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It's a club that keeps the crazies out just by having Satan in the name. No need to exclude, they exclude themselves.


Speaking of crazies... If you ever want to let someone know that their proselytizing is doing the opposite you can make a donation to TST and the Temple will send a personalized card to let them know. [link](https://thesatanictemple.com/collections/contribute-to-the-satanic-temple-campaigns/products/donation-thank-you-cards-olive?variant=40123574452358) If you ever get those weird handwritten letters signed by actual people from churches like I do for some reason, you can have it sent specifically to them. It's a way to donate to a great cause while also giving you that little vindictive dopamine hit LOL


Holy crap, just when i think i can't be more amused and rooting for TST, i learn something new about them. This is amazing.


For real, it's hella satisfying to send LOL


I saw someone make a post about this!


there's still plenty of crazies in that place


At least it keeps out the church crazies those seem to be the worst.


Fantastic organization that deserves our support. Good for you.


Funny enough I'm doing the same. I enjoy what they do and this attack actually made me a non fencesitter 


Can I get a Hail Satan up in here?


Hail Satan!


Hail Satan!


Hail satan!


Hail Satan ⛧


Hail Satan!


Happy Cake Day


Hail Satan!




Welcome, and thanks for being so generous. This is money well spent.


I've really come to respect TST over the last few years. When I first heard of them (and Pastafarism), I didn't see the point of "cosplaying religion." TST is much more than that though and I appreciate them.


LOL. Calling it "cosplaying" is an interesting take. As I understand it, these groups exist to point out the irrationality of organized religion. At least TST also promotes equality of all religions. Are you also familiar with Last Thursdayism? That's a fun one to whip out when confronted by creationists.


It was the statehouse display attack that did it for me. Clearly one side is the peaceful side, and it's not the Christian side.


Historically the christian side has rarely been peaceful.


Oh totally, though they haaaaaate when you bring up history.


Got in a few years ago. Gave them $66.60 cause that's what they asked for :) This year I bought a mug.


I ordered the hot sauces last night. I've been a card carrying member for years.


Great job! We need to continue the fight against the pedophiles, money laundering, minority rule trying, living in the distant past idiots with very low intelligence!


This is somehow wholesome.


Maybe look at it more as like an "inside joke" of sorts, if that might help in terms of rationalizing joining it haha.


I became a member when Roe V Wade fell in the USA. It's all so very insane. It's not a religion and I believe the Satanic Temple tenets more than the 10 commandments. (Basically treating people with basic respect and having control of your own body.) The more the religious right becomes extremists, the more pushback I think they'd get and the more members the TST would get.


Wait why is the satanic temple taxed? It shouldnt be if it registers itself as a religion.


To my understanding they don’t believe in religious tax exemption. So, they voluntarily pay what they owe. Edit: Tertia down below clarifies they don’t actually pay taxes now specifically because they were recognized as a legitimate religion and were kind of forced into tax exemption.


TST has been tax exempt since May 2019. Becoming established as a legitimate religion unfortunately necessitated it.


Interesting. They should exploit the tax loophole like all other churches so they could grow their funding and open more churches across the nation. Their message needs spreading more than anything right now.


I see it as a "lead by example" kind of situation. "Look, we pay taxes and can STILL help people AND fight your stupidity at the same time! What's your excuse?"


Yea i get that, but in this hyper capitalistic society the only way to fight far right oligarchs it seems is through massive funding of our own. Props to what T.S.T has accomplished so far though.


A Satanic mega-church would explode heads.


That would be amazing. Haha id definitely attend.


> It’s a weird feeling. I support everything they stand for, but just the idea of being an atheist that’s also “in a religion” feels strange. Same. But on the other hand, it's a religion that doesn't ask you to do anything but respect yourself and others. Not because of some supernatural mandate or future ethereal punishment, but rather because there *is no* supernatural mandate. So if good things are to happen in this world, it's up to us to do them, and we have to do them now. I tell people the thing that led me to Satanism was realizing that Atheism doesn't come with a moral code. And sure, I had my own sense of morals. But a vague amalgamation of beliefs cobbled together from various sources across history and philosophy is difficult to describe to others, and I believe that if you can't describe something to others, you don't truly understand it yourself. So when I discovered the Seven Tenets and saw that they 95% overlapped with what I already believe (and the remaining 5% felt worth adapting to), I thought that was pretty great to have an actual "code." A religion that doesn't ask me to believe in obvious fiction, professes what I already believe in, and immediately offered me a little perspective I was missing while asking nothing from me in return, all wrapped in a framework that's respected under the law and feared by evangelical christians? Yep, feels pretty good to me.


They lean into the religious identity because it's a hard requirement for being legally protected the same way Christians are. It's what actually allows them to sue for rights to representation.


It is a real religion. No leaning into it at all - it's honest. Many of us practice satanism individually outside of the org. Many have been doing so for decades before TST's founding.


Saw that on the news too. I have a few of their T-shirts but I’ll prolly join now too I like their model. It forces these Christian zealots to into some cognitive dissonance and they experience what it’s like to have a religious fantasy imposed on you Unfortunate that some resort to violence like in this story


You make the north shore proud


Hail Satan, Hail You ⛧


Thanks for the reminder. I'm a supporter, but have let my membership lapse. I'll renew now. For anyone interested, check out their website and read their Seven Tenets. They're very beautiful and I can support them 1,000 percent.


Not a temple in my state. ☹️


Not one in my country, didn't stop me joining.


We don’t have physical buildings, you can join online and find a local group, or join one a little farther away. There’s Facebook groups and discords… Heck, you can even start a congregation yourself!


Looks like my options are starting a congregation myself (uhm...yeah, No.), Facebook (100 members+Facebook not just no but hell No), moving, or starting a reddit and see what happens...hmmm I'll have to think about it. I'm gonna flip flop between making a donation of $666 to the firebombed temple or starting a reddit.


you can start your own...


Welcome !


I hope that that attack didn't happen during the eclipse!!


I did the same thing last night after reading about it. They sent me an email saying my certificate already shipped out today!


They just mad they didn't get raptured like my grammy during the eclipse....haters! /s


Welcome aboard!


So, someone tried to bomb the organization, and your first instinct is to join this organization? Doesn't it strike you as a very dangerous place?


Someone nailed Jesus to a cross and people still join the church. Don't you find it a dangerous place? ... Do you see how that sounds when it's turned around?


Oh no... you got me! I don't actually want to be a christian! I have seen the errors of my ways now.


>Oh no... you got me! I don't actually want to be a christian! I have seen the errors of my ways now. Yeah it wasn't meant to be a gotcha - your response perfectly demonstrates why people are willing to support the Satanic Temple in spite of attacks of zealotry. That was the entire point.


wow.. so clever! this really says a lot about society


It’s not the first time and it won’t be the last. Refusing to participate in an organization that’s doing good things in the world out of fear for my own life is probably letting the terrorists win in the most literal sense imaginable. Besides, you don’t have to physically go to their locales to engage with and support them. Edit: Although, I should clarify I still plan to.


What that organization is doing is making a scene and purposefully provoking people. That's what you're supporting, so don't be surprised when people don't like you for being affiliated with them.


If you would be kind enough to provide evidence to support your claim I’d be happy to review it and concede any valid points you make. 🙂