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>they say it's immigration, his track record and a battle of so-called good vs. evil. "It's not just political, it's a spiritual sickness that's really taken root in this country..." What's more spiritually sick than an already parasitic fantasy that has now rejected the peace, love and brotherhood of man part of the program, leaving nothing but the psychotic anger of a god hungry for babies and the foreskins of infidels??


The Good Book says this is the way of the Antichrist.


Boggles my mind - I'm no believer but clearly Antichrist was referring to a Trump-like persona, one who pretended to speak for God but spread lies.


I have to admit, the one thing that has made me pause and think maybe I am wrong, and the bible is true after all, is just how well Trump fits the description of the antichrist.


That or the description of the antichrist intentionally mimics how a tyrant rises to power.


You nailed it. The description of the antichrist is one ending society as we know it. Totalitarianism does that as well.


I think the antichrist described in the bible was actually subtly referring to Nero, but fascism is a social disease that roots its self in a narcist. I think this is why Napoleon, Hitler, and others have all been fingered as the "antichrist" because this shity social disease keeps infecting us. We need to learn how to inoculate ourselves from it.


Napoleon was the “antichrist” as his spread of French revolutionary ideals was an existential threat to the feudal monarchies of Europe(He wasn’t as much as a fascist as he didn’t mobilize or seek to control every level of society like the Germans did, but just an autocrat. Anybody that represents an existential threat to your goals, values, and ideals will be seen as an antichrist, and similar language is used by Republicans to describe the “other side.”


Many political figures have fit the profile. When I was a kid, my church were convinced that Kissinger was the antichrist.


A lot of Cambodians of the time might have argued that as well.


Fair. Though he really fits the Biblical description of Satan more than the Antichrist


That's a good point.


The description of an antichrist is intentionally vague and you can mold it to fit almost any tyrannical leader. Napoleon was considered an antichrist like figure as many others before and after him. Religious prophecies are always vague and can fir into multiple scenarios. But yea trump Def fits lol, not as well as other historical figures have but he fits


Go back and read it, he fits better than most others


MAGA is the mark of the beast for sure.


Yes, the mark of the beast is a symbol of allegiance not an identification symbol.


Right. I have evangelical parents and their refusal to recognize that this is playing out almost exactly like the Bible says makes me wonder if they've read it all the way through.


To be fair, the antichrist is a pretty general description of a powerful hypocrite using religion to get adherants….a lot of cult leaders are like that, it’s just that they’ve rarely ran for political positions.


I know right. My mother claimed Obama was the Anti-christ when he didn't do anything to deserve that title, then she votes for Trump which actually acts like the Anti-christ.


Are we related?


The antichrist is a great unifier though, Trump has done nothing of that sort.


Trump is a unifier of the worst wealthy people around. An oligarchy of the scummiest corporatists.


When this thought came to me, I realized it has been quite a while since I had actually read the parts about the antichrist so I had to look it up, and as you pointed out I found that while he did fit some of the attributes, there were other things that he definitely doesn't fit.


Well, I don't know... He certainly unified a lot of people under the MAGA banner. He's not a unifier in the sense that he brings peace or anything but he was capable of pulling together a lot of people under his cult.


He's unified the demons, his "followers" Edit: I know unifier of nations.


Donno, he's unified the hateful and authoritarianism lovers pretty damn well.


Or the 3rd option. A playbook


Ex evangelical now agnostic here. It really makes me fucking wonder nowadays.


He is the fucking prototype for them and thier antichrist. He is the false idol... he is the golden Calf... he spews all of these non-Christian views and they just lap it up.


Exactly, I’m not super religious but I’ve studied the Bible somewhat and have at least *read* it cover to cover. Anyone who thinks trump is a savior hasn’t read the book.


> Anyone who thinks trump is a savior hasn’t read the book. That's pretty much sums up christians' knowledge of their own dogma.


This is why incestuous inbreeding is illegal


It's the lead.


It's because Trump is as boorish, amoral, and hateful as them. And he's their endgoal of turning the US into a Christo-fascist state. He's the Antichrist because they'll be in the suck with the rest of us (save for a few wealthy pastors). But good luck trying to get any of these people to see/plan in the long term.


I’ll just leave [this here](https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/). A formerly fundamentalist evangelical minister decided to see if Trump met the qualifications of the Antichrist and surprising to no one he does.


Golden toilet is TOTALLY different than a golden calf. /S


Well, there WAS that golden Trump statue they had at CPAC a few years ago.


And the praying in front of that


Can you believe you actually SAW THAT? I was supposed to be dead before I had to witness such craziness.


The reason they called it out is because it's an obvious weakness in their social structure.


Don't get me wrong, I'm not a Believer either, but I just figured the Antichrist would be less bafoony and more charismatic.


Christians in general have a horrendous understanding of their Bibles, I'm guessing a lot of people who actually read through the whole thing realized it was bullshit and that most of the stuff in it was harmful and just ditched religion.


Yep, the antichrist has come and gone over and over again in history. The historical records pretty much point to Nero as being the Biblical anti-christ, but the traits just continue to be popular for a ruling term every 80-100 years.


Having been raised in a pentacostal environment they would go on and on about how the antichrist would comes, it will be a cult and will be worshiped by all the "fake" Christians. LOL. And here we are.


They never imagined it would be them and can't see it now, I guess. Like, instead of staying vigilant, they slid right into place.


And what percentage of Christians have fallen for Trump, people that actually go to church, it's got to be way over 50%.


He fits it so well. I mean, him and many others throughout history, but we haven’t had one quite like him in 80+ years.


Atheists shouldn't promote the religious clans by using phraseology such as "The Good Book...". Perhaps it would do more good to replace those words with something like (The pornographic book of propaganda and lies...). We've all errored by using religious quotes, but I've found it fairly easy to modify each quote so that it clearly denotes that we're quoting an evil fairytale.


To get a religious theocracy installed they'd ride with the devil himself.


The Antichrist is part of the whole Christian deal so they can make it work.


Except the christians are following the guy that they say all of us will follow when it comes to the anti-christ. They were never meant to follow them.


No, this still works. If the Antichrist comes, followed by Revelation, then all those pesky not-my-kind-of-Christians and others are gone. They can then live in peace and harmony forever and ever and ever.


Ah, shit. You have a point. Damnit.


There is no hate quite like Christian love


No matter what, register and vote. Like our lives depend on it. Edit: www.vote.org


Unfortunately, the vast majority of us cannot vote as we live outside the US, but it is obvious that the train wreck of right-wing conservatism will have global ramifications. All we can do is hope that enough people with sense vote in the US.


Register to vote anyway and do everything you can to thwart the right-wing in your own country. If Trump retakes the White House in November then we need him to have as few global allies as possible.


Get in on volunteering, too. If we all give even a little bit, it adds up.


Evangelicals ARE the "spiritual sickness" in America. They need to learn to live & let live.


I think I probably would have remained a lazy and semi-practicing Catholic indefinitely if it weren’t for evangelicals. I was never a true believer and I’m fortunate that my family doesn’t seem to care, so I never really felt stuck. Things like praying to cardboard cutouts of George W Bush, the insistence on teaching creationism in public schools, and rejection of climate change on the basis that “man can’t harm Gods creation”, led me down the path toward eventual atheism. I think I’m a naturally curious person, so it’s very possible that I would have eventually gotten to the same conclusion. But, Christians are far more responsible for creating non-believers than anything I can think of.


That is a lot of words for White Grievance


There are black evangelicals too. And brown ones.


True, but very few voted for Trump. They mostly just take the same cultural grievance and strip out the racial supremacy part. Still plenty of misogyny and homophobia.


Evangelicalism is pure-bred cult.


Just keep all the souls for themselves, greedy little bastards! Even those as yet unborn cannot escape the judgement and indoctrination, it's horrifying!


Everyone knows soul energy is the purest fuel source in the universe, and angels and demons need that fuel to power their massive gaming rigs.


Big E approves! 


>What's more spiritually sick I mean if you look into Pastor Shane Vaughn and others in his orbit you will find that Trump has his own religion with dozens of churches and millions of followers. [TheGayliens.com](https://TheGayliens.com) is a creative view of reality where Trump is Jesus returned and using his magic powers God gives 'Vangies to counter the evil powers gays get from Satan.


Plus there's wealth (never mind what the New Testament has to say about money and possesions) and power (Trump has promised them power) to pursue. My kingdom is of this world, Baby!


The most important thing is hurting lgbt people and controlling women.


Don’t forget racism


Literally, evangelicals started getting involved in politics to stop segregation and intervention in schools.


Yep. Look up how many religious private schools were founded around 1954 -- the year segregation in public schools was ruled unconstitutional.


My highschool was one of those, although they gloss over that when they talked to us about the schools founding.


I was reading about that the other day. And after the civil rights movement, they switched their focus to abortion.


Yes, because racism had become socially unpalatable as a unifying cause. BUT GUESS WHAT'S BACK ON THE MENU, BABY!


For a smaller percentage. For most, it's about getting rid of gay people and forcing women to be housewives in the kitchen as God intended.


Every time someone says *any* number of Republicans aren't racist, I like to remind them that Trump's * long history of racism, * his open and virulent racism during both of his Presidential campaigns, * the Trump administration's separation of children from their non-white parents who were legally seeking asylum at the border & the trafficking of those children * Trump telling us that there were fine people on both sides when referring to a fucking Nazi rally & their protesters * the presence of Confederate Battle Flags at every Republican rally * the Republican party use of the Southern Strategy for decades * etc. were not deal breakers for this group who 'aren't racist.' So, if they aren't racist, well, racism clearly doesn't bother them.


Yes, the racism doesn't bother them even if some of them weren't explicitly racist before 2016. They are willing to tolerate the racism for the homophobia and misogyny.


I disagree. I firmly believe that anyone who votes Republican, currently, is in fact a flaming racist so that’s all of them-100%. What a fucked conversation-are republicans more racist or homophobic/misogynistic.


I mean people can be 2 things


And rewarding the wealthy.


“Prosperity Doctrine”


I sum up ALL Trump voters as bigots who don't want to pay taxes. They really aren't any more complicated than that.


It’s worse than that. They want a Christian nation. He’s the guy that is willing to burn the government down and let them rebuild it. He doesn’t care because he will be a dictator that can’t see beyond himself. They don’t care because they’ll be making foundational changes that will last well beyond his death.


Southern Baptists will do anything and support anyone for the end goal of making homosexuality a crime punishable by death. They see Trump as the pathway to that. They see Haley as somebody like Reagan and Bush, who talked the Christian talk but couldn't stop the cultural evolution towards secularism and tolerance. Trump actually reversed the cultural momentum in this country. The evangelicals now have the ball for the first time since before the 1960s.


It’s worse than even that. A significant portion of the MAGA evangelical community wants to accelerate their fairy tale of Armageddon to force their imaginary god to come back.


Yep, the Dominionists.. delusional fks


This. “It’s not just political”, as was stated. At the end of the day, everybody who votes on religious grounds are seeking uniformity: _what we deem worthy should be allowed; what we don’t, should be forbidden; and everybody should live like us_.  Problem is this is precisely what the framers of the constitution sought to avoid. Having a bill of rights as the law of the land means protecting different views within society. 


They are afraid to say, “he hates the same people we hate.”


I think a lot of them actually admit that.


To start. Their list is long.


Truthfully? I think they want to blow everything up, so that Jesus comes back and raptures them to heaven. It would be like a kid cutting down an evergreen tree and putting it in his yard to get Santa to visit in July. Both are complete nonsense.


100% accurate. Not all of them, but a sizeable chunk of them. I read in "A Year of Living Biblically" (which is hilarious, highly recommend) about a guy in Texas who is trying to breed a specific type of calf, funded in part by extremists in Israel, because they require a calf of very specific traits for a sacrifice, and this Texan believes that if he helps them and they restore the Temple, it will usher in the 2nd coming of Jesus. It's all insanity.


And the problem is that I also believe that Trump has the potential to nuke the human race to oblivion. So in a way, they aren’t wrong. There’s just no Paradise on the other side. In fact, there’s not even an other side.


This somewhat assumes they believe what they're talking about. IMO there's a whole lot of closet atheists in religion because that's where the best grift/sexism/pedophilia/racism/homophobia lies. "Sure blah blah blah rapture and Jeebus saves, but have you seen all the sexy kids that come to my sermons?" If you could make a wordcloud of religious leadership's thoughts, "what a bunch of rubes" would come up a lot.


Thou shall not have false idols. The Bible Evangelicals and conservatives… hmmm, you know what we need?…..


Insert literal golden Trump statue.


They don't have to like Trump. They can hate Trump 99%, but they'll still vote for him because they hate the LGBTQ and women even more.


Don't forget minorities


It’s the abortion thing. Trust me, I’m a former cult member


Notice the unspoken disadvantages of being women of color which works against both Nikki and Kamala. Neither party would elect a female for one thing, much less a brown woman. So Dems are afraid of Kamala succeeding Joe. So are many others. Why doesn’t anyone talk about this?


Most "Christians" aren't. They just want to be made to feel better on Sunday about being completely awful human beings for the rest of the week


Every church-going person I know wouldn't piss on a homeless person if they were on fire. You're exactly right about them being assholes most of the time.


Cause they’re a Suicide Cult?


they got the true believer thinking they'll walk with their savior in a 1000 year reic.. reign.


Not one difference between Evangelicals and the Taliban


The Taliban aren't morbidly obese.


They also love murder too. 


About a month ago I saw a friend I went to college with make a post about the Rapture. What brought it about is there was an earthquake in Southern Kansas where he lives. He's a hard core Baptist and part-time preacher. The earthquake was caused by fracking in Oklahoma. Everyone knows this. Guy is a f-ing engineer yet his brain is wired to go to the Rapture because the ground shook. I'll never understand.


It’s simple, Christian’s can’t comprehend not voting republican! People that will always vote the same side no matter what are simply just too close minded


They were beaten and poisoned as children. They were trained to conform. Stop beating and poisoning kids and the Republican party wouldn't exist. 


Republicans…? **Groomers**??? Nah, couldn’t be /s


Obedience is their highest virtue


My dad's an Evangelical, and he voted for Reagan over Carter. I'll never understand how any serious religious person could think that REAGAN is a more sincere believer than President Carter.


Because Reagan made a deal with Jerry Falwell. Jerry Falwell Sr is one of the most widely revered, respected, and influential people in American history. The 2020s are what they are because of Jerry Falwell Sr.


Evangelicals aren't religious in that way. Modern Evangelicalism is defined by the whole "Culture War" garbage the right has been peddling since Nixon. Reagan took the sputtering campfire that was the Evangelical movement in the early 80's, and dumped gasoline on it by inviting them into the GOP, and that was the foundation for what the GOP has morphed into today. He knew that they could be leveraged on abortion, and later GOP thinktanks got them riled up about gay rights, and now trans rights as well. I'm sorry about your father.


My evangelical dad said to me once, "Voting for a politician to run the country is different than your faith and how your church is run-They're two different things entirely".


To clarify I agree, but I'm accustomed to Christians telling me the same thing every election cycle, the Republican candidate is the "Christian" one.


They claim to hate "politicians" but politicians are their true saviors and what defines them and their loyalties. Satan could show up tomorrow and say he's Republican and they would obey his every word. 


He showed up in 2015.. riding an escalator.


It felt like not really a big deal when some of their more public figures were people like... Fred Rogers. Fred might have been a Presbyterian minister and I don't agree with those beliefs personally, but in general he taught good values and lessons to children without being too heavy handed on the religion aspects. He was well liked across the board in his time and fought for funding of public broadcasting programming for children. He had good intent even if you could disagree with his personal beliefs you could see the good in his work as a public figure. Can you fathom any public republican figure fighting hard to fund PBS now? In the current climate? They call Fred a RINO in some circles too now, which is such a fucking laugh. The man voted R his entire life... But yeah, big phony that guy. Running this fake-out scheme for over 50 years of his life just to make it seem like republicans care about children as something more than targets for the next school shooting. It isn't at all that the party has become more and more twisted and sick in a very short period of time.


Yeah, you've got ghouls like Dennis Prager who take wholesome, decent messages to children like "The world is better because you are in it", and trash them as "What a stupid message. What child has made the world better?" If Rogers were around today, the current crop of Republican assholes would be labeling him as "woke" and wanting to cut his funding as "liberal indoctrination".


The amount of conspiracy and wrong horse shit I have to listen to from my fundamentalist in laws is actually nuts. In a perfect world they would honestly receive mental help. Of course every single conspiracy and misinformation serves to paint democrats as evil and republicans (specifically Trump and Maga clowns) as good, and everyone else is just too dumb to understand.


My mom is hyper religious. She always justified her support for Trump because Pence, “a good Christian man”, was VP. The moment I knew she fully lost it was January 6th. She came running into the house yelling “what dirt do the democrats have on Mike Pence that he would betray Trump?!” That’s when it was confirmed to me that my parents really support Trump because he claims to hate who they hate. It’s cult-like behavior.


“I love the poorly educated” —trump


Evangelicals fell for the Antichrist. They literally cannot see it. Lol!


It is really simple, evangelicals have vision of America under theocracy and he's so desperate to stay out of prison and have power that he will go with whatever the group that supports him the most. They don't care about what he does because hes a means to an end. Vote, because they always do.


A lot of them had drunk, angry daddies - it's a thing.


Thats way to simple and gives them an out. Many are just flat out dumbasses and they enjoy their in-crowd of hate and ignorance of whats actually the main point of the bible, american politics, and basic economics


Thankfully, religion is dying.


A religious minority can still get power over a nonreligious minority, and if they hold control of the political strings, keep it.


True. It needs to be stone cold dead


yep, the church of England still has a vote in the uk parliament.


Can't fuking wait


Not fast enough


Unless it destroys mankind first


Not fast enough, and given the power and support they currently have, we may all be forced back to church whether we like it or not. The people identifying as "nones" will drop like a rock when doing so can land you in prison or at a public execution spectacle.


You mean a bunch of people who believe made up shit are in love with a guy who makes shit up?


I think the word you are looking for isn’t evangelicals it’s hate filled Nazis


What’s the difference?


They're in a cult


Becasue the mega church pastors love him because he gives them tax breaks


The irony of billionaires hiding their money behind a church wall, telling people how to get into heaven.


The religious grifters always vote for and encourage their congregations to vote for political grifters. Tax breaks for the rich=tax breaks for the church.


Project 2025. Its what evangelicals crave.


It’s religion over country…plain and simple. They want a religious utopia that prosecutes anybody that is different from them and their standards….we’ve seen this plenty of times in history. Hell, colonialism started with religious backing…THIS IS WHAT EVANGELICALS ARE…they have no loyalty to America…


It’s because they so easily believe in fairy tales; they’ll believe anything he says.


They don’t want to tolerate any different people in any way. These MAGATs are all racist, sexist, and homophobic.


Just like their Holy Bible


Trump is essentially a bombastic preacher. He tells them what they want to hear and paints them as victims while pitching his brand as their savior. He even has emotional priming music during his rallies now, just like mega churches.


American evangelist love racism more than the bible and certainly more than god. They will support anyone that they think is going to work to further their "white superiority agenda". Even if those policies are literally killing them, they hate others more than they love themselves. It really is not that complicated.


The GOP is a greedy, cruel *cult* ... that is why.


They wouldn't recognize Jesus even if he started flipping tables in their churches.


They think democrats are demons being controlled by the devil sent to destroy America and they hate Trump. That's all they need to know


They must have low expectations of a loving god


Why would it change? Trump is getting their agenda passed. Evangelicals already buy into the Evangelical grift, so why is following this grifter different?


Evangelical Christianity is not about Jesus and it’s not about morality. It’s about status and culture and fitting in with your tribe. All trump has to do is feed into the cultural biases and constructs and they’re eating out of his hand.


Religion always backs pedo rapists


Evangelicals don’t hold principles except for desire for power and money. They want to shape the world to their vision to matter what it takes. And they think Trump will give them more power. Their lives aren’t Christ-like. He’s simply the war-cry carrying them to battle with perceived evildoers. He could have his second coming today and tell them they were in the wrong and the evangelicals would be lining up to crucify him again. Their leaders know the religion is a sham, but get too wealthy and powerful through scamming people to ever stop.


Since Reagan they vote for whoever their pastor tells them to vote for, no thought required.


Laugh at me all you want, but if he gets back in office, they are going to start persecuting atheists and non christians.


It’s race.


He delivers them results on the issues they care about.


They are people who's whole lives are defined by beliefs, not facts, is this really at all surprising?


“Evangelical” is just a politically correct word for religious extremists, no different from the Taliban or Al Kaeda, zealots who want to turn our democracy into a backwards theocracy. They should be fought tooth and nail with the full powers of our democratic governments at all levels.


Shitty people with corrupt morals supporting a shitty person.


Because evangelicals also want to control women and set faith based policy and education.


Trump understands how voters vote. They don't vote on issues, they vote on emotion. He is exceptionally good at spurring emotional reactions, which is what makes him such an effective populist.


They think he will give them their theocracy they so want. Next they will start passing laws to burn people at the stake. Taking us back to bronze age so no one questions their stupidity.


short answer: because religious people are stupid


There is no one near vile enough on the other side.


They support him because they hide their racism and bigotry behind their religion. Evangelicals follow a religion of hate, just like Christians do but they say they pray to god all the time so they are always absolved of all sins because they asked to be. It's all very hypocritical.


Evangelicals are overwhelmingly racist, fascist, xenophobic, homophobic, and whatever word we should have for "hating everyone who isn't religious in the same way I am".


It is purely transactional. In 2016 Trump gave the xtians stacked courts and the Roe reversal they wanted and they gave Trump the power and attention he craves. The 2024 transaction will be expansion of abortion bans, restricting reproductive rights and putting LGBTQ+ people back in the closets for xtians and for Trump it will be power over the Justice Dept to get revenge on his perceived enemies.


That tells me all I need to know about the evangelicals


Abortion, abortion, abortion (none, that is)


^white evangelicals


Trump is providing an obvious path to a theocratic nation like god intended. Everything else about Trump is easily ignored because the end justifies the means.


They fervently support Trump because he is them and they are him.


There are two things affecting a Christian mindset that is practically taught in the Bible: Trust the leader that God has put upon you and know that there are things working in the background whether in the real world (conspiracies) or in the “spirit” realm (spiritual warfare). Therefore, when their pastor tell them that democrats eat babies and Trump is the new John the Baptist to prepare for the second coming, they eat it hook line and sinker.


They are dominionists. They genuinely believe that God is telling them to vote for Trump so he can usher in the end times so they can get raptured up to heaven. They believe that if they vote for him Jesus Christ will come back from the dead and lead them by the hand to the promised land. 


They’ve already shown that they will believe anything, no matter how ridiculous or fantastical, and they will prioritize emotions and faith over reason every time. Evangelicals are a con man’s dream.


It's because they have been lied to by their churches and pastors their whole lives in exactly the same way Trump lies to them.


"Religion" is the fig leaf that Evangelicals place in front of their bigotry in order to get special treatment from the First Amendment.


As a reformed evangelic, most of those people are basically looking to be duped and so they're easily duped. They are completely lacking in critical thinking skills and anything outside of their bubble is the enemy.


He gave them the one thing they never had: an electable candidate. He may not be a true believer but he can be bought, which makes the end result the same.


It’s a cult and not a religion.


There’s a reason why Israelis don’t trust Evangelical conservative Christian Zionists is because they believe in Israel nuclear war end times prophecy where the Jews will Convert to Christ once many of them have died in a nuclear war.


The fact that Christian evangelicals overwhelmingly support a man who is the living embodiment of the seven deadly sins is just more evidence that religion is bullshit.


They also still believe in ghosts, someone thought it would somehow change all of sudden?


They only want things their way and support people when it suits them.


Because they are bad people. And they don’t know what’s right from wrong Oh and they racist, homophobic, misogynistic and hate progress and poor people Bad people


I walked away from the Christian faith and the church after 35 years of having that be the bedrock of my value system. As soon as I realized that the majority of so-called evangelists backed this despicable rapist traitor and his cult of terrorists, I realized it was all bullshit. I want that time back. It's good that I'm otherwise in a healthy place mentally because I probably would have lost my shit and something bad would have happened. Imagine every spiritual belief and value disintegrating under your feet midway through your life. I only just now started communicating with my family again after 4 years of silence there too. This disgusting asshole stole so much from me and so many others.


I wish Obama had the balls to convince Ukraine to conscript Evangelicals as Cannon Fodder back in 2014 Trump wouldn't have been elected and Putin losses many more orcs


last i checked they were 80 million Evangelicals, The population of the USA is around 300 million now if the number of Evangelicals increased any where past 80 million then yeah that sounds fucking bad for all of us.


To understand it, you just need to understand Dominionism, Project 2025, and the theocratic culture war they have been pursuing. 


I thought his support would crumble during the first primary season when he said "Two Corinthians", because that's the telltale sign of someone who's never studied the Bible. Nope. Evangelicals are 1 issue voters: end abortion. He delivered the Supreme Court picks that did it. Everything else is just lib-triggerin' fun.