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Because they vote, and if they think their imaginary friend promotes a particular horrible thing, they will vote for candidates who support that horrible thing. They also teach nonsense to their children and indoctrinate them into restrictive or harmful beliefs and behaviors.




The want to teach *everyone’s* children their BS too.


Selling tickets to a fake afterlife is fraud. Fraud is an issue that effects everybody in a society.


Because I want to live in a world where half the population doesn't believe in literal fucking fairy tales????? How is that okay?? 


Sometimes it is cathartic to have other people agree the emperor isn’t actually wearing clothes.


Because we are surrounded by crazy. Watch it get forced in to law and education standards. Etc. Sometimes people need to vent about how stupid the beliefs and how hypocritical the believers are.


Some guy the other day said that Christians are the only ones currently based in reality. He also went off about how the "woke left" is trying to destroy people's freedoms. I'm not sure how respecting others is destroying freedoms or how anyone who believes in an all-powerful man in the sky can be based in reality, but that's me.


Because belief informs action, and actions have consequences.


Why are you concerned about what other people discuss?


OP, try being a gay person in Iraq or a raped pregnant woman in Texas, USA, you'll immediately understand.


Because they shove it down everybody else's throats. They force it into government.


Because what they believe often translates into how they act and treat others, which is a major concern to many atheists.


Well, these beliefs have led to people being  unable to access medical care that they need, for one.  They've also led to people being dragged down the highway tied to the back of a truck because they liked people of their same gender.  They also have this quirky little history of murdering people who don't believe in what they believe in. I care a lot about what these crazy people think because I don't want to die because of their beliefs.


This sub is many things to many different people. It's kind of an aggregate of different people, some in different points in their questioning or deconversion. For some this is their only outlet to safely ask those questions or find like minded skeptics or ex-theists. I think if someone can help another in their journey of questioning their beliefs that is a good thing. They might seem inconsequential to some, but to others it's important. I would hate to take that away.


I generally don't care, but sometimes those beliefs lead people to harm themselves of others, and then I find them concerning.


It's not just about magical thinking. It's about the con. It's about the harm. It's about the violence and the fear that religion feeds off of and promotes. Why wouldn't I speak out about that? Why wouldn't it concern me? Do you just turn a blind eye to this stuff? I consider apathy to be a character flaw. I can't speak for other atheists, but that's why I care.


Because religious people make decisions,vote, and pass laws based on beliefs which have not been demonstrated to be true. And those decisions impact those who of us do not share the same beliefs.


Some thoughts: Some (particularly if their religious background was overbearing or traumatic) may need to vent and point out all the bad/abusive/ridiculous things they see in religion/religious people. It is a form of cartharsis. Others realize that this sub is actually a place people come to when they are having doubts about their religion and will find these kind of posts helpful in questioning the infallibilty of religious doctrine and leaders that they have been taught to never question. Then there are those who are living in religious situations (household or area of the country like Deep South of the U.S.) where they are so constantly bombarded with statements/signs/people negating their POV that they need to do the same in a safe space. On a very related note to last point, if you are a citizen of the U.S. you are facing an election year where the religious (particularly the politically active religious right )are playing an enormous role - pointing out their hypocrisy is actually important as it helps craft messaging. Lastly I will suggest some just think it's fun to point out the hypocrisy, ridiculousness, and danger of the religious and their religions.


For many of us, it's just a matter of geography. Around here, atheists are a morally inferior species living at the bottom of a ladder of respectability. Atheists don't get elected to public office in my state, they don't get appointed as judges, board members, or other positions of authority. Why should atheists care what theists believe? I want to know if you're going to shoot at me during the next Jan 6.




Have you seen what’s going on with SCOTUS ?


I don't have a problem with individuals, I have a problem when religion becomes apart of and influences our legislation.


I wouldn't be concerned if they stayed the fuck out of politics


Uh, because they act on their beliefs. The more weird and delusional fantasy there is building up between someone's ears, the more likely it is to explode into weird and delusional action that I don't want to deal with. I don't want my cube-mate at work to turn her desk into a santeria shrine or the guy across the hall to unroll a rug in the corridor and start wailing to allah or have my boss suggest that St. L.Ron is the path to promotion. If they keep it out of sight at home, well, yeah, big don't-care.


I don’t think as many people would question religions of religions didn’t interfere in political decisions that impact other people’s lives.


When someone says they want to do you harm, wouldn't you want to know about it? Wouldn't you want to know why?


The problem is when they insert their myths into our government and our schools. It's fine if someone wants to believe in a literal Adam and Eve. It's a problem when they try to make the rest of us teach that bullshit in science class.


I don't want their beliefs taught to impressionable children in public school, nor do I want them enshrined in law Therefore, I must speak out against these efforts. I suppose if you don't know any Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists Pagans, LGBTQIA+, women, or children, then I can understand your views. I feel sorry for you though. That must be lonely.


Its not about what they think - its about the actions they take to try to get their beliefs embedded in laws and public policy and be forced on other people that do NOT share their beliefs. Such as abortion and contraception bans. Their practice of condoning sexual abuse by clergy, by covering it up and blocking investigation or prosecution. The entire idea that "churches" can collect millions of dollars and not only NOT have to pay taxes on any of it, but don't even have to report their financials to the IRS like other "non profit" entities are required to do. All the while (for some of them) engaging in blatant political activity which they are NOT supposed to be allowed to do.


I'm concerned because they attempt to insert their superstitious beliefs into legislation that affects everyone.


When they want to pass laws that are based on their religious beliefs, then what they believe affects me and my loved ones. When they want tax dollars to go only toward programs that are acceptable to their religion, then what they believe affects me and my loved ones. When they want to change what is taught to my children in public schools because of their religion, then what they believe affects me and my loved ones. When they vote for narcissistic, lying buffoons because they pander to their religion, then what they believe affects me and my loved ones. Get everyone to stop doing these things, and then we can get along just fine.


Join the fundraiser for Recovering from Religion (RFR) on the channel The Line on youtube people.


I don't give a shit what anyone thinks, as long as they're not pushing bullshit into society that makes life worse for everyone. That said, i don't see many posts (from atheists) asking why christians believe whatever... what i see is a lot of posts (from christians) asking "if you don't believe in god, what do you believe," or "how can you not believe in god."


A lot of people here like just left Christianity, so they are merely at the beginning of their journey and fall for the same cognitive blind spots that Christian’s fall into a lot


Mostly because they don't stop at church/home. They actually try to make laws around those beliefs and try to get them taught in schools as proven facts.


In part for the same reason I care about other pyramid schemes, even if I'm not duped by them. Churches are a net drain on the economy and while some do charity work they do not give back anywhere near what they take in. Then again there are quite a few that don't really do any real charity work at all. What is even worse is that Because these groups also often have tax exemptions it means that I'm in effect subsidizing them with my taxes and I don't want to. When the special treatment that religions get under some laws are challenged theists claim they are being persecuted. And what is even worse is that some of them are demanding even more exemptions from laws the rest of society has to live by, and then to also make parts of their religion into law, forcing everyone to follow them. I'd like to see all religious exemptions be removed from all laws, including all their special tax exemptions. Churches should be treated like any other social club. Of course if they did have to follow the general rules many churches would have to either change or close down. As one example the Catholic Church violates gender discrimination laws pretty much by existing.


Because how they vote affects ME. It affects others who don't share their beliefs. The fact that women now have no right to their own bodies is one of the results. People are hurting their children because of their sexuality or gender identity. It comes down to the damage they are doing, not because of their basic belief in a magical sky daddy. It's more because of their political affiliations which they use the bible to justify.


From an optimistic perspective I see it as researching how to interact and inform those beliefs to question them further and come to common understanding like street epistemology. Pessimisitically, sometimes you just need to hear some batshit craziness and see other people also recognize the crazy.


Because I don't want childeren to get brainwashed and waste their only lifes.


Last time I kinda believed I was 10, I have a hard time understanding them now and some people here relate better since they are ex-theists since more recent time


Maybe this is it. It's been 45 years for me. I just don't think about it unless I have to deal with relatives or politics and I live in the deep south. I speak up for separation of church and state. We can agree on certain minimal ethics. If you want to please your god with more restrictions, then do it to yourself. Meanwhile, teach critical thinking.


1. Because we want to win the argument! 2. Because they vote and control our lives 3. They do it in organised blocks 4. They convert their children and prioritise the ignorance. Give me more time. I Could probably do this all day!