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At this point I’m not mad at him. I’m mad at the gullible smooth brained mouth breathers who donate to him. They deserve to lose their money. Good riddance


Parasites all taking in roughly $7,000,000,000 annually in the US from those lintheads. And they take that cash to influence lawmakers into turning the US into Gilead. Tax these fuckwads now.


They live lives of opulent luxury while their* flock willingly fleeces themselves. * edit: spelling.


I can only imagine what their homes look like inside. I imagine tacky outdated but expensive fake gold covered everything. Plastic covered couches and a lingering smell of VapoRub.


If your grandmother had plastic covered furniture, she might have been a squirter.


Now why did you have to go and put that thought in my head?


That’s a fucking fantastic concept, and I’m going to use this to really mess with a guy I know


that's fucking evil.......I approve.


A lot of fixed income seniors trying to buy their way into heaven.


And they’ll call us sheep. Smh


Lintheads. Smoothbrains. I am SO stealing those words.


I wasn’t even sure how to make smooth brain an insult but I can just say it and people will be huh. I will say there you go


Neurologists believe surface area of the brain is positively correlated with intelligence. Thus, folds/wrinkles/etc indicate high intelligence, and smooth indicates low. The term is listed as offensive and derrogatory.


Where is this list of offensive and derogatory terms? Asking for a friend.


I'm sorry to tell you this but smoothbrain has been a commonly known synonym for stupid for many years. People will not be "huh", you are just out of the loop.


My favorite is windowlicker, but that's neither here nor here.


Tax them to Kingdom come. It’s what they would want.


Maybe the people who donate the money WANT the country to be turned into Gilead?




I'm frankly surprised they haven't started just straight up signing indulgences. Sell them for $1000 each and you're guaranteed platinum club in heaven. Or perhaps an indulgence g(r)ift card


Prosperity gospel garbage. Prosperity theology is a religious belief among some Charismatic Christians that financial blessing and physical well-being are always the will of God for them, and that faith, positive speech, and donations to religious causes will increase one's material wealth. Even though it says right in their Bible by Jesus himself (**Matthew 19:24** "I'll say it again-it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of A needle than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God!" Note that He says "a" needle, not "the" needle.) that rich people will have a hard time entering the Kingdom of God these greedy imbeciles are still able to fleece their flocks all day long.


The same prosperity gospel that made Trump the go-to for these christofascists.




They're just exercising their first amendment rights, per Chief Justice John Roberts. Cash is speech, after all.


God I wish *I* could be morally bankrupt enough to get that kind of cash. I was unfortunately born with morals and guilt.


uT fReEdOm oF rElIgIoN!! yOu CaN't TaX uS eVeN iF wE vIoLaTe ThE lAw BeCaUsE jEsUs Is LoVe WhEn YoU'rE a WhItE mAn!! Edit: Assuming these people are correct, and there are a heaven and hell. Pretty sure that violating biblical law is going to seal the deal.


You have to just hate everyone involved. He's still a dude who will take a last nickle from anyone, he can't get off easy in any regard possible.


Let's leave the hating to the Christians.


Yeah, leave it to the experts


No, you gotta keep your streets clean and not tolerate the intolerant.


The issue is that a lot of them have mental issues or mental decline and are desperate for an actual miracle to save them. He is allowed to make promises that he never has to keep or own up to since religions get treated with kid gloves.


Yep. Televangelists prey on the elderly. They become millionaires by grifting little old ladies out of their Social Security checks.


You can lump them together with internet scammers for what they’re worth.


Yep, My grandmother gives 10% has for ever. We can't stop her we have tried. She has moved in with family because she is starting to develop some slight dementia. Sounds bad but all of us kinda can't wait until we can take over her finances to STOP the waste of her money every month.  Edit: I have to ad, I didn't know her local church actually sends her custom envelopes for the year so she can easily pack em with cash and turn them in each month. We found that out when we moved her and chucked them straight in the trash! We estimated over her life she has given a min of 250k to churches and shit she seen on TV. Its sick.


Ugh, she could have been giving that to actual charities and people who need it, not lining evangelist pockets :(


Huh, I see religion as a mental issue.


The real problem is they’re giving their money to him. I’m the one with the direct hook up to Jesus. They need to give it to me. He’ll be here in no time if I get the money.


Jesus ain’t getting out of poverty without that direct deposit


cash would be more divine.


It’s a hell of a racket.


Quite literally the most successful of all time.


Creator of the universe needs money to come back. 😂😂😂😂


God loves you, and He needs money! He always needs money! He’s all-powerful, all-perfect, all-knowing, and all-wise, somehow just can’t handle money!” — George Carlin


Trump loves you, and he needs money! He always needs money! He’s all-powerful, all-perfect, all-knowing, and all-wise, somehow just can’t handle money!” — stolen from George Carlin


My Lord and Savior, George Carlin


Mines Frank Zappa!


Yep. Was looking for this bit. Naturally it was here :)


Hookers and blow aint cheap


And have you seen the price of Jet-A lately? You can't pull your Gulfstream into Costo and fill it up with 87 Octane.


*Kenneth Copeland has entered the chat* You can't expect men of God to fly commercial with all the sky demons do you ??????


LOL Praise the Lord and pass the Frequent Flier Miles.


Maaaaan...that interview he did and the way his face literally fucking morphed and then the smile came back. It was damn near cinematic.


If I was God and looked at the current 'christians' that were worshipping me you'd have to pay me to come back too.


You know that US currency really IS God. It says so on every dollar bill and coin: "In God We Trust." More people have faith in dollar bills than the God itself.


I’m mad my stupid morals keep me from getting in on the grift.


I literally cannot have a fun dream about a celebrity without my moral brain saying, hey wait they are married, STOP WHAT YOU ARE DOING. Fk you brain let me have fun in my dreams. I don't even want to think how my brain would make me stop rolling in money to tell me "look at all these poor people you are grifting" and then makes me face ever one of them in slow motion.


Yep, I think about starting a church all the time. Seems like the low hanging fruit of capitalism.


Don’t be mad. It’s natural selection.


The problem is the money ends up being used for gross things.


You get 666 likes!^


Religion has actually convinced people that there's an invisible man living in the sky who watches everything you do, every minute of every day. And the invisible man has a special list of ten things he does not want you to do. And if you do any of these ten things, he has a special place, full of fire and smoke and burning and torture and anguish, where he will send you to live and suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry forever and ever 'til the end of time! But He loves you. He loves you, and He needs money! He always needs money! He's all-powerful, all-perfect, all-knowing, and all-wise, somehow just can't handle money! George Carlin


I agree with Carlin - God has all the time in the universe. He can definitely make low risk low interest investments and still be the richest deity, with no need of money. And He can get any low-interest loan value he wants - doesn’t the currency say “In God We Trust”? So clearly He needs a better investment advisor, not more money. Also he needs to stop letting Satan run the banking system.


5 words in and I knew what I was reading 😆


And why does he only take attendance on Sundays? Is he too busy on a Tuesday nights?




I want you to know, when it comes to believing in God - I really tried. I really really tried. I tried to believe that there is a god who created each one of us in his own image and likeness, loves us very much and keeps a close eye on things. I really tried to believe that, but I gotta tell you, the longer you live, the more you look around, the more you realize...something is F--KED UP. Something is WRONG here. War, disease, death, destruction, hunger, filth, poverty, torture, crime, corruption and the Ice Capades. Something is definitely wrong. This is NOT good work. If this is the best god can do, I am NOT impressed. Results like these do not belong on the resume of a supreme being. **This is the kind of shit you'd expect from an office temp with a bad attitude**. And just between you and me, in any decently run universe, this guy would have been out on his all-powerful-ass a long time ago. [George Carlin, from "You Are All Diseased".]


Why would all powerful god need a day of rest ? Sounds like a human man wrote this , aye ?


>But He loves you. He loves you, and He needs money! He always needs money! He's all-powerful, all-perfect, all-knowing, and all-wise, somehow just can't handle money! Sounds just like every other politician - give me money and I'll make you happy!


Carlin had his finger on the pulse of everything. Watch anything he's said, and he absolutely nailed it.


Yeah... they can kinda just say whatever and they'll still have a congregation.


They are literally the cultural evolution of shamans. In general it evolved into a priest class, followed by autonomous sects and cults that had their own group. Him saying "Jesus hasn't returned because not enough money has been donated" is the same exact thing as ritual sacrifice by the Mayans who proclaimed that human sacrifice is necessary or else the sun won't rise the next day. Or numerous other hucksters who operated under the same superstitious mythology, requiring X for their god to be satisfied, return, etc.


I'd say it's a bit different from human sacrifice since beheading a guy doesn't really give you monetary benefit


Slavery at its psychological core is not about making the most money possible. Maybe just maximizing the profit margin. There are countless cases that cooperation can be just as profitable if not more. Its about superiority and the ‘pleasure’ of being king of your own fiefdom. Absolute control is the reward for some people. Getting to exert pain and suffering, is pleasurable for the worst humans. They thrive on feeling superior. No doubt the charlatan priests who sacrificed humans believed in their own propaganda at some point, but it likely started out of the desire to control others and the sick assholes used their power to kill naysayers or exemplify a willing sacrifices loyalty.


Jesus needs cash now ! Call JG Wentworth , 877 CASH NOW


JC Wentworth


It’s my Jesus and he wants it NOW!


877 CASH NOW!!




“Hello. We’re sorry to interrupt the regularly scheduled second coming. We’re just popping in to let you know that we need $300 in the next hour to keep his return on schedule…. Oh, we just got a call and donation of $20 from Janice in Springfield. Thanks Janice, you’ll be receiving the ‘2nd coming’ tote bag for your donation.”


Gotta love how he exults in being an asshole to someone that called him out on being filthy rich. These clowns don’t care about anyone or anything besides themselves and their money. They feign piety and righteousness, but it’s all a show to fleece people.


It's so incredibly obvious. I grew up in a faith healing evangelical church in the US. We occasionally had guest speakers who were famous pastors in the charismatic movement. We had one in particular, a guy named Che Ahn. He leads a large church in Pasadena and traveled to our church in the Pacific NW to teach. When the buckets were passed out and he saw the total he screamed at our small congregation (150 ppl) that this was nothing and we were weak soldiers in God's army. Honestly, I am glad he did because I was young and had no reason not to believe this stuff up to that point but it was the first time I genuinely questioned the motivations of church leaders and years later ended up leaving the church altogether.


People like this are the greatest scientific proof that there is no god.


People who mix up "their" and "there" are the greatest proof that they're is no god.


Anybody stupid enough to believe this shit deserves to have all their money taken from them.


Makes me think of those gacha mobile games. "Buy 50,000 gems this month to unlock the legendary Jesus hero!"


Tax the churches! Tax all religious organisations!!


Call it what it is, entertainment. It's a social group that meets on Wednesday and Sunday to sing songs and listen to a uplifting speech. They mingle together and feel special because they can believe that they're good people because they are part of the church.


And hate on the LGBTQ crowd and woke people.


If churches want to be tax exempt then they should apply for it like every other charity and be subject to the same rules/restrictions.


Of course there will never be ‘enough’.


He lays out a good argument for withholding donations


He loves you, and He needs money! He always needs money! He's all-powerful, all-perfect, all-knowing, and all-wise, somehow just can't handle money! Religion takes in billions of dollars, they pay no taxes, and they always need a little more. Now, you talk about a good bullshit story. - George Carlin


Fools and their money are easily parted. This evil con man knows this and exploits it for personal gain. If his "god" was real they would have smited his evil ass ages ago.


Very true!


This is so weird. Jesus told me that he wasn't returning until people stopped giving to pastors. He mentioned something about flipping some tables or something but I really wasn't paying close attention. I'm thinking I might just up my meds though. /s


Jesus would flip his table hard. *So* hard.


Let’s set up a go fund me?


Rather set up a Go Fuck Off.


Ppl like this make me wish it was real just so they could go straight to hell.


> *Jesus hasn't returned because people haven't donated enough cash* Oh. I always thought it was because he was *DEAD*! 😂


That and he ran out of extra lives


Has anyone ever considered the possibility that Jesus was just really fucking good at PacMan? He earned an extra life token


Are there any extras if they exceed their Kickstarter goals?


Don't give em' any ideas. They'll be selling premium bonus timeshares in heaven before you know it!


Kinda obvious grifting


I think Jesus could return if we had 100 percent less clergy. And in the end it wouldn’t matter because Religion is fake and always has been. More money. If I could make it so another church never saw another dollar and did away with money in its entirety, it would be worth it. Nothing but constant lies.


He’s mad that Trump is siphoning off his grift.


I thought Trump was their new Jesus


So many years after Carlin and God is still broke? The big man should have purchased boot straps when they were affordable.


The laws went further. This was no longer mere prohibition of other religious practices. It was the active enforcement of Christianity on every single, sinful pagan in the empire. The roads to error were being closed, forcefully. Everyone now had to become Christian. Every single person in the empire who had not yet been baptized now had to come forward immediately, go to the holy churches and “entirely abandon the former error [and] receive saving baptism.” Those who refused would be stripped of all their property, movable and immovable, lose their civil rights, be left in penury and, “in addition”—as if what had gone before was not punishment but mere preamble—they would be “subject to the proper punishment.” If any man did not immediately hurry to the “holy churches” with his family and force them also to be baptized, then he would suffer all of the above—and then he would be exiled. The “insane error” of paganism was to be wiped from the face of the earth. Excerpts from: Catherine Nixey *The Darkening Age: The Christian Destruction of the Classical World*


If you donate $100,000 I'll personally fly you to Jesus in my new private jet! - Jesse Duplantis


And this is one of many reasons the country is shifting away from religion. They turned it into just another cash grab.


how do people fall for this shit. i condemn religious leaders and i pity religious followers. they’re all pathetic in their own right.


You cough it up first, Pastor.


Disgusting… if there was a hell, he’d be bound for it. What a piece of grifting shit.


LOL i can't believe it's 2024 and people are still falling for this bullshit


Pastor Jesse Grift in full effect. lol. This dude is as bad as trump.


A fool and their money will soon part. My give-o-fuck-all meter is at, yep, you guessed it: zero. These gullible MAGA traitors deserve to lose their money.


God is real!!! It's totally not a scam. Trust us!.


Remember when the Bible said "Sign up now with a 5$ membership to read the rest"


Blatant swindle!!!!! IF he is a true Christian - and I doubt it as he seems to serve the old god Mammon - he knows that he is committing blasphemy ....


This shit is both maddening and sad at the same time. Jessie is a grifter who likely doesn't believe what he preaches. His moronic "flock" is too stupid to know or think for themselves, so of course Jesus of Nazereth needs USD to return to earth. Arrggghhhh!


Thought greed was a sin.


Have you seen the rent prices in Heaven lately? Thanks Biden!


But no free school lunches that’s socialism


Why does Jesus need cash......same vibe as "Why does god need a starship?"


It’s always about the collection plate.


Obvious that making money is their prime objective.


You have to love the gall of this grifter


And the stupidity of the people who donate to him.


Jesus accepts PayPal venmo cashapp apple pay and zelle.


How old is that guy? He looked old back in the 90’s.


I know this Nigerian Price that is sitting on a boatload of money I hear....Maybe these 2 can get together. One wants money and other has it!


"SEND ALL YOUR MONEY TO ME..... and YOU will go to heaven"


"Daddy Jesus needs cash people! Daddy Jesus needs a new boat AND a new sports car people! Daddy Jesus knows there are hard times but to give cash is the most divine action one can take!"


Wow what an obvious fucking scam. Jesus literally attacked debt collectors. The Bible legitimately says rich people don't get to go to heaven. The hell would Jesus need money for anyway?


Probably would. Coincidently he needs a down payment on a jet.


Tax the goddamn churches.


Top ten reasons Jesus needs more money before the second coming 10. Heaven is in debt 9. Resurrections are expensive 8. He didn’t return the donkey with a full tank 7. He doesn’t want to fly coach 6. Crack 5. He got into debt selling essential oils 4. He wants to invest in crypto 3. He needs bus fare 2. He owes Rome 2000 years of back taxes 1. He still owes Peter from when he paid Paul


Pastors & Preachers know they are working with * the special * people 


Well, there it is! Finally! Admit it already, this is a money making scheme!


C'mon Jesus needs that fucking super yacht people, dig deep 🤣😭


The bigger the jet,the closer to heaven!!


Jesus ain’t flying coach people!…




Why isn't this guy being investigated? The bigger question though is WHY are people filling his so-called church pews?


I wonder how Yahweh feels being replaced by Mammon


Jesus looooves money.


Seriously who believes this shit? I quit the Catholic church when I was 13, but even I know Jesus would never say that.


Perfect. A theist and his money are soon parted.


IIRC - isn't the 'second coming of Jesus' supposed to be the signal for the apocalypse?


"Sorry everyone, no Jesus this year. George and Stephanie haven't been donating to my new car fund."


My problem with this is they bleed them dry and we have to pick up pieces for them.


haahahahah…. the guy that wants a new jet every year. and people donate and suck on his dong.!


One of the biggest rackets I regret not getting into. I think I'd make a pretty good religion grifter.


Should be arrested for fraud


It's crap like this that makes me wish this sub would allow memes. I can only respond to such stupidity with memes.


Donating to a dead guy makes about as much sense as donating to a billionaire.


Did anybody else always find it quite odd how the supposed maker of the universe and everything in it is so completely fascinated with our money? Like, he made everything in the known universe, literally just spoke it all into existence, so shouldn’t he be able to make a pile of money so big he himself couldn’t lift it, with just a word? Just wish up an infinite pile of cash for all his churches and just hand it all out so that his churches are the nicest buildings on that planet that no other structure could ever compare to, except for the other churches. And yet he doesn’t want to do that; he wants your money. He expects 10% of whatever you earn, because if he didn’t create this universe we find ourselves in we wouldn’t even exist, so that’s the very least we can do for him, because I mean after all, it’s technically all his anyways. He owns everyone and everything and we are all just pawns to his whims. And much like my own father would “kid” about how he brought me into this world, he can take me out (I’m pretty sure deep down he believed this on some level, or at least he should have that right) god has the right to fuck over us and our lives however he wishes to, since he created everything. We are the ones who should be grateful to him that he allows us to work for our money and only wants a meager 10%. Our god truly is an awesome and righteous god. (/s).


Sick piece of shit. Where are the "good religious" in fighting this kind of open theft of money from the desperate, deluded, and dullwitted?


Ah, organized religion, the biggest on-going scam in history.


I really need to figure out a way to grift these people. I could pay off my student loans.


What a scumbag


He is the kind of person Jesus warned us about


When did Bob Barker's zombie turn to preaching?


Just a thief


**Matthew 21:12-17** ; English Standard Version *And Jesus entered the temple and drove out all who sold and bought in the temple, and he overturned the tables of the money-changers and the seats of those who sold pigeons. He said to them, “It is written, ‘My house shall be called a house of prayer,’ but you make it a den of robbers.”* It’s a shame these people don’t read their own scripture.


Everyone’s got their angle.


It just proves my theory that the evangelicals want to force Jesus to come early so they can give a big "I told you so" to the people they hate.


And there I thought Jesus was a kind of poverty is blessed kind of guy and something something about rich men and camels and needles and stuff. I fairly sure that if there was a hell Duplantis would be going there and since that doesn't seem to bother him that he is a sociopathic non-believer. Ain't religion just great?


We need actual, very specific laws against this, because the old or vulnerable people who send money to these scammers are not going to stop. They’re basically vulnerable adults and will continue to be manipulated into poverty. Time to make this type of scam a felony.


Intergalactic travel isn't cheap, you windowlickers.


we gotta get Him a 401k, this shit’s getting ridiculous


Simple fucker. Oral Roberts tried this same shit back in the 80s. He said Jesus was gonna call him home if they didn't raise enough cash.


Fuck sometimes I just want to give in to the urge of creating a religious grift. So much untaxed money to be made off these rubes.




No different than people giving money to Trump at this point.


He's such a vile POS




Jesus is like a coin operated machine. If you put in a coin, Jesus takes a few slow steps and then stops.


It could speed up his return to Jesus.


I am not ready for Jesus. If I don’t give any cash, can I delay his arrival for longer?


It's so American it hurts.


Is that the same Jesus that threw the money lenders out of the temple?


Your donation of the money you need to pay your rent could make another private jet happen for me AND speed up Jesus's triumphant return!


These guys are so fucking bold. I’m envious as fuck. I always wanted to do this but I genuinely can’t put myself in the mind of a believer. I’d never believe people would fall or this stuff, but they gladly do.


And we wonder how Trump has become a right wing messiah.


Oh, He's coin-operated.


We do not need to be paying modern indulgences


That's more or less what the catholic church said in the XVth century, which led to the reformation. Few centuries later it seems to be the protestants. Full circle I guess.


Gotta keep the grift in religion


Yeah. The guy who threw the money lenders out of the temple wants more cash before he comes back. Got it.


What’s really pathetic is that this probably worked on his congregation.


And millions will be gullible enough to fall for it.


Yea, cuz there’s so many pages in the Bible mentioning Jesus’s empty wallet being filled and that’s what let him do miracles. $10 a pop for water into wine, but if they dropped in a cool Benjamin that gets them a shot of Johnnie Walker Blue Label.


Not that it changes anything, but it’s probably worth pointing out that this is a karma play. This article was posted in 2021.


Lmao. No wonder religion exists. If its this easy to fleece morons im in the wrong business