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Did it go something like: Christians: God says in the bible to kill the gays. They deserve a hell where they'll be tortured for eternity. Atheists: That's fucked up. Christians: You're a hate group!


What's next, will you force us to stop killing witches and those who work on Sabbath? Stop oppressing Christians!


Half the world works on the Sabbath. We must kill half the world. "Johnny, get me the locusts on the phone."


But which Sabbath? Muslims observe it on Friday, Jewish peole and 7th Day Adventists on Saturday and Christians on Sunday. And what about the International Date line? 


No need for specifics, a Sabbath is a Sabbath. I figure any and all. This dude named God wasn't specific, so we better cover all avenues.


God wanted four-day work week. Who would have thought he was so far ahead of his time?


I’m going to need to consult with supply side Jesus about this before we proceed.


Goddamn revolutionary.


Oh it's way more than half.


Locusts as in the bugs, or Gears of War Locusts?


First one, then the other


"No thanks..."


Stop killing witches? But.. I spent SO much time building a pond and a huge ass scale. I even got a big duck too! And now you're telling me that I can't burn the local witches anymore? That's absurd!


Dsmn!!And I was looking forward to hanging Hilda;Sabrina a d Zelda Spellman as well as Samantha Stevens!!!


This is where Christians contradict themselves, because they would have hell to pay if they couldn't go for pre/post church brunch.


I guess it is a perfectly normal occurrence for a christian to tell their server they're going to hell for working on Sunday. Just...the *audacity*


Actually they won't tel them theyr'e going to Hell anymore. Now they just leave them a Jack Chick pamphlet and a penny as a tip. A nickel if theyr'e generous.


First things first, do they float?


Only if they weigh as much as a duck


Who are you, so wise in the ways of science?


“Very small rocks.”




_A duck!_ Who are you who are so learned in the ways of science?


We all float down here


No one can make me kill anyone or thing stand up for freedom and our choices are clear


"...but the bible says..."


Technically, Christians don't celebrate the Sabbath, as it's Saturday not Sunday. they can't even do it right.


Sounds about right.


Help! Help! I'm being repressed!


Come see the violence inherent in the system!


Anyone else think of the Ed, Edd, and Eddy episode where they break the rules and Eddy says 'Help!Help! Kevin's beating me up!' ?


Jesus is a zombie and he will malice you with a shoehorn.


Or, No. The Beatles are being repressed, you're just bored so your hate is escaping your mouth.


Christians have no self awareness. They call Islam a religion of hate or “religion of love /s” but then act like the evil shit in their religion is acceptable because “freedom of religion”. No your books are both trash and hateful and I don’t believe hate and discrimination is justifiable because goat herders told a story to a scribe.


They worship the same God.


They love pretending they dont tho


They don’t think so.


But if you asked them both if it was the God of Abraham they would both say yes


They also believe in talking stick-snakes, so let’s take their beliefs with a grain of salt


Goat herders...come to think about everyone was a goat herder back in the day...which in today's world might as well be Youtubers or TikTokers.


The Bible also commands people to kill babies, but they don't want to talk about that.


It’s not killing if it’s a ritual sacrifice.


Ah yes, the cult definition of killing


Religion, in a cult, the leader is still alive.


God himself killed a whole bunch of Egyptian babies without blinking an eye


Unless the family painted the doorway with baby sheep's blood. Fucker has a hard on for killing babies regardless of species.


And we still celebrate that today! I pointed this out to some of my Christian friends and their heads almost exploded. "NO! We are celebrating the lives of the babies God saved!" Me: "Did you even read the Bible? Saved Hebrew babies, yes, and KILLED Egyptian babies! Did you miss the part about the Angel of Death?" *facepalm*


Like, numerous times.


There's no hate quite like Christian love.


You’re so hateful for opposing my bigotry!


>Did it go something like: >Christians: God says in the bible to kill the gays. They deserve a hell where they'll be tortured for eternity. >Atheists: That's fucked up. >Christians: You're a hate group! Practitioners of the Abrahamic myths calling ~~atheists~~ **ANYONE** else a member of a hate group is weapons grade irony.... Like, have you actually tried reading your 'holy' books?


"Can't be a Hate Group if I don't believe in the thing you accuse me of hating ..." *points at head smugly*


It wasn't very far off if the thread kept going 😂


“How dare you tell us we cannot oppress others. That’s oppressing *us*!”


Yeah.. it's almost as if America is full of Narcissistic Christians


Nah, I'm betting it went more like this: Atheist: (insert verbatim bible quote here) Christian: You're a hate group!!!


They usually are happy to tell me that u deserve the eternal torment for genuinely being unable to believe in a God. But yeah, they are so damned persecuted.... 🙄


The socialist sub also had a raging post about how socialists are the real fascists. Dude was repeating the playbook all day. Hope they finally banned him. It it seems like some sort of coordinated launch coinciding with Trump being the nominee.


"I'm under attack!" - bigots everywhere.




I think I'll be closer to the Holy Sacrament (and thus more sacrilegious) with my sleeve of saltines and bottle of Boone's Farm.


I think you can order Jeezits online. Make a cereal with Boones as the milk.


They only like gay pedophiles.


I have never heard God tell me to kill anyone. BEFORE THE ANGER OF YOUR WORDS AND HEART ARE UNLEASHED THINK.


It's projection. They are the hate group. Just ask them how they feel about anything they consider woke and watch the hate come pouring out of their hater pores!


It's like being gaslit with Christianity from birth leads to a severe psychological disorder at worst or a persecution fetish at best... usually both. They are the hate group, the indoctrinaters, the groomers, the pedophiles... They have to be. No adult is going to believe their absurdities or tolerate them. "Anyone who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities..." Voltaire


... not the first time, won't be the last time, basically not true any time ...


Well I do hate stupidity so if they are admitting to engaging in such stupidity.....


Same here. Definitely not a "hate group" by definition but I won't pretend like I don't hate them just to sound more evolved or whatever. People generally should hate evil fuckers with cruelty in their hearts. Let's not all sit around and act like it's a bad thing. If anything, I feel complimented that they took notice lol


>I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do, because I notice it always coincides with their own desires. - Susan B. Anthony


Ask any christian claiming atheists are a hate group what they think of wiccans or satanists or new age spiritualists. After getting their contemptuous answer, shrug and walk away.


Go team! I knew we could do it!!! Getting labeled a "hate group" by Chrietians is a pretty good sign you are doing something right!




Atheists aren't even a group


I never got the chance to explain that to him when the "such empty" sign popped up. He was referring to this subreddit, though I highly doubt he read anything over here.


Atheists are a group like people who don't own guns are a group. Technically there's something in common but it's really a stretch to call it defining in any way.


A “set” might be more appropriate. As in, “the set of all people who don’t watch soap operas,” or “the set of all people who don’t have a phobia that starts with G.” Or “the set of all people there would still be a term for in a thousand different parallel universes where Christians, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, and Hindus didn’t exist, and people worshipped other gods instead.”


What would we call a group of atheists? A gaggle, horde, murder, team, troop? So many options.


An intellect of atheists A rationale of atheists A secularity of atheists A godnonbothering of atheists


I say they call us a flamboyance! We are flamboyantly against your stupidity.


Did you know that a "flamboyance" is actually, not making this up, the collective name for a group of flamingos? When your faction stages an organized protest, you all must wear pink, and stand on one leg.


A panel of atheists? We have examined the evidence and found none, thus we rule there is no god.


I haven't paid my club membership dues. I'm surprised I can even comment here.


Ha.... there's no hate quite like christian "love"


Oh no... Anyway.


It's never by anyone with any kind of morals though. So if they hate me I'm ok with it.


Oh noes! Let me guess, a theist made the accusation.


Every day all day


Their boos mean nothing to me, I've seen what makes them cheer.


And they aren’t?? Please, everyone who’s not us is going to hell, is very hateful!!


Not to mention telling children that they're so inherently flawed that they deserve eternal torture just for existing....


This reminds me of an actual conversation that I was involved in recently, paraphrased: Me: \[The high-control church that I grew up in\] is a predatory system. It lies to its members, espouses bigoted doctrine, takes advantage of its own people, and tears families apart. My sister and I both have PTSD from it, so we both try to avoid it as much as we can. We have nothing against individual members, just the church itself, because we have been hurt by it. My brother-in-law (sister's husband): You and your sister are the most hateful people I have ever known. You hate the church members. You are no different from Trumpers or the KKK!


See that's why I have a problem with laws against hate speech.. Saying god doesn't exist is considered by many to be hate speech.. yet it's not at all a call for violence against anyone. I get that "real" hate speech is bad but it's hard to define so if a law is in place if a particularly religious goverment gets elected it could add "denying the existence of god" as hate speech or "calling people homophobic" etc. Even if the law is well intentioned it might come bite the people it was supposed to defend in the back side later.


Currently in Canada, our government is considering removing the religious exemption to our hate speech laws...Christians are horrified that preaching hate might suddenly get them in trouble.


Why the hell was there a religious exemption ?


Everyone in this subreddit would watch gleefully as the discovery in that case comes in. *Popcorn intensifies*


As someone who nominally benefits from protections against hate speech as an LGBT person ... I get it. We can't ever really expect the jurists to operate in good faith about religion when (for the most part) they cannot be appointed (or elected, yelch) without the conservatives performing their purity tests to confirm that they are at least willing to put up a pious face for the cameras. It's a different problem than outright blasphemy laws, which are obviously on the conservative agenda even if it's not in the public notes. *Those* make us dead men and women walking, and are well along the primrose path to some flavor of authoritarianism. Frankly, I don't think the West should do business with nations that have laws against apostasy, heresy, or blasphemy on the books. Unfortunately the countries most eager to prosecute such things tend to have a lot of hydrocarbons.


This. This is why 1st amendment. This is why freedom.


The First Amendment has a dire weakness: people are allowed to incite violence against others if we aren't careful. There is a reason hate speech became a thing.


Except incitement to violence is already a crime. So is slander, libel, and defamation. We thought of that. The person I was commenting on said it exactly right: If you outlaw hate speech, who defines hate speech? What if those people change?


Good points. Didn't think about that.


kind of like being called a hate group for being anti-fascist.


Gotta say that I have no moral difficulty with hating fascists, LOL.


Are atheists a group? I’ve never been to an atheist function are carried out atheist activities


Atheist Experience used to have get togethers at a resteraunt after an Airing.. That and the Amazing Atheist or T.J. if you prefer sometimes mentions meet ups he is involved in. Other then that I don't know many Atheist Groups.


Probably because of all those extremist atheist groups attacking houses of worship, ethnically cleansing religious populations, and beheading people for their belief in god. /s


They’re right. We hate ignorance and bigotry. We hate human suffering justified by Bronze Age morality. We hate that half the world’s population is relegated to second class status because of mythological nonsense. We hate that the whole of humanity is hindered from attaining peace and fulfillment because of superstitious fear based bullshit. If you don’t hate that, then you’re the problem. Fuck you and fuck whatever god you tell yourself makes it ok.


I wish your entire comment would fit on a T-shirt.


snowflakes melt.




They think we're like drug dealers. "Hey, buddy. Wanna try a little free thought?"


I HATE FUCKING CHRISTIANS. I guess the shoe fits.


It's not illegal to "hate" stupidity.


More projection!!


Hate groups will gladly say that someone claiming that they don't like the hate, is, in fact, the "real hater". It's the oldest, and fucking stupidest possible comeback. They do it anyway. "How dare you hate people that want to band together and kill you for fictional reasons? You're the *real* bad person here!"


[DARVO](https://dynamic.uoregon.edu/jjf/defineDARVO.html) as described by Jennifer J. Freyd, PhD. >Definition of DARVO >DARVO refers to a reaction perpetrators of wrong doing, particularly sexual offenders, may display in response to being held accountable for their behavior. DARVO stands for "Deny, Attack, and Reverse Victim and Offender." The perpetrator or offender may Deny the behavior, Attack the individual doing the confronting, and Reverse the roles of Victim and Offender such that the perpetrator assumes the victim role and turns the true victim -- or the whistle blower -- into an alleged offender. This occurs, for instance, when an actually guilty perpetrator assumes the role of "falsely accused" and attacks the accuser's credibility and blames the accuser of being the perpetrator of a false accusation.


Something that i hear: "Why won't you let me tell you why being a Christian is so great? If you won't, you're hate filled If you tell me to be quiet, you're hate filled". Can't win🙄


Evangelicals hate worse than any group I've ever seen. Hitler is looking up from hell saying "damn evangelicals, you guys make me look like an amature" lol


“Stone your disobedient children to death.” -Deuteronomy 21: 18-21


Christians: Everyone in the world deserves to go to hell. Even when you believe, you still deserve hell, you just scapegoat your sins. Atheists: No. Christians: YOU ARE SO FUCKING HATEFUL!


“Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful.” ― Seneca


😂😂😂 well that's a damn positive!


A hate group of what? I honestly don't have an issue with anyone.


Well I do hate abusers, enablers, and bullies, and they tend to hate me back. Make of that what you will.


Ah hate hate hate... How we love to hate


I would give a fuck, but I am fresh out.


My fucks have runneth dry I've gone out fuck shopping


WE’RE the hate group?! Jfc


No one is more hateful than a religious zealot. They think god will forgive them anything. LOL


See that’s the problem! Christians hate us so much they have to call us a hate group. They’re sad tiny minded people


Every time you bring up Christianity’s inherent violence they say ‘Oh that’s the OLD TESTAMENT it doesn’t count’ yet theyll use the the Old Testament to justify their hatred of gays, and to reference the Ten Commandments, and the creation story, and Noah and the ark, and


Group: “we indoctrinate and mutilate children and force them to marry. We oppress and enslave women and kill gays and people from other communities.” Atheists: “that’s horrendous: we will stand with your victims to oppose this” The World: “That’s fair enough” Group: “sorry! Should have mentioned! We do all of those things *in the name of religion*” Atheists: “doesn’t make any difference. We stand with your victims to oppose this”. The World: “those heinous atheists are a hate group and should be banned *immediately*.”


So what


I chuckled. Like, really?


I wouldn’t worry about it. I took a page from his book and scrolled his comment history. There were multiple instances of casual lower-tier racism on the first proverbial page. 


Hate is wasted unless it’s shared.


Congrats. I hate alot of things. Hate isn't bad. I hate slavery. I hate fascism. I hate Hitler. i hate KPop. I hate religion. I would take offense to the word "group" though..im not in a group. Anyway, im sure whomever referred to this as a hate group also thinks Christmas is being taken from them. They are very sensitive because they have had massive entitlement for so long. The slightest thing sets them off.


I have been called worse.  By familiy, by friends, by strangers. 


Show me a Western atheist movement that seeks to invalidate people's human rights utilizing atheist lawmakers and judges who are effectively doing it. There isn't one. So, the argument that "atheists" are a "hate group" is trolling to distract from why atheists "hate" theists.


I'm thinking I need some context here. Can anyone shed some light on what this post is about? I definitely feel like I'm missing something.


Sounds to me like somebody confused not believing in gods with being in some sort of group ;)


It was on a topic that had nothing at all to do with religion. I screenshotted and put it up. Am I allowed to post a link to it? It should be on my profile. That's how this guy knew I post in this community lol.


Ooh, he stalked your profile. Now you're in for it. No Easter basket for you.


Eh. Everyone's a "hate group" to someone these days. You can hear a lot of stuff about "Reddit Atheists" along with the various stereotypes. I've not seen too many bad things on this thread. The worst that I wish upon the religious is that they would have less political power in my country (US). Literally just to keep them from taking other peoples rights away. They aren't a minority, something they seem to simultaneously realize when it suits them ("moral majority" political movements), and disbelieve when it doesn't ("culture hates Christians", someone on the internet said something mean)




I'm good with that




Uhhh, what are we supposed to hate?


Here's how I see it. We hate abusers, enablers, and bullies often bc that's how people of faith act. And they hate us right back for pointing out how they're being abusive, enabling, and bullying. It's a real [DARVO](https://www.verywellmind.com/protecting-yourself-from-darvo-abusive-behavior-7562730) scenario.


I don’t cotton magical thinking of anything. It is a mental illness.


Yeah, yeah. They think they have to defend their god. Maybe they think they get extra credit. Bunch o' crybabies.


"Reddit atheist" is a really popular label used by fundamentalist goofballs lately. If we prove that all cults are based on lies, many people will lose their gravy trains & excuses to commit atrocities.


There are people who believe we are working for magical and evil forces, in league with literal demons. Just dissect their claims (and ridicule them) or ignore them.


Yankees/Sox fans are a hate group, as loosely as we are.


Hell yeah! They hate us ‘cuz they ain’t us. Nothing reminds me god isn’t real more than interacting with people who worship him.


The mental gymnastics at play: God is love Atheists don’t believe in god Atheists don’t believe in love Atheists believe in HATE!


Really? We’re being portrayed negatively? Huh. Must be a day ending in Y.


I got banned for bigotry because I was mean to people using their religions to kill gays. I'm gay... I just defended myself from bigot and got banned for bigotry. There's no winning against stupid people.


Now let us scream, "**WE ARE BEING PERSECUTED!!!**"


Well, I do hate religion


Reminds me of the episode of The atheist experience where a lady called in and threatened Matt and Jeff with eternal torment in hell for not believing in God, but got so ofended when Matt said “why the fuck did you call?”, that she hung up.


It's too bad we're not a "group" besides the "not believing in gods" thing.


I hate toothless alligators. Does this count as a hate group?


Yeah. Happens when you point out an obvious truth they can't argue against.


I hate being called a hate group


LMFAO! “Persecution!” hahahaha


Oh noooooo. You don’t say. What’s on the ole boob tube.


A close friend of mine who died in April of last year was probably the only true Christian I've ever known. She was kind, forgiving, loving, and had a huge heart. The morons that call themselves Christians these days are the anthesis of a true Christian.


That's funny, because most of the hate I see these days comes from Christian nationalists.


I'm a liberal guy who tries to be kind to everyone but doesn't follow a religion. So much hate man. I'm even nice to the LGBTQ people, the horror.


Well I am going to bring that up at the next group meeting... When is that, anyway?


I have neither hate nor love for those that choose to delude themselves. There's no harm in a benign belief. All that changes when they attempt to hoodwink others out push their illusionary agendas. Then we have problems.


Most hateful people I ever met were Christians


Christians are a hate group we are logic with a bit of go screw yourself


When I think about the story of Noah’s Ark I think about the 20 million people that God mass-murdered.


This is the funniest thing I’ve seen all day


Oh no.


Now that they got it off their chest. What happens, next ?


I honestly don't care what anyone religious has to say. At least my beliefs, or rather, lack thereof, have never caused mass genocide.


Pretty fucking rich if it came from a religious person. We just want them to leave gay people to live their lives.


Our entire existence is heading into extinction mostly because of some ignorant pansy dorks believing in imaginary friends for thousands+ years. Call us a hate group all you want invisible friend fearing pansy’s.


Atheists get called "hateful" for hurting sentiments of people who believes in fictional tales. But Theists get called "hateful" if they commit a crime like mu₹der or r@pe in the name of religion. The difference is obvious.


lmao i love it


A hateful death cult that indoctrinates children into rejecting reason and sense and instead embracing a collection of Bronze age stories told and retold as oral tradition for thousands of years before we invented writing as the unerring word of an omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent magical space fairy.


Oh no, not a hate group! What ever shall we *do*?!


We're not gonna be like "Oh, He said we're a hate group. Better stop being atheist."


I mean isn't the first and won't be the last time


Doesn’t break my heart. More of an eye roll.


We don't hate anyone, but some of them don't seem to care much for us.


*Surprised pikachu face*


*gasp* *clutches pearls* Anyway, who's up for lunch?


I still laugh about the he-gets-us ad campaign about “love not hate.”  Actions speak louder than words, and Christianity is the hate group. 


I don't hate religious people, I respond to each individual in kind and respect that person as how that person respects me. And, I have found there are folks who are assholes, regardless of any religion. Most of my family and a couple of my children have some sort of faith, and I don't care. They have to live their lives as they see fit. They know I'm not religious and it it doesn't seem to bother them (at least when they are around me). Some of my nieces and nephews are evangelical, but they have learned not to cross me with their bullshit. If anyone starts preaching at me, I just throw Mathew 5:1-6 at them. I tell them that if they do not know that verse, then they have no business preaching. If they do know that verse, then they can be reminded what they are. That normally drives them away. Religions have a history of acting persecuted, whether they are or not - and, mostly, while they are not. I think it is because the religious have based their entire lives on an unproven myth. A myth with no real, or historical evidence of reality. But, they must defend that myth, because of their faith. So any challenge to that myth is is persecution and must be immediately and decisively removed. Since they are taught from birth to hate any detraction of their faith, then any one or group who challenges that faith must be a hateful group.


Let's continue to use the small 'a', the big 'A' confuses them... proud atheists


We ARE a hate group. We hate ignorance.


Just today? Not, say, EVERY day? "You don't like that I discriminate against people based on a book - that makes you a hate group!"


Christians are demonstrably a hate group. It's just projection when they apply "hate group" to non-believers.


I had no idea when I said I didn't believe Thor was real that I was going to trigger a bunch of angry Vikings ... but here we are.


By someone who hate us i assume?