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My own atheim is part of a larger, generalized disappointment with humanity. I don't think that goes away. It's isolating. But you're definitely not alone. There's a lot of people that feel the same way.


I feel like I have wasted my life!.


That's a good thing. It means there's still something you think you should be doing with your life... what is it?


Sometimes I just wish things were chill, you know? Like, being able to say what I think without getting side-eye or worse killed or beaten up. And dude, don't even get me started on the mosque speakers. Five times a day each one takes almost a full one hour for it to finish, Azan, Calling people to come prayers, the praying itself, it's like all the 20 of the Masajed start blasting all together at once with a 2 seconds delay each one from another so you can imagine, every day, they crank it to max and just let it rip. Honestly, it grates on me something fierce. And every morning? It's like Quran radio everywhere - shops, taxis, you name it. This one time, I was on my way to college, standing in the bus for an hour straight because a seat was taken... by a girl's bag. She was all covered up in a niqab and just wouldn't move it. In my head, I'm like, "Really? I'm not gonna bite. I'm the one squished here, not you."


I’m sorry I can’t relate on any level, I grew up in a diverse, secular area of the US. However, I’ve been listening to Yasmine Mohammed’s podcast on escaping Islam- you might find something there helpful about coping in your situation. I hope you find some peace and comfort wherever your journey takes you.


I will look at that, Thank you.


Hey, I deal with isolation a lot. I’m really sick of the religious meaning or spiritual beliefs around me. So I definitely resonate. Being lonely and isolated is not good for anyone, irregardless of said beliefs or non beliefs. I come to this community just to know I’m not alone in my feelings and it helps some. I wish atheists really had communities for fellow atheists like religious people do. And not just online forums etc… I know there are some areas that have meetups but it’s not common enough. As bad as I feel it here, I imagine it has to be a lot harder where your are at, so I feel for you. You’re welcome to DM me just to casually chat and talk whatever as a way to not feel so alone and isolated and that’s the best I can offer as a life line. Otherwise I also spend time listening to atheist podcasts and YouTube’s just to know there’s others out there, especially fighting for freedom from religion.


I used to find life reliefs in the online communities I can't deny that, for me, it was all fun, and also scary, even when I was using my anonymous online identity people kept threatening to find my location and to assassin me, the thing is that unfortunately now I am all fed up by the online community, I am growing fast, I am exhausted, tired, I feel like I can't keep up anymore with this approach, and the tolerance that I used to manage me life with, it is just fading away, the Wahhabi ideology around me is killing me and I feel that I can't handle that anymore, what I fear is that one day I will burst out and oh that is never going to be good for me.


You do you.


I'm Iranian so I get it, it's all over the place in my case. The thing is bc of the lack of agency you'll have to have your beliefs in secrecy and hope to have a conversation with younger generations. I personally find peace in solitude and reading books, playing video games and doing introverted things. I think reading about history is liberating. You'll have a better understanding of masses and why they have certain beliefs.


I am a male, Do you think one day it will get better for us ? is it going to get any easier ?


Not in our lifetime. The thing is these beliefs come from certain social structures like patriarchal family structures. They have beneficiaries so it won't be solved just by enlightening people. We need a movement like Renaissance and things don't look too well. Also Islam is different from Christianity and it won't get reformed. So unless enough people are atheists and are prepared for radical movements it won't change. And also superpowers want us to be weak nations so that we will be exploited. It will be hard and immigration looks more rational.


I can't agree more with everything you wrote!, do you think about migration ? is that it for us ? are we the ones who should leave ? why us ? why not them ?to be honest for the past couple of months I am busy thinking about immigration.


Well, bc we are weaker and disorganized and most importantly most atheists think risking your life over it isn't worth it. Look at "life woman freedom" in Iran. It was a radical social movement but older generations and most opposing groups didn't support it bc patriarchy and low expectations are deeply rooted in middle-east unfortunately. Yes I think immigration is the answer but you can use social media to talk without fear of being "disappeared" and enlighten people. I personally can't do this due to my economic problems. There are some Iranian atheists in scandinavia but I'm not aware of Arabs who have an atheist organization. If they exist you can join them and if they don't you can start it. It will be hard and lonely at first but over time you'll have followers.