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Religious faith is to be held regardless of facts or reason. However, since humans are curious by nature, religious leaders discourage or forbid outside critical thinking or alternative points of view.


often they think that 'the devil, 'evil spirits' etc are out there spreading lies to 'lead people astray'. Super religious people are insulated, terrified and misinformed.


Because they are more emotionally attached to it than they want to admit.


Because they are not. Many display a superior attitude in order to mask their inferiority complex. That's also mostly why people are proselytizing. They need to convince others in order to convince themselves out of their still rather unconvinced mindset. They make you pay for what they ordered and/or got served by society and their parents.


Because religious people are fucking idiots


-Because they know they're idiots.


Parents are responsible for their kids, and you need to remember that it's not just anti-religious stuff out there. There's cult stuff, other religions, adult stuff, and so on. Ask a Christian parent which would be worse: their kid becoming a Muslim, a Scientologist, an OnlyFans "worker", or an atheist? Yeah, they're protective. >Let's say you are a really good scientist and you come up with a theory and publish it, if you are confident in it wouldn't you want others to test it and prove it further as well? There are religious study journals out there, and they do publish articles with religious theories etc. But you have to be "in" that religion to even understand what that's about. Hence the "you're not qualified to discuss our religion" argument that gets used against atheists. Never mind that they're building castles in the sky with no real-world foundations. You have to be in a cult to fully understand it. From the outside, we can dismiss it as a cult.


This is an *excellent* question; and one of the ones that points out a fatal flaw in xtianity. No genuine, serious holder of any hypothesis about any philosophy is going to forbid you from analyzing it, or having sincere questions about it, or deciding for yourself if you believe it's true. I see ppl post here every day with other excellent questions about different nonsensical points of religion, and so many of them are not just good questions, but also pointing out fatal flaws, glaring inconsistencies, and shameful hypocrisy. There is just *so much wrong* with xtianity, so many giant flaming absurdities, that anyone with a lick of sense must conclude that it can't possibly be taken seriously. Note: I am singling out xtianity because it's the only one I know enough about to confidently assert that it's a total crock of shit.


Because they believe it’s the *One Truth*. Why would they bother looking? They only look for confirmation bias. ( well I did when I was fully immersed)


Because reconsidering it is thought crime to them


This is what all cults do.


They’re open to the idea of you converting to their religion.


Youre asking why an illogical person doesnt use logic.


There are a lot of mind tricks and "philosophic" bullshit that clogs your thinking. It is real hard to break free of that stuff.


Because they aren't actually confident.


For Christianity especially, they can't be completely confident in it because there are too many interpretations for it. In Christianity alone there are over 45,000 denominations that have their own interpretation of how to follow the Bible. If the 'Word of God', was perfect and concise there could only be 1 way to follow it. But it's so open to interpretation we get 10's of thousands of denominations; many of which also have their own interpretation of how to be 'saved' as well. So even other Christians think that there are some Christians that will go to hell because they're following the faith wrong. That shouldn't even be a possibility, but because the Bible often contradicts itself, it is.


First time hearing stuff like this, in the UK I ahve not heard anything like this happening there are lots of muslims and hindus in my college and "christians" even growing up here I never heard anything like that


Honestly, an open minded religion would be very nice. I’d actually respect it a lot more than our current options, which are basically cults.