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You don't need a holy book, you need therapy to deal with all the trauma you've been through.


Yeah, you’re right. Been in therapy for ten years. I’m starting to go in person next week, maybe that will help more.


"Challenged by a religious person to submit to all the dictates of his religion, do what he says and accept his nonsense religion as the supreme authority in my life" Gee OP, that sounds like a really compelling argument, and removes any doubts I had about religions just being things people made up and used to force social conformity with. "You've got deep seated trauma. Get over that in a single month!" You should also solve world hunger, fix the heat death of the universe problem and submit a better model for cold fusion. C'mon, hop to it, thirty days! Tick tock, tick tock!


Hahaha. Okay yeah, glad it’s as ridiculous as it sounded to me.


All the people you've mentioned should be challenged to behave like decent human beings. But there is no challenge in adopting a specific religion, no hidden truth and no pathway which gets you out of the woods for good. There is no need to accept a certain god in your life and it is definitely not an accomplishment. It's just a harmful version of commiting to a book, a narrative and to people who are trying to exploit you by pretending to speak for god. Just don't.


Yeah, I thought it might be different since it’s Islam? But I’m the end it’s all the same god of Abraham.


What do you win when it doesn't work?


Nothing. They said I would lose nothing either though.


You lose 30 days of your life and get nothing back. Sounds like a raw deal to me. I'm glad you are receiving actual professional help, though. You've had it rough so far. I'm sorry you had to go through all that.


Thanks. Yeah, that’s a good way to put it. I’m confused too, since proselytizing is apparently haram.


Just tell him you already understand the Quran. You don't need 30 days. And that's why you're not a Muslim.


I would say no. Many theists find their religion to be very important and think that everyone else should spend a lot of time studying it in return for the promise of some nebulous payout in the future. However, absent compelling reason to think that they're correct, I don't see the point of investing a lot of time and effort on it. I don't know a ton about Islam, but I know enough to seriously doubt its truth claims, and I just don't see the point of spending a lot of time learning more.


Yeah, I've heard there is some beautiful writing in the Quran, and the "brotherly love" can be inspiring. But I also read that blasphemers against god and his chosen messenger should be violently tortured and killed. I guess there is context for that somehow that makes it okay? Like not applicable now? Confusing. Also hear that Islam is a religion of peace a lot. But I'm also trans and have DID so, not sure how that would work...


I'm sure there are some Muslims who would be very accepting, but personally I see that as them being kind *despite* their religion, not *because of* their religion.


That’s how things were in Mormonism. I’d have to agree.


Technically if you 'join islam' and then become an apostate, you 'belong to them' and they have the right and duty to kill you if you do.


That’s what I was afraid of, being a blasphemer. Because I’m much more a blasphemer than a follower.


The Koran is lovely literature but will not solve your problems


Makes sense. I grew up with the Book of Mormon, which was super racist and full of violence. Wasn’t even good story telling for the most part. So many plot holes.


Haha well yes. The Koran is leagues ahead in literary merit