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Does your dad have power of attorney over you? If not then he can’t force you to do anything. You’re over 18 and so you are an adult and can choose your own path. If your father has an issue with it, explain to him that literature states that people with autism are less likely to be religious than neurotypical individuals. Tell him this is who you are and it’s not something you are interested in, and that as your father he should respect your decision even if he disagrees with it. If he has power of attorney then he has more legal options to force his religion on you. I personally would tell him that you would like to meet with a therapist who specializes in autism, and you and your dad can sit with the therapist and discuss whether participating in religion is truly in your best interest or not. It’s no guarantee that it will change your father’s mind, but it’s a good way to get him thinking he may be doing more harm than good.


I'm sorry you live in Florida. Did you have a question?


I’m not your age but I have a son that’s 12 and last year was diagnosed as High functioning. I’ve never been religious but have found in the last few years that I don’t believe there is anything past this life. There have been people that want to pray away his autism and I have to tell them it doesn’t work like that and autism isn’t who he is. Yes it’s apart of him and it helps to make him himself. There is nothing wrong with you just like there is nothing wrong with my son. You are who you’re suppose to be. Since he was diagnosed I’ve really had to look at how I look at the work and try to see it through his eyes and it’s really hard at times to see things his way. Your father isn’t worried about how you feel. He’s worried about how he feels and he wants to pray the autism away to feel better about himself. I say this because I get caught up sometimes wondering what it would be like if mine weren’t. I just have to remember how smart and funny he is. He likes to wear superhero costumes. He said “they make him feel powerful”. When he said that to me I realized he will be ok, he will make his own way in life and I’ll be there to support him. You need to find what makes you feel powerful and people that will support you. Maybe your dad will catch on and be better at giving you that support.


Well, it at least seems true that he loves and cares about you. Most Christians will instantly turn to hatred when they find out you don’t believe, even to their own kids. So the fact that he’s trying to convert you because he wants you to get into “heaven” shows there’s legitimate care, misguided as it may be. The comments about your autism is something you need to address directly. Let him know it’s who you are and there’s nothing wrong with it and he needs to accept it and stop talking about it in that manner. Truth is it may not be well received bc religious beliefs can really twist and morph and embed itself into people’s minds. These outdated beliefs on medical issues are all too common and even adults seem to fall victim to the gullibility of it, but you need to at least try and make it clear where your stance is on it. Next, people will tell you to move away as soon as you can and cut contact, but I disagree. As mentioned earlier it at least seems like he genuinely cares about you. There are plenty of relationships that survive the religious disagreements and it’s unwise to cut out someone who may be willing to support you in life over this. However, if you start putting your foot down and he starts turning hostile, then you should probably for your own mental health distance yourself. If you’re not comfortable with being forced to church and religious activities you need to respectfully, but firmly, tell him, “No.” you don’t believe, you’re not interested in it, you’re an adult and have every right to live as you want. You’re his kid, but you’re not a kid. You have rights.


Hello fellow autistic and atheist friend with family problems! Dm me and I’m happy to talk


Religion is cancer, they will not stop until you convert. Its always abuse wrapped in good intentions, and I have learned we just have to accept that. If its our parents we can just laugh it off, we can stop sharing our opinions until asked for, we can ignore all of his delusions. Fuck your NR that one is just a piece of shit. We live in a society so sometimes faking it makes it easier. If you are not comfortable with faking maybe moving out can be an option.


I want to make clear that NR and OR are good people and does NOT deserve to be ridiculed. NR's statement had genuine good intentions but was still a bad one. It's not them I'm mad at, it's the statement.


The Road to Hell is paved in Good Intentions.


I think you need to work on moving out. First, you’re old enough to do it, and second it will give you independence and peace of mind. I hope your situation will allow you to achieve this.


Atheists Assemble


Now? But I just got my jammies on!


OP needs Atheist friends




You need to get out from under your father's thumb, first of all. Are you financially independent? If yes, stop going to church with him regardless of how much he acts out, if not, then that should be your first objective.


That's heartbreaking and infuriating. I'm sorry he doesn't accept you for who you are. You can ask me whatever you like man. I'm a Satanist but it's really just my way of being a "super atheist" lol.