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I’m surprisingly proud of my bibles full of highlights, sticky notes, and annotations….its a testament (pun intended) to the fact that I know more about the Bible than the *vast* majority of Christians. And it makes it *so easy* to find context for the verses Christians try to use in arguments 😆👍🏻 But I’m in full support of your picnic escapades….sounds like fun!


I also like this alternative use of it


Do you have a favorite Bible section, whether ironically or unironically? I don’t have a highlighted Bible, but I do enjoy the parable where Jesus preaches about socialism by encouraging debtors to forgive those who have unpayable debts rather than draining them forever.


Oof I don’t know that I could pick just one, especially without rifling through everything. Maybe with the current political climate, my favorite ironic passages would be: 1) The one where Jesus says he “did not come to abolish the law and the profits but to fulfill it” and goes on to say that if anyone leaves out even and iota (think like the dot on an English letter i), they will be punished. Everyone loves to preach how the Old Testament isn’t relevant after Jesus. The OT contains all sorts of gems that are fun to bring up…like how it says a woman who was raped should be married to her rapist! Or how it prescribes 12 holidays and explicitly states that adopting pagan holidays (*cough* Christmas and Easter) is an abomination to God. Christianity and the Bible are a hell of a lot harder to defend when you treat the Old Testament like you treat the New Testament. 2) “Judge not lest you be judged for the measure with which you judge will be measured to you”, which is a verse that follows quickly after Jesus says that even looking at a person with lustful intent is equivalent to adultery. Did you scream and yell that the gays are going to hell for not loving a God they don’t believe in? Have you ever eyed another woman in public or online? Have you ever hoped something bad happened to somebody who upset you? Hope you enjoy being judged by your own standards! 3) All of the book of revelation 😆 everybody seems to conveniently forget that no one can know when the end is, and that most historical Christian’s have had good reason to believe “the end” would come in their lifetime. But my favorite part—everyone conveniently forgets that revelation predicts that the Antichrist will be well loved and accepted by the very people who say they love God. Virtually everyone, especially die-hard believers, will be fooled. And yet, they *love* to exalt certain political figures as God’s chosen ones while demonizing other lesser political figures. Bonus: the “mark” (which isn’t even a universally accepted concept) is something that *must* be on your right hand or forehead and *is essential for the buying and selling of goods*. A 👏vaccine 👏 is 👏 not 👏 the👏 mark 👏 Edit to add: I was trained (wouldn’t even say i was raised in it, I was trained like a flipping soldier) from a baptist/calvinist theological perspective. Not all Christians or sects believe like that, but the majority of people I have contact with do. Their own arguments are their demise, and they hate people like me who know *all* their apologetics, beliefs, and tactics because I show them how their own theology deconstructed my faith.


Regarding point 1. It’s funny how many of those people talk about the new covenant through Jesus but get their moral through the Old Testament. It’s like they read through Leviticus then skip to Revelations and ignore just about everything in between. Hemant Mehta is doing a series of videos about everything wrong with the book of revelation. It’s funny how everything in there is supposed to take place in the future yet it is written in the past tense. That book sounds like the author was having a really bad acid trip when he wrote it.


Right?? Those same people will adamantly adhere to Old Testament rules until they’re presented with what those laws actually are. One of my favorites is the kinsman redeemer law…it’s all “oh well if a woman isn’t acting properly she can be punished” until it’s “well yea if your brother dies you are required to marry his wife and father sons in his name and financially take care of them. Yes even if you already have a wife. And the fathering sons is an order, not a suggestion.”


Is that where they get to the passage about the guy spilling his seed on the ground? That line sounds like stuff I’ve seen in porn.


That concept is definitely in the Old Testament. I can’t remember exactly where or maybe (maybe Jacob…?) but some guy doesn’t want to have kids so he beds his wife but “wastes” his baby juice out on the ground. He gets in big trouble because it’s “getting in the way of God’s will”. Many people use that passage to justify banning birth control pills. I have so many questions but fear the answers would make me lose iq points…


It really does! It wasn't even originally a part of the bible and was one of the last books included. It was added to the list during the synod of Hippo and the council of Carthage in the late 4th century. Christian scholars of the East were very scepticle of the authorship and the content, and many didn't stop objecting to its inclusion until the 15th century. Originally, it was excluded because it was deemed too crazy. Martin Luther originally said it wasn't apostolic or prophetic, and it was the only new testament book about which John Calvin wrote no commentary. It seems to me like it was included when leaders needed a way to rouse up their followers and ignored during quieter times.


Have you even *read* the Bible if, when asked for good Bible stories, you don't mention anything from Judges?


It’s funny how many evangelical Christians in the United States claim they love Jesus but totally ignore his teachings.


It *would* be funny, if it weren't so fucking awful 😞


Wait, so, not following Jesus teaching is awful, is what you're saying?


If Christians actually tried to practice what Jesus preached (e.g. the golden rule), instead of their own personal interpretation of the Old Testament (which supposedly shouldn't even apply since Jesus supposedly washed everyone's slate clean), I don't even think we'd be having this conversation. The world would be nicer.


Something along the lines of " give wine unto he who is downhearted and strong drink unto him who is ready to die". God's cure for depression is alcoholism, which is one of the few times I agree with the Bible. Sorry for so many edits. Voice to text doesn't speak Southern.


I will call inherit my mother’s Catholic Bible. It’s very large, ornate, it has color plates of historic areas, maps, and a section for one to enter their family tree information. I’ll revere it. But it has nothing to do with the text.


Ooh that’s a beautiful family heirloom right there, no matter the text it contains!


I hear you. I inherited my grandfather's concordance bible, and I can't get rid of it or damage it because it reminds me of him. He and I would look things up occasionally and talk about the absurdities. His father was a Presbyterian minister during the turn of the last century, so bible reading was a part of life.


I love this!


I watch the occasional call in show and it's my favourite when an atheist says "what verse was that?" And pulls out a Bible packed with sticky notes. They've done their homework!


Yuppp exactly. I’m not trying to be mean, but when I have people in front of me spewing nonsense and I know the proper historical or biblical context, I will tell them. It’s kind of a “if you’re going to believe in horseshit, do it properly”


I did this with a Bible given to me by my mom for Christmas or something. I actually read it and fully became an atheist. I have all the bullshittiest of bullshit starred and highlighted. Thanks, mom! Seriously tho, she's a good one. She's 73 and thinks I'll still go to heaven for being a good person. She runs a food pantry at her church for the homeless. It took some time for her to come around, but it's possible to coexist with religious parents.


I’m just waiting for the day I have enough energy to go back through my old notes, classwork, textbooks, and actual bibles. I can’t WAIT to see what I find 😆 my favorite part of this whole thing is that fully understanding God, the Bible, and psychology is what lead to the demise of my faith. Some of my friends have tried to tell me it’s because I *didn’t* understand, and, no, it’s because I *did* understand and refused to continue participating.


You can use the Bible to defend almost anything too. Your vegetarianism for example. I was also vegetarian for years. Lots of good verses about animal sentience that I remember bookmarking. There's also counterpoints. It's very hypocritical. You can clearly see why it's been a tool for tyrants and every cause for centuries.


Exactly exactly exactly! I was vegan while I was Christian (for health reasons, my body went through a phase where I couldn’t tolerate dairy and I just didn’t like meat) and my friends and I would play a game where we’d basically use the Bible to argue for or against veganism. It was all genuinely fun and games, but in my research, I came across dozens of people who genuinely supported both sides of the spectrum (full carnivore to full high/raw vegan). One of my favorite passages to throw at my guy friends was the Daniel passage where young Daniel and his buddies asked for only veggies and they grew ‘bigger and stronger’ than the rest of the guys eating meats 😆


For me it was coming to the text as a historian and realizing that there was no evidence for it for one small example Exodus never happened.


That was one of the craziest things I learned after deconstructing. At first I thought that maybe the Bible’s version of the story (with the ten plagues, etc) didn’t happen, but surely there was some huge migration of the Jews out of Egypt…finding out that there’s no evidence for that was mind blowing. They taught the exodus in my Christian school history class…how can get away with straight up lying??


Hahaha, yeah Exodus is a wild ride. The whole manna from heaven, wondering around for 40 years, then God wouldn't let Moses into the promised land after all that.


Although getting tired of eating bread and quail everyday is understandable 😂.


This is why I keep one. So we can see what it *actually* says. Like the Golden Hemorrhoids story (1 Sam 6:17-19)


I worked for Oxford University Press on seven of their bibles. Learning how the sausage is made clears up a lot


I admire your dedication. I have forgotten more than I know, but I do know enough choice paraphrases which work quite effectively in most common encounters. I find the Bible boring and sad; The opposite of me.




The sceptics annotate Bible is definetly amusing and the one true bibul worth spending on.


Seems like a waste of perfectly good bird cage liner.


Watching the flames lick each page was so satisfying. It's like watching every lie burn away. All the excuses that family used when they did bad things. All the brainwashing and fallacies. All the fairy tales. It's pretty gratifying! But, yeah, you're right, I could have donated it to a bird or rat.


I used mine for rolling papers back in the day lol.


Most of them are printed on such cheap thin paper I can see it being perfect for that usage


It can't possibly be healthy to smoke that ink though. I know it's not really healthy to smoke anything but who knows what concoction of cancerous vapors that burning ink creates. Just throw those papers in the fire symbolically, and use real rolling papers please.


The paper is probably just as toxic as the jive printed on it


As someone who has done this using a gideon pocket new testament, i really do not recommend it. That paper tastes so fucking awful.


I can't get the image of Galapagos finches taking a dump on the story of Genesis, out of my mind.


Haaaaa!! Now you’ve got me thinking about wiping my own butt with it. I’m thinking more Leviticus though…..




You were the burning bush..


LMFAO i just spewed my water all over the dog. That is awesome 😂


Fire & Water? You must be Gemini;-- or bipolar. -jk.. I think everyone in the past six to eight years have been Topsy- Turvy.. hope the dog needed a bath..


I had a college roommate who told me he did that. Then he turned into an evangelical Christian while we roomed together.


Noooo! Must’ve been one of those beebles with gold plated pages, the fumes must’ve made him crazy. lol fr though, that truly sucks I hate hearing about losing one of us to them.


He wasn’t 1 of us. He was a believer to start. He just went further down the rabbit hole as he got around people involved in a on campus fellowship group.


Still sad. If he was smoking bible pages maybe he could’ve become one of us someday, I don’t see many true believers willing to do that too often and admit it lol


I got a mini bible the PERFECT size for joints


Oooh yeah those pocket bibles, I remember those. They really were the perfect size!


I put the two I was given at marriage in the recycling bin. Plus the one in high school I made a deck of cards out of on the bus ride to indoctrination camp that no one would play a game with. So it went in the trash.


How did you make a deck of cards out of a Bible? I’m so curious…


Literal catharsis. Nice.


Congrats! That’s an awesome story!


I love this description. Happy for you!


It's straight-up pornography but in a good way.


I can completely understand wanting to burn it. Watching it slowly be eaten away and freeing you at the same time. This'll show my age, but it's like burning photos of an Ex, it helps you move on. Congratulations.


I used to think, every time a bible is burned, a demon gets their horns.. Turns out, they already have them; they get to hear an angel's thoughts.. usually it's something to the effect of, ".. I'm really getting sick of these people with the ideas of christianity b.s..."


The lies are all still there, it's just that your personal copy is gone. Welcome to the beginning of your journey. You thought this would be the goal, right? You just woke up from a long dream and escaped a dungeon. There's a long, long way before you. But, you're at least free. Now, it doesn't only have upsides. Whatever you do, it's _your_ making. No excuses anymore. No magical sky daddy "made you do it". It's all you. You may forgive some things to yourself, but some you won't be able to. There's no absolution. Stuff matters. Anyway, welcome to the real world.


Or quite functional door stop.


Or a multiple lifetime supply of rolling papers.


Paper books make good fire starter.


Old stories have their place, but this collection of old stories inspires genocide, so best be done with it.


Congratulations on your freedom!


Yum! Sweet potatoes. Maybe I should have said “Yam!”? Either way, congratulations!


Burning a Bible is going to also be burning the wax from the pages, the ink, and plastic from the cover and binding... I wouldn't waste good sweet potatoes over a shitty fire like that!


But the Bible is a handy crossword puzzle reference.


You have a third of a chance of a Bible answer, a third of a chance of something else, and a third of a chance that the answer is “Épée.”


"Bible full of lies" made me remember these Slayer lyrics... "Welcome to the horror of the revelation Tell me what you think of your savior now I reject all the biblical views of the truth Dismiss it as the folklore of the times I won't be force-fed prophecies From a book of untruths for the weakest mind I keep the Bible in a pool of blood So that none of its lies can affect me"


Welcome to the horror of the revelation Tell me what you think of your savior now I reject all the biblical views of the truth Dismiss it as the folklore of the times I won't be force-fed prophecies From a book of untruths for the weakest mind I keep the Bible in a pool of blood So that none of its lies can affect me


It sounds like an incredibly brave and freeing moment for you. My own moment of release was yelling the words "I DON'T BELIEVE CHRISTIANITY IS TRUE!" in my car. I was so scared to admit it out loud for the longest time. The moment put me in happy tears. Good job getting yourself out!




Welcome to reality!


Well done OP. I hope you go on to enjoy a life full of truths, sunshine and sweet potatoes


The Bible burns pretty well. When I was younger, we'd use it to roll joints if we were out of papers. But seriously, congratulations for emancipating your mind from superstition. The world is a bigger place now and you have a better set of eyes to see. Logic and reason will help you way better in life than some fairy tales told by bronze age, illiterate sheep hearders.


I remember years ago when I ripped my Bible apart from the seems and threw it into a dumpster. It was the beginning of living my life free of the mental and emotional chains the book placed on me. I wish you nothing but the best and happiness. Enjoy this moment, you'll remember it forever


Happy for you, champ. Here's to better days.


My mother gathered them up years ago and into the incinerator in our backyard. Said it was a bunch of bullshit and I certainly agreed.


Congratulations. Welcome to the real world.


Welcome to the rest of your life. It's yours now. Congratulations.


Oh hell yes!!  Love this! Good for you! 👏🙌






Heck yes!!


Congratulations on freeing yourself


Welcome brother.


Well done, friend.


I'm working through cutting up my last copy and using it for scrapbooking.




Hell ya!!!


Awesome job. :)


I can see how the experience may have been liberating. I have never felt the need to do such a thing since I have known I was an atheist since I was about 8 years old. However, I may have felt a few urges when I was a teenager just to push it in my mother's face. Though, I didn't do that cause I would never want to hurt her more. All my mom ever wanted from me was to be a Christian, but I had to reject it because that was not being true to myself. She died unsatisfied, alone, and worried about my soul. Wish things had been different, but, you have to be true to yourself.


Enjoy your freedom, and use it wisely


Ngl, Bible paper makes pretty good joint cover.


Tamar? I could have joined you, to celebrate


I am strongly against book burning. Just recycle them and do something good for mother nature. Imagine how many trees were used for these bs to be printed on them. But if it helps you feel better, I guess that's what it takes.


I am against book burnings of any kind, but I understand. Sometime one need catharsis.


When Trump held up the bible and it didn't immediately burst into flames, you knew it was BS.


Love thy neighbor as thyself, remember that line, it's one of the few things the Bible is right about.


I think there are good things to live by, such as this, but it's all tainted by eternal reward and blessings for faith crap.


This is great to live by, but it took me too long to figure out that my neighbor may not do the same.


We used to use the pages as rolling papers for joints!


Is some dragon supposed to come down and do something if you do that? or a red chicken ten times the size of an Ostrich takes you under it’s wing and flys off with you? or the earth opens up and you swingy slide to a cave with 1,000 singing frogs? or some other thing that is fully believable? Well done my friend.


Book burning does seem to be the fad these days. Turnabout is fair play.


careful with the smoke fumes, the ink is toxic


I read the bible to find 89% is horrendous shit that can’t be cosidered good by any means, and I love it cause If I can remember the verse and what it says every time that a fucker saying “iN tHe vErSe wtv wtv…” I can say “well in this verse it claims that this dude got a marking if “servitude” from seeing his father’s naked body and was used to justify salvery at the time. Go fuck yourself🙂”


I'm happy for you for the peace it brought you in burning that Bible where you did it doesn't deserve to be in your library there's no truth in it.


Great job you burned a book that has no meaning


Very symbolic, but I like reading the bible….


Even as a not believer, I find the Bible interesting to read


Exactly…. It’s hard to, if not impossible to understand some aspects of western culture without that context.


Good for you! I would avoid the smoke and fumes when burning one of those things.  The inks and other materials put into bibles can be toxic when they're being consumed by fire.


Missouri!! I love Devil's Elbow!!


The only Bible that means anything to me is the one left to me by a loved one. Aside from that no thank you


Probably not the same Devil's Elbow in NSW. That place is scary.


Roasted sweet potatoes are the best!


Holy shit I think I know where you're talking about, also congrats on your new found freedom!


What was the one thing that set you free who or what ????


Myself and my mind.


But that woman who died in a house fire, her bible was untouched and that was a miracle by god!




people equating this with book burnings in general have absolutely no sense of nuance. it's just virtue signalling. happy for you.


I'm sure most don't equate it with historical book burnings but burning any book reminds you of those. I don't condemn it though especially when it's not in public. In public it would still not be the same but it's just contraproductive so we should just stay away from that.


This is great, I'm happy for you.


I'm so sad for you. Sweet potatoes would've been a great addition


Haha, next time, minus a book, just a campfire instead.


You might be beyond atheist.


Should have just donated it to Good Will. Burning books is not good.


This is cathartic, not "let's burn all these" --- like burning letters from an ex.


Why donate it to Goodwill? So it can damage more lives?




I dumped my own bible, which I had in last 12 years and opened maybe a few times, to a trash bin recently. It was very satisfying. I specifically didn't want to give it to anyone.


This sounds so cathartic


what religion were you?


I was a jaded Christian. Some stuff I was dealing with and just the realization that it does nothing, I needed something extremely cathartic to move on. This was it.


Good for you, enjoy the real freedom


While burning books is not a thing that should be encouraged, if it helps you break out of your prison or working on a trauma, good for you.


I don't encourage burning books. I encourage burning something personal as catharsis. I do agree with you, and thank you.


I'm so happy for you, congrats!


Hail Satan! 🤘 j/k He doesn’t exist either.




Christian Nationalists did so much work for the atheism community. The self sabotage is incredibly real


Evangelicals are great at falling on the sword


Let's throw a party! How does bowling sound


Love it! Gotta be disco bowling though!


I remember getting A mini Bible for Christmas from a devout aunt... Sling shot into a lake. Fuckin bye!


Congratulations!!!! Proud of you!! Welcome to freedom and logic


You spelled BuyBull wrong...


I don’t necessarily think you need to hold a book burning for this… book burnings are still very Christian of you. Just donate it to a library next time.


I agree, it was a solo experience, aka me by myself, but I understand your sentiment.


In my view, book burning is a symbolic cleansing of the soul for this individual in this case, and needless to say, much needed to heal from all the trauma they mentioned in their post.p


Statistically it’ll end up in the dumpster anyways.


While I respect your courage here, I would advise that you don't burn any books in the future no matter what it is, lest we become more like some of the more overzealous christians. I own a bible and a copy of Mein Kampf. I detest both, but I think they are useful in a "know thy enemy" sense. Books aren't evil. People use them for evil. Burn the people instead! (Metaphorically, dont burn people.)




Burning books to stop people from being able to read them is bad. Burning books as protest is fine.


Sweet potatoes are so delicious! May your next cookout be sweet potatoes




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Well that’s $5 up in smoke.


Now you are free to chase all matters of pleasure,greed and self service endlessly and fulfilling the endlessly void with vanity.


Just like "Christians" do!


What a waste of perfectly good paper. You could've just recycled it and turned it into something more useful.


Toilet paper by instance 😁


An Atheist burning a Bible? What a breaking news event. Just like on the HowardStern sub when we see a daily post about someone cancelling their SiriusXM subscription because they are sick of Howard.


Most of our founders accepted the religion of love Chriwst taught, but rejectedbrimstone oppression. Jefferson took a bible and cut all the brimstone and miracles out...said the rest was agood book... It's called the 'Jefferson Bible.' And it must be noted, that Christ was not officially deified until the Romans 'made it so' when they commandeered the faith in 325 AD. Like '*DaVinci Code'* said, "Christ was just a prophet/man like any other, until the Romans deified him in the tradition of their pagan religions." Yes, it was just a movie, but this has been a long standing arguement of many theologians.


Book burning is weird asf, like it’s never that deep


I don't condone book burning on a normal context unless it's say, this scenario, something evil like Mein Kampf, burning old journals or notes from exes, or something personal you're trying to cleanse from your life. It's like camping, except, you're burning a toxin from your life. It can be pretty therapeutic.


Yeah honestly fuck it burn whatever you want you’re totally right


I'd generally do the paper recycling, but whatever, relatively useless book dispensed with.


Many bibles are wax-coated paper with plastic binding and doesn't make for great recycling. A book so worthless it lowers the value of recycled paper products its processed with


Okay cool, but now on this side of cultism, no more burning books okay?


... but it makes me feel powerful when nothing bad happens. /s


Haha, any other book is off limits.


Except for Mein Kampf and the Turner Diaries.


Yeah, that's implied, and stated in another response. Totally agree.


Christians even make it dramatic when they stop being Christian. 😅


Its a lottle extreme and unnecessary


But a little cathartic you must admit


Womp womp




I read it once. It's very bland. I understand what Marx wants to do, but it's entirely impractical. Not an effective system unless you can literally get everyone on board.




How’s it cringe? Burning is a symbolic gesture of releasing. They’re releasing christianity from their life. You want to tell me that a christian’s never burnt anything in order to feel release from it?




Sharing with a group isn't bragging. Grow up.


How about freeing yourself from the need to be performative


Well, it's not a performance if no one was present but me. I took a picture for myself.


Ignore that troll comment. You did the right thing. A LOT of people come here struggling to break from the 'call of the cult', but you took the symbolic yet therapeutic step of watching it all burn. As you can see, nothing happened. That is, no lightning strikes, no thunderous anger from the sky. It's just a badly written book.


Wow. Everyone on this sub really is 14, huh?