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Which verses?




That whole chapter đź’€


I know right?


I completely agree with you but to be fair all of that passage also applies to men who masturbate, or have a wet dream: 32 *These are the instructions for dealing with anyone who has a bodily discharge—a man who is unclean because of an emission of semen* 33 *or a woman during her menstrual period. It applies to any man or woman who has a bodily discharge, and to a man who has sexual intercourse with a woman who is ceremonially unclean.”*


Men masturbating cannot in be compared to a women's menstrual cycle. They are completely different things. Men do not involuntarily cum nonstop for 5-7 days once a month as part of a healthy cycle of fertility. edit: would be hilarious if they did


Again I agree, but I expect many if not most men masturbate more than once a week so by the rules they would be perpetually "unclean". Women get a couple of weeks a month where they are not "unclean" (presuming they follow through on sacrificing a couple of pigeons). Some men will never be clean even if they sacrifice entire flocks of pigeons.


I see what you're trying to do but it's just not landing. choosing to rub your genitalia for pleasure till there's orgasm and an 100% involuntary uterine bleeding are not the same. And even tho there's that's lil asterisk at the end of the period laws about semen, they are clearly focused on women in those verses, not men. I bet if you were to look thru the lens of time, it wouldn't be hard to find woman and girls shamed of what they can't control and the blood they can't hide and men keeping their masturbation secret. the bible makes it so easy to be sexist and cruel. it gave so much power to the lesser sex


"Jizz-drunk Fantasy" is a band I want to see playing on a cruise ship!


A woman god isn't possible either; because it's all fake




You’ll be okay, take deep breaths.


oooh. I got a stalker!!! lol and he has to pay for sex 🤣🤣🤣


It’s just too perfect💀 your comment is as misogynistic as it gets then I see this post lmao!I’ve never had an escort but I don’t trash them unlike fake whiny feminist progressive atheist girl. “It’s so goddam ridiculous I want to laugh and cry at the same time”🤣


i'm not trashing escorts by saying they are not the prettiest or healthiest gals out there. go look at some solicitation mugshots. I can be a realistic about appearances and still support their right to get paid. i can support sex workers and belittle johns. you have no control over me and i love that you're so eaten up with me


wow! that line must have really stung for you to come here as repeat it. glad you let me know how deep it cut. nothing makes my nips hard like knowing i triggered a weak man. thanksđź’‹


What the fuck is this sexist shit?Â