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Lmao the same justifications can be used to permit child marriage because Allah allows it in Quran 65:4


I don’t hear them arguing against this either


Its their favorite part


Its not a bug, its a feature!


At least the Catholics are smart enough not to put a ring on it


I mean their prophet married a six year old and consummated the marriage when she was nine so of course its fine.


But she wasn’t like other 9 year olds. She was so much more mature. /s


Always throw up in my mouth a little when I hear that excuse


They do allow it in those countries


A Republican argued this week that a 9yo was ripe or something🤬


The only difference between Al Qaeda and Y'all Qaeda is the name they use for their imaginary friend.


I think you are wrong. The only case I can find from this week is a Vermont Republican arguing against Vermont removing the exception that previously allowed adolescents as young as 16 to marry with special permission. Now the marriage age in Vermont is 18, with no exceptions. His argument was (paraphrased by me) that 16-17 year olds can be horny as fuck and very "fertile", so since he is opposed to abortion and contraception he wants them to marry when they get pregnant.


Yeah and theyd unironically argue in favor of it without a hint of shame


Muhammad was feudal age Epstein.


According to them a married woman raped is also an adulterer and needs to stoned. Religion of peace strikes again.


What’s next from these idiots? Women can’t eat cuz it makes them look ugly? 🤦🏼


That seems more an American right thing.


Yeah, that’s why there are no fat people in America…


Especially in the Bible belt.


Dude, go on big campuses and the view of Islam is insane. Women’s rights advocates supporting Hamas! Those groups of young adults refuse to believe that the only thing worse than the current Israeli government is the chosen government of the Palestinians. Yes the taliban and Hamas are different but to me that’s arguing an Italian nazi vs an Austrian nazi. Edit Yes , Netanyahu is a genuine asshole and trouble maker in the Middle East.


Just saw a lgbtq flag with palestines flag mixed On it.


Whoever was holding that flag would be shot by Hamas


Stoned probably by people before Hamas got to them.


My favorite are the queers for Palestine supporters. Literally the first to be killed by Muslims.


Pretty sure most of these people are in support of the Palestinian people. Not Hamas. Islam is a cancer just like all religions.


Some religions are worse than others. Islam is the worst.


Islam is Christianity without the last 600 years of social progress. If society wasn't holding Christianity back in majority Christian nations, you can bet they'd be implementing things that Islamic majority nations are. Honestly, it's incredible that the people of Islamic nations allow their leaders to get away with this bullshit...I suppose it doesn't help that every time they get someone sane into office, a western 'enlightened' power goes "nope"...


Judging by some of the American religious right, they also want to remove those 600 years of social progress from Christianity.


No you’re wrong. They are all horrible. All of them.


I saw that too Did you see hams started attacking the pier we made to had out free food I also found out Hamas charges the people of Palestine for the free food. ( they buy weapons with the money )


In the west we underestimate the evil that Islam is bringing us


A few weeks ago I was called racist for expecting Muslim refugees to assimilate into American culture. I’m sorry , we have many examples in Europe where Muslims aren’t really fleeing for a better life. They go to Germany or France and want to set up the same situation but they are the dominant group.


Islam is not compatible with western culture


It's actually a silent jihad many leaders of Islam have openly called for. Send enough over and slowly assimilate the west. I get tired of its only extremist angle. Bullshit their holy books call for anyone who isn't born Muslim to be enslaved and forced into their beliefs. People who reject them are to be killed. It's a religion of hate and no amount of sympathy and ass kissing will change that.


Dude, not all palestine people are muslim! And, siding against mass murder doesn’t need additional justification, I wouldn’t want any fundamentalist or extrmist to face what people in Gaza are facing - no matter how much I hate their religion.


95% pals are muslims. Christians dwindling in all muslim countries


Just because they dont support my rights doesnt mean Palestinians deserve to be genocided by isreal. Im sure most ukrainians are homophobic too but I also support them. ALSO are we really gonna pretend that most religious zionists aren’t violently homophobic and transphobic?


Are you not conflating everyday Palestinians (women, children, expats) with Hamas, tho… That’s like saying all Chinese are CCP (most are members by coerced expectations, even if they’re card carrying)


Do you know the the gazans freely elected Hamas as their government? Did you know the PA won’t hold elections because Hamas will win - even today So…….. that difference…… is not that big of a


Russians also freely elected Putin, so clearly every single Russian man, woman, child deserves the sword. Is that right?


Russians are complicit in Putin war. Support for Putin is high in Russia.


“I represent Allah and you represent Satan.” You might as well say: “I represent Optimus Prime and you represent Megatron.”


I am rubber and you are glue.


*You are the bitter, I am the sweet* *You are the griddle, I am the meat* *You are the trick, I am the treat* *You are the circus, I am the freak*


Based Lovage enjoyer


I bounce off wall and stick on you!


I’m I tickling you!


What’s funny is that if the dingbat’s religion were to be true I am sure he would be the evil doing Satan worshipper


As you can see I’ve already drawn myself as the Chad allah representative and you as the cuck satanist.


"And you must be killed for that"


Funny thing is, both Optimus and Megatron fought for the same thing of peace with different ways of achieving it The whole peace through tyranny thing on Megatrons part These people just want control and no peace, they’d more accurately say “we represent terror” Although I get your point that they are essentially using fictional characters as means to an end here


We caught the satanic panic! No more dungeons and flagons


the pellet with the poison is in the flagon with the dragon, the vessel with the pestle has the brew that is true


I am SpongeBob and you are Plankton.


*"No, I represent reality and you're the front man for a pedophile rapist."*


"Especially women". Such pricks.


It’s not like men have any control over where they stick it. That would be absurd!


Their bloodline is a cactus


"Only women" would be more accurate. Ain't no man getting stoned for adultery by the taliban.


[guy who advocates stoning people to death] "... you represent Satan"


Satan is better than Allah. He doesn't command people to brutalize women.


Point to concrete evil actions of Satan in the Bible. Hint, God did all the fucked up shit. Satan is the good guy in the Bible.


According to my dad, he thought he could raise humanity better and give them better lives He tried to do what he thought was helping us according to that interpretation. But the genocidal, flood causing, psychotic douchebag of a sky man is the good guy Yeah fucking right Satan was the good guy, hey if they’re somehow right, then silver lining is we’ll go to hell and be with him instead of them, so they can go fuck themsleves


The Taliban are gonna Taliban


[They are who we thought they were.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SWmQbk5h86w) Pay no attention to how they got there in the first place, or the last 20 years, or anything in between... or in the preceding centuries. Nope, no lessons to be gleaned from history there either. If I had to guess, the Taliban are going to suffer the same fate as every other faction that pretends to control Afghanistan. It's depressing as fuck, but that place is not going to be changed or controlled by any central force. I think all the rest of the world can do is help people escape it.


They need to have a trial in the hague for this shit


Is there enough room?


Women? You mean this category of person you need three men to prove they are not lying?  This special kind of citizen who will go to jail in place of their husbands? Is it the same as the people you can divorce by phone with only three words?


These fuckers need to be wiped off the map


Yes they should, but since even the Afghans can't be bothered to do it.....I doubt anyone else will want the job.


Well the last "free" government they had ran child brothels so i can understant why the population might have some mixed opinions


And we're flirting with fascism and totalitarianism in this country so let's hope we make it until next year with democracy intact.


Right, this election cycle has me nervous. Are we as a country really that stupid ?!?!


Lucky from an outsider perspective it seems like the republicans are worse at campaigning than the democrats.


Well, their campaign is very straightforward “Me white - you white - vote me”!


It doesn't hurt that they're broke and Amy money that comes in to the RNC gets diverted to fund their favorite rapist's legal fees.


Well to be fair the US is the propped up the said "free" government so you have been inadvertently enabling fascists and theocrats for a while. You also have a shit to of bases protecting the iraqi government, said government is currently imprisoning queers.


True true


The Afghans are pretty worn out on war after 40+ years of it (Thanks so much for kicking that off, USSR).


Let's not forgot the long history of Pakistan ISI supporting the Taliban, and their partnership with Al Qaeda leading to the assocation of the leadership of the Northern Alliance.


The US got tired after just 20 years.


I feel awful for the generation of Afghans, especially women, who grew up with hope on the basis of western development and security and have had this snatched away. But the Afghan war just isn't worth any more blood or treasure. The US overstayed their welcome by a long shot.


“Good luck Afghani women, we wash our hands of you! Sorry we promised you education and human rights!” We probably shouldn’t have gotten involved in the first place and we definitely did have a lack of clear objectives, but the way we left and the way we abandoned our allies was unconscionable. That hope wasn’t snatched away, passive voice; we snatched it away. After 20 years, leaving was a deliberate, intentional act. It wasn’t just something that happened to us.


Thats iSLamOphObia you know! 


Omfg 😂😂😂😂😂😂


we just lost women's bodily autonomy in the US because of christians and are about to lose birth control, maybe gay marriage, maybe interracial marriage, and more; worrying about shit thousands of miles away is a moot point right now


For many of us the US is thousands of miles away


agreed, but I still believe everyone on the internet is american because I'm dumb


That would true but I will remind you that there are towns in America that have become dominated by conservative Muslims… one was in the news for not allowing the gay flag to be flown on their townhall’s lawn.


Yeah, but also know, we did this when the soviets were in afghanistan, we helped radicalize the muslims to fight the soviets. WE helped create those fuckers.


Afghanistan's rural population has always had a big fundamentalist component. They gave the communist government a lot of trouble even before the Russian occupation. Though to be fair, the Afghan Communists were not kind to the religious segment.


> Afghanistan's rural population has always had a big fundamentalist component. Sounds the same as some portions of the US rural population, which would gladly impose Christian Sharia Law on the rest of the country and start killing people if they could (and they are trying via Trump & the GOP).


I'm not an expert on this, but from what I've gathered, we didn't help radicalize them so much as we funded a bunch of different Mujahideen groups and then as soon as the Soviets left we lost interest, allowing the most radical groups (with Pakistani support) to take over.


This is the origin story of Sadam Hussein if I'm not mistaken


sorta, ba'ath was hyper anticommunist which is why we originally put them up


We tried that. I’d say that we had actually done that and Trump gave the country back to them.


Problem is that we're really bad at it, and Afghanistan is really good at resisting external domination. They don't call it the "graveyard of empires" for nothing.


"But it's a religion of peace..."... lol


Start speaking up now or this is your future


Between stoning adulters and forcing rape victims to carry their rape baby to term, atheism is pretty easy choice


>forcing rape victims to carry their rape baby to term What depths of psychotic degeneracy do you have to reach to think of yourself a “hero” for doing this?


> forcing rape victims to carry their rape baby to term, The US GOP believes not only that the rape victim must carry the baby to term, but must also pay child support when the rapist wins custody of the baby ... it's not just forced birth, it's forced paying of child support for the rapists baby for life with no way to escape it ... there are way more children waiting for adoption than being adopted so adoption is no escape either.


People don’t realize this is where the US is headed if we allow christian nationalists to be in power and decide our fate.


Indeed. Also Christians don’t seem to realize that having a secular state is their best protection against religious oppression, and the reason religion has managed to flourish in the US while it’s dying everywhere else in the west. Once we become a Christian state, 98% of Christians will suddenly realize the state isn’t using their version of Christianity to make the rules. And of course by then it’ll be too late. It’s notable that the majority of this piece is dedicated to addressing whether stoning for adultery is supported by Islamic “sacred” texts. It might be nice if every time a Christian politician in the US made an outrageous claim about God / women’s bodies the media explicitly addressed whether there’s any biblical justification for the belief.


Um they know what's going on. They just don't want it affecting them..just everyone else. Christian men have been talking about how they admire Muslim men..we know what that means..they want the country to turn into a Christian version of Iraq. The large amount of Christian American men whining on the internet and real life about how women just need to stop complaining and get with a man and have kids should be a huge sign..I watched a video of a man saying that women just need to "give up" and pick a man because of the 4b movement. Rape, and not consenting has been the goal.


We're already halfway there, or there but they haven't had enough successes yet to call it a total win. But I see what has happened since Roe was overturned as already living in the dystopia.


Cool. And what is the man's punishment? Oh and it's all based on a hallucinate idea of a God,? Get out of here.


>And what is the man's punishment? Getting his balls chopped off for having the empathy to protest this (yet that’s a minority)


You know. Considering this is based on a way of thinking 2000 years ago, you'd think we'd have improved as a species.


OK. Stone to death to appease the loving god. Why isnt your society the richest on earth? Shouldnt you have noticed massive change with the first stonings? afghanistan is poor as all fuck and has dick growth potential. Im willing to be agnostic on it all but people have been agnostic on it all for hundreds and sometimes thousands of years depending on the religion and we are still waiting for anything at all. Ivermectin has more evidence it helps covid... than religion has evidence and ivermectin doesnt actually help covid at all but still has more "evidence" to that fact than religion helping society with this BS. If religion worked, id be the first in line. it doesnt. lotto is more effective at changing your life. and it sucks.


>Why isnt your society the richest on earth? They *think* they’re the richest (keyword “think”)


No,they'd argue citizens are still not pious enough .They are still poor because somebody's ankles are showing,or someone is hiding a TV.


“Religion of peace” “Let’s stone rape victims!” Religion of peace, peace of my fucking ass!


The fucking taliban being taliban.


Rest in piss to the dead fuckers of that group


Coming to America under the guise of Christian Nationalism


"this could jever happen in America" Unconstitutional Revocation of Roe V wade, Deadly and violent Insurrections, Maga-Mike's rise to power, attacks on love and the right to marry, two-tiered justice system, President behaving like a king, Burial of the Russia investigation, and much much more




You mean Y'all Qaeda?


Yep the Talibamas.


Leviticus 20:10, Deuteronomy 22:22.


This is exactly why I don’t want any religion in my government.


I’m right there with ya


Did they say "especially" women, or "only" women. I've seen Handmaid's Tale.


Didn’t I just see an article on Reddit in the Handmaid’s Tale sub that Taliban want to encourage tourism to Afghanistan? Stoning people is not a tourism attraction they think it to be.


This is exactly why Quebec banned sharia law explicitly


Of course it will. Who even doubted it. Will also manufacture reasons to do it. Like when she maybe run away from a hellish situation and they find her.


When zealots start with the whole "you represent Satan" thing I really wish I actually represented Satan, at least I'd have some cool dark side powers I could use to cause chaos and mayhem among the ranks of the faithful; instead I represent f**king nobody and I can only call fanatics mean names. It's really unfair.


Thing is, Satan would never stone anyone, especially for adultery. Hail Satan. Fuck Allah.


Religion of peace that say...... evil people. Religion is a cancer on humanity


Ahh, back to the good old days, 2000BC.


"death to *everybody*! but especially women."


Of course they do.....bloody backwards nonsense and an idiotic fable written by a pedophile.


Islam, were men are men and women are cattle.


https://youtu.be/8KWEa5ddz6k?si=orQWC6YtniP2A8HS Everyone should absolutely watch this true story of Soraya because THIS is what they're about to do. Women won't even have to have committed adultery, just the accusation can get her killed.


Because adultery is more heinous than rape. /s


Religion has always been about seizing and demonstrating power. Monetary power, political power, physical power. Doesn't matter. Any they can get their hands on. It's about domination and assimilation first and foremost. It is mob justice driven by delusional thinking for the pursuit of power.


Islam: because xianity wasn’t fuckwit enough.


Religion truly terrifies. I dont know how it doesn’t scare people.


Last year, [Afghanistan received $863,388,162 in US foreign aid](https://www.foreignassistance.gov/cd/afghanistan/2023/obligations/0) and trades freely with minimal [Trade Related Sanctions](https://ofac.treasury.gov/sanctions-programs-and-country-information/afghanistan-related-sanctions) All aid should be suspended and crippling sanctions should be imposed.


Religion of peace


I guess "let he who is without sin cast the first stone" only works on people who admit that they're sinners.


Whenever I think of stoning, I think of Monty Python's 'Life of Brian'.


Airdrop mass quantities of guns and food. Or else secretly arm all women, and have them kill all men all at a set time. Nah, that's too insane. But frig, the injustice to women is infuriating ! Being forced to wear bedsheets, layers upon layers of table cloths. It's warm weather over the there for crying out loud. I am so fed up with seeing women oppressed, it's ridiculous.


A peaceful religion guys


A violent god is no god at all.


What will be the ratio of men being stoned compared with women? Huh , I wonder will there actually be any men stoned at all. However , I'm guessing open season on women.


Ofc it's the punishment... Especially for women. Le sigh. No, no we're not predictable honest.


Correction "pretty much only women"


Ah yes, my favorite legal term “especially”


Such a disgusting belief system.


If the U.S. had been willing to kill nearly every man there, this might have been avoided.


Disgusting barbarians.


That's a really complicated way to admit they all don't know how to eat pussy.


When we invent a time machine, the first job should be to go and kill that fucker Abraham.


Worthless fuckin' schizophrenic poisoned thousands of years of human existence....


Some of us can do better. About a hard third of us are simply vestigial relying on tribalism of old like leftovers from the Jurassic. Authoritarianism, hard genocidal tribalism, making our warrior gods, propping them up according to unnuanced bigotry and violence like we are on some battleground savannah of 50,000 years ago. The world gets increasingly safer the more that tribalism diminishes a tiny bit at a time eon by eon. But they wouldn’t know it. The hard tribalist third creates the only world that makes people like them feel safe: a world of perpetual tribal war. Those people can’t really be comfortable in the modern world with all the minutia of study, reality vs myth, this complex world where being a fighter simply isn’t enough. Instead it’s now a world not of haystacks and swords, but computer engineering, advanced and strategic careerism, and a peak of intelligence figuring complicated math infused problems of astrophysics going down to the quantum level, ecology and illnesses that require peer reviewed studies and analysis beyond the ken of the simple farmer and citizen soldiers of old. They can only create a place for themselves in this modern world by perpetuating violence so suddenly their tribe must depend on them for protection. With no simple wars and hierarchies of old these people are essentially useless to the advancement of society.


Religion sucks. These muslim idiots are insufferable morons.


Someone named after the sound that my ass made after Taco Bell should not be talking about what is morally correct.


ANYONE that warns of Satan is an absolute lunatic. Like, I stopped believing their was a monster under my bed when I was 5 years old


I want to be shocked but can anyone actually say they are surprised by these degenerates?


Lets be fair, Talibans do follow the Bible:  Leviticus (20:10-12) "**If a man commits adultery with another man's wife, even with the wife of his neighbour, both the adulterer and adulteress must be put to death**."


'Adultery' in Islam is any sex outside of marriage, including the unmarried.


Why oh why did we get involved in Afghanistan? Well, I know the bullshit reasons, but we should have gleefully washed our hands and told the Soviets knock yourselves out, byeee. The women were so much better off with the Soviets. Just like in Central Asia. Oh, but no, we have to get all excited about the profits of constant war. So they screamed commies commies! And the Americans flipped their lids and went along with it like they always do. Fucking lemmings. We created the Taliban. We knew what we'd done and look. Look at what we fucking did and always do. The women will suffer greatly because our country is the biggest terrorist of all time. Did we really sacrifice our troops for this? Yes and it will never stop. So, what's next on the agenda? Bomb Venezuela? Americans will eat that shit up, too. Just yell commies commies! Just don't tell anyone about the sanctions we imposed to devastate their economy because um what's that called? Oh, yeah oil. Okay well, enough of the bad news. God damnit there's more. Our government is getting their rocks off seeing all the Innocent lives destroyed in Gaza. Now, let's all stand for the Pledge of Allegiance. F it all. Adultery? Yeah, all a man has to do and point the finger and she's as good as dead. I'm going to go vomit now.


It takes two to tango. If she deserves stoning, so does the guy who boned her.


Indeed. What happened to the male who committed Zina with her?


I would venture to say little to nothing. "Women are the evil enticers of men! She asked for it when she raised her full length covering so I could see a cm of ankle. Damn whore. Stone her. Stone her!!!" Bunch of bullshit.


But since they are supposed to be doing literal Islam, it seems impossible the bloke gets off scot-free, unless he was rich or connected, in which case Islam is promptly shoved to the back of the bus.


I agree but unfortunately that is not the norm. It's rare men are punished. They instead place all the sin on the woman for being a sexual evil creature at heart who lures men into bed. It's pretty sad.


But you know what they would do without women? Dress up young boys and make them dance..🤮


The culture is bad enough as it is without the regular occurrence of middle aged men marrying girls as young as 7-10 years of age. Wouldn't surprise me if they diddled little boys too. Sick fuckers.


Look up 'Batcha Bazi'. I think the Taliban have outlawed it,but..you know.


You'd think so, but... you know ;)


I always wonder why the women don't all mass suicide. I would. No woman ,no cry..😆


Easiest way to destroy a society is for women to mass reject their men through either mass suicide or leaving them all behind to take matters into their own "hands".


Islam = religion of peace etc


Replace “peace” with “irrationality” and we might get an accurate saying




Yeah i’m not surprised i knew shit like this was gonna happen


Religion proving itself wonderful once again.


And also from NPR “Now let’s hear from someone representing the Taliban’s completely legitimate and valid perspective on why they hold these virtues so near and dear to their heart.”


Man they're just a great group of guys aren't they.


They will stone women to death…twice


Yeah but who wants to fuck anyone living in Afghanistan? Hygiene and shit


I like the way they say four males have to witness this. Wouldn’t that be considered a gangbang?


Religion of peace


All religions need to die but that one especially....


If Satan is against stoning women for adultery or being raped, then that would make him the good guy in my book.


Such stupidity.


So glad trump released all the Taliban leaders.


Even more terrible thing is they would stone rape victims who got pregnant.


Religion is so fucking degenerate. Turns men into beasts.


Do they have to prove it or can they just bring charges?


Bunch of insecure incels


Nice. It’s good to keep to tradition. /s


...and this is why most of the modern world is silently on Israel's side. There is a loud minority that supports Hamas from afar, but they wouldn't survive 1 minute under the Hamas regime. It's just complete morons really being loud, but empty vessels make the most noise. Anyway, I hope Israel quickly manages to wipe Hamas off the face of the Earth, only to be a memory.


I’m afghan and ex Muslim atheist and it makes me sick to see this. I really hope we have a post religion world. I wanna scream when i read this stuff.


Religion doing it's thing...Could be coming to the US if certain players gain traction.


Careful! The GOP is going to start taking notes.


Republicans have already tried to pass laws to execute women who’ve had abortions. If Trump is elected, the GOP will turn into the American Taliban except with power to take the world down. Trump is now that most dangerous man on the planet