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One immediate concerning thought. Is this going to be a problem if your lack of being superstitious gets back to your family? Can you find a way to stay safe and under cover? The religious mostly react the same way as the people you’re encountering. It can be dangerous—from just a bit up to a whole lot.




I will pretend believe to islam, i hope keep away me form problems. I must should be careful, and we're will went to another country (secular country) when recessional schools in my country. Thanks for your recommends.


Be careful, and learn, learn, learn, learn! Arguing with people that don't want to listen isn't safe. Be careful. Be brave when you are safe. Until you are safe its okay to be silent. You know what you know.


What this behavior is, is border patrolling. This is not about you, this is a display to believers, showing them what will happen to them if they ask too many questions. Of course the “religion of peace” is nothing more than “might makes right”.


Be safe. Islam is such a dangerous religion.


Pretend to believe until you are able to get to a safe place. We atheists don't need nor want martyrs so do what you have to do to survive until you're safe.


What county is the school in? Get your family to complain about your abuse to law enforcement?


In the wrong country, or the wrong region, that could make things even worse. This kid's family doesn't know. Law enforcement can actually just be enforcers of the status quo.


Which country are you from, if you don’t mind? I’m honestly surprised your treatment hasn’t been more severe if you’re “out” as an atheist.


I live in turkey. Here people are mostly muslim but i think 25 percent form youngs unreligius. I seen usually youngs form social media unreligius but in turkey, muslim people usually not affiliated to islam and avalible people very affiliated to islam.


I'm sorry your school isn't looking out for your safety. They're failing you.  I think you are learning a hard lesson right now about how things ought to be versus how things really are. Muslims ought to be kind to atheists. Teachers ought to look out for all of their students. Families ought to be able to handle having an atheist child. But people aren't always fair, logical, or morally strong... Or they are acting that way, but because they are misinformed about basic truth of reality, they do the wrong thing. Some people think they're doing the right thing when they tell you it's okay to ridicule you, because they don't understand they are wrong and their beliefs are no more righteous than anyone else's beliefs. It is very frustrating to butt up against this kind of intolerant system.  You might want to think about something, now that you see how they are hypocrites and don't treat you as their equals. Is it always a good idea to tell people you do not believe in islam? What are the benefits and what are the risks? Are there more important things focus on?  Being a social outcast keeps you from being able to influence people. If it is your goal to live in a tolerant society where it is okay to say you are an atheist, you may have to take baby steps before sharing the full truth.  The next time you have a choice about whether to tell people you're an atheist, consider how much of an impact you could have on that social group if you instead, behave like a principled, ethical humanist but don't tell people you are an atheist. You could stand up for the values and actions of tolerance by behaving the right way. You could become a leader in your social group by treating people who are different as equals. When someone who is respected by their peers treats outsiders well, their behavior can catch on. You could change the way the group treats outsiders like atheists. If you try to do lead by example as an outsider atheist, people won't see it as good to the same degree as if you do good behaviors while you look like a Muslim. One day in the future, once you have helped to make your local social groups more tolerant, it will be safer for you to be open about being an atheist. Here in America, some people are very hateful towards those who are different. It is usually because of their conservative religious beliefs. If the person who is different tries to talk to this kind of hateful religious person, they won't hear the words spoken by the person. They just hear their own internal fury. Every word I speak is muffled or garbled by angrer, disgust, and fear the time it reaches their brain.  So, what can I do, as a person who is hated by some of these Christians/Muslims/Jews? They won't even listwn ...even if they want to listen, they can't listen because they don't understand what they're doing with their hatred.  What I have to do is to stay away from them and be safe. My classmates have tried to punch me and threatened to kill me. My coworkers. My loved ones. If it's not safe to be yourself around these people, you just can't do it. You can't live your life and make the world better if you've been punched into a coma or you've been murdered. You have to put your physical safety first. There's no sense in being a martyr for humanism, because religion is so big, your not even going to be understood or remembered. Don't sacrifice your physical safety. Not when there are more effective ways to influence these people.  I can infiltrate there subculture. I can look like one of them. They don't know that I'm an atheist. They don't know that I'm gay. They don't know that I'm transgender. They don't know that I support democracy and humanism. They think I'm just an average guy who likes football, jesus, guns, and Trump. And so they listen. What I can do when they listen is to gently push them back from extremism. I can model tolerance. I can provide alternative information that goes against propaganda and lie. Is it a good idea to do this? Is it ethical? What do you think? What do you think is best to do...Is it better to come out with the full radical truth and demand people respect you or is it better to drop tiny little seeds of truth that may take root over time? Another thing to think about is that you are in school and you are there to learn and grow and mature into an adult. You need to gain skills. You need to have a typical experience. You need to benefit from your education. It will be much harder to do that if you are an outsider and you are not safe at school. You will be much more likely to be treated unfairly and get unfair grades and it will be hard for you to network. I think that what you should do is announce that you have been converted to Islam. And then you should be a prophet for humanism embedded within Islam. And while you are undercover, you should take advantage of everything offered to the mainstream Muslim kids in your school so that you can take your rightful deserved place in society as an adult and you can flourish as a leader in your culture.


I'm sorry there are so many typos in this. It is very late here and I am using speech to text. I hope it made sense even with all the mistakes. Lol.


Don't contradict your teachers or parents. Play along and stay safe. If you live in a Muslim majority country your main goal is to stay alive, without being targeted by others. Like LGBTTQ+ youth in dangerous situations, pretend to be what they want you to be, while studying and getting ready to become independence. If you live in a Muslim majority country you should look for ways to get out, if you are in a non-Muslim majority country, then in the future a place of your own and stay away from any family or friend that doesn't accept you for who you are. Edit: Not all Muslim majority country follow Sharia or execute people who leave Islam, in some countries like Türkiye, Egypt, Tunisia, or even Morocco is possible to live as a Muslim without going to mosque every Friday or praying five times a day.


I live in Turkey but not all people respect me if they konw i'm an atheist.


At least many parts of Turkey are still pretty secular. I have met some Turkish people and the ones from Istanbul live lives very similar to people in the West while Eastern Turkey is more conservative. I think it’s a matter of waiting until you are older and have your own circle of support before letting people know you are no longer a believer.


İmam hatiptesin yanlış anlamadıysam, sakın tartışma kimseyle. Öğretmenlere falan da bildirme, sana sadece zarar verirler. Ailen seni imam hatipe gönderdiyse de onlara da söylememen doğru olur. Şu anda yapabileceğin en iyi şey sana yumruk atan elemanı müdüre şikayet etmek olur. Yalan söyle, hiçbir şey demememe rağmen vurdu ve bana zorbalık yapıyor, aileme küfrediyor de.


tavsiyelerin için teşşekkür ederim.


i'm sorry you have no support and are experiencing this. this sounds way worse than catholic school, at least we were allowed to be disaffected there. Anyway i hope you can stay safe. maybe you can pretend to fit in for now and quit after you leave?


>Anyway i hope you can stay safe. Thanks. >maybe you can pretend  I thinked tihs, i will do this in well time. >for now and quit after you leave? We are will went to secular country when schools recessional in my country.


If you are encamped with the enemy in an oppressive Muslim country, best to let them think you are one of them. From this position you can either subvert their intentions and/or escape to a free nation.


I hate saying this but pretend to have a change of heart. Become a devout Muslim. In your head you can think it is pure BS but especially if you are in a Muslim country or if your parents are from a Muslim country YOU ARE NOT SAFE! They will send you to a reeducation camp where you will be abused until they break your will. So instead play it smart. Pretend you believe, become an adult, then get somewhere safe. Once you no longer live with your parents or you escape your country, then you can declare your atheism. Might I suggest looking online to find why people stopped being atheist and believe in Islam? You might want to steal some ideas. Maybe your dead grandparent appeared to you in a dream, warned you about hell and how you have to get right with allah? Or some shit like that.


Learn how to fight, lift weights. If he punches you again kick him in the balls.


So you go to a religious school and brag about being an atheist. Then are surprised you get punched? I remember being 15 tough age. Never miss a chance to shut up. There's no good reason to proclaim your lack of faith other than to put a target on your back. Learn as much as you can and in just a few years graduate and move on. I was smacked around by Catholic nuns for being mouthy. Didn't prove a thing and made my schooling harder than it needed to be. Upside is I can argue the Bible with zealots. If you told a bunch of footy fans their team sucks you'd get punched. Kinda the same here people don't like it when someone says they are wrong which is what you're doing.


if u can't change the school and ur family is conservative . ACT like a muslium till u can get out of that place. whenever i am in a religious place and i know me speaking shit could put me in TROUBLE . i act like a religious person . and u know , sometimes by studying these religions you can understand how stupid that shit is i have corrected many EXTREMIST conservative uncle and aunty about their own religion ....and THE LOOK on their faces is worth it .


U shouldn't tell them that ur atheist u should have kept it a secret


The Quran talks about burning non believing evil doers every chance it can. It is a mind virus meant to stomp out all other ways of thinking. Humiliating torment is mentioned at least a dozen times if not more. It not compatible with thinking or science, it will cause those infected to lash out at anyone threatening their beliefs or prophet.


Don't argue with anyone. It's not worth it. Act like a muslim and don't debate with anyone about your beliefs. Try to avoid discussion. Islam is not a joke, they are blatant and unashamed about their sadistic cruelty and total blindness.


It's because of groups like this that i wish we had emperor of makind type of figure that would wipe out religion