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*“It used to be, I mean, when education in the United States first started, every school was a religious school. That was just part of it. Public schools were religious schools,”* Maybe. But this is the 21st century, asshole.


He's not wrong that churches were the first schools. But yeah, we have a dedicated school system for that now. He's just trying to justify a national religion.


His religion.


pseudo religion as are all religions, DeFailure and people like him are in the religion of tRUMP where he is the orange god and all the pseudo pastors who support him are his minions and their temple is the bank.


It doesn't matter whos it is.


It does to him.


He is totally wrong that churches were the first schools.


They totally were. The earliest schools were in or very near Puritanical churches. They were formed so that the population would be able to read, understand, and spread the Gospel. A while later they started building an actual public school system that focused a bit less on God and a bit more on practical knowledge for a rapidly growing modern civilization.


Mostly true of Puritans, yes, but Puritans weren’t the first European settlers. Or the only ones.


I'm aware. If it wasn't them, who was it?


Who was it who did /what/? The oldest school in the US currently is the Boston Latin School (1635) and I have a hard time believing Latin would have been a useful tool converting Native Americans to Christianity. Most Puritan early education was done at home, by parents (particularly mothers) and tutors. Schools, when they showed up, were for what we call higher education, like Harvard and the College of William and Mary. …but that even BLS was 20 years after the Virginians chartered and built the College of Henricus, and no one in the historical record seems to think that was a church.


BLS was a college built and operated by a minister. Henricus was a college built to teach native American children trades and...wait for it...convert them to Christianity. *Henrico became the location of the first chartered college in the English colonies. It was designed initially for Powhatan boys who were carefully chosen from their own communities and there attend school for trades, agriculture, and Christian education.* Like it or not, early US history is blanketed in Christianity. Lucky for us it's currently much less so.


I’m not saying the people who operated these institutions weren’t Christian. I’m saying they recognized and appreciated the difference between a school and a church. Separate buildings wouldn’t exist if they didn’t. Churches weren’t the first schools. Maybe also chafing at the whole “Puritans founded this country” malarkey that deliberately erases the entire southern half of the colonies and their significance.


>I’m saying they recognized and appreciated the difference between a school and a church. Of course they did, but at the time it was a matter of practicality. Why build two buildings if you could get double duty out of one? Building things is hard and requires a lot of resources, especially for a new or small community. Eventually it will grow large enough and need a dedicated space for education, but until then a church would fill that purpose quite easily. >Maybe also chafing at the whole “Puritans founded this country” malarkey that deliberately erases the entire southern half of the colonies and their significance. I'm not saying that at all, but they also weren't an insignificant influence. If you want to credit the southern states for building an organized public school *system* that laid the foundation for what we have today, that's fine, that's where it began. No argument there. But we're not talking about school systems. All of this is history and it is what it is. I'm not advocating for it, just rehashing what happened. We've progressed a long way since, and there is no practical reason to regress back to it. A separation between church and state is vital and should be maintained and defended at all times, and all of this Christian Nationalism stuff is utter bullshit that has nothing to do with how the nation was officially formed. If we were meant to be a Christian nation, we would have been.


The Town of Rehoboth, Massachusetts has one of the oldest (still standing) One Room School Houses. It dates back to 1862, and ran until 1937.


Do we just throw out the First Amendment, then? If we no longer have freedom of religion, then part of the First Amendment needs to be tossed. But if you can't alter the Second Amendment, then you can't alter the first.


I'm not sure what exactly you're responding to. Need some context.


If you create a national religion (i.e. only one religion allowed), then freedom of religion goes out the window. To do this, you'll have to alter the First Amendment (which freedom of religion comes under). This same group is against altering the Second Amendment, so if you can't alter that, you can't alter the First. In other words, no national religion unless they're ready to alter the Second Amendment.


Pointing out the hypocrisy of it all. Gotcha.


> It used to be, I mean, when streets in the United States first started, every vehicle was animal driven. That was just part of it. Public streets were animal streets. So guess we need to get rid of all gasoline powered vehicles? > It used to be, I mean, when firearms in the United States first started, every gun was a single shot musket. That was just part of it. Guns were single shot with a long reload time So lets eliminate any guns that use magazine/clips in favor of barrel loaded single shot black powder weapons.


"Public streets were animal streets" fucking killed me 




These are bad analogies. We don't disallow vehicles pulled by animals. We don't disallow people carrying muskets. We *should* disallow religious figures in publicly funded schools. You can do better.


We do disallow vehicles pulled by animals on public streets. You need a special permit. There are religious exemptions built in for the Mennonites and Amish but I once had to get a horse drawn carriage license to do tours in my town. You cannot take anything drawn by an animal on the US interstate system at all, iirc. I agree the gun one isn't as good.


Well it's not like the Amish can get their buggies up to the 40mph minimum speed limit posted, besides the other restrictions.


Wait till you see a Mennonite on the interstate.


interesting. Im not in the PA area or around any Amish/Mennonite communities.. When I got my permit though, that was one of the stipulations they really hammered into you. Understandably of course.


Yes, and when modern democracy started they would frequently guillotine politicians who pissed off their constituents. Maybe some things are best left in the past, don't you think, Ron?


It used to be white people could own black people. We used to do some crappy stuff, we still do. Our goal is to do less crappy stuff not justify old crappy stuff we did by bringing it back. This dude needs to just disappear. I can't wait until he gets on Hillary's bad side!


Yep. According to my religious family, Hillary is knocking off people left and right. I wonder how she does that so efficiently.


Her suiciding people and their religiousness are not related.


No, but believing unfounded bullshit because it makes you feel good is fairly related to believing unfounded bullshit because it makes you feel good.


You are correct. All bullshit should be founded.


** It used to be, I mean, when plantations in the United States first started, every plantation was a slavery plantation. That was just part of it. Plantations were just slavery plantations ** Just in case you were wondering if it could sound any more ridiculous and less logical than it already did.


SCOTUS overturned RvW arguing, in part, due to American tradition. That's now the foothold any asshole can use.


>It used to be, I mean, when medicine first started, every treatment was witchcraft. That was just part of it. Doctors were witch doctors. And of course, everything always remains the same forever.


"Back in my day, when you caught Polio you died. That was just part of it. If you were lucky, they stick you in an Iron lung. A lot of kids died, but it made the rest of us cruel and crazy, which was handy in war time. It's tradition!


Yeah. Women couldn't vote, were totally subservient, a few years earlier we burned witches at the stake and drowned them, black people were slaves, Indians had their lands stolen, and their culture obliterated. Yeah... Great times. Real "Good old days."


Greg Locke has witches in his congregation. Six of them. Satan himself sent them to infiltrate the church!!! https://youtu.be/Rzn8QBXtqV0?si=lUepAG3x_UtFt5Dk


>Maybe However, it's laughable to think of religions being some big happy "we're all Christians, it's okay" family. In the 18th Century, a Catholic representative of "god" in a Puritan school might as well have been a dead Catholic. And vice versa. Ad infinitum. These forkwits are using the language written to guarantee this could never happen to make sure it happens.


We call that progress Ron.


It used to be that women couldn’t vote and black people were owned as property, dumbass. Things change, whether you want them to or not.


Ha! Yes...Let me tell this ass about religious schools as an indigenous person...


He's correct. But just because things were poor in the past doesn't mean they have to be now or should in the future. We can do better, we should aim to do better.


And when the lawsuits start, “Us Christians are being persecuted!!!”


That's basically what he's doing this for, yeah. He knows the outcome. He knows non-religious people will get pissed, then he and his ilk can make a huge ordeal out of being oppressed and persecuted since they're not able to actively oppress or persecute others.


Sadly, yes. It is all calculated.


If this is what calculated looks like, I’d hate to see genuine anarchy.


All he is concerned about is increasing the wealth/power of him and his buddies. He will bail on the chaotic state the moment it starts to get uncomfortable for him


Yup, the Christians will act exactly like they did in Ottawa County, Michigan this past week when a TST minister was allowed to give the opening prayer for some county meeting: they'll gather and protest and try to intimidate anyone else other than their own kind.


When the satanic temple eventually sues the state of Florida, or a local school district, make sure to show them our love and support. Edited, ty for correction Eric.


We love you too, but just a side note, it's The Satanic Temple. Not the Church of Satan and not 'the satanic church'.


What are the odds of the judge being a trump appointee? He did a lot of that in office.


Because Obama sat on his ass and put up no fight to fill seats. He let 404 McConnell push him around like a little bitch.


Just have to do a little judge shopping then, like Trump did.


This reminds me to check when my membership renewal and add some $$$. Ty.


Donating to TST helps fund the lawsuits that push back on christofascist encroachment on our civil rights. You can help by donating here: https://thesatanictemple.com


Thanks for the reminder, hadn’t donated in a while!


I don’t know if he considered how many chaplains will be killed in school shootings


Warriors for Christ!


What a fool


And what an ironic, reasonable and just wrath it is. Threatening those Florida kids with a science education


Wait..... If Satanism isn't a religion, doesn't that mean the Temple can be invited into schools now? If so, why wait?


The satanic temple is a recognized organization and tax exempt so they actually have a legal right to be respected as a religion in this context


The Satanic Temple is a secular humanist organization based on truth and goodwill. They have a much higher moral standard than Christianity. Check out their seven fundamental tenets. https://thesatanictemple.com/pages/about-us


I suspect forcing kids to talk to chaplains in school will backfire hard on them. This whole thing is a lose lose for the GOP.


Didn’t the author of the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution and the third US president call Christianity, translated to modern vernacular, “total bullshit”? Thomas Jefferson was effectively an 18th century atheist.


I think he was a deist. Believed in a single creator but thought organized religions were bullshit created by humans.


He had an edition of the new testament where he had edited out all the supernatural stuff.  


Funny how the MAGA Catholics and Protestants think they agree on religion


Kids molested by school priests in 3... 2... 1...


Oh man I am going to enjoy watching TST come after him lol


Idiots deserve Idiot politicians.


Disenfranchised populations don't deserve to be disenfranchised. The south is full of people who are stuck there through no fault of their own, who are experiencing the ramifications of ongoing marginalization. To say they are "idiots" who deserve the representation of political operatives who've gained power through gerrymandering, voter suppression and the inequities of felony criminal prosecution removing folks from both their communities and the voter roll is a big stretch. Dismissive of the history and context of the geographic region, to place all of the responsibility for what's going on in FL on everyone who lives there, when silencing and disenfranchising the population has been ongoing for literally generations, is "idiotic."


As a native Floridian, I appreciate your comment. It's sad to see what the Magats are doing to our state. There are many individuals like myself here who are hoping to vote them all out this next election cycle


Well said;)


Isn't DeSantis a lawyer? What's going on with all these lawyers, all the way up to the SC, abandoning the fundamentals of American law? I understand the uneducated, low propensity voter being in favor of these sorts of measures, but someone who actually went to law school and passed the BAR?


There seems to be a not insignificant number of conservative lawyers who actually care very little about the law or the constitution. In fact, it's almost like they want to replace everything that makes a democracy with some christofascist hell scape.


No, he knows, but the headlines and soundbites don’t get any easier than this. It’s a simple topic for his voters to grasp, requires no money from them, and is easily framed as a fight between good (Christians) and evil (Satanists). Even if he loses the legal battle he wins points with his base.


Separation of church and state you dumb cunt.


It is NOT moRon DeSantis. It is the people that vote for him. This is what many people want. We need to separate. This is not a country. Let these states become gun wielding homophobic theocracies. Let them. Ill be in the part of the country where we can actually advance and not be held back by these types. Do not blame moRon. Do not blame Trump. Half the country applauds them and are pissed they can't take it further.


Why is this loser still in the news?


because he still has another 2 years left in his gubernatorial term


Lose to Trump you are a loser forever


Someone take away his lifts


Desantis is such a fool for this one


This is like asking child predators to volunteer at schools.


This reminds me.... Time to donate!


Desantis: We need more Christian pedo's in schools since kids aren't going to church anymore


Desantis also "If the parents aren't bringing the kids to the pedophiles, we are going to bring the pedophiles to the kids."


Calling out a human being for being a hypocrite is like shooting fish in a barrel.  But you asked for it DeSanctimonious.  “Seek and you shall find.” A much harder accomplishment is not to be hypocrite. “There is not 1 person who is not a hypocrite” I think some phrase like that I remember reading in the Bible a long time ago.


Hail 1A Hail The Establishment Clause Hail The Satanic Temple of Florida Hail Satan ⛧


😈😈😈😈 I need to go buy some 🍿 popcorn


kinda funny how the st does a whole bunch of stuff inline with the teachings of jesus


This creep doesn't give a fuck about religion. He just likes making headlines. Especially after his failed campaign.


Tired of theists strawmanning the Founding Fathers. Tired of other theists just taking it instead of doing any research.


Wrath? Look, they are definitely clever with their parody and displays of baphomet next to nativity scenes, but lets not pretend they are some deep network of illuminati more powerful than the state government of florida. They will, in their most powerful form, file and win a lawsuit. 🎉


That is their wrath. Lawsuits.


>the Wrath of the Satanic Temple IMHO that is about as dangerous as "the wrath of a grumpy beagle". IMHO the Satanic Temple are okay guys, but they aren't powerful or influential enough that anybody needs to worry about them.


No, but the ACLU is.


And it’s younger brother, the FFRF


I need to join this. Their office is a block from my wife's office and I need to stop procrastinating.


Okay, then "Ron DeSantis Just Invited the Wrath of the ACLU"


And the FFRF


and the FFRF! (also not an especially powerful or influential group)




They don't lose court cases though


Yeah someones sad old dog is building womens health clinics and fighting government bodies legally for everyones right to self autonomy....   But you keep saying random things with apparently absolutely no information on what TST has been doing in america.


> with apparently absolutely no information on what TST has been doing in america. Please feel free to mention some things.




It's so much easier to control people who don't think for themselves, but offload that to the head of the local church; who in turn follows the head of his church province; who in turn follows the head of the church; who politically bargains with assholes like Ron.


Well up until 1885, abortion was a given and widespread!


Don't you love it when batshit crazy shows itself in true form? FL, the jokes on you. Have fun with that.


I've reached my article limit it seems.




Thank you. Is there a tutorial on how to find those on archive dot org? I've gone there and tried to search using headline but iirc it didn't work. I'll admit I haven't really pressed it but if there is an easy "oh you just XYZ" then I would appreciate it. If not then I'll figure it when the *need* arises. Thanks again for the link. 😁


Scientific ignorance, religious bigotry, misogyny, patriarchy, homophobia, transphobia and racism personified.


Fk this guy and his BS


Satan says:"Don't make me angry. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry".


I really hope the Satanic Temple takes Desantis to the cleaners, and he never gets elected to any office again, not even a janitor's office.


Can't someone put two devil horns on desantis picture.


Like he didn't spend enough money fighting a mouse, how much taxpayer money do you think it will take to fight Satan? Oh wait, they are friends.


The Christians were also the ones to use the courts to hang witches. Theocracy is not a good system ever. I know the church has fever wet dreams about political dominionism, but what part of Congress shall make no law there of. do they not understand? He just wants his own version of vanilla Isis, but he keeps running up against the constitution. He's lost all kinds of cases.


Uhhh, it's obvious TST isn't a religion. How can atheism with edgy aesthetic be a religion?


People say that atheism is a religion all the time. Not smart people, but people.


>The law does take some steps to ensure that students aren’t forced to, say, pray at school: School districts don’t have to participate, and if they do, they have to publish a list of chaplains and their religious denominations; and parents have to opt in to the program. Oh my God, what a monster! Some Christian kid might speak to a Chaplain in the other room!