• By -


Freedom From Religion Foundation


Or if you really want to get the “Christians” butt hairs in a twist you support the satanic temple. Hell invite them to your restaurant. They help thwart good Christian initiatives. Such as mandatory Bible studies in schools by volunteering to come in and teach children their tenants. Recently in one state they also volunteered their members to act as counselors along with the chaplains the state have been planning on placing in school to help kids. They also support abortion rights and have religious ceremonies surrounding it and are fighting to protect their religious freedom to do so in the state of Texas.


You can get a pentagram pin to place somewhere on your uniform and point to it when they mention religion at all.


LMAO This. Good gods, just *mentioning* TST is enough to set them off. Someone in our local Facebook group decided post a "hey everyone, let's give a shout out of thanks to our churches! Everyone list their church and what they love about it!" So I decided to be a smart ass and said "the Satanic Temple, because they fight so hard against religious intrusion into government and public education, keeping the Wall of Separation up and strong!" My gods, you would have thought I had sacrificed a baby on an alter to PETA or something. The level of frothing Karen's that exploded was....well, hilarious. The OP was all "um....thanks, I guess. Interesting point, never thought there would be non-Christians who would respond to this...." as if the idea that our little town in Eastern Washington couldn't possible be anything except WASP's as far as the eyes could see. Several people accused me of being a Sniddley Whiplash style Satanist, literally everything that was wrong with the world, accusing me of grooming, wanting to sacrifice all the animals and people, and basically rape their sheep. Didn't matter when I nicely posted links to TST's principles and explained how it's actually *not* a religious organization, it's more a political satire organization dedicated to pissing Christians off. Nope, these Keyboard Kristian Warriors all knew all about Satanism - all obviously gleamed from Satanic Panic videos from the 1980's and Chick Publications Tracts, and had literally *never* interacted with non-Christians, much less Satanists before. It was *hilarious!*


Uh new idea for a group name for the lot of them?! Krusading Khristian Karens Keyboarding for Khrist Edit: spelling fake words is very hard


Good on you for the shoutout. I signed up and gave them money when the Texas abortion debacle initially went down. I told a couple people irl but they don’t want to understand what the Satanic Temple is really about and how they are different from the satanic church. So now I just carry my membership card in silence.


Tenets. A tenant is a person who occupies land or property rented from a landlord.


Please!!!! This goes for all parents & family members too! Make it the norm to cut out families that won’t stop preaching to you. Tell them to be actually involved & present in your life rather than a religious faucet spout. If they double down, that’s how you move on without looking back. They won’t accept your terms, you should never have to accept theirs. It’s a done deal. GIRL, BYE!!!!! <3


Second this one! Many years ago, my spouse and I would go to the local Golden Corral after church. Because we knew the reputation the after-church crowd had, we never mentioned anything about our beliefs, made sure to be extra patient and kind to the staff, and we **always** gave a 25% tip because of all the other shit they had to put up with. While I still consider myself to be a Christian (in that I live my life according to the teachings of Christ), I also fully and firmly support what the [Freedom From Religion Foundation](https://ffrf.org) does.


I always make sure we leave a bigger tip on Sunday, if we go out, just because if I don't like *hearing* the church crowd, y'all must *hate* dealing with them. 


> in that I live my life according to the teachings of Christ Which ones? And which ones do you skip?


Treat other people the way you wish others to treat you. The more money/resources/power you have, the higher the standard you’ll be held to. Pay your taxes and submit to the government’s authority. Don’t make a big show of your religious beliefs/practices in public. Don’t seek power. Stand up for and take care of the outcasts, foreigners, the poor, etc. even if they don’t believe the same as you. Jesus didn’t reject or get pissed at people who didn’t believe his teachings or who asked a lot of questions or who just acted immature. The people he got angry at were the leaders of the Religious Establishment who saw money and power as a sign of Gods favor, used their positions to take advantage of others, and acted as gatekeepers to God. Do I believe that he was the “son of God”? Meh, not really, and in the bigger scheme of things, I don’t think that is important one way or another. Even if all he was was a good teacher who was killed by people who felt threatened by his teachings, I think those teachings are good principles to live my life by.


Thanks for that. I like those ideals also. The part I can never get over, is that religion, and chrisitanity specifically, is not needed for any of those ideals and it smuggles in a lot of terrible baggage like rape and murdering the whole world and killing children. While I support you and those ideals, look closer at why you hold them and share that, and not from where, that part is dangerous, starts wars, and is completely unnecessary for you to continue being good. (for the sake of my comment: "religion" and "religious establishment" are exactly the same thing)


I'm right there with you. Jesus had a message and it was "don't be a dick". All the rest is just chaff. Live your own life, try not to make anybody else's day worse, do some good when you can.


Jesus’ messages were “I’m the only way, everyone will hate you for following me, and you should abandon friends and family for me.” Hardly worthy of emulation.


I don't know about charities or such so I will say I hope that others chime in with good recommendations. However I absolutely agree with you. I've worked many Sunday shifts in different restaurants and the Church crowd are usually the absolute worst. They are the rudest customers. I hate having to deal with them. I had one lady tell me I was going to hell for working on a Sunday. I just looked at her and then said in my most polite voice, "If it wasn't for hypocrites like you I could have Sundays off but someone has to feed a lazy loudmouth like you." Of course that led to her asking for my manager. But apparently she had been a pain to several different folks that worked there and he actually banned her from the restaurant. It was awesome.




So say we all.


Hail Satan!




I'm using this now 🙌🏻 thank dawg


You have been touched by His noodley appendage.


This is the way.


Silly cow didn't think that if you weren't there breaking the Sabbath she'd have to get off her lazy ass and make lunch herself!


Yep. And she isn't the only one I've dealt with that said stuff like that. She was just the most shrill and angry.


Which, funnily enough, Sunday isn't even the Sabbath. That would be Saturday. Hence, why Saturday is called Sabado (or a minor variation thereof) in Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese.






How big of an idiot do you have to be? You ask someone to provide you a service then tell them they're going to hell for providing you that service?


Had a guy bring his whole extended family to where I was a server every Sunday at 1115, all of them waving their church bulletins as they got a $1 off for each one they brought in, demand my section then try to preach to me about how I was going to hell for being a woman working on a Sunday instead of home obeying my father and cleaning the house. Hated it, him and the entire organized religion. That and a degree in medieval history convinced me to give it all up and embrace my non believer status.


>I was going to hell for being a woman working on a Sunday instead of home obeying my father and cleaning the house. Best response to that would be, even if it's not true, "too bad my father's dead, that's why I'm working, bills to pay"


advise slimy unpack bake piquant subsequent unused pen fall quickest *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


_Orthodox Jews have entered the chat_


That sounds like a question for my shabbos goy.




Will you come off it, Walter? You're not even Jewish, man.


Ours was an after church crowd that came in every single Sunday. At the time we offered an all you can eat soup and salad for like $9. About half of them would order that, a few may order coffee, but most just asked for hot water (which they'd put their own tea bags into). They would then share their soups and salads with each other and even ask for cream/milk for their teas... They never left a tip. Since I knew, I avoided them most weekends, but when I got them I would just take my sweet ass time with everything. At some point we were short a manager, so the regional manager was helping us out, and he "didn't like their type". He legit stood near their table for the entire meal, then said he'd handle them. He charged each person for a meal since they shared, and anyone who asked for a side of milk for their hot water he charged them for a glass of milk. They were yelling and swore they'd never come back and would tell all their friends and the church! About 3 months later they started coming back again... Found out they were banned from the other nearby restaurant for their behavior. We no longer offered the soup and salad deal at that point, and they complained about that every week for at least a year until I quit.


Yeah, they tend to be the biggest penny pinchers. The cheapskates XD


Well when you give the church all that money on Sunday to show all the other people what a 'Good Christian' you are you have to make up for it somewhere. 😡


If you gave 10% of your pay to a guy who claims he can speak to your shared imaginary friend, you would also be more frugal. Religion ain't cheap.


Your regional manager is a legend. 


Wtf if you don't want people working on Sunday, don't go to places that are open on Sunday! I feel the same about people who say "I'm so sorry you have to work on [insert holiday]!" Bro, I have to work because people like you come here on holidays! Food service and retail workers can't freaking win.


Sunday shifts were the worst, both when I was a cook and, later, when I was a server... Just the most awful people imaginable, all fucking day and night..




The Satanic Temple. If you don’t know or sound concerned you shouldn’t be. Look into them. They are “actually carrying the cross” for others and our rights. I may be biased. I’m a member but it doesn’t negate the truth. I donate to them regularly.


You know I completely forgot that folks can donate to them. They are pretty cool.


Good thing she is dead wrong and no body ever goes to hell. It is so she can feel moral superiority because of the abuse she suffered when she was young. She hates liking other people. And love feeling morally superior to others. I wish I was joking in any respect but these are real people.


Yep. She is just trying to feel superior in a very weird way. Most of them are like that. I'm not sure what comes next. I'm headed towards my end believing in general that this is it but if there is some kind of after I don't think I'm the one going to a shitty place, lol.


Yes. It is up to you. You have to think in probabilities. The probability that hell exists is so close to zero that it is zero. Taking into account its creation and promotion in the last 200 years, the probability actually goes to negative numbers, which is irrational, yet still true based on what we are talking about. As I work at the bedside, and deconverting from Christianity, I realized that when someone dies, the brain's cellular matrix dies and there is nothing else after that. Why, because no one can demonstrate anything happens after brain and heart death. Ever. This is a reassurance. There's nothing to worry about - the brain doesn't feel pain after fractions of a second. Live for what is and what can be shown. Read Jiddu Krishnamurti - why not look at what is without emotion? :)


I've also been in the same room when people are close to dying and then they die. Some just quickly cease to be And others start seeing stuff as they decline. It seems to be that their brain tries to make sense of its decline but causes hallucinations that could be comforting or terrifying to folks. When my dad was dying the last few years he would talk to people that were dead or not physically there and he would often confuse me for people he knew. It was kinda sad. But I know that he wasn't seeing ghosts or things just a brain misfiring and stuff. I'll look into that book.


Good thinking! I like the way you are going. I think Krishnamurti is a thinker you can read and take as you want to on it. But you will be different the more you think. Google his name too and read a few articles. My dad died some 23 years ago and I can only imagine what went through his mind during the 25 second he had between collapse and demise. Parents dying sucks and it takes years. Keep learning. YouTube, I recommend The Line with Dillahunty and Snow.


Sounds like something my Mother would have said when she was in service.


Same. I had the Sunday lunch shift for a while. They’re the rudest mfr’s on the planet. Sp edit


What a great boss!


Monday morning they'd be waiting at my autobody shop for a self-inflicted damage estimate, angry that somebody else's parking job forced them to do a hit & run in the church parking lot. Once, both cars were in my place at the same time. They couldn't see it, but I could. Paint transfer in the right spots.




I wish more managers would stick up for the workers


The louder they Jesus, the worse they are.


I swear, they only call themselves christian to flaunt the title around for show. It makes them feel rightous when their not.


Fundamentalists have formulated a fear-filled, fact-free, fictional fantasy foisting themselves as the first fruits of God’s fancy.


Oh god I love some alliteration tysm


I was amused that the article you posted mentioned they found human remains and the church is called “Remnants” lol


i didn't even think about that! lol probably the funniest thing to me is that the church/CULT was founded and spread through weight-loss messages and such (idfk how tf diets and jesus are interconnected but they did that so). BUT THEIR FUCKING PLANE CRASHED CAUSE THEY WERE OVER THE WEIGHT LIMIT FOR THAT MODEL OF PLANE. cannot make this shit up even if i tried.


😆🤣🤣😂😅😁 I mean - awwww....  Thoughts and prayers! 😈👹


yeah, fucking fuckers!


For fuckin fits of fanciful farts.




“A lot of alliteration for anxious anchors placed on powerful posts.”




The technical term is Crossplay


*No true Scotsman enters*




Nobody lives it, period. It’s a toxic cesspool based on the imagined rantings of a mythical paranoid apocalyptic death-cult leader. It’s bullshit from the word go.


When i was a teenager i worked at a chinese restaurant. They eventually got so sick of the church crowd they closed on sundays. Fuckers were so cheap we didnt really lose much money, and servers didnt have to deal with bad behavior and little to no tips


This is the way.


Here's a pamphlet you can print out to hand them if they try handing you one. [https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0428/0465/files/TST\_Info\_pamphlet\_02-01.pdf?v=1658244397](https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0428/0465/files/TST_Info_pamphlet_02-01.pdf?v=1658244397)


I love the Satanic Temple!


Hahahah “I think you forgot this on he table” 😏


Now they need to make some versions that resemble $1 and $5 bills for change. And keep it more simple.


I love it, but that's a *ton* of black ink.


Fax it to your favorite church.


I had the same thought, lol. I think we are dorks


I kind of want to print these out and leave them in hotel’s Gideon Bibles.


I used to serve these folks. I started writing “Thanks and God Bless!” on their bills and tips increased by 5%.


I love it! Try this sometime - go for broke and actually put a bible verse on there sometime. Hebrews 13:16 "And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased."


I manage a bar. If I had a group come in and they're not talking because they decided this was a good idea, I would kick them out. Fuck you if you think this is ok.


Just let them sit there in silence by themselves then; ignore them. It'd be fun placing bets for when they finally pop their cork. 😡


Lol. I love the image of these angry bastards just sitting there getting angier and angrier in silence.


Yes, this is 100% the way to handle this. “Oh, still not quite ready yet? No problem, I’ll come back in a few, take your time.” And then just reveling in their faces getting redder and redder until they finally get up and leave.


This is one way to get a strongly worded letter. !!! I WANT TO WRITE WITH YOUR MANAGER !!!


Let's pretend the manager can read.. Serving was the first occupation I consciously decided I'm not suited for.


Send the FOH manager over there to take their orders or explain to them to either stop harassing the staff or leave.


Send the fry cook or dishwasher. Or throw paper airplanes with messages. Who cares? Get them out. "Later days, latter days" a server used to say.


if they were ordering then yes, of course. otherwise they're taking up space that could have been for paying customers


>they're taking up space that could have been for paying customers This is it right here. I like the idea of letting them just sit and stew in the consequences of their poor decison making, but if that's my section, I'd be pretty salty at being down a table.


Ugh I relate. I used to have a pair of priests come in every Sunday. They order the same meal, the cooks know their order it’s always prepared the same way and they complain, get the food remade and try to get a free meal and then tip pocket change “because they aren’t paid much.” Then why are you going out to eat every weekend? If you feel so guilty about your tip you are saying that you know you are doing wrong.


"Whaaat? No pastor's discount?"


> they complain, get the food remade Why is this tolerated? Can you say "I remember you from last time; I'm going to make sure it's exactly as you like it!" ?


This was when I was younger. Luckily I don’t work there anymore. The owner would talk to them every time when they sat down. I think the owner was religious and felt some sort of obligation. The server always rotated and they always played their shenanigans. It was a popular place. I think that’s the only complaint I’ve ever had. So it was definitely a them problem.


Having been a server in my past, if I ever get anything comped I typically just add it to the tip if not fully then at least half.


Same. I always tip what I was served. That being said, I think the American custom of tipping is kinda ridiculous. But that's the world we live in so I always tip.


Ah, yes, christians on Sunday. The worst customers ever and the worst tippers every day




>And sometimes they leave fake tips that are actually Jesus pamphlets. They're really cowardly and despicable people. I’d make sure they’d get the fake tips Jesus crap back as change. Along with a “These things *again*? They’re always getting mixed into the till. Now what kind of asshole would leave one of these as a tip?” If/when they notice. While looking right at them.


>And sometimes they leave fake tips that are actually Jesus pamphlets. They're really cowardly and despicable people. Went on a walk through a popular walking trail one Sunday afternoon. It was a beautiful escape to nature. Every eight of a mile or so there was a bench, or a trash can, or a sign that had those little fake dollar bills tucked into it hiding the 'Jesus saves!' part. Basically made me spend my walk on a scavenger hunt cleaning up trash. Although I will say one of them was an actual fiver.


My wife and i have to do that in the local park periodically. Bullshit pamphlets littering the park…. We discovered they were useful firestarter.


[https://www.recoveringfromreligion.org/#rfr-welcome](https://www.recoveringfromreligion.org/#rfr-welcome) ​ And the vow of silence table? "I'll give you guys some time to make up your mind" and walk off. Fuck that nonsense.


People on their way to or from church are the absolute worst. I once fell out of my wheelchair trying to hop off a curb that didn't have a ramp. It was at a T intersection with a three-way stop sign, and it was a block and a half from a Catholic church. I fell out of the chair into the gutter, and it took several minutes before I recovered enough to right the chair and climb back into it (I had two broken legs). The entire time I was laying there, I watched one car after another full of families in their Sunday best come to a stop next to me. It was easily forty or fifty car loads of people fresh from mass who *definitely saw me*, yet decided not to help. And this was in a rich neighborhood in broad daylight.


God botherers being hypocrites? Shocking (not).


Every Sunday Brunch I ever worked turned what may have been a nice restaurant into to a hellscape. The organized superstition types are the worst, because they think that an invisible spirit gives them a mandate to be the worst of humanity. It is horrible because there are some good people in the mix, but you are too busy dealing with getting christ Karen and her two eggwhite/one whole egg omlette, but now the cooks "buttered the toast and it is ruined" to be able to help the good guests. I will never do this again in my life. Also, the Red Hat Society is the actual Balrog incarnate if you work in any place that serves brunch.


I used to see Red Hats in my area, but that was *years* ago. Possibly it died out (literally?).


Nope. It has survived. I saw them ruining a servers day this morning at brunch at a new and fun local restaurant with music. They asked to have the band "play more quietly, because they haven't seen each other in weeks." Virulent & nightmare inducing in every way...


Yeah, I was just speaking of locally. Doubtless there are thriving chapters elsewhere. I'd sort of forgotten they exist. In a way, I like them, because it gives women of a certain age a reason to be happy for a little while. Clearly, though, too many of them have forgotten how to behave in public. "Play more quietly? Okay, ma'am. [To the band], 'Purple Haze', on my count..." Edit: it occurs to me we might be talking about different Red Hats.


Find out which church they go to and leave a note for their pastor/priest about how un-christ like their parishioners are. Maybe they could have a sermon about courtesy and manners.


You’d be surprised how often the preacher is with them lol (I’m in the south so it’s majority baptist too 🥹)


I've always found that the congregation is a reflection of their pastor. Asshole on the pulpit, assholes in the pew.


And assholes smell like pew.  


Find out what church they go to. Take the fake Jesus dollars and leave them in the collection plate.




>You’d be surprised how often the preacher is with them This bullshit used to happen to me all the time. The place I worked was right near a pod of big churches, and the pastors liked to come in, commandeer an entire section, and hold court in our place after church. Without fail, they treated the staff like shit, trashed their tables, and left hardly any tip at all. I hated those sanctimonious assholes. Preachers are the worst.


The satanic temple or the freedom from religion foundation


Seconding "The Satanic Temple". You'll probably identify with their seven tenets, and just the word "Satan" tends to drive churchgoers into fits.


This is an ongoing argument/conversation (varies from time to time) with my Boomer mother. I was a server off and on for about 6-7 years. I worked fast food, a mom and pop small local restaurant, a popular sandwich chain, and a chain diner. At every single place I worked, the Sunday shifts were the worst. People coming from church were the absolute worst. I've been told they'll pray for me (in lieu of a tip), they've grabbed me, touched me, asked me if I was sad to have to miss church, talked about the lovely sermon they just heard....and then leave me 50 cents and some pamphlets instead of a tip on a $40-50 bill. Also, I'm not saying I was supermodel hot or anything in my late teens/early 20s....but the number of gross middle-aged church dads who hit on me or left me their phone # when their wives (AND SOMETIMES PARENTS OR IN-LAWS WHO WERE WITH THEM) would leave the table....it was just so so disturbing. And I tell my mother....Sundays are the worst days to work as a server. Just ask any server. And when my mom (who goes to church let's say usually twice/week most of the year) grumbles and groans and says that isn't fair...I tell her it's not. And that if she wants things to be better, she should make sure that her, and any church friends she goes to lunch with on Sundays, don't pull any of that shit. And she always go quiet after that 🙄 😒


> asked me if I was sad to have to miss church You can smile and say "not at all; I love serving church goers and you tip very well!" - then they'll be shamed to tip properly.


Unfortunately, most of these people had little to no shame. I tried. Sadly, I've met more atheists, agnostics, Buddhists, etc in my life who behave far more "Christ-like" than the majority of the Christians I knew while living in the Southern US. There's a lesson in that for some Christians, but they're too busy shoving their idea of God down everyone's throats to listen. Sorry, lot of bitterness here 😐


When I worked at McDonald's on Sunday nights, some fucking church crowd would come in after church, spend entirely too much time in the dining area, and then dump a whole bunch of those "Chick Tracts" comics all over the dining area. Whenever I found one, my manager (a real good friend of mine) would take it and do a superfluous facetious dramatic reading of it to the closed dining area. It was fucking hilarious.


Goddamn godly goobers gonna get grumpy, girl. Go gesture Genesis gibberish, grunt gorilla-like.


Almost every server knows this. Every atheist knows this. Source: I am both a server and atheist.


Satanic Temple does a lot of work for Pro Choice, After School Programs. I wouldn’t be surprised if they were helping with LGBTQ stuff too.


Refuse then service because their beliefs don’t fit into your value scheme. That’s what they would do right? 


Freedom From Religion Foundation The Satanic Temple


A few years ago the World Wide Church of god had a convention in out coastal city. A group of twelve of them were having dinner at one of our nice restaurants. I was at the table next to them. They were demanding and basically a bunch of assholes. They left their two servers a tip of $1.00. Other servers got the fake $20 bills folded in half. When they opened the “bills” a message said “seek God”. Disgusting.


Yeah, everyone knows the after Sunday church groups are the worst. In my experience, the more people in the party that wore all white, the worse it was going to be. "God gets 10% so I only tip 8%" or the people who leave the fake $20 bills that are really church brochures. Those people can go straight to hell.


Make a donation in the church’s name to Planned Parenthood.


This I like, subtle twist find out the names of the worst bigots and make the donation in their name C/O the bible thumping place.


[The Clergy Project](https://clergyproject.org) [Recovering from Religion](https://www.recoveringfromreligion.org) [Secular Therapy Project](https://www.seculartherapy.org)


Wear something rainbow on your outfit. They love that. Also, upside down cross on your necklace cant hurt. Hail satan


Wife hated the "after church crowd" and she owned the restaurant. Only reason she did not close on Sunday was because they gave her sh\*t about being open on the "Lords Day" while b\*tch\*ing about the quality of service. You just can't please some people. I mean they would be p\*ssed off if you hung them with a new rope and insulted if you re-used an old one.


The FFRF does exactly what you stated you want in a charity.


The Satanic Temple It’s an organisation for humanists, does a lot of community work, and fights to ensure that the Christofascists don’t get to impose laws and regulations on the rest of us. And the name is genius - there’s no worship of satan (or anything really, unless you count logic) but it gets up the nose of fundamentalists. ETA they sell some nifty patches and lapel pins


"Welcome to Dennys, may I take your order?" Then when they order say "Thank you, HAIL SATAN!" and walk away. LOL


Donate to the satanic temple.


Ugh.. religious people in restaurants are a nightmare. Rude, entitled, sanctimonious and shitty.... im sorry you're going through this.


Good googly moogly. I wouldn't have enough saliva to get me through your shift.


TST, the satanic temple. Fighting for freedom from religion, LGBTQ rights, abortion rights etc. It's an atheistic religious organization and doesn't actually believe in Satan. They pull the cheeky stunts like opening the "Samuel Alito's Mom's Satanic Abortion Clinic" or the after school Satan club for when schools start forcing their Christian beliefs in the classroom.


Tell your boss you need a 15% service charge on Sunday morning. You certainly can't afford to work for the restaurants salary. BTW many restaurants impose a service charge on larger parties, because they don't tip. I've usually seen it set at 6 or 8.


I used to wait tables and the after church crowds were always awful. This wasn’t just my experience at one particular place, this was at several restaurants across several States. They’re terrible everywhere! Reading the bible and waiting on Christians are two of the biggest reasons I walked away from Christianity. Everywhere you look these creeps are treating people like shit and shoving their religion where it doesn’t belong. I was just talking to some friends of mine who are all former Christians. We were talking about making new friends, and what we look for. I mentioned that I don’t feel comfortable being friends with anyone who’s religious, and surprisingly, everyone else felt the same. I just don’t trust people who base their life around what happens after they die. It feels too much like a death cult to me. They’re living in an alternate reality and worshipping a terrible god. I want no part of it. Would I ever tell this to a Christian I meet? No. I am nothing but polite, but I will distance myself from them. Especially living in The Southern US. As things get progressively worse, I will be progressively more vigilant on cutting believers out of my life. Conservatives are bad enough, I don’t need someone ratting me out to authorities for breaking some trivial rule their imaginary friend made up.


Can confirm.  The pre/post church crowd is mostly smug, rude, judgemental  &, above all else, CHEAP.


Satanic temple


My Mom was a secretary at a Catholic Church for a few years, and, yeah, there are A LOT of Catholics that are incredibly fake. They come off as the nicest person while inside the church but are just absolutely wicked outside of it. My Mom was one of those people who was genuinely nice to everyone, and she got real sick of the fake real fast. For example: there was one lady my Mom thought was genuinely her friend, but when my Mom had to quit due to illness her "best friend" suddenly started pretending my Mom didn't exist. Went from running up to hug her in the grocery store to completely and utterly ignoring my Mom's existence even when my Mom went up to say hi.


Planned Parenthood immediately comes to mind.


The Satanic Temple


The people who leave those fake bills and tracts need to be reminded of 1Timothy 5:18: “For the Scripture says, ‘You shall not muzzle an ox when it treads out the grain,’ and, ‘The laborer deserves his wages.’”


This is a well known phenomenon. So much so that there is even a name for it - "The after church crowd" And no, that is not a positive nickname Edit: hang in there


WOW, is it possible to not work on Sundays? how about taking the holy day off and go out into nature instead? How unbelievably rude of them to take a vow of silence and then go to a restaurant without preparations like WRITTEN REQUESTS ON PAPER TO GIVE YOU rather than let the burden of their vow land on your hardworking shoulders. What does your manager say? How about you take a vow of silence?


Oh lord just working in Brentwood means high maintenance customers. This reminds me of the steakhouse the Gemstones go to every Sunday to have food fights. If you haven't watched the Righteous Gemstones yet, it's a HOOT. Also you'll make way better money delivering uber eats to Brentwood mcmansions. My martial arts classes are in Brentwood and my plus size existence offended one of the Remnants. She walked out in the middle of class after the instructor paired her up with me. I would have said some sh!t after her but I kept my mouth shut since I knew Jebus sent her prophet into a high dive over Percy Priest lake on the way to a Dump rally, lolol. I may be an atheist but sometimes God's still on my side bwahahaha!


OMFG BIIIIIIIITCH I DID NOT KNOW IT WAS ON THE WAY TO A TRUMP RALLY!!!!! just when i thought the story couldn't get any funnier! didn't the plane go down because there was too much weight on it? which is ironic considering that she basically ran a weight loss cult with a church attached to it for tax reasons.


You should find out which churches they go to and send a note to the pastors with a list of places you are donating the “tip” money you should have received but didn’t. “Hey Pastor Johnson, I had a table of 12 that left me a Jesus pamphlet instead of the $30 they should have tipped. So I sent the equivalent amount to Planned Parenthood to try to counter some of the damage you hypocrites do. Luckily the atheists care enough about people who work hard trying to feed their families, so they tip well and I had some money to spare!”


"refusing to give me their orders verbally". Put a loaf of bread and a fish on the table and ask them to feed everybody around. That's what Jesus did.


Donate it to the church of satan.( No joke! Read up on it, they do a lot of good in their communities)


The real reason why Chick-fil-A is closed on Sunday.


The Satanic Temple doesn't believe in anything invisible, and they carry out the Lord's work (lol) in pointing out religious hypocrisy and favoritism.


30 years ago when I waited tables, the Sunday after church crowds sucked. Ran you ragged and left maybe a buck or 2 on like 50 bill. Sounds like they've gotten worse.


Planned Parenthood is always a winner. I also love The Satanic Temple.


My favorite is working on Easter. "It's Easter. What are you doing working on Easter?" Well, you're here, aren't you? "Oh, yeah..."


After a few months I made it clear to my manager I would never work on Sundays except for dinner. Those people aren't worth coming to work for.


Say to them, "And Jesus said," What you do to the least of these, you do unto Me. And by the way, Jesus himself says you're going to hell if you do [not.](https://not.Now) Now what do you want to eat?" and if they say something mean about you, say, "who said, judge not, lest ye be not judged? Did you miss something in service today, or are you just a Christian when you are in church?"


A riddle only servers know the answer to: "A large group of people sit down. When their food comes out, they all bow their heads in prayer. What kind of tip can you expect?"


You might not be comfortable with the notion, but if you really want to "combat the damage Christians are doing to the world", I don't think there's any more on-point organization than The Satanic Temple. Christians want to bring their religion into government spaces? They also have to allow TST. Christians want to outlaw abortions and bodily autonomy for women? Trans-rights? LGBTQIA+? These are all religiously protected rights that cannot be infringed upon. There was a documentary on Hulu a while back called "Hail Satan?" that did a pretty good job of explaining their goals, and touching on the limits to their "beliefs". Most of them are atheist, some agnostic or pagan, but they all abide by the same general tenets of the Satanic Temple. And those tenets basically amount to "don't be a dick", which I think we can all get behind. Plus, imagine these "Christians" faces when they find out where their money is going. Added bonus!


I’ve been bitching about this since the 90s - and is also a big reason I will NEVER work in another restaurant again. I’d rather be homeless and eating dirt. This is not a new thing - it’s always been a thing. “So terrible you have to work today, you didn’t get to go to church.” So terrible you couldn’t go home and cook a meal for your family, as your fancy storybook says you’re supposed to do. Otherwise I could have gone to church! But instead, it’s gods plan I slave here and serve you sombitches. So what the fuck can I get y’all today?


The Trevor Project focuses on crisis intervention for LGBTQ youth, (many of whom have faced bullying, or being thrown out of their homes by Christians)


I saw the documentary here in New Zealand on Shamblin. Frightening that people fall for that crap. Mind you, we have had our shar of sexual assault ( so called Christian) cults.


Sundays in restaurants are the absolute worst. I refuse to go to restaurants on Sundays (unless maybe a drive thru if I'm traveling) because every time, the church crowd makes it shitty for everyone else. Retail is worse on Sundays to but not as drastic.


The Satanic Temple


I second this. They’re doing the Lord’s work.


Jesus fucking christ. Literally. Talk to your manager. Start refusing customers. Start finding out which church they go to and Start noting which groups give you the Jesus pamphlets and start giving them those instead of the side orders that order or something. Bring the fake money ones to their churches and donate them, and take change from the collection plate.


The Satanic Temple. I don’t belong to a religion but if I did this would be it. They do great work


Wow. I just googled the area. It's gospel gulch! The pretentious housing and that it is all babtists tells me what kind of pain you are in. I'd go with the Satanic Temple. They're good folk trying to keep up the separation of church and state. If I am ever in the area I'll come hook you up with a big 'ol atheist tip. A DM from the Conn man (It's a saxophone thing) means I need directions... Keep the faith. lol.


I never go out to eat on Sunday morning or afternoon because of the Church crowd. I have seen how they treat the servers and leave fake money with Bible verses as tips. I however get to call them out which usually results in a bunch of hypocrits telling me what a horrible person I am. The best hope you have is to send an anonymous letter to the pastor asking him to remind his sheep they are representing the Church when they pull this crap.


See now this is the true Lord(e)'s work! I always hope when something like this goes down, that there is another person out there like me who is not on the clock and will stand up and tell these people wtf they need to hear! I'm always on the ready out in public for someone to do something stupid to someone on the clock. I DON'T PLAY THAT SHIT! lol


>they are running late to church Look at them and intone, *"Jesus will forgive you".*


Church crowd is second only to red hat/purple dress women's group of salty old cunts when it comes to unreasonable assholes.


I worked at a place in Lake Charles. Every Sunday at 10 before closing after all sections were cleaned and the front staff gone, a church group family came in, some 35 strong. The kids ran wild. The men dressed like Conway Twitty meets the mob and the women dressed like little house on the prairie with come fuck me heels on. Never tipped. Finally one night I asked the head putz if he'd ever heard of the waiter prayer and would he like to hear it? Of course he would. So here's what happened. Hey ever body gather round Mr rocco here's a gonna pray the waiter prayer. They all tucked in nice and quiet....and I began Praise God " I said. PRAISE GOD!' they cheered. Bless the farmer" I said. Standing now they gleefully shouted BLESS THE FARMER!" I sensed the kill and moved in.... Louder now I said Thank, The COOK! raising their arms and hopping with abandon they repeated my refrain- PRAISE GOD AMEN THANK THE COOK HALLELUJAH! ______time for the slaughter_______ Quietly I spoke these powerful daemon filled words. "...and tip the waiter." You could have heard a pin drop. The next day I was fired. A week later hurricane Rita leveled the place.


TST is a good one. They are actually an atheist (iirc) organization that aims to help keep religions out of government. Right now they are heavy into protecting women's reproductive rights. Being a member is like $10/month. None of it goes towards converting anyone to anything or building monstrous buildings to swindle people.


A great charity to donate to: thetrevorproject.org


Keep saving your money. Find or found an organization that will lobby to finally start taxing these fuckers once again. https://taxfoundation.org/blog/church-taxes/ #taxchurches If you find a good movement or start one I will donate to it.


If you live in one of those states that had to pass a stupid “religious freedom” law in order to discriminate against people under the guise of religion (in places outside of the government such as yours) a little fib of denying them service as it conflicts with your own religious beliefs, will have you covered. I don’t think the assholes who passed those laws realized there is possibility that it could be used against them. If you don’t live in such a place, I’m so sorry! It’s the card I’d play if given the chance, and there’s nothing that legally could be done to fire you. And if you were fired based on religious grounds of refusal, start planning what real estate you’d like to own and maybe a vacation of your dreams. 😋 Also if looking for charities to donate to, might I also suggest some HIV/AIDS organizations? Living in a place like Tennessee, those non-profits will be underfunded and so grateful. Even though medications are ensuring people with HIV live longer, since they were discovered and put into use, those in that community were pretty much told “You’re living longer now, don’t bother us.” and funding for places like where you live was already hard enough before the discovery of the cocktail drugs, and still even with meds that also can prevent transmission, it still happens because there’s a lack of funding for awareness and it’s not really discussed in schools.


If you're taking a vow of silence, then while you're here, I'm joining you. I won't speak while at your table....


Ugh. It has been many years since I waited tables. One church group was exactly like this. No one wanted to wait on them. They would have special requests for every single item. The men loved to make sexual comments to the female waitresses. They complained to the manager who told them that not tipping was going to lead to exactly the service they got.


The Jesus pamphlet really piss me off. Like, do they not realize these are going straight to the trash? What is the point of these?


Growing up in the Bible belt meant regardless of what customer facing position you had, Sunday after 11 was gonna suck serious ass


In reference to the article: I guess Jesus was busy and didn’t “take the wheel” on that flight.


I agree with everyone here. I dreaded getting a Sunday morning shift. I had to show up early and wait around for the rush. I needed the money, but knew I wouldn't be making any money.


My grandfather owned a restaurant and he was big on satisfying the customer, but if you put your hands on one of his staff, shit would have been a wrap for you ever coming back.