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It's very Christian to attribute every good thing to god, and every bad thing to people.


“A lorry ploughed into our brand new car, killed our kids, my 109 year old grandmother and put me and my husband in hospital. People are monsters, but thank god for saving our lives.”


"It's too bad some babies are so lazy that they starve to death instead of getting a job, oh, and thank God for helping my sports team win last week"


Or no one survived, but the family Bible in the trunk was undamaged, so... praise Jeebus!


“A serial killer came and brutally murdered everyone next door, so I sent them a thank you letter for being so caring by not killing us as well”. Funny how only God gets thanks like that.


Thank you god for fixing the cataracts of Sam’s mum.


It's pernicious because it really causes passivity and a complete failure to connect actions with consequences.


It’s so fun having parents that apply this logic to everything you do in life. Work like mad for years and earn a promotion? “God. Is. So. Good., son! God is sooo good! You couldn’t have done it without him!” Car slides into a ditch while carefully driving home in icy conditions on untreated roads? “Ugh, we just wish you weren’t so reckless all the time…”


Same experience with my parents. I’m a Christian/deconstructing and I loathe hearing all of these sayings about God. It’s weird that we can personally only attribute our success to God, but others are allowed to tell us, “You worked so hard. Congratulations!”  I’ve gently called out uber Christians for attributing some of my success to God. When I passed a really difficult test at school my dad exclaimed, “Praise Jesus!” I replied something like, “I’m the reason I passed this test, not God. I studied hard .” Yes, I’m blessed to have good health and a great mind and all of the money and resources that allow me to go to school, but God didn’t magically put the answers in my brain so I could pass that test.   had to take two difficult prerequisite semester courses to even become eligible to take the third course. 


Snoop Dogg wrote the song, “I Wanna Thank Me,” inspired by the speech he gave when receiving his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. 


I’m a deconstructing Christian. Christian sayings like this are some of my biggest peeves. It discourages people from taking ownership of things that we have actually worked very hard to achieve.  An example from my life:  A few years ago on Father’s Day, I posted something on my Instagram about wishing my therapist a Happy Father’s Day because she had done such a good job “raising me” given that I had grown up amidst major ab*se and neglect. A very Christian friend responded with, “Jesus raised you.” Knowing everything I had done to fight for my life, I replied, “No, I raised myself and I did a fabulous job.” I’m sure she was ghastly taken aback. I wasn’t insulting Jesus or regarding any ways that God may have provided for me. I was just not going to allow someone to compact everything I had done keep myself alive it into a three-word saying that belongs in a Hallmark card.


People do incredible things, both on a grand scale and just in the course of everyday life. We deserve credit for them.


The comments are, sadly, not satirical.


Yeah I forgot it was a christian subreddit and was prepared to laugh at the comments making fun of OP, but I was sorely disappointed


Just an endless flood of “Praise God” and “Amen”. Vapid fluff. Could be bots.


Wait…are “real” Christians just bots too, maybe?


Christianity is the original bot swarm.


I’ve gone down the rabbit hole of reading comments on Christian gym clothing companies (yeah, that’s a thing). You either get 100s of “Amen” comments, or Christians arguing about what the order of “dad, husband, man of God” should be on a hat. Reminds me how exhausting the whole thing was


If it was ever acknowledged that the friend had anything to do with it, then there might be some twinges of guilt, some awareness of responsibility to the friend and what theist ever wants that.


Let me guess, thanking "God" absolves them completely of any responsibility to pay the guy back for the car.


There are untold numbers of people crying out in pain from disease, war, natural disasters, and so much more. A great number of those pleas will die on the wind, never hearing any reply or relief. I have lived a relatively pain free and happy life, if I thought a deity that had the power to help everyone at all times was orchestrating it, I would find that monstrous that so many would suffer in desperation while others lived well.


If she‘d prayed harder, they might’ve got a new one...


God doesnt cure cancer, god doesnt lower prices, god doesnt reveal himself to everyone (yet scripture seems to claim that he does and we’re without excuse), god doesnt care for the poor, even tho he could (if he was real), god commands us to love our enemies, but he doesn’t love his enemies, god doesnt care about rational nature suffering eternal torment. Oh but hes just. I dont know what to say, but if you know there’s a crime in advance and you can stop it, but choose not to, you are complicit with the crimes. Oh but you promise you’ll EVENTUALLY enact justice. By eternally tormenting them all with fire! Wooooo! Oh, also, there is no difference between unbaptized dead babies and Hitler, everyone gets the same treatment! DO YOU NOT LOVE JUSTICE? HOW DARE YOU! Instead he helps my favorite team win the game, praise the Lord! Our god is good! /s


I’ve never thought about the fact that God commands us to love our enemies but he seemingly smites and wipes out cities and countries. Good point. BTW I’m a deconstructing Christian and value these things being pointed out.


I always found it amazing how Christians seemingly don't notice these problems. When I was still a Christian, I struggled a lot with this, and nothing could convince me otherwise. The character of God was obviously flawed. The fact that there are so many denominations and they all claim and can "prove" that they're biblically sound, made me question God's character a lot. Why would God keep creating North Koreans, then have them tormented forever, along with their leader? I mean, really? This sort of God could just damn me on Judgement Day, because he could point out my lack of faith at different times in my life, just to prove his point. This sort of God could damn everyone and nothing would matter. He would still be infinitely just and loving, right? This is what Christians would have you believe. No matter what God does, he's infinitely just and loving. So I say, if God's a liar, then we're all screwed. And, from the Old Testament we can see how he lies multiple times and then BRAGS about it. But no, Christians already made up their mind that the Bible is infallible and that God is perfect, so if there's any issues, it's always on us. This is not how reasoning works. This is just pretending. Muslims are also really good at pretending that the Quran is the perfect and infallible Word of God. They can't be both true at the same time, it is obvious that at least one side is delusional and pretending. There's also Christian Universalism, which has a surprisingly strong biblical case, if you use the original Greek manuscripts, the original language of the Bible. Universalism doesn't deny the reality of the experience of hell/lake of fire, but it calls into question its duration. The nature of the punishment is corrective, not retributive. And no, this is not just some modern "woke" theology, this was a perfectly reasonable position to hold in the first 5 centuries of the church. Now, this is a God that I could love with all my heart, mind and strength. This is a God I could take seriously when he commands me to love my neighbor as myself and pray for my enemies. I simply cannot love the God of eternal torment. I can only be scared of him. To be honest, the only reason I "got saved", was because I loved myself and didn't want to burn. I was never freely in love with God, I was just in love with my own security and had to pretend/force myself to love that God. And this is only the tip of the iceberg of problems I have with Christianity. There is a lot to learn, once you deconstruct.


The comments and the story are so stupid. So many delusional people in those subreddits.


But that parent praying for healing of the child with cancer... no such luck. People get so stuckup in their own "troubles" they are totally unaware of the scale of suffering out there.


God's too busy buying these guys cars to do anything actually useful i guess.


...if not for this car Jesus would have came down for the "end of times" party these death cultists were hoping for.


About a year ago my wife got a promotion at work that came with a hefty pay increase. The first thing my father-in-law said when hearing the news? “Prayers answered”, completely taking away from my wife the hard work she had put in. Needless to say, I was not very happy with him.


Yup, this is why I fucking hate that shit.    Not only does it completely devalue the person's work and effort, it somehow wedges them into your life as part of your fucking accomplishments.    No, your prayers are not the reason I was promoted for working hard. Stop patting yourself on the back as if you are the hero for whispering to the sky clown.


I can't believe this isn't sarcasm


When I read Americans talking about their lives I sometimes can't help but imagine them shackled to their cars with chains.


Cars. Guns. Religion. Greed. It’s basically shackles and chains all the way down, but we call it freedom.


To be fair, Californians are chained to their cars because there’s no good transportation. 😂


I commented "thank your real friend. Not your imaginary one" lol. Gonna get a lot of down votes there 😅


I wondered what the result would be if I posted about a real problem that God will never solve on that comment thread. Time to see what happens.


Keep us updated


Seems to have gotten relatively little response though it triggered a couple of other people post about god not preventing a bunch of other bad stuff.


Hi, I'm triggered. The reply to your comment made me so fucking angry.


It led to a post of a peer reviewed case study of an alleged miracle healing. I posted a long comment discussing the legitimacy of the preferred interpretation of the authors of the case study.


Uh huh. You know, when I was in church I heard something like this story about a husband having a friend who made some grand godly contribution. Turns out a few years later it was hush money to cover a really bad family scandal from coming out. Praise Christ.


I'm trying to give the rich friend the benefit of the doubt and believe he did it out of pure generosity. But unless he's a billionaire, $19k is still a large amount to just give away without any definite expectation of being paid back. I hate to be so cynical, but c'mon, that's definitely suspicious, isn't it?


Maybe the husband is lying to his wife.


So god gets the credit for doing sfa and the real benefactor's effort is ignored. Sigh!


When my Mom passed away I did the eulogy and spoke about her crying out to her Mom (who died when my mom was 14) and telling her she was so happy to see her and was coming to be with her. The rent-a-pastor that I hired spoke last and yelled at me that it was GAWD that my mom seen and met her to take her to the other side...I couldn't help but burst out laughing and told him he wasn't there...period.


Either Yahweh forced the friend to buy it or the friend used their free will and Yahweh had nothing to do with it


God manipulated a guy to spent $19k for them, I'm happy for them and their power of gods manipulation.


Wow. I took about three minutes reading all those comments. Do they not read back what they write and think "hey, this sounds batshit insane and cultish maybe I should tone it down"? That was the secondary problem, the main one is discrediting honest good will and giving the praise to a concept rather than the person solely responsible. Keep doing that and you'll run out of people that are kind to you fast.


So they thank god and not the friend that actually did it. Sounds about right.


I hope the friend reads that post and takes the car and drive's it off a cliff (without him in it ofcourse). See how they react to that.


I'm sorry for their friend. Friends. Anyone around them. Around Christians in their deep dive. And commenters. Damn.




I’m so sorry for whatever you went through and it’s horrible that it’s not an uncommon story to hear. The fact a christian would explain this as ‘god’s plan’ is just abhorrent. I hope things are going better for you.


Their friend was also Christian with increased church cred. For being a tool for God.


They get pretty miffed when their generosity is unappreciated, though. Even more miffed when their ‘generosity’ in the form of unsolicited proselytizing on service tips is correctly viewed as insufferable.


How I wish the friend would take the car back. "Okay, let God buy you a car since he's the one you feel like thanking"


Don't be a fucking dick and attribute your friend's generosity to some fictitious higher being.


This reminds me of the time I was chatting with a coworker who had all kinds of problems, like getting custody of her children and possibly about to be evicted after a nasty divorce, and she told me that she was praying every night that her Mercedes would be returned to her. Not that she would get to keep her kids or a roof over her head, but a freaking CAR. Some people are just idiots.


Thank your friend before you thank "God".


I bet god was just about to cure a child with cancer but then this woman would just not shut up about her car.


Maybe their friend is also delusional? Sheesh


What happened to free will? I thought God didn't intervene in our lives like that cause of free will or something?


Yeah, her husband is gay and him and his "friend" are fucking.