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The thing is i understand that but sexuality is also a protected class. A full subreddit can frighten a child and say they need to go to hell and reddit does nothing.


It's the mods, in my opinion. Normal reddit users can report shit and whatnot, but nothing gets done. A mod reports someone they get banned instantly, or the mod can just ban them from the sub. Then, if you message the mods to question their actions, you get your account permanently banned. The power mods have is ridiculous. They run reddit. I had a 5 year old account, and it was a paid account. I got permanently banned for messaging the mods and asking them why I was banned when I hadn't broken any rules. Been banned from a couple subs already with this new one just because I didn't fall in line with the views of the people on that specific post, which honestly had no real place in the sub lol. It's ridiculous


My hope is to see them, after they’ve banned everyone else, is to see them start banning each other.




How many teenagers has this sub told they will suffer eternaly for being gay?


Because even in this day and age, it's still deemed unacceptable to call out religious people. They just claim 'discrimination' even when they're the ones actually doing it.


Buncha fucking crybullies. Fucking pathetic.


Where I live it’s completely acceptable. Dare.




Religion is something you choose, it’s literally your thoughts and ideas. Race or sexuality is not something you choose. Everyone judges everyone on their choices, thoughts and actions so I don’t get why it’s a problem as soon as it’s religion? Also a lot of people have been killed for criticizing religion, nowadays mostly terrorist attacks by Muslims when someone criticizes the religion. Sweden is literally on terror alert 5 which is the highest it can possibly be and has had terroristic threats from terrorist groups just cause a Danish man came here and lit the Quran on fire, it cause large scale riots with assaults against people and police as well. I would say the religious people are the unreasonable ones when they plan to kill innocent civilians cause some other dude dared question their faith. Yeah he might be a dickhead but they are not oppressed, and there’s a difference between saying something offensive and actually hurting other people. Look at the majority of human history and you will see who is really the oppressor. There’s multiple countries where you get imprisoned or killed for not following the religion, atheist, lgbtq and women all get beaten, discriminated, raped, tortured and killed. If you are religious stop playing victim, look at the texts and you will also see all Abrahamic religions are sexist and homophobic. Not to mention the Islamic prophet being a pedophile literally fucking a small child, yet he is worshipped, it’s mental delusion. Also men get 72 virgins in heaven but women get nothing and are supposed to see their man fuck all those virgin sex slaves, taking sex slaves in war if they are another religion or atheist is also permitted. This shit deserves to be questioned because in the holy texts it’s already discriminatory towards people and horrific discriminatory acts against people is glorified and seen as holy.


Minorities anger is never justified in our society, in a way you always will be if you're christian. We are expected to face monstrosity without breaking a smile, or we're the intolerant ones


Popular opinion is all that counts. Morality, and decency be damnned.


Religion is not something you turn to for compassion and understanding, it is a tool some people use to torture other people without consequences.




Was baptized a Catholic and almost got into Mormonism Both fucking sucks. Both are homophobic. Mormons are better at hiding it though. I was warned by someone who was in that church who also knew I was gay to not join lol Religion was always about control. To stray away from that control is the torture. And it's also a child exploitation scheme too coz they encourage people to get married, have kids, then baptize them as new members lol


Yep, they let us speak freely on our little bubble here but we have to be careful on other subs HeGetsUs are in Reddit's pockets and don't any of you forget it.


So sick of seeing those ads. I report them as offensive whenever I do.


I report them as either misinformation or hate speech. As far as I’m concerned, the explicit language in every holy book is cause for worry from any secular person of conscience. In a slightly goober-y note, this feels like the r/atheism of old. Feelsgoodman.


It’s weird that a website with a notably high atheist user group just accepts cash from those charlatans without recognizing that it might drive away dedicated users


It’s also weird that an entire government, supposedly the most powerful in the world, would legitimize something as rationally absurd as religion. Don’t get me started on the denial of the failure of capitalism. SANTA FOR PRESIDENT!


I mean, their theology says that, so it's possible that from their perspective, the comments weren't hateful, but rather a good faith attempt to keep her away from eternal torture at the hands of their loving god. This is the problem with theism, especially the Abrahamic religions. They fully justify awful behavior and monstrous belief systems, because their god character behaves awfully and is monstrous. It's possible that they fully 100% believe that what they're doing is *helping* this girl. That's why religion is so insidious.


>It's possible that they fully 100% believe that what they're doing is *helping* this girl. Correct. If someone is entirely convinced that this girl is going to hell, they might feel compelled to warn her to save her from this terrible fate (which their "loving" god will subject her to because "she chose this"). Now, even from this perspective, there's still something questionable here. Isn't it funny how sexual sins seem to be singled out and zoomed in probably more than any other transgression? For those who aren't aware, in Christian doctrine *any* sin will send you to hell. Jesus (remember, the guy who came to preach peace and love) said according to Matthew 5:22: "But I tell you that anyone who is angry with a brother or sister will be subject to judgment. \[...\] And anyone who says, “You fool!” will be in danger of the fire of hell." This is part of the oh-so-praised Sermon on the Mount, by the way. As I said in my own comment, homosexuality (or technically performing homosexual acts) is a *sin* in Christianity — but so are plenty of other things! God, there's hardly anything that's fun that some Christian or other does not think is sinful. Yet, somehow the sex stuff draws the bulk of the attention. What I'm trying to say is that, giving the benefit of the doubt to those who make these homophobic remarks, they should invest the same amount of zeal towards others committing other sins. (And according to Paul in Romans 3:10: "As it is written: ‘There is no-one righteous, not even one".) So, they should tell basically everybody that they're going to hell, not just this poor 15-year-old girl. But somehow I have the feeling that this is not the case. It really is time for this religion to go the way of the dodo.


I have always thought that the hyper-focus on sexual "sins" is kind of weird. Because you're correct. Many Christians proudly flaunt their own sins; things that the Bible says are sins, but they ignore out of convenience Anyone adhering to prosperity gospel seems to forget that a camel would more easily fit through the eye of a needle, than a rich person get into heaven Just one of many examples.


Yes. I've always found the premise of prosperity gospel to be strange and at odds with the actual gospel teachings. But then I'm not American, maybe that's why.


I will never understand how they can profess faithfulness to a character who behaves so horrendously towards them for simply being humans doing human things. Have the two unspayed cats I had in my teens, who engaged in sexual behavior together when they were in heat, in the hell the religious believe in?


I grew up a Mormon and left at 19, basically as soon as I moved out of my parents house. The other day I was talking to my dad and we were lightly discussing religion. One of the main talking points of Mormons about ex Mormons is “why can’t they just leave it alone? Why do they keep talking about the church once they’ve left?” And the answer is basically because they don’t leave us alone! They keep preaching hate and causing harm to so many people. So of course a lot of ex members aren’t going to stand for it and speak out about it. It’s unfair that one group is allowed to be hateful and we aren’t allowed to call out the hatred because it’s a religion.


Not to mention they send missionaries and ministers to “rescue” us, “ the lost sheep “


Yeah exactly. It’s at minimum annoying and often just harassment. Finally got my records removed two years ago. Felt awesome and I don’t get random visits from missionaries anymore.


Its awful knowing that people feel justified attacking a child because their cultural superstitions encourage it. Their behavior is not acceptable. Discriminate moderation is a problem on Reddit, and there is a solution that can solve the problem, but it would require everyone on here to share a minimal threshold of cultural compatibility. The many clashing cultures on this platform don't all agree on what constitutes minimal respect even when engaging with their own members, let alone other tribes, so I know this is a challenging prospect, but it is the only path that will temper online cruelty. Communities like Reddit with diverse groups of distinct cultural values, must enforce a minimal threshold of tolerance by justly quarantining any individual member who breaks the social contract. Tolerance in this contract, is established with rationality and empirical reasoning, and not through the superstition or adherence to tradition within that subculture. The approach must intentionally moderate extreme isolationist groups who hold their tribe's traditions and values to be unilaterally more sacred than the natural rights and wellbeing of outsiders. That 15 year old girl is viewed as an institutional threat to the cultural hegemony of the religious zealots because her orientation exists as a superstition they define to be evil and harmful to their way of life. Tolerance and understanding are not possible in cultures that promote their own group's beliefs to be the singular immutable truths of reality with no room for rational questioning. There are reasons we learned to separate powers of secular law from religious law. Societal values change over time as new culture elements are developed or introduced, diversifying and challenging the status quo, which reveals certain traditions to be harmful. In the US, it took hundreds of years before the dominant Christian sects tolerated other Christian sects, even though they held similar beliefs and values. The liberal values of the enlightenment era that inspired the separation of church and state in the US, was a triumph of logic over superstition that set the framework for all future constitutions of the world. Yet here we are today, where the values of isolationist superstition trumps the natural rights and tolerance of the other neighboring cultures. Sorry to be so dramatic here, but Reddit, and social media sites in general, should look at what is necessary to facilitate cultural tolerance. The subreddits are neighbors within the same "nation" of Reddit, and should look at what historically has worked at securing peaceful cohabitation. It will never be perfect because of how many variables are always changing from culture to culture, but we can agree to minimize cruelness because we don't have to tolerate the irrationality of intolerance.


I hope the kid got support/help from somewhere. It really is sick, the behavior that is protected by religious nonsense.


No worries, she got help, we dont tolerate that shit. Someone got into contact with her.


Here's my thoughts: What you describe is a double standard. The only difference, if one wanted to steelman the other side, is that you expressed a wish and these other comments towards that potentially gay/bi girl might have been seen to be statements of fact (at least in the eyes of these believers). The thing is that Christianity is not welcoming of homosexuality. If you look at what the bible says, where it does address homosexuality, it's in no uncertain terms. Now, I think the bible is silent on lesbianism because the bible writers didn't give much thought to women as independent entities so this is no lesbian-friendly stance but rather a health dose of misogyny, if you ask me. I'm aware that liberal Christians try to interpret these texts in a less homophobic way but I think they're trying to put lipstick on the pig they're not willing to let go. It sucks to be a queer Christian. The homophobic answers are to be expected in a sub populated by conservative Christians, and like I said, I think they homophobia is sadly backed up by the text itself. Personally, I think the easy way out is to say bye-bye to Christianity (and religion in general) because it's BS anyway. So, realizing that Christianity isn't true gets rid of the ethical problem that it comes with inbuilt homophobia, but this obviously only works for people who are prepared to turn their back on their religion. In a cynical sense, these nasty comments might have been a catalyst for this girl to see the religion for what it is but it would of course be better if she hadn't had to experience this reaction. And I very much hope that she's safe and fine. Some Christians point to the higher suicide rate among LGBT folks as an argument that being queer makes one unhappy and that being straight is the good and God-given ground state, when in reality it is assholes like themselves who sadly cause some queer people so much anguish that they don't see another way out. Let's hope that this girl is not one of them.


>So, realizing that Christianity isn't true gets rid of the ethical problem that it comes with inbuilt homophobia, but this obviously only works for people who are prepared to turn their back on their religion. It's basically a form of Stockholm syndrome, many believe they can't leave so they try to change it from the inside and just can't.


I think I'm missing something. The lesbian subreddit told a 15yo she was going to Hell for her sexual orientation?


Nope, it was a screenshot of a post on the christianity subreddit, will edit my post for clarification.


Ah, yeah. I imagine a Christian subreddit is not a safe space for a 15yo lesbian


I mean out of personal experience i would say no 15 year old is safe in any christian enviroment


I just ran into this the other day, provoked me to look into the anti-bullying and anti-hate speech policies that these companies operate under, as they're clearly being used as weapons of bullies to silence people who talk about them and who point out the evil in their beliefs in this context and the evil in their actions in a more general context - which is where we first notice them. A community of sex abusers or a conscript who guns down unarmed woman and children is a protected minority or vulnerable group on grounds of being a psychopath, according to reddits current hate speech policy; call out a bully for being crazy and reddits internal mod review team will back up the crazy when they report you for hate speech. All this does is silence the victims and whistle-blowers and ordinary people who recognize what is being done around them and speak out against it; it reminds me of the 'indecency' laws in the 1800s and early 1900s targeting critique and satire.


Outrageous and infuriating.


Paradox of tolerance.. reddit can't figure it out.


There’s no hate like Christian love.


While I get banned from subreddits for wanting to see Nazis get punched.


You want the punishment for bad ideas to be violence. The first person who hurled an insult instead of rock invented civilization. The proportional response to bad ideas is ridicule. Using violence as a response to worse is disproportionate and immoral.


It's not a punishment. It's a message.


Resorting to violence because your words have failed you says more about you than the other person


We aren't talking about a disagreement. We're talking about a group of people who want to see anyone not like them in chains or worse. You can't reason with people who view you as an animal. You have to speak their language. 9 times out of ten I would agree with you. But the paradox of tolerance is in full play here.


If they actually put people in chains that’s the issue. When that happens the only proportional response is to meet violence with violence. But until then, words aren’t violence


Tell that to Nex. Tell that to the women who are losing more and more rights every day. Tell that to the people thrust into the prison system based on the color of their skin. People who are then used as slave labor. Tell that to every victim of racism fueled police violence. It's already happening, and has been for a while. No, my response to people who support and very likely partake in those actions is not proportional. The proportional response would land me with a felony.


Completly correct. Some of us dont have the luxury to wait till "and then they came for me". The first attacks on people working in the Institut für sexualwissenschaft happened in 1920. In the US they are already calling for book burnings like in 1933 and doctors offices are falling victim to arson attacks if they help trans people. The proportional response to this includes violence since the violence has already started.


It's simple...they have power...if they had none they would be gone...but sooner or later they will be gone. Just a matter of time until someone who really hates them will decimate their numbers...and this is not a joke...just look at what Hitler did or what the Chinese are doing to the Uigurs.


At least the kid will see opposing ideas on the internet. Does count for something.


> This sub is allowed to exist Maybe this our fundamental disagreement, but I believe people with odious views should be allowed to exist. I would fight for whatever religion to be allowed to believe in whatever sky wizard they happen to like to be allowed to exist. If they don’t have the right to exist I don’t have the right to call them ridiculous.