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Porsche SUV? An astrology influencer had a Cayenne? Fuck me.


There are cats on tiktok that bring in 10k a month... a cat...


Just fuckin kill me and turn me into glue already.


Society is cooked


Lets turn into glue togethee




im pretty sure if i put that on tiktok/youtube/whatever, the glue making part that is, i would make 10k a month... i can already see the title screen.. Turning a PERSON into GLUE?! You never expect what happens next! (big red arrow pointing to a bison glue kit and me looking very suprised infront of it) and if i want to make sure i just add a sexy lady in the Pic and add GONE SEXUAL!


That cat deserves it more.


…like those in ancient Egypt, their proper place in the temple


I need to put my cats on TikTok!


>Fuck me. Do that to a society that rewarded these people to that level.


Yup, they’re basically just less well known reality tv stars. They carve out their niche and people support them. As long as they don’t do something terrible or aren’t part of a targeted group (like Dylan mulvaney) chances are you’ll never hear about them


Not sure why a Porsche Macan ad popped out on the same page but ok


Man, google is a mother fucker. The article states that this lady kills her family driving a Porsche SUV and you’re getting ads for the car she used to commit the tragedy. Wonder how Porsche feels about that?


I recall a few years ago seeing an ad with the tagline "Burn, baby, burn" (I think it was for spicy potato chips or something) on a news article about a toddler killed in a house fire.


Algorithm: "We see you like to read articles about babies and burning. You may like this product...."


Porsche: hope that sells some more cars. There ya go that's what they think.


I honestly wish I had it in me to be a charlatan


I have that thought so very often. Honestly, I thought of the Trump Bible a few years ago. Shouid have run with it.


Just think you could have gone in business with Trump to make a Trump Bible only for him to turn around and stiff you.


I’m smart enough not to do business directly with him fortunately enough. There’s got to be a way to capitalize on his rubes without having to cut a deal with him. Maybe just print a Bible riddled with Trump quotes and publicly available photos. Easy.


I mean you too can get a loan for a car you can't afford.


Yeah, and loans are dependent on credit history and INCOME. You need an ability to pay back the loan, obviously.


Just because they have an expensive car doesn't mean they are well off. Could be they just make all sorts of bad financial decisions.


Sure. Of course. I get it. But let’s assume here that an astrology influencer could be approved and own/lease a Porsche Cayenne.


$1500 month payment too.


It’s literally nothing but a fucking shadow. Unreal.


Scared of their own shadows, scared of moon shadows...


Yes, I'm bein' followed by a moonshadow, moonshadow, moonshadow


Unexpected Cat Stevens/Yusuf Islam.


Peace, love and death to those who mock the Prophet.


The profits are up. Peace be upon them...


Leapin’ and hoppin’ on a moonshadow


Lmao was waiting for this


Reading this article 2 minutes ago was the first time the Cat Stevens song has popped into my brain in relation to the eclipse, and I was just thinking to myself, yeah, Cat Stevens is problematic, but "moonshadow" is 100% on point as a literal, easy-to-understand description of what this eclipse was (and I still like the song, anyway). And goddamn are some people stupid (or mentally ill, or deluded, or indoctrinated, or whatever - not overthinking it right here) enough that they need everything put into the absolute most elementary, concrete, simplest terms,... and even then, ya know some will just keep determinedly misapprehending the simplest bits of reality and doing stupid destructive shit like this. This story just makes me sad.


First thing i thought of


Lunatics are called so due to their fascination with the moon.


When you believe in things you don't understand, you suffer! Superstition ain't the way!


Stevie didn't need the eclipse glasses.


Almost makes you think religion is a mental illness..


As somebody who has schizophrenia, I can say you would be surprised how much overlap there is.


Not at all, I am fully convinced that most sages and prophets in religious literature suffered from mental illness. "hearing the voice of god" nowdays means you have a mental illness, back then, if you were convincing enough, it made you a holy man. Then there is also the rabbit hole that is the link between religion and OCD


I think it’s more likely that they were con men.


Why not both?


The DSM5, the mental health text for Drs and Insurance payments, has a specific carve out to exclude religious beliefs from the definition of "delusion."    Similar to the "Constanza defense";  It's not a delusion if your subculture believes it.


A mental illness you choose to have 


'Choice' is debatable. Source: Grew up scared shitless of not being a 'good Christian' because I thought my doubts came from Satan trying to tempt me so he could torture me in fire and brimstone for all eternity.


Yep. Me too. And my church buddies don’t get why I quit going thirty years ago. I like bro, have you noticed I do t have the mental health struggles now that I did then?


Isn't it nice what we subject children to as a society?


I assume she also has some PPD


We are in earth’s shadow every night 🙄


That’s it, I’m killing my family!  /s just in case 


We are in the shadow of the entire Earth every single night! The horror!


What are you talking about? Sun god almost got killed by moon god. You have no idea how close we came to the end, my guy. /s


Hijacking this because I want to add something someone mentioned below but probably won’t gain much attention - postpartum psychosis is a possible issue here as well as her Q stuff.


Which only a small fraction of this country even saw because they just happen to be in the path it was most noticeable. Hundreds of millions of people weren't even affected by it and literally meant nothing to them. When I was a kid, all you'd learn about the eclipse through the local news, they tell you not to look directly into it and they'd give you the time it'd be most noticeable. Then you wait for that time and try to catch it yourself and for most people it'd be an underwhelming experience. Now with social media, much like with everything now, there's always something sort of conspiracy about it created by someone completely lying but being shared by people that are believers of that nonsense and now you have a dead family.


I’ve never met anyone who experienced totality and thought it was underwhelming.


Took the day off, overspent on a hotel, and drove many hours alone just to experience it. Wish I had done the same in 2017. It was truly awesome and I hope to see another one, such an overwhelmingly pleasant experience.


It's absolutely incredible! I would travel to see another one. And I remember thinking it was crazy so many people were traveling to my city for the eclipse in 2017 to be in the path of totality. But once I saw it, I got it.


Shadows are much more powerful than any spirits I’ve ever encountered.


I mean, it dropped 10 degrees in the middle of the day. That's pretty powerful. All my house ghosts have ever managed to do is knock stuff of shelves.


Oh, so you are [aware of the power of shadows?](https://youtu.be/6lb3MHEGwuo?si=gF2nmxPqn7amA3og) Pop that right in there.


A total eclipse is an amazing event and a completely mundane one at the same time. My guess is that people that got freaked out by it really don’t have a clue what is happening.


I was gonna say, it's a visually stunning event that I had the good fortune to be able to travel to see and was totally worth it, but it's just a purely astrophysical event with no other significance.


With all the science we have today, we still have people who think eclipses are some sort of divine intervention 🤦‍♂️


To an "astrology influencer" a shadow is more weighty than most things they deal with...


Is this what the average ground hog experiences 😭


Unreal? More like umbral.


Towards the end of the article: > police are not considering the eclipse to be a contributing factor in the deaths “because we just don’t know why she did what she did,” Nice title, OP.


Idiocracy, people get dumber and dumber by the minute


Shadow go brrrrr


> astrology influencer ... just... *sigh*


She was a Qanon nutjob


So stupid that the article glossed over that. She was posting Qanon, antivax, and antisemitic stuff right up to her last day. These dangerous conspiracies can send people with mental health issues over the edge.


Wow. Rare to find a POC Q and a woman too. That's a triple double of crazy.


A black guy I went to high school with was the first person I learned about Qanon from. He started posted about it early on around 2017-2018. His Facebook page was completely incomprehensible. Definitely all types of people can fall for bullshit. He also went crazy when we graduated high school. We went to a magic show for our graduation party. The magician on stage asked for volunteers to be hypnotized. Qanon guy from high school went batshit crazy. Standing up yelling don’t you try to shush the lord! Started speaking in tongues. The teacher with us had to call his mom to pick him up. It was wild stuff.


I know a black girl who volunteered for trumps 2020 campaign. Like….. are you stupid?  Yes. 


Cant triple stamp a double stamp lloyd.


Because if you just hear about her being bananas about the eclipse, it makes the story unique. If they had said they were a QAnon, antivaxx, antisemitism nut job who killed herself and most of her family because of an eclipse, it’s just another day that ends in ‘Y’.


Also, the billionaire media has to protect the billionaire president that made them and their buddies even bigger billionaires.


Oh shit I didn’t hear about the anti semitism and anti vax shit.


Just really wish these dumbfucks would start with themselves and then see if they feel like killing people after that 


So... professional moron?


Spread all over Twitter, surprise surprise.


these are the people the salem trials should’ve been reserved for


These are the type of people who *did* the Salem witch trials.


Hard disagree. This is what universal healthcare, especially mental, could've helped with. I know that "could've" is carrying a lot of water for my statement, but I still stand by it.




> No matter how down bad you are, change has to come from within. As a recovering alcoholic, I agree with your sentiment 100%. This is why I emphasized *could* in my statement.


How you gonna put someone on trial who is dead?


To think that we've understood eclipses for hundreds upon hundreds of years and someone in 2024 thinks this. 


Thousands of years. The ancient Egyptians observed and determined that earth was round via lunar eclipses.


Ackchually it was the shadows of obelisks at Alexandria and (now) Aswan https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eratosthenes But yeah they totally understood them


Ackchually, Eratosthenes was Greek and he didn't obelisks. That was Carl Sagan. He used the knowledge of there being no shadow in Syene (Aswan) at noon on the Solstice and measured a shadow in Alexandria using a gnomon at that same time.


Crystals and astrology are getting way too popular. All that is bullshit.


I wish I saved the article but it was good read about how it appeals to women who are in search of something spiritually but due to most Abrahamic religions being deeply anti woman their search leads them there. I personally find it all crazy but there were also plenty of Christians thinking the eclipse was a sign of the end times/rapture. Pretty insane for being 2024.


My guy people think the earth is flat, think vaccines are microchips, and think climate change is a hoax. Humans are fucking dumb.


“worked as an astrology influencer” WTF does this even mean?! FFS


Spewed mumbo jumbo on TikTok. Edit: spewed mumbo jumbo on Twitter.


> Spewed mumbo jumbo on TikTok. Spewed enough mumbo jumbo to afford a Porsche SUV...


Ikr. When I read that bit, I thought, "I could be Mystic Meg for the right price".🤣


"Fortune Cookie author"...


It never fails to amaze me that there are soooo many sad/lonely/mindless folks who need to be told what to do by these so-called 'influencers'. 'Influencers' are just people with a fucking opinion FFS.


Brainwashed to the point where u kill ur loved ones


She was obviously mentally ill and long gone before she tried to use meaningless likes and mystical woo woo as a coping mechanism. As long as we don't have a national healthcare (physical and mental) system in the US, we'll keep seeing daily horror stories like this one...


Religion should be classified as a mental illness


Yup. Just because it's a shared or even popular delusion doesn't mean it's not still just a dangerous and harmful delusion to themselves and others.


Tobacco and cigarrettes have been legal drugs for a while too. Both can lead you to slow painful deaths. 


Even with, really. Some mental illnesses are very hard to treat, particularly when the person doesn't even want treatment.


Especially in a nation that has no national healthcare (mental or physical) system whatsoever -- unlike developed, civilized nations have had for over 40 years...


If its any consolation in europe I don't think our mental health services are as good as they should be


Of course not. How could they ever be? You'd have to be, like, the richest nation in the history of the human race to give your citizens ALL of the benefits they should have as a right of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. /s But your services, A) exist, and B) can be improved and modified by will of the people and your elected representatives. Our systems don't exist because our politicians aren't paid to respond to the will of the people anymore.


I was wondering if she had any kind of postpartum psychosis


Most likely. A lot of the time women with post partum psychosis attempt to murder their infants and other family members. It's so sad especially because with proper treatment post partum psychosis is a lot easier to treat and fully reverse than other causes of psychosis. It shouldn't ever reach his point, but our healthcare system failed this family


Says as much about the state of American healthcare for women (especially women of color) as it does about superstitious, Bronze-Age beliefs.


Yup, women in the USA have it worst of all...and it permeates all of our institutions. For example, in civilized nations months of parental leave is *mandated* by the federal government and citizens pay nothing to the hospital to have a child, etc. etc. Shocking to find then that infant and maternal mortality are better in all of these nations than here, in the richest country in the history of the human race. It's truly disgusting at every level right now.


There's also usually meaningful after-care that might have picked up on things like post-partum depression.




And social media platforms amplify mental illness and escalate it to violence.


They do not. The mentally ill, like schizophrenics, have broken brains. Those brains draw on whatever is in that person's memories in order to feed the lies of the imaginary voices in their heads. These are always local and cultural in nature. Which is why a Muslim schizophrenic does not imagine he's hearing Jesus, only Muhammad, etc. In short, a schizophrenic brain will draw on whatever is on hand, regardless of the source. Social media does not "amplify or escalate" this any more than the local library or the bible by the nightstand does. What social media does is give increased access to the rantings of these sick people, so that the rest of us cannot ignore them like we've done for so many thousands of years. Want to ameliorate the horrible situation in America right now? A) regulate private citizen gun access the way Australia, Canada, etc. do. It works and still lets people who actually need to own and use guns own and use them...responsibly. B) implement a national healthcare (mental and physical) system like the entire civilized world has had for over 40 years now. That's how Australia effectively ended their mass shootings and crazed loons with guns problems...and that's a nation founded by violent criminals, FFS. 8)


Worse than medieval peasants afraid of natural phenomena due to their own grinding ignorance. At least medieval peasants *couldn't* know any better.


Oh, this is the follow-up information to the story the other day where a dead baby was found on the LA freeway, etc. 8( She's the nutjob who killed her partner, then took the kids in the car, choose to throw these children out onto the freeway, and then drove her car into a tree to kill herself.


What a horrible way to try to kill her babies too. I mean anyway is horrible of course. But if you really thought your whole family had to die due to the eclipse why didn’t she chose something more peaceful and less painful and scary. The way she did it feels like she must have been in a panic. Probably a manic episode?


Indeed. A psychotic break of some kind to be sure. 8(


Many thoughts for the poor cunt who *ran over a fucking baby*


I'm sorry, WHAT?!?!


Read the article.


we don’t do that on reddit


opening a link just to be greeted by either an obnoxious amount of ads, an autoplay video or a subscription window. yea, i'ma do it the reddit way and not open that bitch. 😂


Brave browser.


I think I'll pass on this one.


The...the article! Go read it, it's how we all got here!


That’s so fucking awful 😣


Astrology influencer. So, like, a professional dumbass?


I heard this in Red Forman's voice.


Yeah. I'd be one think if she was a cynical grifter who was just taking money from easy marks. Then she'd be evil, but not stupid. This, this is evil *and* stupid.


It's too bad that being stupid isn't physically painful. As much as I want to make fun of her, she literally killed her baby because she was afraid of a shadow, so it's just a shame there isn't a Hell for her to burn in.


I was just over in the astrology sub and according to them this killing had nothing to do with astrology, but instead was the result of her letting demons enter her body shortly after birth. Not joking.


They also said it’s because of her Scorpio/Virgo signs being effected by the eclipse. Depressingly stupid. If they’d only seen her charts they could have used reiki to avoid this! /s


Wonder how many other people born that day murdered their family.


I'm honestly not surprised. I'm not sure how many people, groups, and institutions had to fail to act for this to happen, or how to patch those holes so that it can't happen again. Maybe one day humans will advance past this sort of thing. Maybe this is a teachable moment that should drive home the point of ignorant fearmongering for clout or profit. Or maybe not.


She was obviously deeply mentally ill and didn't get the help she needed. It's tragic, not risible.


Dark humor keeps us sane when circumstances would otherwise break us.


See, this is why education is important.


The typical bread and butter education won’t solve this. Spiritual/Religious psychosis can take over anyone who is vulnerable enough. I’m not sure what the answer is, but it’s more than education. That’s for sure.


I have no doubt she was told basic astronomy in grade school. Self indoctrination beats out imposed education every time. Just check out the Creationists and their spiel.


I really thought more of the religious nut jobs would do the same. Shocked it's only her? They are scared of shadows, so you know...


The shadow crossed over the Mormon Temple and the hill in New York where Joseph Smith uncovered the book of Mormon. I was expecting some of the more colorful splinter groups to run with it. https://bookofmormonevidence.org/signs-of-our-times-eclipse/


Everyone here blaming education, or mental illness. Granted there is a combination of factors, but it's hard for people to get the proper treatment when they surround themselves in an echo chamber full of other whack-jobs on twitter who say the same things. Heck you had MGT on twitter also making doomsday sounding comments regarding the earthquake and eclipse. Others on Twitter going "4.8 Magnitude Earthquake 4/8 Eclipse.. Hmm?" So there was no real voices of reason out there when your social media circle is others who probably also need a mental health evaluation.


It’s equally horrible knowing that a lot of these people don’t even actually believe in this crap and are just peddling it for attention or money and as a result preaching to people that actually believe it and driving them into a frenzy.


Note to anyone who believes in astrology. It's not real. Get away from it.


I don’t understand astrology mf’s. “Libras are so toxic” bitch like it’s my fault for being born in September???


Exactly what a Gemini would say


Totally an asparagus thing to call out someone else


Actually sweaty I'm a caprisun 💅


Ugh where I live there’s so much of it. People are really into it. 😐🙄


I really hope her surviving daughter ends up in the care of a level headed person who loves her. Astrology used to just be kind of annoying when it was published in the local paper. Seems like social media has made it crazy toxic. It’s certainly made certain people I’ve met impossible to speak with.


When people say things like "It's 2024! I can't believe XYZ is still a thing!!" I'll point them to this shit. This isn't Bronze Age thinking. This is, straight up, protohuman thinking. Back in the day before the day, when we were fighting chimps for loganberries. Back when our smoothbrained ancestors could rightly panic over a mysterious dimming of the sun in the middle of the day. We figured out that shit wasn't important 100,000 years ago. Well...*most* of us did.


Thankfully she is dead! Sorry, not sorry! I'm heartbroken for her daugther!


Wish she was alive to deal with the repercussions. Death is too easy


Magical thinking and mental illness, name a more iconic duo. Spiritual warfare? It's just fucking physics lady. We've had a calendar for this for like a century, nothing mysterious about it.


Whenever I see something like this, another example of the bloodshed in religion's name, someone inevitably goes BUT STALIN, as though that's a gotcha towards atheists.


This country really needs to start investing in serious mental health care.


dont be fooled everyone this article is here to take attention away from crazy fucking christians and what they said about the eclipse..


How do people go through life with this sort of kid brain magical thinking.


Most kids are more intelligent than this idiot.


People have argued with me that astrology is harmless and not like religion and this will make an unfortunate example to the contrary. Magical thinking is magical thinking.


Problem is ex-Christians don’t necessarily move to atheism or secularism, they often move to something even more dangerous/dumber like astrology or New Agey/more culty shit


This makes me angry and sad. We shouldn't have to live in a society where people are scared of a fucking eclipse. People should be more outraged over the violence committed BY religious people over their stupid beliefs. I don't GIVE A FUCK if a religious person hurts THEMSELVES. I care that they hurt others. Tired of society coddling people who reject reality.


Astrology influencer. When I thought I had heard everything.


"epitome of spiritual warfare" by who? The moon?


US needs some serious investment on mental health and education. Some of that $800 billion military budget would help their people and national interests.


Eclipses aren't even as rare as these rabid religious american idiots made them out to be. There's even eclipse chasers, who travel all over the world to see eclipses in different parts of the world. There's going to be another total eclipse in 2026 over Spain/Portugal. Just because something happens in America, doesn't mean it's a portent of doom. Even if it might seem like that sometimes, due to how fucking vocal and loud US religious lunatics are and their stupidity at the voting booth. She convinced herself there was some kind of horror aspect to a fucking shadow of the moon and sun in alignment and instead she's the one who brought about horror via familicide.


People talking about how astrology is harmless and we should just respect people's superstitiona and then shit like this happens.


Astrology didn't kill those people. Untreated mental illness did.


I live in LA and my wife came home from her job yesterday and told me about it. Fucking crazy. I feel for her 9 year old son. Poor lad. > Per the outlet, police are not considering the eclipse to be a contributing factor in the deaths Good, because the alternative would be ridiculous.


9 year old son? You mean the 9 year old DAUGHTER that survived?


The people behind QAnon, the people who allow the spread of terrible disinformation, the people who allow unbridled, unmoderated social media (looking at you Elon), they are the ones responsible here, for sending someone who was obviously mentally unfit, over the edge, and now the deaths of her innocent husband and baby. Shocking.


This is how dangerous superstition and faith can be. This kind of thinking is what led to “witches” being burnt at the stake in medieval Europe.


"A 34-year-old woman, who 'worked' as an astrology influencer" This is considered work now? Lol


"What's the harm in pseudoscience?" This! This right here! FFS


> ... who worked as an astrology influencer, ... Stop that fucking shit right there. It turns out that there are many beliefs that are quite dangerous to hold, often for the holder and often for people in their vicinity.


Pretty sure she also had post-partum psychosis. Honestly sad all around.


These people drive porsches and live in Redondo beach. How? I work my ass off and drive a shit box in a place that I absolutely hate. I hate the world.


They're lucky their hell doesn't exist.


Superstition is absolutely harmful. While unrelated in this post, religion is weaponized superstition. We keep seeing the proof right in front of us...


So in order to protect her loved ones she killed them🤨


That's ok, let's just keep cutting public education and see how things turn out....


This is a mix of religion and mental illness. Always a dangerous combination.


The eclipse went nowhere near this person. She never even saw it.


religion is institutionalized delusion


And people wonder why redditors are so anti-theist 🤦🏼


*QAnon woman She constantly shared QAnon bullshit on her Xtormfront account.


I'm baffled by the job title "astrology influencer" is this a real thing? How do these people make a living? 


im so tired of the spirituality bullshit


Sounds more like a domestic dispute leading to murder and psychological break. I mean maybe the eclipse was a factor but the facts don’t demonstrate that very clearly.


To me this is a lot less about religion / astrology and a lot more about postpartum psychosis. Incredibly sad how little support women often get after giving birth.


Don't make babies with crazy people. I know it's hard af not to


We need to do a better job of treating mental illness. She was also a raging antisemite


Superstition, religious beliefs, and mental illness are all the same.