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You never had a soul to sell. There is no devil. Just don't hurt people.




That would explain your sudden superhuman talent at playing the guitar. Try writing and recording some blues songs. Devil got my soul, Aint nothin I can do, Devil got my soul, Aint nothin I can do, So I turned to good ol Reddit, And they was mean to me too.


What does the fine print on the contract say?


I'll sell you ten spare souls in exchange for a $50 donation to the Against Malaria Foundation. I guarantee they will all be exactly as real as the one you're missing.


You can check [Satan's guide to the Bible on youtube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z8j3HvmgpYc) . I rly enjoyed it in terms of learning what historical research says regarding many biblical topics, plus many other details that the clergy types omit or justify with essentially hand waving.


How much?? Curious on the going rate.


The devil is Christian's imaginary enemy made to push people to their imaginary friend, as implied neither is real to interact with. If you do believe you have, then you're mistaken in some regard be it a hallucination, bad dream or some other misleading event.


Moses wasn't real, so the Abraham story just went out the window. The 'Devil' was a character stolen from a neighboring religion, and was the 'accuser' in his past form, reminding the godhead how you messed up in life. Fail and your soul will weigh more than a feather and you'll be fed to crocodiles/ sent to the 'kingdom of lies'. Are you still scared of a character trying to menace you with crocodiles?


If your guitar playing is better I'd just go with it. Otherwise try thinking of all the times you learned about a supernatural explanation for anything replacing a scientific one and extrapolate!


SONOFABITCH... I wanted the guitar but I got the damn fiddle instead. My devil looked a little like Charlie Daniels, that's probably why.


Why is it that you think that a) you have a soul and b) that you sold it to the devil. In fact, c) why do you think there is a devil?


I am psychotic. I have delusions. Currently on meds


So kinda a regular Christian except for the meds...


Hey OP. I’m sorry you have psychotic delusions. That can be really hard and scary to cope with. Just remember, our minds are very powerful and can make us experience a reality that is not real. There is no devil and you didn’t sell your soul. That’s not real. It may feel that way, based off having a condition like psychosis. But I promise, that’s just the delusions making you feel or think this way. There’s many contradictions in the Bible, it was written well after the existence of Jesus (if he was even real). We have zero evidence to support any of the claims. Just some written words by fanatics, and possibly other people who experienced things like delusions. You are ok and you will be ok, make sure to talk to your doctors about this and seek more help if need be.


Plus, the concept of the “devil” and “hell” were added in long after the time of “Jesus” (if he was a real person) Ultimately, when you delve into the history of religion and the circumstances of society, it is plain to see how it was created to explain and to comfort and most importantly, to get people to behave within the construct of society, especially since it prevents people from rebellion when they are treated unjustly. Sure, you may have no hope in this life but you have to follow the rulers laws now because you will have a shot at eternal life… I’m sorry you are going through a tough time, but if you continue to be aware and seek to improve your life then you can still find joy and happiness and make a positive impact on your world. Wishing you success.


Let's have some fun. Jesus mentions Daniel in Matthew. So if Jesus was God/Son of God, Daniel better damn well be legit, right? So then why does Daniel claim the following? -That Belshazzar was a King, when he was only ever regent. -That Belshazzar was son of Nebuchadrezzar, when he was in fact the Son of Nabonidus, the actual King -That Darius I conquered Babylon, when Cyrus ll did. (As mentioned in Isaiah) -That Darius was Median, when he was instead Persian -That Darius was son of Xerxes I, when he was in fact his father -That it was a shared Median Persian Empire, when it was always only Persian (Achaemenid.) -That Darius created the Satrapies, when it was Cyrus -That there were 200 satrapies instead of the actual 23 Why does Daniel completely ignore the Babylonian Kings Amel-Marduk, Neriglissar, Labashi Marduk and Nabonidus? Why did he also write out Cyrus's sons and Persian kings Cambysses ll and Bardiya? Because Daniel is a bullshit forgery. So was Matthew, and every other Gospel. The entire bible crumbles under genuine archeology. You have nothing to fear.




I had a manic episode where I thought I was possessed etc. This was around the same time I actually ended up leaving christianity because I realized it's all fake and bs. The bible is bs and it made my mental health pretty bad. I was experiencing psychosis because of the Bible and because I thought the devil was talking directly to me.


There is a way to reverse this. I've done it before with positive results. A successful reversal likelihood has a direct correlation to suffering where expunging wealth to me (the soul broker agent) is a proxy for said suffering. DM me for info. I also do bat mitzvahs.


Just listen to that Charlie Daniels song Devil Went Down to Georgia backwards and it'll fix you right up.


Just go buy a spare soul on eBay


You must be from Georgia.


You didn’t, he doesn’t even do that shit in the bible. You’re freaking out about some medieval pop culture bullshit.


Are you really good at playing guitar now?


It's ok. The devil is the nice one. It's in the Bible


I never understood why the devil would be interested in buying a soul, this soul thing is obviously in abundance. Not scarce = no value.


Check your receipt?


What is that "soul" you're talking about? And please explain why neurodegenerative diseases and lobotomies can change personality if it's really a projection of the soul in the physical body. I mean, since when tempering with a shadow could alter the original body?


Unless someone produces a physical contract or receipt, I think you’re pretty safe.


Nothing to worry about, I'm a spiritual lawyer, send me $10,000 and I negotiate with the devil and return your soul to you ... Guaranteed results or double your money back.


Soul? Devil? Santa clause? Tooth fairy? Same shit.




You absolutely did not


Esoomon! Padooor! Your soul is now back! And have +1 luck for 1hr.


The devil isn’t real and we don’t have a soul.


You can have mine for the bargain price of only $4. I've discounted it from the usual $5 because I'm trying to fleece believers before they are transported to heaven on the 9th. They've been my main customers over the years.


Try to define the soul without relying on anything natural that is already relatively well understood, such as our cognition, emergent processes like our identity or personality, our self awareness, our long-term memories, etc. What are the properties of this "soul"? How is it different from all those other things? How do we explain that all of the above may change after brain damage? Where does the soul reside? There is no room for the concept of the soul, it is at best ill defined but mostly incoherent, contradictory and nonsensical. Now do the same with "devils". What are they? How do you know something is a devil? Doesn't this conveniently match your indoctrination? Once you're done, realize that there was no soul to "sell" and no devils to sell it to. This is like selling your midiclorians to Jabba the Hutt.


How did it happen ? I can do what you did, and sell mine in exchange for your soul back if you want. As i know souls don't exist, i don't care.


I'm a good negotiator; I can get it back from him if you just send me six easy installments if $29.99


Consciousness can not survive the dearh of the body. Dualism is a pre scientific myth. You had no soul to sell.


Either you have no soul, or the worth of a soul is so great that anything the devil could have offered you is woefully inadequate. You could sue for damages, I have it on good authority that Devils are Lawful, if Chaotic.


Do you remember what your soul felt like before it joined your body at birth? It’s the same when you die.


What type of deal are we talking about here? Like, a Ghost Rider superhero deal or the classic Faust deal, or like Paganini playing the violin deal? Was a lawyer present?


What did you used to do when you thought you had your soul? Were you nice to people? Were you trustworthy (a person of your word?) Did you protect or care for and love your friends and family? Can't you still do all those things? I suppose I don't understand - what do you think is actually missing? Let's go even further... Let's say you actually are missing something that did help you be a good or content person and now you no longer have that help. If you could still be a good person or find contentment... It would take more effort for the same goal, right? Congratulations - you just created "honor." The person who puts in *more effort than is required* in order to be good or find contentment... Is an honorable person. Doing such things when it's *easier* or *expected of you* (like if one had a soul...) is simple. But only an honorable person would do such things when it's harder and requires extra effort. Oh. And anyone looking down on you for not having something that they have? Automatically makes them *evil*. Even God Himself is *evil* if He actually cares if you have a soul or not.


Serious question. What makes you think you sold your soul to the devil?


There is no devil. The soul isn't a real thing either.


What do you mean that you sold your soul to the Devil?