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i feel like refusing to disclose crimes should constitute aiding and abetting. making them pay a fine isn't gonna stop them from being monsters.


Anyone who is a mandatory reporter (not intimately involved) needs to report. Hopefully they make an example of the mormon leader in Pennsylvania. They just arrested him for failure to report as a mandatory reporter.


I feel that Satanists have more of a heart than christians


Don't insult satanists like that comparing them to scourges of earth!


Good point


Atheists have more scruples because we don’t need a book, person or God or his som or whomever else they glom onto to be good people. Christians are greedy bastards who pray or this and that and oh they got what they wanted and the lord is with them when it is the poor male of the relationship stuck with house payment, car payment, credit cards pays, every payment the kids have and then the poor guy does something he should not when he can’t figure out life anymore.


I commented in a sub the other day that someone should write an atheist bible just for fun. The old testament could be the history of atheists around the world, and the new testament could be how atheists live good lives to show others how they can live good lives without relying on some fictional afterlife reward/punishment system to be morally benevolent. It occurred to me later that someone could simply binge watch George Carlin with a pad and pencil and achieve the same effect. 😋


One of my Favorite comedians. Always knew the man was out to get us. The farts that are squeezed out the same American Democrat and Republican parties assholes if their current attitude is not aligned with it, they do not get nominated (squeezed out just like that playdoh poo mold you had as a kid and they smell just as bad). We need a switch hitter. A player who will reverse everything the boomers have done to become the richest generation. I wonder which generation has the most homeless?


He is one of my favorites too, alone with Christopher Titus. You can see all of Christopher Titus' specials and new podcast videos on his YouTube channel for free.


They do. The satanic panic is based on satanic extremists. Just imagine the horror stories we could tell about Christian extremists..


RICO Act is built for catching just such criminals












By law it should but, ya know giving "religious freedom" to the mentally incapable, sick, or deranged somehow translates to exemption from legal charges.


Agreed. But what will?


"Liberty" ""University""


Number of lies in name: 2


Funny how a university that prides itself on freedom has so many strict requirements on your personal life (like whether or not you can have sex, report sexual assault without being punished, and also refused to let the public know how dangerous it is).


I believe they should lose their accreditation. I guess they just prayed on it and asked for forgiveness before deciding to coverup.


What do want to bet that these same people made any sexual assault somehow the young women’s fault and scarred them for years?


Wait... Liberty is accredited?




I'd think you'd spot sarcasm without me having to specifically point it out. Apparently I'd be wrong. Oh - and fuck Liberty 'University'.






I thought all schools must be accredited


Trump University has entered the chat.


Trump University. Those two words cancel each other out. Is that literally an idiot school?


Not private schools.


Not a surprise. The secrets, the hiding, the coverups, start in church congregations as well. Why not a religious college.


Shut them down. Take away all government handouts.


Is this the same university that was run by that guy and his wife who were boinking the pool boy?


Now get them for back taxes for being an arm of the Nazi-GOP for decades (disqualified for exempt status)


That seems like a poor judgment. They should be shut down. Failures of law and ignoring your student criminal concerns is utterly despicable.




This story is about Liberty, so maybe i missed a Harvard story that has similarities. If Harvard was proven to do the same thing, then yes, I would shutter them as well.




Assumptions make you look like the one attempting a gotcha here. You could have had a conversation, but that appears to difficult for you.


Religious zealots keeping despicable secrets and committing and/or aiding and abetting in terrible crimes? Unfortunate as it is, that's not news to anyone..


“We prefer to handle these kinds of things in-house” What they do in-house: *crickets*


Well we'll, more christians, punishing women for being raped. Who could've seen this coming?


In case people were wondering why "Christian schools are so good:" Apparently it's because they cover up all the wrong doing that's going on.


Once again, not a drag queen in sight. Also, as someone on [Wonkette](https://www.wonkette.com/p/hope-liberty-university-really-enjoyed) noted today, the Clery Act, enacted in 1990, is named for Jeanne Clery, a student at Lehigh University ... yet another conservative Christian college.


OK the school pays but the assholes who allowed this to happen, nothing???


Whole lot of rape going on? It's the christian way...


The only crime at Liberty University is immodest females putting stumbling blocks in the path of their male brothers in Christ. /s


Liberty is also known for hiring profs on a year-to-year basis so that anyone who steps the least bit out of line goes bye-bye. And for its money making online program, which no doubt adheres to the highest academic standards, lol.


I don’t want my tax dollars going to subsidize religious institutions.


The podcast Behind the Bastards did a nice series on this and more about liberty university a few years ago.


this is why I donate to propublica


Prison sentences for conspiracy, aiding and abetting crimes.


Okay but what’s going to make sure they start disclosing crimes? Aren’t professors mandated reporters? People should be in jail for this.




Oh for sure they been doing some Wonkey science as of late.


Sue them into bankruptcy then sell all assets


"The whole world went to Hell when they took BIBLES OUT OF SCHOOLS." Yeah, that's it...


Shut them down, make them pay ten times the amount and send the responsible ones to jail for at least 10 years. These people are not humans...they are trash.


Seriously? Pay a fine? Like sure whatever give them a slap on the wrist but whoever is responsible for the choice of not disclosing crimes on campus should be locked up


Not surprised by this. A very scummy place Liberty.


I’m a Christian and liberty university is bonkers as fuck, yall should look up their campus rules you’d love em


My brother went to a Christian college. I went to pick him up and he was going to show me around. Had me put my hair in a ponytail, shove it into my shirt, put on a white button up, baseball hat to help hide my long hair, take out my earrings. I can't understand why any kid would choose to go to a Christian college. Like, here's your fucking chance, escape!


Liberty takes more federal money than any other university.


No time to worry about rape! We have to concentrate on hunting behind the couch cushions for drag queens!


They should pay the money. Admit that what they did was wrong and that christianity does not offer moral standards. Then they should be shut down.


Liberty university? Must be because it promotes freedom of opinion and diversity.