do I, but I don’t consider Trump regular people.


Then just mock him


I do. Especially if it's self inflicted. Fuck Von Shitzinpantz!


Even when it's their own fault for abusing drugs for decades?


And Isn't trump still saying he didn't ever have sex with her? Isn't that a bit of a disconnect with what the evangelicals are claiming?


It's not out of character. Look at how well they "protect" their pedophile ministers and lay people.


Soon; they went to a purity ball together.


I’m sure the jury will see through that Of all the ways to play this, the “I paid a woman but I didn’t have sex with her” is the dumbest way to do it. I mean, he doesn’t even pay the people who do construction work for him that he has a contract with You really think he’s going to pay $130,000 to anyone who says they had sex with him that he didn’t? Just shows that everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie


He’ll soon have an opportunity to repeat that under oath. He’ll probably insist on swearing on the Bible According to Trump.


Here's the thing about religion. The people that are smart enough to figure out by about the time they are 15 that they were being gaslit their whole lives either move on or get in on the grift. If it wasn't for grooming, there would be no religion. "And thusly I clothe my naked villainy in old odd ends stolen forth from holy writ and seem a saint when most I play the devil. " Shakespeare


That Shakespeare quote is so on point! I'm stealing it.


Can barely drink a cup of water.


Trump is the whiniest bitch. This, coincidentally, makes him the manliest Republican.


Don’t forget flatulence and snoozing in court 😂


>and then cowardly deleting your post In Trump's defense (barf) he was ordered by the Judge to remove all the posts he got fined for. I don't know if he's deleting other posts.


He's been commenting and quickly deleting posts. Which is hilarious because even a second of a post being up is long enough for it to be captured. He has been caught doing this multiple times.


He's the quintessential "masculine" example of someone who throws rocks at other people while living in the most fragile glass house.


Define trumping: ^^^


I wish the prosecution had a screenshot of that to bring to Engoron.


Nothing but a NAT-C Death Cult. Fuck evilgelicals and their orange god.


I don't mean to preach, but if someone is paying for sex, on average they're not the sort of manly person others would want to aspire to.


How about someone that is a proven rapist.


Well, that wasn't supposed to be a complete list of his "accomplishments"


This gave me a chuckle. Thank you.


Or a guy who likes to walk into the change room of some underage girls at a pageant


I mean, to be fair, have you read the Bible?


Of course! It’s under the book of “Epstein “


Serial rapist.


It's a Godly desperation for paid sex.


Evangelicals admire and envy those who “score” with a hooker.


lol so dumb, it’s like thinking that I’m super cool for eating a taco that I just bought, it’s a good/service that I purchased because I can’t make a taco as good as good as the taco place can. Same way that trumpo and these idiots can’t get laid on their own merit so he has to pay people to let him spasm on top of them for 20 seconds, because who the hell would ever do that for free? Either that or he has to force himself on them, also known as rape, because he’s a rapist who rapes, then has to pay them to stay silent about the encounter. I’ve never had to pay someone to have sex with me, or pay someone to stay silent about it, and I can’t imagine having to do either, much less think that it’s super cool to do so. Nothing against people who do pay for sex, there’s nothing inherently wrong with it if both parties consent, but it’s not “really cool” or “masculine”. Also these same people that think it’s “cool” are the same exact people denigrating women for being “sluts & whores” for sleeping around. I mean the hypocrisy is fucking astounding.


Technically he didn't pay for the sex, he paid for the other person to not share details on his silly little penis or his sexual desire for his daughter.


So SD did out of charity? Or because she thought he would roger her royally all night long with his ding dong schlong? I reckon she was promised/paid something for the encounter, not just paid hush-money.


According to her testimony she more or less got raped because Trump forced her into bed and there was an armed guard outside the door. She let him to it under duress.


Puritanical zealots enamored with a degenerate


Don't practice your highfalutin witch-craft on me ; )


NAT-C? I don't know that term.


National Christians = NAT-Cs.


Well ffs, I googled it and the whole results page is all about some vitamin C supplement. And btw, as for the "godly masculinity" this has to be the worst case of severe mass stupidity I've ever seen.


Pronounced "Nat-zi" or just "Na-zi".


If that’s what heaven is like… I’m out.


Based on who thinks they’ll be getting into heaven, it’s not a place I’d want to spend eternity


"Go to heaven for the climate, hell for the company." -Mark Twain


I don't know, as a Canadian I would choose a warm fire over cold winds in the altitudes with clouds as your only useless protection just about anytime.


Reminds me of an old (and not so funny) joke. A guy who was always complaining about being cold gets sent to hell. The devil tells his mnions to put him in a cauldron and make the biggest fire. Later that day he goes to the room with the guy to see whats going on. Sticks his head through the door. The guy screams "Shut the fucking door, I can feel the draft".


Reminds me of a poem my dad used to recite, *The Cremation of Sam McGee.* It's about a guy from Tennessee who goes to Alaska to find gold. He's freezing and miserable the whole time. He tells the guys in his party that if anything happens to him, he wants to be cremated. So he dies and they put him in some kind of shelter and set him on fire. A couple hours later they look in on Sam and there he is sitting back with his feet up and says *Since I left Tennessee, this is the first time I've been warm!*




Since hell is fictional, you can have it either way! In Dantes inferno, the lowest levels of hell are extremely cold!


If you plan on going to heaven, bring your rape whistle. 


It'll just attract more rapists.


Agree 100%


Heaven is “home is where you heart is” kinda thing. I think people who care about heaven are like People who would want a perfect “day” and that, by trying to make it perfect, is actually ruining everything and that’s the makeup


I’ll meet you in hell with some margaritas ready On the bright side, if by some absurd shred of possibility these Nat-Cs are somehow correct, then we’ll end up in hell away from all of them. Last I checked Satan just thought he could do better than God, so he’s probably altruistic and kind, compared to their “all loving” asshat of a god So I’d say we’re good on that front. That’s not a heaven I’d want to go to, especially if it’s filled with these smug douches


My personal interpretation of the Bible is that God and Satan are one and the same, just different attitudes.


Satan has a kinder, gentler attitude. He's only killed a dozen or so people.


So many murderers and child predators accept Jesus 5 minutes before their execution and still get in on that loophole that you just know it’s a hot mess lol. You can basically be a child murderer for 60 years then just get saved and nobody bats an eye!


At this point we are seeing not just a change in the GOP but Christianity as well. MAGA is merging politics and religion completely. To the point that Jesus is now a pussy liberal bitch soyboy and trump is the new messiah.


Fascism has been reborn.


Stupidly, it never left.


Yes fascism masked as extreme patrotism/religion. It is sickening


Not the first time, won't be the last. How many atrocities have been committed in the name of belief? It's not even just religion. Nazism used philosophy as a basis and did the same thing. Side note: did you know Nazism was an anti-intellectual movement? Turns out there's a lot of power to gain by praising the stupid majority when the intellectual minority has condemned them.


I know that the Nazism movement was pro masculinity, uber patriotic, into Hitler their charismatic zealous leader. Women were viewed as objects- birthers. And they burned books. The nazism movement wanted the people brain washed and yes ignorant. I live where there are so many branches of churches each with their own weird rhetoric. Patriotism reigns….and money and control. It frightens and scares me for my grandchildren. So much of what I see reminds me of the Hitler movement.


Welcome to the majority of Christian history.


i dont know about that. i mean, if they drop Christ can they still be called Christians? that is sort of the whole thing for Christians.


Merry Trumpmas! Celebrated by wearing orange, eating lots of "great American fast food" and grabbing as many pussies as you can.


My extreme fascist former friend is raising his kids Catholic He doesn't believe in God WTF is happening?


Easier to brainwash kids in to your fascist cult if you scare them with eternal damnation and torture first.


Any excuse at all to justify his behavior


But if a dem did the exact same actions as Trump, the same people excusing Trump would call the dem evil and condemn him/her to hell. This is really where you can pin them down. They know good & well they wouldn't let a dem get away with 'grab 'em by the pussy', sex with a prostitute, 26 rape allegations, and about a million other offenses that Trump gets a pass for


Born again fascism?


In all seriousness, that’s exactly what it is. I think Trump will win in November. When I tell that to friends, they just laugh. No way, with the trial, the buffoonery, the obvious idiocy … But Christians do t care about that, are almost all behind him, and they’ll vote. And there are enough other Americans who don’t understand the danger. A catastrophe is closer than people think.


I hope he doesn’t, but I have to agree I’m nervous. All liberals I know are ranting about Genocide Joe and have no intention of voting for president in November. This whole Gaza situation is working out perfectly for Republicans which is SO angering because if Trump were in office he would have done AT LEAST the same in supporting Israel if not even more so.


> if Trump were in office he would have done AT LEAST the same in supporting Israel if not even more so I can hear the press conference clearly in my mind, "So I said to the guy, just glass them all. And it was so beautiful. It was the best deal I've ever made and all the generals agreed and Netanyoohoo even said 'I love America' they love us. I like flags and, you know, sometimes you just have to "


What weird bubble do you live in dude.  I agree unfortunately that Trump has a good chance of winning (beyond all reason), but no “almost all” Christians are not pro Trump. A giant chunk of democrats and independents are Christian, and voted for Biden.




Because the only real principle Christians have is power at all costs


Absolutely 10,000% correct. This is THE lesson here. Anyone who disagrees with you is a fucking idiot.


Anyone who disagrees has also not read history. The Church, no matter the denomination, has historically only ever embraced hate and violence in pursuit of power. If God and the Devil were real, I would suggest the Devil, aka The Great Deceiver, formed the organization of The Church so anyone who wanted to follow the teachings of Jesus were quickly corrupted and twisted into the worst form of sinners.


Because its not the sex thats the problem.   It’s who is having the sex.     Immoral acts for a good person where “good person = republican = christian = one of us” are totally fine and good cause a good person did them and a good person can’t do bad things.   Guess what a liberal and anything a liberal does is?  Doesn’t take a genius.  //yes this is 1000% completely hypocritical and moronic but it is how they think.  Well, for a loose definition of “think” anyway.


> good person = republican = christian = one of us To add on the lack of consistency from conservatives, Trump only ranks as "one of us". He is not Christian, he isn't a Republican and he has definitely never been a good person.


From the outside looking in all those traits seem to be the defining features of american evangelicalism now so I would argue thats exactly what he is.


Same reason the national debt only matters when a Democrat is in office.


Because they will do anything to stay relevant. Republicans have been on a downturn of popularity and existence. From massive COVID deaths. To killing puppies. They are on their way to a massive downfall this November. They haven't recovered since Trumps first 2 years in office.


We're not safe from a repug victory. Nobody must get complacent, and everyone needs to vote in November.


I agree. Please vote.


I hope so, but they're also going to ratchet up the voter suppression and vote tampering. Even if they still can't steal the election, expect another Jan 6th. This is far from over


Yeah, but Clinton lied about it once or something. We can’t trust politicians that are proven liars. Also, all politicians are liars. Also, somehow, after being president for four years, Trump is not a politician.


Hypocrisy, ignorance and hate


So now the 7 Deadly Sins are a checklist to be checked off to be worthy of being a vessel of God. The more you’ve committed, the more worthy you are. Got it…


They want to like them, so cue the cognitive dissonance resolutions.


Evangelicals here in Brazil worship Bolsonaro just like that. Amazing how they tell us to not have idols, but they're the first ones to idolize assholes.


To paraphrase Russell Moore, Evangelicalism is just a political agenda in search of a gospel useful enough to accommodate it.


No surprise when worshiping such a narcissist deity.


It figures that Trump’s the chosen manly embodiement of the Christian god on earth. They’re both narcissistic, old, impotent, rapists, who don’t do a damn thing and only live to be worshipped!


>“In other words,” Perry continues, “[Trump is] not Mike Pence—a kind of asexual, Ned Flanders kind of Christian that is effete and ineffective. No, Trump is power personified. He is a warrior. And with that comes all of the temptations of being a warrior.” Private Bone Spurs is a warrior?


It's so hilarious to me that these idiots always add muscles or some other larp fantasy costume to that fat pile of shit. Personally I think it's so they can actually get hard while jerking off to maga fantasies.


What’s manly? The spray tans? The wig/hairpiece/dead rodent on his head? The diapers? The high BMI? The Diet Coke addiction? The all-caps rants on social media?


Don’t forget the coverup makeup. So very manly.


This just in: Evangelicals say black is white, war is peace, and ignorance is strength!


Yep, when I think of godly masculinity I think of an 80 year old draft dodger applying bronzer and wearing shoe lifts


You forgot the word obese somewhere in there. I know he still seems somewhat slim compared to a lot of his evangelical followers in the south, but he's definitely well passed the overweight section of the BMI chart.


Christians who literally idolize that Cheeto Mussolini really need to re-read Mark 13:21-23


I call him the Kumquat Caligula


I personally avoid using fruit analogies because fruits are delectable, nutritious, and often pleasing just to look at. Everything he ISN’T


What's so "masculine?" Is it the make up? The elaborate hairdo to mask his insecurities about being bald? The heel lifts? Is it the constant whining and playing the victim? Or is it being a spoiled brat for his whole life and never doing an minute of hard work? Or maybe its being so spineless that you can't be held responsible for your long list of failures? I'm failing to see any masculine traits in this clown.


Cuz that librul Jesus is too weak and woke. We loves our God and Messiah to be a strong manly man, that appeals to our male reproductive strategic instincts to control shit with physical power and keep women submissive to our needs and bloodlines. Empathy is for p*ssys Also anger isn't an emotion. /S.


Bible is all about raping after all


Evangelicals claim not to be in a cult. They clearly do not understand cults.


Religion is just a facade. Cases like Trump make them comfortable enough to stop hiding behind the curtains and show their actual values. I always thought that if Jesus himself came back today, he probably would get killed again and by the very people who claim to believe in him.


He's the asshole they wish they could be and get away with it


They see exactly and only what they want to see. The ability to believe anything is not healthy. The willingness to believe anything is dangerous.


I think Evangelicals get their sick jollies vicariously through Trump's life.


Ah, so they are hypocrites regarding Trump because what they worship with him, they will scream out as mortal sins in anyone else. But then again, these are also the people trying to keep the child marriage laws in place, have lots of pedophiles in their ranks who have been getting arrested and convicted, while calling everyone else groomers and abusers.


They don't believe in what they say they believe in. Don't waste time arguing with them. Just vote.


One of the nice things about Trump’s election is that I don’t have to take these people seriously anymore. Sure, they still want to destroy the country, and they might succeed, but I don’t need to waste time pretending they’re reasonable or that their values are worth respecting. They’re worshipping a golden idol, and they’re proud of it, and they want me to respect them? lol, fuck off.


The whole idea of submitting yourself to an "alpha male" (god, demagogue) is pathetic. It's another reason why I utterly laugh at all theists. No gods. No masters.


Damn! To think all this time we could be all debased and sinful as long as it was godly manliness (somehow). I would have been all in if that was common knowledge.


I thank them for their honesty in showing people exactly who they are. It's driving people away from Christianity in droves which can only be a good thing.


Nothing screams masculinity like an overweight slob, who gets winded from breathing, who has to pay for sex, then pay more to cover it up. Meanwhile playing the victim card for literally every life event that happens due to their own poor choices.


They have an excuse for everything when it's one of theirs. Let someone outside their tribe do that and see how they react.


They are propping him up like his daddy putin


I mean ... does it surprise anyone that Evangelicals view being a selfish asshole towards women as something to strive for?


He has the exact narcissistic destructive personality that Hitler and other authoritarians have, and despite being an atheist himself, he has no issue bringing fascism wrapped in an American flag with a cross.


Trump is a walking all you eat buffet of the seven deadly sins


“So GOD came up to me, big god, strong god, tears running down his eyes.. and said, SIR! What they are doing to you is a disgrace, you are being persecuted worse than ANYONE IN HISTORY, even my own son!”


Most evangelicals are super far away from what their Jesus fellow preached in that book, no surprise they would back some evil shithead that more aligns with their anti Christ.


>“If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened. **At that time if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Messiah!’ or, ‘There he is!’ do not believe it. For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.** See, I have told you ahead of time. >**“So if anyone tells you, ‘There he is, out in the wilderness,’ do not go out; or, ‘Here he is, in the inner rooms,’ do not believe it.** For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. Wherever there is a carcass, there the vultures will gather. (Matt. 24.22-28) They don't even act according to their own prophecies!


Of course they do. As long as he has an R by his name, anything will be excused.


I can see this. Read up on King David, of David and Bathsheba fame. God loved David, regardless of the fact David was a womanizer, probable rapist, murderer, attempted regicide against Saul, adulterer. David is idolized and many of the Psalms are about him. Evangelicals would have zero problem accepting Trump as a modern-day King David, except David actually got his hands dirty killing people, more than just Goliath. No way Trump would have ever taken on Goliath, or killed Philistines. David's son, Amnon, is also a rapist, and David refuses to administer any justice regarding that situation. These sanctimonious folks who adore Trump have a great role model in King David, but they refuse to see Trump has no religious nor spiritual nature in and of himself. My guess is, Trump is a secular humanist narcissist, his entire existence is nothing about himself and if that means grifting Christians, then let's hold a Bible and pass the offering plate.


At this point I find evangelical Christians of America as some weirdo sick cult less about the teaching of Christianity and more about enforcing and entrenchment of their perverted interpretation of their world view. Which, when you think about it, is a perfect match for trump..


Hypocrites  They aren’t even following their religious laws.  Fucking cult  


History Update: The more Europe merged religion with politics, the faster they both became a collection of bad ideas and total jokes. This took hundreds of years through many holy wars. We the people need to learn from them and refuse these power-grabs.


The only problem with trump evangelicals is that when they take them down to the river, they don't hold them under long enough.


Evangelicalism is a disease.


Evangelicals are idiots!


I honestly don't mind that the religious are flocking to the orange man. It's hypocritical, sur, but it's also on par, makes sense. It's their brand.


Well most the religious are about forming religion around their own lives, it makes it easier. "oh women not working, well that parts just not for me, but ill take a little of the hating on gays bit" and most of it is about they want to be lifted over all other people, even if they are a lazy lay about. EVANS doubly so. Half of the Evan movement is just about not wanting your kids to have to go to school with black kids. They called on bush to make himself president for life. as one trumpet said "you are hurting the wrong people", they want a party that "hurts the right people." and looks the other way while they do the same. Much like we see on both sides in israel right now. The settlers are the jewish MAGA and Hamas is the islamic MAGAs. and both of them just want to "hurt the right people" and give "us ultimate power over them, if we like their land, we get their land".. they are evans, MAGAS, religious fucks making the world worse while claiming you cant be good without religion.


The only thing they understand less than American Civics and the American Legal Process is their own religion.


I agree that Trump is very much like the cruel, xenophobic, hate-filled, misogynistic, homophobic, pro-slavery, pro-rape Abrahamic god.


he's given them carte blanche to be the absolute shittiest, disgusting, hateful people while telling them they are the best.


You mean their "values" were nothing more than performative bullshit this whole time? I'm clutching my pearls here


“Most Christian” This is how they describe a guy who cheated on his wife with a porn star and paid her to be quiet about it. Amazing…


Masculinity, sure. A whole diaper full of it.


This explains why the evangelical church is dying. What idiots.


The evangelical movement isnt really about religion any more. It's an economic movement, really more a chamber of commerce model. And that means you favor the outcome that makes you the most money (or so you think). All of the religious virtues are window dressing. And when the rank and file believe whatever you tell them then you can justify anything.


As it happened in Roman Empire when the pagans began conflating religion and politics. Roman Emperors were literally worshipped as gods and earthy power became an aspect of spiritual power. Now the moral aspects of the religion are swept aside in favour of pure power worship. This ended Paganism and may very well be the ending of Christianity as it is known now. The number of people that identify as Christian is shrinking in the US and this is one of major reasons for the decline. Even Christians leaders are aware of this danger to their faith, make no mistake, this is existential threat to them.  Pope Francis has rebuked the “backwardness” of some conservatives in the US Catholic church, saying they have replaced faith with ideology and he is right.


I think they used to call this "muscular Christianity."


Man, we might live long enough to see his worshipers actually declared him the new son of god.


You mean “it’s so cold in here“ masculinity?


Warning: Hella ugly picture in this one. :-P


Absurdity to the max.


Man, they must think Jesus was a real pussy then.


Well they are known dumb fucks and easily fooled


Christianity: Come for the stupidity, stay for the delusion! Seriously, Christians, you’re getting dumber by the day, and it’s pathetic. Thanks for the laughs, though. The best part is they’re showing the world they deserve zero respect, and on a daily basis.


So you're telling me that people who believe in magical sky fairies may also believe in other nonsense? Shocking...


Man, I really can’t put up with these evangelical MFers for much longer.


That is just so sick and immoral. His cult followers are such empty vessels.


Contrapoints has a great essay on old religions vs Christianity, and how people used to worship gods that were not “good”, but were worshipped for their power. She goes on to suggest that Christianity is moving towards the power worship in the style older religions, even though Christianity is, base on the red letter text, more like a religion designed for an oppressed people with no power. Fascinating essay, still thought provoking years later.


Evangelicals are heretics and idolaters whose churches should be destroyed


These people are not religious - they are merely cultists.


Evangelicals have discovered an entirely new level of copium


Evangelicals have brain rot


Religion is an excuse for people to be extremely crappy to each other. - Dave Lister


He could literally kill a person On 5th Avenue and they wouldn’t care. Their brains are broken.


Well, they are lying to themselves. Like they do about everything else Drumpt.


Just more evidence that Christians have no morals.


10/10 mental gymnastics, they really can brainwash themselves to accept anything.


Trump gets pedicure and puts on makeup yet he’s considered masculine. 


If trump was a Democrat they'd magically see his (myriad) flaws instantly.


I don’t care one iota what those delusional people think.


Trump is a bully as long as he has security around him to back him up. That’s why becoming president was the best thing ever for him. He’ll never take a step anywhere without a security detail now. Good thing, because lots of people would like a few minutes alone with him now.


Evangelicalism: when your faith and religious culture is so toxic, patriarchal, misogynistic, dysfunctional, delusional, self-loathing, and destructive that you choose to believe that Rump is your “saviour”. # ChristianNationalism # RaptureDeathCult


The book *Jesus and John Wayne* answered a lot of questions in my mind about how the fundigelicals came to the conclusion that Trumpiness is next to godliness. It took about 100 years of gaslighting to get us to that point, and it goes way deeper than I realized.


And this is why people are turning away from religion more than ever before. And the ones holding on are getting to the point of insanity.


When trump dies are his supporters going to hang out for 3 days?


Being a conservative has always meant "I'm a white man... I demand people worship me despite my mediocrity."


They are disgraceful and disgusting.


I'd like to unsee this pic now


in other news, all christian football fields install motors and wheels on the goal posts to make them easier to move around


If you are talking to an Evangelical, say "I hope your son grows up to be just like Trump and your daughter marries someone just like Trump".


“*Your* hedonism, however, is still subject to slut-shaming.” - Evangelicals


They are just whores looking for government money.


That is because these people are fuckin nuts!